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外研版英语八年级上册 Module 6 Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.课堂检测题(无答案)




 Module 6 Unit 1课堂检测题
婴__________________ 研究探讨__________________ 科学家________________
形势情况__________________ 政府 __________________ 然________________
象征标志_______________ 喂养饲养________________ 研制制定_____________
生育__________________ 设置__________________ 西南__________________
二 默写短语
野外___________________________ 研究中心___________________________
繁殖婴___________________________ 做某事___________________________
开办___________________________ 制定计划___________________________
中国西南部___________________________ 做量研究________________________
三 单项选择
( )1 The WWF is working hard ___________them all
A save Bsaving Cto save Dto saving
( )2 You must_________your things well from now on
A look after Blook for Clook up Dlook at
( )3 The boy got up early________catch the early bus
A in order to Bso that Cbecause Dso
( )4 My favourite animal is panda And it is a(n)_______of China
A symbol Blevel Cadvantage Dmatter
( )5They want to_________some schools for the poor children in this area
A set up Bput up Cpick up Dturn up
四 根汉语意思完成句子
1 These doctors are going to________________________on cancer
2 __________________________his football skills he trained hard
3 Does this animal__________________________a lot of food every day
4 We all know Guangdong is _____________________of China
5 Now the situation is_____________________
6 I study hard____________________get good grades
I study hard_________________I can get good grades
7 There_______________a heavy rain tomorrow
8 We______________________
五 句型转换
1 She went to the library yesterday She borrowed some books from it (合句)
2 Ms Wu let him argue with his parents (改否定句)
3 My father made much money He wanted to go abroad (合句)
4 Her mother told her to watch the basketball match (改否定句)
5 He works hard so that the can get better grades (改义句)




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外研版英语八年级上册 Module 6 Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them.课堂检测题(无答案)

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外研版英语八年级上册 Module 5 Unit 3 Language in use.同步精练题(无答案)

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Module4Unit3课堂检测题 外研版英语八年级下册

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