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1 感谢信
1 your hospitality and generosity during our stay in Britain
2 have prepared us so many cuisines(饭菜) of British flavor 3 the comfortable accommodation(住处) you arranged for us What’s more the activities you organized not only broadened our horizons but also promoted our mutual understanding We now have a deeper insight into British culture
4 We hope you can come to China and visit us in the near future

2 道歉信
1 the damage I caused to your car
I’m Li Hua an exchange student from China studying at Windmill College 2 my bike scratched your car when I was riding to school this morning 3
4 all the relevant costs As school will start soon I can’t wait on the scene for you Please contact me at 5893671 or lihua@windmillcoorg

3 求助信
1 Recently I have been given a chance to attend an interview from a key university 2
Though I am quite confident about my English I still need more practice on my spoken English After all it will be a fierce competition 3 Besides as an experienced interviewer 3 how to impress interviewers

4 投诉信
As one of your customers 2 the new set of Harry Potter series I booked on your website a fortnight ago However it was not until yesterday that I received them Besides much to my disappointment so poorly are the books packed up that the cover of the book was torn 3 it is not a complete set as I found one book missing
4 such poor service and I have every right to ask you to deal with the problem 5 or you should deliver a new set of books to me

Hearing your schedule to stay in China in the coming winter vacation 1
spend the Spring Festival with my family
Our family gathering 2 the night of February 18th means cosy reunion for us including my grandparents uncles and aunts with their kids We’ll have a big feast together chatting casually 3 setting off fireworks and going to the temple fairs 4
And I suppose the splendid Spring Festival Gala 5
6 If you’d like to participate please let me know at your earliest convenience

6 建议信
1 coping with your anxiety I feel really sorry However 2

First and foremost having a positive attitude 3 The purpose of exams is to allow you to where you fall short rather than drag you down However difficult it will be the only thing you need do is to calm down and do your utmost Moreover 4 before taking exam 5 get enough sleeping time for the simple reason that it can make you more focused Furthermore 6 and relax yourself Believe it or not being close to nature can relieve your anxiety effectively
7 and make tremendous progress in the following exam

7 申请信

Owing to studying in the English department 2 3
In addition 4 in our school’s 30th anniversary celebration 5
If given an opportunity I believe 6
Looking forward to your early reply

8 祝贺信
1 your election of Outstanding Foreign Talents of Ningbo on behalf of my class
2 In our opinion you are a talented and professional teacher who has helped us make great progress in English Besides 3
Finally 5
at 4 pm this Friday in our classroom We are looking forward to receiving from you

9 咨询信
I’m Li Hua I’m going to study in a high school in Canada as an exchange student for next term 1 you’re to be my host family during my stay there Since my arrival is expected to be around November 2
3 I believe we will have a remarkable memory together and I just can’t wait to meet you
Looking forward to seeing you

10 推荐信
Hearing that you are planning to learn Chinese 1 a university where you can absolutely have a fruitful learning experience
2 Beijing University a most distinguished university with great Chineselearning programs intended for foreigners With the best facilities and the finest language teachers 3 and systematic training for you to master Chinese What’s more the city itself where Beijing University is located has a profound history 4
___________________________________________________ practice and experience Chinese language
I sincerely welcome you to China and wish you a fulfilling year ahead

11 慰问信
1 accidentally in the football match 2_______

2 You must have suffered from the unbearable pain when the accident happened But you were brave enough not to let out a cry 4  5
 you have been discharged from(discharge v 通知出院)the hospital and 6
 As for the lessons you have missed I am willing to help you make them up

12 告知信
How are you doing An important volleyball game will be held in our school stadium So as captain of the team 1
First the competition to be held will begin at 2 PM and last for roughly 3 hours 2
 it is required that everyone should present themselves ahead of time Furthermore 3 which will provide enough energy for you To sum up I wish that with joint efforts and excellent teamwork we could live up to the expectations of our school And 4  

13 书面通知
2 and 3 a Chinese Classic Reciting contest among the students will be held in the school lecture hall from 3 pm to 5 pm on 30th May It is organized by the Student Union 4
in the Student Union office before May 20th 5 recite Chinese classics individually or in a group The first 10 winners will be given prizes
14 新闻报道
On the afternoon of February 26th the Student Union of our school 1 hiking and swearing 2 aboutfor making preparations for the coming College Entrance Examinations
At 600 am 3 where our principal delivered an inspiring speech and students of Grade 3 made a pledge(宣誓) 4 we went on a hiking of about 15 kilometers to the top of the mountain Having appreciated the fantastic scenery along the way we went back to school with refreshed body and mind
5 and made us
more confident about our future

15 倡议书
Currently most students in our school read little English literature 2
Generally English literature 3 not only because they are difficult but because they are considered unnecessaryuseless In my view however English literature 4
English and 5 a different culture as well Better still 6 communicate with those great minds
7 read major works of English literature
Li Hua
16 演讲稿
1 garbage classification with you
To my understanding the earth is home to every individual and it’s our duty to protect the environment voluntarily 2 3 reduce pollution 4 conserve energy which will pave the way for recycling of valuable resources
For the sake of environment and life we are expected to sort the rubbish and make it a habit 5

Thank you

Dear classmates
1 2 the course English Film Appreciation because the course teacher Mr Wang will be absent for a week 3 his meeting So all Mr Wang’s classes in the following week will be selfstudy time 4
finish all the assignments Mr Wang made and do review what you have learned in the previous courses





需要 3 香币 [ 分享文档获得香币 ]





应用文写作的学习总结范文  第一,记得老师第一堂课就跟我们说过:应用文写作,我们的日常生活中处处可见应用文。  比如书信、请假条、借条、通知、申请书,包括我现在正在写的总结,都属于应用文的范畴。老师还用了一个相当生动、恰当的比喻形容了应用文的组成。应用文的主题为其灵魂,材料为其血肉,结构为其骨骼,语言为其细胞。如此一来,我们便能感观地理解写应用文要注意哪些部分。所以现在我已能正视自己的缺

j***0 12年前 上传485   0


应用文写作  建议书是个人、单位和有关方面为了开展工作、完成任务、进行某项活动而提出意见时使用的一种文体,有的也叫意见书。写建议书要认真负责、严肃对待,内容要具体,语言要精练。  1.在第一行正中写“建议书”三个字。  2.写接受建议对方的名称。  3.正文:  (1)建议的原因或出发点,便于对方考虑。  (2)建议的具体事项。  4.表达建议者的愿望。  5.结

n***3 10年前 上传798   0


应用文的主题  1. 主题的含义  主题,是指作者通过文章的全部内容所表现出来的核心思想和主要意图。,是事物的客观意义和作者对事物的主观评价在文章中的高度统一。  作用表现在:首先,主题决定着材料的取舍和使用;其次,主题统领文章的结构;最后,主题制约着语言的运用。词语的选择、句式的运用、表达方式的运用都受到主题的制约。  2. 主题的要求  ①正确。是指主题能反映事物的本质,

柠***依 10年前 上传632   0


应用文写作心得  首先感谢同学们能够给我这个机会来展现自己,今天我是以服务班级和锻炼自己的心态走上这个讲台,我竞选的职位是班长。我相信凭借老师和助教的支持,凭借大家的厚爱,凭借我的能力,能够获得下次的就职演讲。  班长作为一个班组的核心人物,应该具有统御全局能力,我相信自己是够条件的。首先,我觉得我的成绩大体上不错,有资格成为同学们学习方面的榜样,不过仍有不少缺点,但我会尽力改正。其次,

海***6 9年前 上传496   0


应用文的语言要求  1. 准确  准确,就是要正确地、恰当无误地表达出所要表达的内容,用词用语含义清楚,概念恰当明确,不产生歧义,不引起误会,无溢美之词,无隐恶之嫌。  要做到语言准确,必须要把握词语的分寸感和合适度。特别是要区分同义词、近义词在适用范围、词义轻重、搭配功能、语体雅俗、词性差别等方面的细微差别。  要做到语言准确,还要注意语意鲜明,不能模棱两可,含糊其辞,以免产生

吴***勿 11年前 上传1014   0


应用文写作:总结  总结,就是把某一时期已经做过的工作,进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价,进行一次具体的总分析、总研究;也就是看看取得了哪些成绩,存在哪些缺点和不足,有什么经验、提高。  (一)基本情况。  1.总结必须有情况的概述和叙述,有的比较简单,有的比较详细。这部分内容主要是对工作的主客观条件、有利和不利条件以及工作的环境和基础等进行分析。  2.成绩和缺点。这是总结的中

j***9 10年前 上传519   0


应用文常用术语  用语名称 作用 常用特定用语   开端用语 主要用于文章开头,表示发语、引据 为、为了、为着、查、接、顷接、根据、据、遵照、依照、按、鉴于、关于、兹、兹定于、今、随着、由于。   称谓用语 用于表示人称或对单位的称谓 第一人称:我、我单位、本人、本公司、我们。   第二人称:你、你局、贵公司。   第三人称:他、该公司、该项目   递送用语 用于表示文、

2***0 12年前 上传1246   0


新应用文写作1. 行政公文的特点1、法定性2、政策性3、实用性4实效性5、规范性2. 行政公文的作用:1、颁布法规,传达指示2、反馈情况,请示工作3、联系工作,商洽公务4、宣传教育5、依据凭证3. 实用型文章的基本特征:1.主旨单一,集中,明确;2.材料多样,真实,有力;3.结构合理,谨严,固定;4.语言准确,简明,平易,庄重.4. 公文的主要特点:1.法宝性;2.政策性

f***3 10年前 上传565   0


一,发文字号 由发文机关代字、年份和序号组成。如:国发办〔2011〕×号,注意:年份、序号用阿拉伯数码标识;年份应标全称,用六角括号“〔〕”括入;序号不编虚位(即1不编为001),不加“第”字。   二,决定的使用情况 含义:决定使用于对重要事项或重大行动作出安排,奖惩有关单位及人员,变更或撤销下级机关不适当的决定事项。 适用情况:⑴对涉及全局性的重要工作作出安排,如经营战略的制定或调

迟***侣 9年前 上传8304   0


应用文写作格式  1、书信    一般书信(包括请柬)包括五个部分:(1)称呼。信纸第一行顶格写,后面加冒号。(2)正文。第二行空两格写起,转行顶格。可有若干段落。(3)结尾。正文写完,如果正文最后一行空格比较多,可以接着写“此致”、“祝”等词语,否则,另起一行空两格或四格写“此致”、“祝”等词语。然后另起一行顶格写“敬礼”、“进步”等祝颂语。(4)署名。一般写在祝颂词下行的后半行。(5

钟***福 10年前 上传988   0


应用文写作格式  应用文写作格式  (1)通知:  通    知   按市委办公厅通知,市委定于本月二十五日(星期六)下午二时在友谊电影院召开干部会议,传达中央领导同志在党的第十二次全国代表大会上的讲话精神,并布置有关文件的学习计划。先送上会议入场券一张,请于下午一时正,在大门口集体乘车前往。    此致     x x x 同志     党委办公室     一九

貓***貓 10年前 上传574   0



y***w 12年前 上传630   0


建议信模仿1. It is of vital importance to control your temper and have a positive attitude to face up to your situation [仿写]:面对困难时, 保持正确的态度非常重要。—————————————————————————————————2. You should not hesi

福***园 6个月前 上传165   0


备战2022高考—应用文专题组合训练(二十)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一. 打基础——语料积累1. There is no sense in doing sth 做某事没意义2. be sensitive to 对……敏感3. See sb off 送行4. Serve

文***7 5个月前 上传117   0


备战2022高考—应用文专题组合训练(十八)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一. 打基础——语料积累1. introduce sth to do 向……介绍2. recommend sb to do 建议某人做3. recommend doing sth 建议做4. in ru

文***7 4个月前 上传160   0


备战2022高考—应用文专题组合训练(十六)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一. 打基础——语料积累1) key to ….的关键2) concentrate on 集中精力于3) consist of 由…组成4) contribute to 有助于5) cure him

文***7 5个月前 上传178   0


备战2022高考—应用文专题组合训练(四)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一.打基础——语料积累1. in response to对……的回应或答复2. with the intention of目的是3. make huge profits获得巨额利润4. be unique

还***法 6个月前 上传181   0


备战2022高考—应用文专题组合训练(七)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一. 打基础——语料积累1. be replaced with...被……所取代2. in vain徒劳,白费力气3. raise awareness for...提高对……的意识4. get notic

还***法 6个月前 上传164   0


备战2022高考—应用文专题组合训练(十九)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一. 打基础——语料积累1. on schedule 准时2. ahead of schedule 提前3. behind schedule 落后4. see sb do 看见某人做了(全过程)5.

文***7 1年前 上传359   0


备战2022高考—应用文专题组合训练(五)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一.打基础——语料积累1. host the fashion week举办时装周2. bring a fresh look带来全新面貌3. have a reputation for 因……享有赞誉4.

还***法 6个月前 上传162   0


备战2022高考—应用文专题组合训练(十七)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一. 打基础——语料积累1) at the base of 在的底部2) be absorbed in 全神贯注于3) be conscious of 意识到4) be located in 位

文***7 5个月前 上传166   0


机关单位应用文写作排比句范文集锦之一  以求真务实的态度,积极推进综合调研制度化。  以为领导决策服务为目的,积极推进信息督查正常化。  以体现办公室业务水平为责任,积极推进文秘工作程序化。  以畅通安全为保障,积极推进机要、保密工作智能化。  以立此存照为借鉴,积极推进档案、史志工作规范化。  以解决问题为重点,积极推进信访工作有序化。  以服务机关为宗旨,积极推进

x***n 12年前 上传523   0


最新应用文写作学习总结范文  范文一:  大学的第一个学期,学校为我们选择了《应用文写作》作为我们的选修课程,在老师的指导下,我们在18周内,完成了《应用文写作》课程的学习,通过这门课程的学习,我掌握了很多知识。  一.学习《应用文写作》的过程  说实话,一开始对应用文写作毫无概念,当得知自己要学习这门课程的时候,便开始犯愁起来。因为从小到大,一直都对文学没有特殊的敏感性,不会用

山***人 7年前 上传423   0


应用文文写作技巧2012年中考语文作文写作技巧:应用文的写作知识要点:1、根据生活需要,写日常应用文。2、应用文的写作,要做到格式正确,语言准确。 应用文有以下几个特点:首先,在形式上,应用文都有固定的惯用体式,格式稳定,排列规范,结构形式完整严谨。如书信,一般由称谓、正文、祝词、署名、日期五部分组成,通常不随意改动。其次,在内容上,力求准确,有针对性。或提出要解决的问题,或介绍

q***5 9年前 上传632   0


应用文写作个人总结  应用文写作课程结束了,通过这门课程的学习,我对应用文几大主要文种的写法和写作要求有了较为清晰的理解,虽然短短的九周不足以把所有的文种都讲解得全面透彻,但某老师以他广博的学识和生动的讲解给这门本来沉闷乏味的课程注入了清新的空气,同学们在轻松愉快的氛围中学习到了写作的技巧,感受到了写作的乐趣。这门课程让我认识到了应用文写作的重要性:不论是作为必要的交流工具还是作为专业学习必

爱***靠 11年前 上传503   0