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Part I Writing 写作范文

For most of college students they usually go to school by bike Some of them ride their own bicycles to go from home to school However as the shared bikes are everywhere now in our communities some choose to go to school by riding a shared bike Personally if it’s up to me to choose one between my own bicycle and a shared bicycle I believe I would choose a shared bicycle
I have a couple of reasons for my choice First off it is very cheap to take a shared bicycle and it’s affordable for most of young students Secondly it spares your time and energy to keep your own bicycle in shape with staff from the shared bike company responsible for the maintenance of every bicycle in the street Thirdly there’s no need for you to worry about your bicycle’s being stolen
A shared bicycle will benefit us young students a lot on the way to school and back However in order to use it properly we should park it in appropriate places avoiding putting it in others’ way Besides we should handle a shared bicycle carefully being careful not to bring any damage to it Only in this way could we make good use of shared bikes

Part II Listening Comprehension 听力原文

Section A
Directions In this section you will hear three news reports At the end of each news report you will hear two or three questions Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item

With jobless rate reaching above 50 Greek youths are becoming a lost generation’ Eight years into economic crisis young Greeks have little hope and only vague memories of better times On a recent Saturday night several hundred students staged a protest in front of a bar A waitress some of the students said had been fired for asking for overtime and they stood outside the bar—named Revolt—calling out workers’ slogans
The demonstrators were almost all younger than 30 They remained outside Revolt for several hours calmly protesting in a square surrounded by pubs and weekend tourists Gatherings of this type suggest a desperate reality for young people in this nation of 11 million Greek youths today show a generational pessimism found in few European countries since the Cold War Many don’t even recall a time when life was good—and lack the reasons or imagination to think it ever will be

1 What happened to the waitress
2 How did Greek youths feel about their future

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item

Some 126 million nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke what US Surgeon General Richard Carmona repeatedly calls involuntary smoking that puts people at increased risk of death from lung cancer heart disease and other illnesses
Moreover there is no riskfree level of exposure to someone else’s drifting smoke declares the report issued Tuesday—a conclusion sure to fuel already growing efforts at public smoking bans nationwide Fourteen American states have passed what are considered comprehensive smokefree workplace laws those that include restaurants and bars
But the surgeon general is especially concerned about young children who can not escape their parents’ addiction in search of cleaner air Just over one in five children are exposed to secondhand smoke at home where workplace bans don’t reach Those children are at increased risk of SIDS in other words sudden infant death syndrome lung infections such as pneumonia ear infections and more severe asthma

3 How many American states have passed workplace bans on smoking
4 What might young children have to face at home

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item

Several years ago Mariza Ruelas joined a Facebook food and recipe trading group There she and other cooking enthusiasts would trade recipes organize pot luck dinners and sometimes sell their home cooking to group members who lived nearby Occasionally she would sell or trade her classic LatinAmerican seafood dish to friends or contacts on Facebook
One day she received an order for her seafood from a person whom she thought was just another food enthusiast but who in fact was a San Joaquin County undercover agent
Soon Ruelas and a dozen other members of the group became the target of an elaborate investigation that was apparently needed to make sure moms don’t make a little extra cash selling their homemade cooking to other food lovers Unfortunately Ruelas and some of her friends were charged with running food operations and engaging in business without proper permits

5 What group did Ruelas join several years ago
6 Who did Ruelas sell her LatinAmerican seafood dish to
7 What was Ruelas charged with by the investigators

Section B
Directions In this section you will hear two long conversations At the end of each conversation you will hear four questions Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre

Conversation One

W Hi Mr Ganesan I’m glad to talk with you about career development for college graduates
M Well Sherry it’s my pleasure to give my advice to them as an employer
W I know you’re vice president of your company and an expert in human resources
M I’d like to help young graduates in some way as much as I could
W What’s your first suggestion to graduates newly coming out of college
M I think they are supposed to be prepared psychologically for challenges even difficulties when they enter the real world
W Yes that’s very important According to my personal experience if they are not psychologically ready they’ll feel frustrated by the reality at work or in life
M That’s exactly what I mean
W After taking their jobs what’s your advice to them
M Be prepared to become a global citizen
W Nowadays everyone is a global citizen Does it mean a lot more to young professionals
M Yes of course To be a global citizen means you should have a global vision at work
W Please expand on it a little bit
M Ok no problem Young professionals in order to survive and succeed at work should learn how to understand the changes happening at the international level
W Why so
M They should keep track of the changing situations in politics economy and society If they ignore these changes they eventually become to stay in small ponds and in the end meet a dead end in their career
W Ok so for the sake of their future they have to adapt themselves to the rapidly changing world
M That’s right College graduates will meet a world which is quite different from the one in the past
W Does it have something to do with globalization
M You said it Globalization not only brings expanded opportunities but along with it the global problems The problem in one country will definitely affect other nations and their people We can’t escape from these problems
W So as individuals it’s also necessary for graduates to know something about this trend add value to themselves and become more competitive in the future

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard

8 What’s said of Mr Ganesan
9 What’s Mr Ganesan’s first suggestion to graduates
10 What are young professionals supposed to do after securing a job
11 Besides opportunities what else does globalization bring

Conversation Two

W Hello George how do you commute to work
M Hello Alice usually I’ll take the bus or the underground If I’m running late for work maybe I’ll take a taxi Why do you ask
W Have you thought about cycling to work
M Cycling to work Do you usually do that
W I hope I could make up my mind to do that But actually I don’t
M That’s ok No one will force you to do that
W In fact I’d thought about cycling to work months ago
M Why do you give up the thought
W I weighed up the pros and cons I realized the health benefits the low cost and the speed But I realized the potential harm it might bring On balance I decided to quite this idea
M The potential harm What do you mean
W I mean I might be hit by a truck on the road
M That’s understandable In fact you’re in the majority That is most people give up the idea of cycling to work for that kind of fear In particular seeing or hearing about a bad cycling accident may put most of us off for life
W But I just read a good piece of news online about cycling
M What have you found
W A new cycling superhighway opened along London’s Blackfriars Road this year A longstanding danger was removed The superhighway is carefully designed so that cyclists didn’t have to go through the junction at the same time as motor vehicles
M You mean in the past it was dangerous for cyclists to go through traditional intersections
W Yes nine cyclists died riding in London in 2015 all of them hit at intersections So it’s rather dangerous at these key pressure points
M So the new cycling superhighway was designed to make safer junctions a priority That’s great It may be the start of encouraging the growth of a clean lowcost transport mode ……

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard

12 How does the man usually commute to work
13 Why did the woman give up the idea of cycling to work
14 What’s new about the newlybuilt cycling superhighway in London
15 How many cyclists were killed when riding in London in 2015

Section C
Directions In this section you will hear three passages At the end of each passage you will hear some questions Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre

Passage One

If you were to look back into the earliest European presence in North America as a history of the early United States you might start with Columbus in 1492 jump to Jamestown in 1607 and treat the following 115 years as a few decades
In fact there was the Atlantic slave trade here since its beginnings in the 1400s as much part of the European breakout into the Atlantic Ocean and into North America And of course the result of the western African explorations was the transport of hundreds of thousands of Africans to North America In fact the stories of African exploration and slave captures reflect the same encounter with the new and strange A Portuguese seaman describes the marvellous sight of captives gathered on the African shore and explains in detail how other Africans marvelled at the sight of their ship But the marvels give way to matteroffact accounts of slave trafficking and the immorality of slavery
The date we recognize for the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in Virginia is 1619 but the first recorded arrival in North America occurred 117 years earlier in 1502 In 1517 the first slaves sent directly from Africa arrived to do forced labor on the Spanish plantations and mines in the Caribbean islands As the Native Americans enslaved by the Spanish died by the thousands from overwork and disease more Africans were captured and shipped to replace them It remained a critical and brutal element of the Spanish and English economies in North America for over four centuries

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard

16 When did the slave trade start in North America
17 How did local Africans feel when they first saw the Portuguese ship
18 Who were forced to work for the Spanish in the Caribbean islands before 1517

Passage Two

Forest fires get a bad reputation While yes these fires are harmful and destructive to humans and the land affected they also come with many hidden benefits According to the past record forest fires play a vital role in maintaining nature’s constant cycle
The destructive manner of wildfires helps the environment and the forest’s habitat in a variety of ways Not only do they remove dead and decaying plants that act as fuel for future fires—ones that will be more intense and disastrous wildfires also work to eliminate dense leaves and thin out the forest allowing plants closer to the forest floor to come in more contact with sunlight and rain enabling a new generation of seedlings to grow
The intense heat of these fires brings the nutrients and minerals out of many burning plants restoring the soil’s composition and creating a more fertile growing area for new species Fireweed is an example of a plant that can only grow in the wake of a forest fire Used in habitat restoration fireweed is often a necessary component in reestablishing vegetation in a burnt site
If forest fires have such a positive impact on our environment why do we not purposely start them in extremely controlled conditions more often Yes wildfires can be extremely beneficial to the surrounding habitat in various ways but it is hard to forget their destructive manner Are we willing to sacrifice our houses and land for the betterment of nature

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard

19 How could forest fire help plants growing on the forest floor
20 What might forest fires do to the soil in the forest
21 What is mentioned of fireweed

Passage Three

Motivation is a process that controls and maintains certain behaviors Eating chocolate exercising and studying all require motivation Everyone experiences lack of motivation from time to time Staring at a stack of books not wanting to study seeing a pile of dishes in the sink and not feeling like doing them or skipping going to the gym because you don’t feel like it are all signs of lack of motivation
For some people trouble feeling motivated can have negative impact on academic personal or professional success Low grades damaged friendships or a demotion at work are all realistic consequences of low motivation Addressing the root cause of motivation issues is the first step in learning how to reengage in healthy behaviors
Here are the most common reasons for why people have trouble motivating themselves
Depression One of the most common symptoms of depression is called anhedonia or the lack of interest in activities especially ones that once used to be pleasurable Depression can damage academic and professional success Treating the depression effectively has a very positive effect on motivation and productivity
Fear of failure Many South Asians are raised by parents with perfectionistic attitudes This teaches children and teens that mistakes are failures and that they are flawed people This develops an inherent fear of failure which is presented by avoiding work Instead people who are afraid of failing avoid the goal and feel safer than trying and not succeeding

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard

22 Why do people occasionally stare at books but not wanting to read
23 What’s the result of low motivation
24 What could depression do to people
25 Why are many South Asians afraid of failure

1 B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A
6 D 7 C 8 A 9 C 10 A
11 B 12 A 13 D 14 B 15 C
16 A 17 C 18 B 19 B 20 A
21 C 22 C 23 A 24 C 25 B

Part III   Reading Comprehension

Section A
26 O 27 C 28 A 29 N 30 H
31 B 32 L 33 D 34 F 35 E
Section B
36 C 37 F 38 H 39 N 40 G
41 L 42 E 43 J 44 D 45 K
Section C
Passage One
46 C 47 A 48 B 49 C 50 A
Passage two
51 D 52 C 53 B 54 A 55 C

Part IV Translation 参考译文

Chinese Kung Fu is a series of fighting styles which has developed over a long historical period in China Nowadays it is regarded as a traditional sport gaining growing popularity and even stands for Chinese culture This traditional heritage has its unique existence in modern times and left much influence on the locals’ lifestyle Although being fighting styles Kung Fu advocates virtue and peace not aggression or violence These have been the common values upheld by martial artists from generation to generation With a number of movement sets boxing styles and weapon skills Kung Fu keeps its original function of selfdefense





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