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单元测6 试题答案
―Hellothis is Steven SmithNice to hear your voice again
[答案]CI would like to know about the coverage of your freight forwarding business

―Don’t hesitate to click on our website when you need us
―__________Thank you
[答案]BSureI will

―We offer special services such as personal belongingsexpressholiday pickup and delivery services and so on
[答案]AWhat kind of special services do you offer

―Good morningFar East Logistics Company__________
―Good morningThis is Maggie BonnerI would like to know more about your products
[答案]CMay I help you

―Does modern logistics mean transportation and delivery
―____________Modern logistics is more about effective and efficient flow of materials and information
[答案]BNoit’s not the whole story

That is the reason_________we’ve lost so many customers

The manager asked me_________I could finish my work before the weekend


The total cost in logistics in China is still higher than_________in many other industrialized countries

We work closely_________every large airline like Air ChinaAir France and American Airlines

You can get the goods_________to your door so quickly nowadays

1After a commercial transaction is donelogistics will carry out the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer for the lowest cost and in the most effective manner

2Goods are often in stagnation during the transfer processwhich is called the storage of logistics

3Sometimes the distribution processing changes the packages of the goods

4Information is important because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions

5With the rapid economic growth in Chinathe logistics industry is expanding greatly



Logistics is the physical flow process of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption concerning transportationwarehousing and storageloading and unloadinggoods handlingpackingdistribution processing delivery and information managementFor exampleafter a commercial transaction is donelogistics will carry out the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer for the lowest cost and in the most effective mannerDuring the transfer processlogistics facilitiesequipment(carriers)administration of information and standardization are needed

Logistics has three major functionsFirstlyit creates time valueThe same goods can be valued differently at different timesGoods are often in stagnation during the transfer processwhich is called the storage of logisticsSecondlyit creates location valueThe same goods can be valued differently at different locationsThe value added during the transfer process is the location value of logisticsThirdlyit creates distribution processing valueSometimes the distribution processing changes the packages of the goodsThat isduring this stageit cuts large packages of goods into smaller partswhich creates added value for goods
1Logistics is the physical flow process of goods from the seller to the buyer[答案]T
2Administration of information and standardization are needed during the transfer process[答案]T
3Storage creates the location value for goods[答案]F
4The same goods can be valued differently at different times and locations[答案]T
5Large packages of goods should always be cut into smaller parts to create added value[答案]F

The Importance of Information in the Supply Chain




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备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽5个小题!!!_________was not very wise.[答案]A.Telling her the truth_________,the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years.[答案]A.Undoubtedly

h***s 7个月前 上传347   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!— What do you think of the documentary Protecting the Earth?—________.It has attracted lots of TV audiences.[答案]C.Pretty good—I heard you had attended an activity for environmental protection.Can you talk about it?—__________[答案]A.Certainly,I’d like to.it is about the Earth Hour

h***s 7个月前 上传386   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽5个小题!!!He asked John_________he could swim.[答案]B.ifHe is worth_________.[答案]C.trusting

h***s 7个月前 上传271   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽5个小题!!!He asked John_________he could swim.[答案]B.ifHe is worth_________.[答案]C.trustingJohn asked me_________to visit his uncle’s farm with him.[答案]C.whether I would like

h***s 7个月前 上传520   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―I’m leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.―___________________.[答案]B.Have a pleasant trip!―I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day.

h***s 7个月前 上传291   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Are you on holiday here?―___________________[答案]A.No,we aren’t.We live here―Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table?―___________________[答案]B.Go ahead,please―Is it going to be warm next week?―___________________

h***s 7个月前 上传781   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Hello,this is Steven Smith.Nice to hear your voice again.―Hi,Mr.Smith.__________. [答案]C.I would like to know about the coverage of your freight forwarding business.―Don’t hesitate to click on our website when you need us.―__________.Thank you.[答案]B.Sure,I will―___________________.

h***s 7个月前 上传221   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Brand was Jane’s brother!―______he reminded me so much of Jane![答案]C.No wonder ―How about going to the cinema?―___________________[答案]C.Sounds like a good idea!

h***s 7个月前 上传242   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―What do you think of your new computer?―___________________.[答案]A.It is really fantastic.―How long is this cell phone guaranteed?―___________________.[答案]A.You can refund it in 7 days and exchange it in one year.

h***s 7个月前 上传344   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽5个小题!!!_________we’ve no money,we can’t buy it.[答案]A.SinceApple developed its iPad-based textbooks in_________with major textbook publishers.[答案]C.conjunction

h***s 7个月前 上传535   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Did you enjoy your college life?―___________________[答案]A.Yes,it was rich and colorful.―How long have you been graduated from your college?

h***s 7个月前 上传296   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―I’m sorry for breaking the cup.―Oh,________.I’ve got plenty.[答案]A.forget it―I’ve been using the computer for a long time and my neck doesn’t feel well.―___________________

h***s 7个月前 上传330   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Do you have much experience with caring for babies?―___________________[答案]A.Yes,I do.I often take care of kids in my free time.―How do you feel about your family life?―___________________[答案]B.Not bad.I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother.

h***s 7个月前 上传421   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Could you please connect me with the HR Department?―___________________.[答案]B.Hold on a minute,please.I’ll put you through.―Could you give me your phone number?―___________________.[答案]A.Sure.My phone number is 135-5674-5633.

h***s 7个月前 上传194   0


单元自测7 试题及答案备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽5个小题!!!_________we’ve no money,we can’t buy it.[答案]A.Since

h***s 7个月前 上传295   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Could you recommend some famous architectural buildings to visit in China?―___________________.[答案]C.I highly recommend the Bird’s Nest.―To be exact,what should I wear for the interview?―___________________.[答案]A.You should wear formal clothes for the interview.―Well,may I know how long the training will be?

h***s 7个月前 上传547   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―How are you feeling?―Much better._________.[答案]B.Thanks for coming to see me.―I was worried about this out-dated equipment.―___________________.[答案]B.Yeah,it may bring a health hazed.

h***s 7个月前 上传373   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women?―___________________.[答案]A.Yes,absolutely.Because women pay more attention to beauty.―I have a scar on my face,so I’ve make up my mind to have a plastic surgery.―___________________.[答案]A.Good idea.―Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?

h***s 7个月前 上传718   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Good morning,sir.May I help you?―___________________[答案]C.Yes,I need some salt.―I didn’t know my identity card was needed,sir.―___________________[答案]A.Sorry,but that’s no excuse.

h***s 7个月前 上传855   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―How do I get to the garage?I need to have my car repaired.―___________________.[答案]C.Go down this street and turn left.―If you like I can mail the tax bill for you?―___________________.[答案]C.That’s very kind of you.―Some cars are really expensive.

h***s 7个月前 上传498   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Do you have much experience with caring for babies?―___________________[答案]A.Yes,I do.I often take care of kids in my free time.―How do you feel about your family life?

h***s 7个月前 上传446   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽5个小题!!!―Do you mind if I record your lecture?―___________________[答案]B.No,not at all.―Linda,what’s wrong with your grandmother?―___________________

h***s 7个月前 上传362   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Have you ever shopped online?―___________________.[答案]B.Quite often.It is very convenient,saving me a lot of time.―I have no idea about where to buy a present for my friend,can you give me some advice?―___________________.[答案]A.Taobao may be a good choice for you.

h***s 7个月前 上传414   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽5个小题!!!Additionally,make sure that your password is long enough to_________easily being hacked.[答案]A.prevent it fromI’ll_________the exchange rate and service charge and then type up the check for you.[答案]B.figure out

h***s 7个月前 上传204   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―They want to make sure you’re paying taxes on the money you make.―___________________.[答案]A.We’re paying alright―How much of a problem meeting the budget?

h***s 7个月前 上传199   0