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第单元 国情……………………………………………………………………………………… 1
第二单元 政治………………………………………………………………………………………23
第三单元 济………………………………………………………………………………………47
第四单元 文化………………………………………………………………………………………72
第五单元 工业………………………………………………………………………………………92
第六单元 农业………………………………………………………………………………………110
第七单元 科技………………………………………………………………………………………129
第八单元 教育………………………………………………………………………………………152
第九单元 外交………………………………………………………………………………………173
第十单元 新闻………………………………………………………………………………………194
第十单元 艺术…………………………………………………………………………………212
第十二单元 法律…………………………………………………………………………………229
第十三单元 环境保护……………………………………………………………………………250
第十四单元 旅游…………………………………………………………………………………272
第十五单元 金融外贸……………………………………………………………………………293
第十六单元 医疗卫生……………………………………………………………………………316


第单元 国情
1穷矮挫 short poor and uglylooking men
2爱国统战线 patriotic united front
3安家费 settlingin allowance
4安居工程 ComfortableAffordable Housing Project
5白富美 fairskinned and attractive ladies from a decent family
6办年货 Spring Festival shopping
7保障改善民生 ensure the wellbeing of the people and improve their lives
8保障性住房 lowincome housing
9悲催 a tearinducing misery
10毕婚族 marryupongraduation
11编职工 permanent staff
12.编制数 staff size
13车牌摇号 licenseplate lottery
14城 urban management staff
15城市补丁 rundown neighborhoods
16城市低保户 lowincome urban families
17城市低收入者 lowincome city dwellers
18城乡差距 ruralurban divide

19城乡二元济结构 the citycountry dualistic economic structure
20城乡公业服务体系 urban and rural systems for providing public employment services
21城乡社会救助体系 urban and rural emergency aid system
22城镇职工基养老保险制度 basic oldage insurance system for urban workers
23穿越剧 timetravel TV play
24 创新型国家 innovationoriented nation
25春联 Spring Festival couplets
26粗放型增长方式 extensive mode of growth inefficient model of growth
27V Internet celebrity
28代排族 hired queuers
29淡定 calmunruffled
30低保制度 subsistence security system
31低收入家庭 lowincome householdfamily
32.方保护义 regional protectionism
33短租房 shortterm housing
34恶搞 video spoof
35恶性循环 vicious circle
36二手房 preowned house secondhand housing
37二手房交易 secondhand housing transactions
38法治政府 lawbased government

39房奴 mortgage slave
40房子车子票子 apartmenthouse car and wellpaid jobsavings
41(非法)传销 pyramid schemes multilevel marketing
42非法收入 illegal earnings illicit income
43封口费 hush money
44服务型政府 serviceoriented government
45福利彩票 welfare lottery
46副科员 senior staff
47富二代 secondgeneration rich silverspoon generation
48腹黑 scheming
49改革攻坚 further reform in difficult areas tackle hard issues in the reform
50改革试点 pilot reform program
51高层次 highcaliber personnel
52高档住宅区 highend residential compound
53高富帅 men who are tall rich handsome and very popular among females
54高技 highly skilled personnel
55哥传说 Brother is only a legend
56账户 individual pension account
57体户 the selfemployed
58公参 publiccommunal participation
59公款送礼 give gifts by using public funds
60公务车 statefinanced vehicle
61公务员 civilpublic servant

62公互联网 public Internet
63购物卡 shopping card
64固定电话网 fixedline telephone network
65光盘行动 clearyourplate campaign
66闺蜜 closebest friends bosom buddies
67国家发展规划纲outline of the National Development Program
68国家行政编制 government staff size
69海(海龟)overseas returnee
70谐社会 harmonious society
71黑车 unlicensed cab
72黑恶势力 Mafialike gangs
73户口 registered permanent residence
74花钱炫富 spend money thoughtlessly and flaunt one’s wealth
75会 luxury clubs
76基层社区 grassroots community
77家政服务 domestic service
78加强改善宏观调控 improve macro control
79家政服务公司 domestic help firms
80假文 fake diplomas
81坚持基纲领 uphold the basic program
82减员增效 downsize the staff to improve efficiency
83简易渡房 makeshift shelter
84济适房 affordable housing
85济适男女 budget husbandwife
86纠结 ambivalent
87酒代驾 designated driver
88业指导 employment guidance
89开放型济 an open economy
90开瓶费 corkage fee
91抗震救灾工作 efforts to combat disasters and provide relief
92科学发展观 scientific outlook on development
93科员 staff member
94坑爹 the reverse of one’s expectation
95空巢家庭 emptynestchildless family
96廉租房 lowrent housing
97两限房 lowrent housing
98留守童 leftbehind children
99留守女士男士 grass widowwidower
100楼堂馆 office buildings large halls and guesthouses
101 裸婚 simplisticbarehanded marriage
102卖萌 act cute
103面子工程 vanityimage project
104秒杀 seckill
105民工荒 labor shortage
106民生 people’s wellbeing
107民族团结 ethnic unity
108南水北调 Southto North water diversion
109农村富余劳动力 surplus rural labor
110农村合作医疗制度 system of rural cooperative medicare
111(农村)劳动力转移业 (rural workers)find work in nonagricultural sectors
112农民工 migrant worker
113农业税 agricultural tax
114女汉子 tough girl manly woman
115泡吧 kill time in a bar
116泡网吧 hit the Internet bar
117棚户区 rundownshanty urban areas
118拼爹 competition of family background
119贫富差距 disparity in wealth distribution
120贫困口 impoverished people
121房改造工程 renovation project of shanty dwellings
122潜规 casting couch
123权力放 shift power to the grassroots delegate power to the lower levels
124群组客 tenant groups
125口功区 functional population zone
126口老龄化 population aging
127肉搜索 human flesh search engine cyber manhunt
128事制度改革 reform of personnel system
129入住率 occupancy rate
130弱势群体 disadvantagedvulnerable group
131三八红旗手 March 8 Red Flag Bearer
132三公费 spending on official overseas trips official vehicles and official hospitality
133三网融合 integration of telecom radio and TV and Internet networks
134闪婚 flash marriage
135闪离 flash divorce
136闪跳族 habitual job hopper
137伤起 vulnerable be prone to getting hurt
138社会保障工作 social security work
139社会保障体制 social security system
140社会结构 social structure
141社会利益格局 interests of different social groups
142社会矛盾 social structure
143社会事业 social servicesprogramsundertaking
144社会统筹 social pooling
145社会信体系 social credit system
146社会义核心价值体系 core socialist values
147社会义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace
148社会义新农村 socialist new countryside
149社会转型期 period of social transition
150社会组织形式 the way society is organized
151社交网站 social networking websites
152市政工程 municipalpublic works
153事业编制 staffing of public institutions
154视频分享 video sharing
155数字鸿沟 digital divide
156双休日 twoday weekend
157双职工 working couple
158特色优势产业 industries with local advantages
159天灾祸 natural calamities and manmade misfortunes
160贴广告 bill sticker
161铁哥 faithful pals sworn or close friends
162城遇 identical treatment
163筒子楼 tubeshaped apartment building
164土流转 transfer of rural landuse rights
165土豪 newly rich and powerful people
166 吐槽 disclose one’s secret
167团购 groupteam buying
168退休金双轨制 dual pension schemes
169网络拜年 online greeting
170.微博控 microblog complex
171偿献血 unpaid blood donation
172五家庭 Fivevirtues Family
173捂盘惜售 property hoarding
174西部开发战略 western development strategy
175岗职工 unemployed workers and staff laidoff employees
176基层锻炼 temper oneself in a grassroots unit
177限购 limitations on property purchase
178羡慕嫉妒恨 envious jealous and hateful
179乡长 township head
180 乡镇企业 township enterprises
181产权房 houseapartment with limitedincomplete property rights
182学区房 school district housing schoolnearby house
183学生减负 reduce students’ study load
184巡视员 inspector
185延迟退休 delay retirement
186严斗争 strikehard operationcampaign to crack down on crimes
187二三线城市 first second and thirdtier cities
188法拆迁 lawful housing demolition and relocation
189移动通信网 mobile telecommunications network
190城镇化 humancentered urbanization
191引进 bring in needed personnel
192优抚安置 provide special assistance to entitled groups
193月光族 live from paycheck to paycheck
194月嫂 maternity matron
195暂住证 temporary residence permit
196增强道德观念 enhance one’s moral awareness
197职业道德 occupational ethics
198智绿色低碳城市 smart green and lowcarbon city
199中国式马路 cross the road in Chinese styleChinesestyle road crossing
201科员 principal staff
202住房制度改革 reform of housing system
203住家非住家保姆 liveinliveout nanny
204着装求 dress code
205觉排队日 Queuingup Day
206创新力 capacity for independent innovation
207总体规划 overall plan
208低生活保障 subsistence allowance

1 世界古代文明中中华文明没中断延续发展文明已5000年历史
Of the world’s ancient civilizations the Chinese civilization has spanned over 5000 years and continued uninterrupted to this day
2 中国世界发展中国家中国发展取历史性进步济总量已跃升世界第二位
China is the world’s biggest developing country It has made historic progress in development It is now the secondlargest economy in the world
We are clearly aware that the large size of China’s economy when divided by 13 billion will send China to around the 80th place in terms of per capita GDP
In China over 74 million people rely on basic living allowances Each year more than 10 million urban people will join the job market And several hundred million rural people need to be transferred to nonagricultural jobs and settle down in urban areas More than 85 people are disabled
People hope to build more hospitals shopping centers recreation centers cinemas and other public facilities to meet their growing needs
One can hardly understand China well without a proper understanding of its history culture way of thinking and profound changes today
China has 34 administrative regions at the provincial level including 23 provinces5 autonomous regions 4 municipalities directly under the central government and 2 special administrative regions
The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the two longest rivers in China The Yellow River valley and Yangtze River valley are the birthplaces of the Chinese civilization
9 中国执行改革开放政策争取五十年发展起
China by pursuing the policy of reform and opening to the outside world is striving to become developed within 50 years
For China the first thing is to shake off poverty To do that we have to find a way to develop rapidly
We have a huge population a weak economic foundation and uneven development and our per capita GDP ranks fairly low among the countries in the world
China with the largest population in the world also ranks first in agricultural population
In spite of water shortages and with just seven percent of the arable land on earth China has to feed a quarter of the world’s population
A very rough study of disparities in China’s wealth will show that they accelerate too fast
China has transferred from a country where economic equilibrium prevailed to one that exceeds the medium level of imbalance in wealth distribution in the world in a matter of only two decades
The living standards of the people have registered a remarkable elevation This is the upward movement in the broadest sense of the world
In China a pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side has taken shape
The living standards of farmers have kept rising Most of them have enough food and clothing and quite a few are leading a moderately prosperous life
Hong Kong’s return to the motherland marks the great success of the concept of one country two systems
Over the past two decades and more China has deepened economic restructuring notably increase its overall national strength and steadily expanded its foreign economic cooperation and trade
China is an East Asian country with a large territory a huge population and a long history
China has experienced farreaching changes in the productive forces and the relation of production as well as in the economic base and the superstructure
A principal challenge to Chinese society is the gap between the evergrowing material and cultural needs of the people and the backward production
Our 13 billion people account for about onefourth of the world’s population
China is not endowed with sufficient resources
Free compulsory education made available to all rural students marks an important milestone in the history of the development of China’s education
During the past five years great strides were made in carrying out reform and opening up and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the productive forces and overall national strength were significantly improved

1a followup mechanism 续机制
2aged poor relief 贫老救济
3amelioration of poverty 改善贫困状况
4ant tribe 蚁族
5area code 区号
6baby boom 婴潮
7baby break 停职育婴期
8baby bust 生育低谷
9black power 黑权(运动)
10black ball 秘密反票
11candlelight dinner 烛光晚餐
12bottom dregs 社会渣滓
13career exploration 业教育
14car pool 拼车
15certificate of naturalization 入籍证明
16charity visitor 慈善事业观察员
17child benefit 童津贴
18ChineseAmerican 华裔美国
19civic organizations 民团体
20civic responsibilities 公民责
21civil referendum 公投
22civil society 公民社会
23community charge (英国)头税
24community automatic exchange 乡村动电话局
25community chest 社会福利基金
26community consumption function 社会消费函数
27community nursing service 社区养老
28concurrent resolution (美国国会两院)决议
29community coordinated service 社区联合童监护站
30corrupt administration 腐败行政理
31cutthroat competition 激烈竞争
32DecemberMay marriage 老妻少夫式婚姻
33DINK family 丁克家庭
34demographic factors 口素
35diminishing return 报酬渐减
36dire poverty 赤贫
37displaced person 流离失者
38division of labour 分工
39dog packs 狗仔队
40drug smuggling 毒品走私
41dwelling narrowness 蜗居
42egovernment eadministration 电子政务
43emynest syndrome 空巢孤独综合症
44enhance the sense of urgency 增强忧患意识
45exclusive interview 专访
46fiscal conservatism 财政保护义
47flash mob 快闪族
48flexible pension system 弹性退休金制度
49fraternity and sorority 兄弟会姐妹会
50gender equality 性等
51gender gap 性差异
52generation gap 代沟
53 Golden Age 黄金时代太盛世
54grassroots community 基层社区
55guaranteed annual income 保障年收入
56hacker attack 黑客攻击
57happiness index 幸福指数
58highend recreational venues 高档娱乐会
59houseforpension programscheme 房养老
60household registration 户籍
61househusband 家庭妇男
62indoors manwoman 宅男宅女
63interborough rapid transit(IRT) 城区间快速交通线
64Internet security 网络安全
65ironclad labor protection 铁饭碗
66job commuting 通勤
67juvenile justice system 少年司法制度
68lawabiding citizen 守法公民
69logistics park 物流园区
70looselybound family 松散家庭
71lowrent housing 廉租房
72luggage screening 行李检查
73maintain unbeaten record 保持败纪录
74mass organizations 民团体
75manial activity 粗活
76merit pay 绩效工资
77metropolitan population 市口
78metropolitan station 市电台
79middleand lowincome urban residents 中低收入城市居民
80minimum earner 处低生活保障线
81minimum subsistence level 低生活保障线
82multinational search 躲搜寻
83natrural monopoly 然垄断
84occupational tacit violence 职场冷暴力
85on alternate days (实行)单双号(通行)
86officially bilingual 官方双语制
87patriotic sentiment 爱国情操
88poverty line 贫困线
89premarital pregnancy 未婚先孕
90premarriage cohabitation 婚前居
91preprofessional training 职前培训
92proeuthanasia campaign 赞成安乐死合法化运动
93promote communal activity 促进公活动
94publicize budget 公开预算
95public rental housing 公租房
96quality time (孩子生活)珍贵生活
97reach selfsufficiency 达足
98resourceseffective society 资源节约型社会
99reunite with family members 团聚
100rural social administration 农村社会理
101safetynet program 安全保障计划
102sandwich man 挂广告牌
103severance package 离职补偿
104sexual orientation 性倾
105sexual harassment 性骚扰
106shotgun marriagewedding 奉子成婚
107social acceptability 社会心理承受力
108social evolution 社会演变
109social security expenditure 社会保障支出
110social security privatization 社会保障私化
111social weakening 社会惰性
112social worker 社会工作者
113soft environment 软环境
114speed trap 汽车超速监视区
115surplus labor 剩余劳动力
116surrogate birth 代孕
117tailormade gifts 礼品定制
118talent flow 流动
119tax evasion 偷税漏税
120the black boxes 黑匣子
121the mainstream public opinion 流民意
122the missing passenger plane 失联航班
123three consecutive victories 三连胜
124tough policy 强硬政策
125tracking survey 踪调查
126traffic code 交通规
127trial marriage 试婚
128twotime world champions 两届世界冠军
129walking commuter 走班族
130womenonly compartments 女士专车厢
131yard sale 庭院旧货出售
132zerosum game 零博弈

1 Helping the true poor is much worthier than merely narrowing inequalities And helping the lower class rejoin the mainstream of society is in the interests of all
2 The cold hard fact is that even in eh midst of recovery too many Americans are working more than ever just to get bylet alone get ahead
3 And what I believe unites the people of this nation regardless of race or region or party young or old rich or poor is the simple profound belief in opportunity for allthe notion that if you work hard and take responsibility you can get ahead
4 An autoworker finetuned some of the best most fuelefficient cars in the world and did his part to help America wean itself off foreign oil
5 Inequality has deepened Upward mobility has stalled
6 We know that the nation that goes allin on innovation today will own the global economy tomorrow
7 Independent economists say immigration reform will grow our economy and shrink our deficits by almost 1trillion in the next two decades
8 Migrants exert positive effects on city construction
9 Women working fulltime earn about 72 percent of men’s wages for comparable jobs a percentage that would be even lower had men’s earning not declined
10 The reports takes a closer look at those who live together before marriage including race ethnicity education level and upbringing
11 The babyboom generation has entered its 50s and over the next few years will be retiring in large numbers
12 More and more of our savings are institutionalized rather than individualized
13 Multicultural America has always been adept at adopting and combining the cultural traditions imported by its immigrants
14 Relatively young children are included in family decisions
15 Americans tend to associate the greatness of their nation far more with such values as individual freedom equality of opportunity hard work and competition than with national cooperation
16 Federal money is granted to state and local governments to support social welfare programs
17 Financial departments at all levels are required to publicize their budgets so the public and media can better supervise spending

第二单元 政治

1 爱国家 a peaceloving country
2 劳分配题 distribution according to work remains dominant
3 保监会 China Insurance Regulatory Commission
4 标兼治 address both the symptoms and the root causes of the problem
5博采众长 draw on others’ useful experience
6搞刀切 without imposing a single committee
7长治久安 longterm stability
8常务委员 member of a standing committee
9城镇登记失业率 registered unemployment rate in cities and town
10城镇社会保障体系 urban social security system
11城镇住房制度改革 reform of the urban housing system
12创新体系 an innovation system
13垂直理 vertical management
14促改革 advance reforms
15促进社会谐稳定 promote social harmony and stability
16击取缔非法收入 crack down on and ban illegal income
17情 party’s conditions
18邓理 Deng Xiaoping Theory
19道德制高点 moral high ground
20低水重复建设 lowlevel redundant development
21底线思维 bottomline thinking
22调结构 promote restructuring
23调控房价 housing prices control
24顶层设计 a toplevel strategy
25民高度负责态度 maintain a high sense of responsibility to people
26法制国家 a state with an adequate legal system
27法治国家 a lawbased government
28法治政府 a country under the rule of law
29反腐倡廉 anti –corruption bid
30反贪法规 anticorruption legislation
31防空识区 air defense identification zone
32防灾减灾力 our ability to prevent and mitigate natural disasters
33分配货币化 distribution of money
34风险防范机制 risk prevention mechanism
35服全局 服务全局 be subordinated and serve the overall interests of the country
36服务型政府 a serviceoriented government
37负责政府 a responsible government
38负资产 a negative asset
39改革蓝图 reform blueprint
40肝胆相荣辱 treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe
41港治港 the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong
42高度治 a high degree of autonomy
43公服务社会理 public services and social governance
44公祭活动 public memorial services
45公分配 fair distribution
46公制体位 the dominant role of public ownership
47功 merits outweigh demerits
48攻防兼备力 offensive and defensive capabilities
49挂职 work on secondment
50官僚义 bureaucracybureaucratism
51国防预算 defense budget
52国际责 international responsibilitiesliabilities
53国家安全委员会 national security commission
54国情 national conditions
55合理收入分配制度 rational income distribution system
56 发展道路 the path of peaceful development
57统业 great cause of peaceful reunification
58谐社会a harmonious society
59衷济团结奋斗 concerted and strenuous efforts
60宏观调控macro control
61基层锻炼 have village or communitylevel working experience get tempered get tempered on a villageor communitylevel post
62基层监督 grassroots supervision
63基础设施建设 construction of infrastructural facilities infrastructure development
64简政放权 streamline administration and delegate power
65解放发展生产力 release and develop productive forces
66解放思想 emancipatefree people’s minds
67济繁荣社会进步 economic prosperity and social progress
68济稳较快发展 steady and rapid economic development
69九段线 the ninedash line
70业问题 employment problem
71开正门堵偏门 keep the front gate open and block the side doors
72抗洪救灾 fight floods and provide relief
73科教兴国战略 the strategy of invigorating China through the development of science and education
74考 examinationbased appointment
75科学技术进步 scientific and technological progress
76持续发展战略 the strategy of sustainable development
77厉行节约 practice frugality
78利益高度交融 highly interwoven interests
79廉政准 code of ethics
80两岸关系 crossStraits relations
81零基预算制度 a zerobase budgeting system
82陆海空三军仪仗队 guard of honor of the three services
83民监督 democratic supervision
84民权利 democratic rights
85民协商 democratic consultation
86民族区 regions inhabited by ethnic groups
87年度国家预算 annual state budget
88扭转收入差距扩趋势 reverse the widening income gap
89拍脑袋决策 rash decisionmaking
90聘 contractbased appointment
91铺张浪费 lavish spending
92旗帜鲜明反民族分裂 take a clearcut stand against attempts to split the nation
93强国路 ways to make China powerfulstrong
94求存异求化异 seek common ground while reserving and resolving differences
95全国族民 people of all our ethnic groups
96全国代表 deputy to the National People’s Congress
97全国民代表会 National People’s Congress(NPC)
98全国民代表会席团 NPC Presidium
99全国政协文员 member of the National Committee of the CPPC
100全局性长远性重改革问题 major reform issues with nationwide significance an longterm effect
101全面深化改革 comprehensive deepening of reforms
102全面深化改革领导组 a leading group for overall reform
103全面协调持续发展 comprehensive coordinated and sustainable development
104群众路线教育实践活动 the mass line education campaign
105日益增长物质文化需求 growing material and cultural needs
106硬环境 hard environment
107三代表重思想 the important thought of Three Represents
108奢靡风 extravagance
109社会公需 social needs
110社会公示制度 a system of keeping the public informed
111社会监 social supervision
112社会听证制度 a system of public hearings
113社会义法治国家 socialist country under the rule of law
114社会义民政治 socialist democracy
115社会义制度优越感 incomparable superiority of the socialist system
116失职渎职 dereliction of duty neglect of the socialist system
117实事求 pursue a realistic and pragmatic approach seek truth from facts
118食品药品质量监 oversight and supervision of food and drugs quality
119世情 global conditions
120试点 launch trials
121试点项目 pilot project
122释放正量 unleash the positiveconstructive energy
123述职述廉 report on job and anticorruption performance
124.司法公正 judicial justice
125提振信心 raise confidence
126体制创新 institutional innovation
127统养老保险制度 an integrated pension system
128突发公安全事件应急处理机制 mechanisms for responding to emergencies that threaten public safety
129推进事业单位改革 push forward the reform of institution
130退休金双轨制 dual pension scheme
131维护社会公正义 safeguard social fairness and justice
132维护祖国统 safeguard social fairness and justice
133维稳 safeguard cooperation
134稳增长 stabilize economic growth
135委 direct appointment
136 务实合作 practical cooperation
137西部开发战略 the strategy developing
138西电东送 transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region
139宪法修正案 amendments to the Constitution
140享乐义 hedonism
141康社会 a moderately prosperous society
142新文明观 a new thinking on civilization
143形式义 formalism
144选举权知情权参权表达权监督权 rights to vote and to stay informed about participate in express views on and oversee government affairs
145选 electionbased appointment
146严肃追究责 strengthen administrative accountability
147养老保险 oldage insurance
148养老保障制度 oldage security system
149法办事 perform official duties according to law
150法行政意识 consideration to carrying out their official duties in accordance with the law
151法治国 run the country according to law
152法治军 handle the army’s affairs according to law
153法行政公正严明法治政府 a government that respects legal system and rules strictly and impartially
154德治国 rule the country by virtue
155 put people first
156应急预案 emergency response plan
157快发展 sound and fast development
158时俱进 advance with the times keep pace with the times
159业岗员 reemployment of laidoff workers
160增收节支 increase revenue and cut government expenditures
161战略机遇期 period of strategic opportunities
162招战战必胜 assemble at the first call and be capable of fighting and winning
163征拆迁 land expropriation housing demolition and resident relocation
164政府促进业责 responsibility of the government for stimulating employment
165政府工作报告 report on the work of the government government work report
166政府购买公服务 government procurement of public services
167政府机构改革 restructuring of government departments
168政绩考核 assess the performance of local authorities
169政企分开 separate functions of the government form those of enterprises
170政事分开原 principle of separating the functions of government from of enterprises
171政务公开制度 system of making government affairs known to the public
172政务透明 administrative transparency
173政治体制改革 political restructuring
174执行力公信力 executive ability and greater public trust
175直接事方 the directlyinvolved parties
176治国理政验 experience in governance
177中中央委员会 CPC Central Committee
178中国产全国代表会 the National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)
179中国梦 Chinese dream
180中华民族疆爱 boundless love of the Chinese nation
181中美三联合公报 The Three SinoUS Joint Communiques
182中央纪律检查委员会 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
183重中重 a priority of priorities a top priority
184转变职 transform government functions
185创新 independent innovation
186综合国力竞争 competition in overall national strength
187效益 the best possible results

1 推进现代化建设完成祖国统维护世界促进发展中国民新世纪三历史务
To continue to propel the modernization drive to achieve reunification of the motherland and to safeguard world peace and promote common development are the three historical tasks of the Chinese people in the new century
2 坚持中国原实现统基础前提
Adherence to the principle of one China is the basis and premise for peaceful reunification
3 市场体法禁止政府部门法授权
We need to ensure that market entities can do anything which are not prohibited by the law and government departments must not do anything unless it is mandated by the law
4 该放权利放开放位该事情位
The government aims to delegate power to lower levels as much as what is necessary and appropriated while effectively managing all the matters within its purview
5 全面推进社会义济建设政治建设文化建设社会建设生态文明建设
We will comprehensively advance socialist economic development political cultural and social progress and raise ecological awareness
6 中国产领导合作政治协商制度民族区域治制度基层群众治制度中国哦基政治制度
Multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC) ethnic regional autonomy and selfgovernance at the community level constitute China’s basic political systems
7 中国产领导合作政治协商制度民族区域治制度基层群众治制度中国基政治制度
Multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC) ethnic regional autonomy and selfgovernance at the community level constitute China’s basic political systems
The CPC cooperates with the democratic parties under the principle of longterm coexistence mutual supervision treating each other with full sincerity and sharing weal and woe
8 始终坚持马克思义基原理中国具体实际相结合
We have always persisted in combining the fundamental tenets of Marxism with the reality of China
9 民真正家作成国家社会命运
The people have become the true masters of their country their society and their own destiny
10 政治体制改革利维护国家统民族团结社会稳定
The political reform should be conducted in such a manner as to promote national unification ethnic unity and social stability
11 中国正处计划济体制社会义市场济体制转变时期方面体制完善
China is in a transition from its planned economy to a socialist market economy Many of its current systems remains to be improved
The Three Represents are the foundation for building the Party the cornerstone for exercising the state power and a source of its strength
Our Party must always represent the requirements of the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces the orientation of China’s advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people
Our Party serves the people heart and soul works for the public and assumes power for the people
We must be mindful of danger stay prepared for adversities in times of peace and guard against conceit and impetuosity
We must ensure the government should be strict with itself in carrying out its official duties in accordance with the law and try to be honest diligent pragmatic and efficient
We must maintain our fleshblood relationship with the people
18 领导干部重省励身作言行致
Leading officials should maintain a high degree of selfdiscipline selfexamination and selfexamination and selfmotivation set an example for others and match their words with deeds
The great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the banner guiding development and progress in contemporary China and rallying the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country in our common endeavor
Emancipating the mind is a magic instrument for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics
Reform and opening up provide a strong driving force for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics
Scientific development and social harmony are basic requirements for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics
Up till now China’s political and economic systems have yet to be improved and the China model is evolving based on the world’s and Chinese experiences
1 access to information and political participation 信息流通参政治机会
2 antipoverty funds 扶贫基金
3 a spectacular event 盛会
4 assessment team 评估组
5 a state of emergency 紧急状态
6 ballot box 通票箱
7 baselines 基线
8 base points 基点
9 be cautious in words and deeds 谨言慎行
10 bedrock of security and stability 安全稳定基础
11 blanket ballot 全面选举
12 blue states 蓝州(支持民州)
13 Capitol Building 国会厦
14 Cash contribution 现金捐款
15 Casting vote 决定性票
16 Casualties and property damage 员伤亡财产损失
17 Cluster bomb 集束炸弹
18 Coalition government 联合政府
19 Cold War mentality冷战思维
20 Civil servant frenzy 公务员热
21 Constitutional government 立宪政体
22 Continental shelf 陆架
23 Conventional security 传统安全
24 Convey sincere greetings 致诚挚问候
25 Core principles 核心原
26 Cult of personality 崇拜
27 Cut red tape 简化手续
28 Cyber terrorism 网络恐怖义
29 Cyber theft 网络窃取
30 Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula 鲜半岛核化
31 Department of Defence 国防部(美国)
32 Dissolution of parliament 分散国会
33 Divided government 分治政府
34 Draft resolution 决议草案
35 Election promises 竞选诺言
36 Elective government 民选政府
37 Electoral college 选举团
38 Electoral map 选举图
39 Embellish the invasion history 美化侵略历史
40 Escalation of war 战争升级
41 Exiled regime(governmentinexile)流亡政府
42 Extinguishment of national debt 清偿国债
43 Exclusive economic zone专属济区
44 Extreme poverty 极端贫困
45 Favorability rate 支持率
46 Fencesitting nations 中立国家
47 First executive officer 高行政长官
48 Freedoms of speech and worship 言信仰
49 Full surrender 条件投降
50 Growth of multilateral organizations 边组织发展
51 Have a positive constructive and comprehensive relationship 着积极建设性全面关系
52 Homeland Security Department 国土安全部(美国)
53 Inauguration address 职演说
54 Intelligence officers 情报员
55 Intercontinental ballistic missile 洲际弹道导弹
56 Interior administration 政
57 Interior minister 政部长
58 Intermediaries 社会中介组织
59 Internal waters 水
60 Just one step closer to the goal 离目标更进步
61 Landlocked country 陆国家
62 Law enforcement personnel 执法员
63 Lethal arms 致命武器
64 Manof the people image 亲民形象
65 Military expansion 军备扩张
66 Model of government 政府形象
67 Monarchism 君政体
68 Moneyoriented politics 金钱政治
69 Mutual political trust 政治互信
70 National gem 国家瑰宝
71 Nonaligned nationcountry 结盟国家
72 Nonintervention干涉
73 Nonproliferation drive 防止核扩散运动
74 Normalized surveillance and monitoring 常态化监视监测
75 Normalization with neighbors 邻国实现关系正常化
76 Notion of sovereignty 权观念
77 Nuclear nonproliferation treaty 扩散核武器条约
78 Nuclear proliferation 核扩散
79 Nuclear stockpiles 核库存
80 Oathtaking ceremony 宣誓仪式
81 Official assistance 官方援助
82 Opposition party 反
83 Parliamentary speech 国会演说
84 Party government 政政府
85 Party in officeruling party 执政
86 Party out of office 野
87 Party program 纲
88 Peaceful transfer of authority 权利渡
89 Peacekeeping operation 维行动
90 Plurality rule 简单数原
91 Political and economic integration 政治济体化
92 Political complexion 政治色彩
93 Political independence 政治独立
94 Political participation 参政
95 Political posturing 政治姿态
96 Political strings attached 附加政治条件
97 Power politics 强权政治
98 Pragmatic cooperation 务实合作
99 Presidential election 总统选举
100 Presidentelect 侯总统
101 Presidential inauguration 总统职典礼
102 Prodemocracy movement 民运动
103 Protest vote 抗议票
104 Provisional government 时政府
105 Public confidence 公信力
106 Public debt 公债
107 Public funding 公资助
108 Public participation 公参度
109 Puppet regime 傀儡政权
110 Racial division种族划分
111 Radical group 激进组织
112 Raising money 筹款募款
113 Red states 红州(支持州)
114 Regional turmoil 区动荡
115 Regular elections 定期选举
116 Relief operations 救济行动
117 Relief supply 救灾物资
118 Return to power 重新执政
119 Riding high in opinion rolls 民调支持率高
120 Right to vote and stand for election 选举选举权
121 Running mate 竞选伙伴
122 Senate seats 参议院席位
123 Sensitive questions 敏感问题
124 Separation of powers 三权分立
125 Separation of religion from politics 政教分离
126 Shared common prosperity 繁荣
127 Shared security 安全
128 Share weal and woe 休戚
129 Specific appropriation of public money 公款划拨
130 State of Department 国务院(美国)
131 State of the Union Address
132 Strategic and economic dialogue战略济话
133 Strategic withdrawal 战略撤退
134 Straw poll 测验民意投票(选前)意性投票
135 Suicide bombing 杀性爆炸袭击
136 Summit talks 高级会谈收纳会谈
137 Sweeping surveillance 规模监听
138 Swing voter 摇摆选民
139 Territorial coordinates 领土坐标
140 Territorial sea baseline 领海基线
141 Territorial waters 领海
142 Terrorist attack 恐怖袭击
143 Think on a theoretical plane 理性思维
144 Think in a strategic perspective 战略思维
145 Third World 第三世界
146 Threat of force 武力威胁
147 Transparency and accountability 透明度问责制
148 Unconditional release 条件释放
149 USChina Strategic and Economic Dialogue 美中战略济话
150 Vote abstention 弃权票
151 Vote of nonconfidence 信票
152 War game 军事演

1 we should adopt the tone of looking to the future not to the past
2 It is clear that our security interests and our economic wellbeing are tied to Asia’s
3 The relationship between the United States and China will shape the 21st century which makes it as important as any bilateral relationship in the world
4 The report attributed the persistent income gap in Washington to the area’s special job opportunities which attract highincome households
5 The gap between the rich and the poor is the product of complex forces and won’t be fixed overnight
6 The project led by Sachs grew out of the Millennium Development Goals benchmarks created by the United Nations in 2000 to prod the world to reduce hunger and sickness by half increase school enrollment and generally improve the lives of the poorest of the poor
7 Until now we have not been able to agree on the new composition of the Security Council but there is unanimity about the importance of it
8 Diplomatic efforts to end the fighting have hit another snag
9 The regional conflicts become a critical threat to the world peace
10 Religious conflicts may arouse unrests and wars regionally or even globally
11 Civil wars or regional conflicts also cause disruption driving people out of rural areas
12 The world continues to turn and things have changed dramatically
13 We must restore the vital trust between a people and their government
14 Governments must be prepared to surrender some authority to global and regional institutions or we risk world disorder
15 Just when we need a strong international organization the United Nations is starved of funds and often sidelined by its own member state
16 In today’s world there are still quite factors of instability and uncertainty
17 Frequent regional frictions and conflicts rampant terrorist activities the widening NorthSouth gap and rising nontraditional security threats all pose severe challenges to mankind
18 The international community is currently facing an uphill struggle to achieve lasting peace and common prosperity
19 UN peacekeeping operations can to some extent play a positive role in easing regional conflicts
20 Conflicts are largely to blame for the large numbers of refugees
21 All are equal all are free and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness
22 What people put into the box on Election Day can change the course of history
23 A number of election reforms have been made
24 Women still lag far behind men in top political and decisionmaking roles a waste of talent given that access to education and health care is nearly equal
25 We must rally the world around a solution to our climate challenge
26 In an interconnected world power does not need to be a zerosum game and nations do not need to fear the success of another
27 We must tap the great potential of our own people
第三单元 济
1V型复苏 Vshaped recovery
2揭购房 buy a house on mortgage
3 包容性增长 inclusive growth
4 保持发展劲 bring about a sustainable development
5保持国股 hold the stateheld shares
6边境贸易 frontierborder trade
7购 merger & acquisition
8财政收入 fiscal revenue
9仓储式超市 stockroomstylewarehousestyle supermarket
10产权元化 ownership diversification
11产权制度改革 reform of property rights system
12 产销直接挂钩 directly link production with marketing
13产业升级换代 upgrading of industries
14城际快速铁路 intercity express railway
15产业结构调整 industrial restructuring
16城镇居民均支配收入 the per capita disposable income of urban residents
17创新驱动发展战略 strategy of innovationpowered development
18促销电话 courtesy call
19规模济刺激计划 a large stimulus package
20登记失业率 registered unemployment rate
21低端服务业 lowend service industries
22低碳济 lowcarbon economy
23方保护义 regional protectionism
24方财政预算 local government budgets
25调整改组国企业 readjust and reorganize stateowned unterprises
26短期刺激政策 shortterm stimulus policies
27外开放广度深度 opening up in scope and depth
28种济成分 diverse sectors of the economy
29种制济 an economy with diverse forms of ownership
30二手房 secondhand housing
31发行价 offering price
32房补 housing allowance
33房产泡沫 propertyreal estate bubble
34放宽进入门槛 relax threshold
35非公制济 nonpublic sectors of the economy
36费改税 transform administrative fees into taxes
37服务业导济增长 servicesled growth
38高速铁路 highspeed rail
39体私营济 selfemployed and other private businesses
40踪审计 followup auditing
41工业国家 industrialized countries
42公制非公制济 public and nonpublic sectors of the economy
43购房首付 down payment for housing purchase
44股份分置改革 reform of listing nontradable shares of listed companies
45股市泡沫 stock market bubble
46骨干企业 backbonekey enterprise
47固定资产投资 fixed asset investment
48固定资产重估 reevaluation of fixed assets
49规范税制 standardize the tax system
50规模济 scale economy economy or scale
51国际收支状况 balance of payments
52国家中长期科学技术发展规划纲 outline of the National program for Long and MediumTerm Scientific and Technological Development
53国民济支柱 mainstay of the national economy
54国民济综合衡 overall balance in national economy
55国民济命脉 the lifeline of the national economy
56国民济支柱产业 pillar industry in national economy
57国民济信息化 informationize the national economy
58国消费足 inadequate domestic spending
59国资营运算制度 budget system for managing state capital
60国资产流失 losserosion of state assets
61海峡两岸济合作框架协议 Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA)
62合理区间 proper range
63合理制 contract management system
64环境代价 environment costs
65混合制济 a mixed economy
66期消费 immediate consumption
67集体合作济 collective and cooperative sectors of the economy
68集约济 intensive economy
69技改项目 technological upgrading projects
70 技术密集型产业 technologyintensive industry
71假日济 holiday economy
72家电乡 sell home appliances in the countryside
73健全项目法责制 system of holding the legal person responsible for projects
74阶梯计价 differential pricing
75济发达区 economically underdeveloped areas
76济发展劲 future economic growth
77济复苏 economic resurgence
78济杠杆 economic lever
79济热 overheated economy
80济滑坡 economic downturn
81济技术开发区 economic and technological development zone
82济结构战略性调整 strategic restructuring of the economy
83济开发区 economic development zone
84济良性循环 a beneficial economic cycle
85济圈济带 economic rim and belt
86济渗透 economic infiltration
87济失调指数 misery index
88济实力 economic strength
89济实力 economic entity
90济适房 lowcost housing
91济体制改革 reform of economic system economic restructuring
92济行压力 downward pressure on the economy
93济运行 economic performance
94济增长 economic growth
95居民均支配收入 average per capita disposable income of both urban and rural residents
96居民消费指数 consumer price index(CPI)
97济走廊 economic corridor
98具国际竞争力企业集团 internationally competitive conglomerates
99开放国市场 open domestic market
100开放型济 an open economy
101开拓城乡市场 develop urban and rural markets
102开拓农村消费市场 develop consumer markets in rural areas
103开展区域济合作 carry out regional economic cooperation
104科技成果产业化 application of scientific and technological achievements in production
105持续发展模式 sustainable development pattern
106支配收入 disposable income
107跨越式发展 leapfrog development
108扩需刺激消费 increase domestic demand and stimulate consumption
109劳动力市场 labor market
110劳动密集型产业 laborintensive industry
111利益攸关方 stakeholder
112粮食安全 food security
113两岸济合作 cross Straits economic cooperation
114猎头 talent scouthunter
115楼市 property market
116绿色济 green economy
117面市场 marketoriented
118需潜力 potential in domestic demand
119源安全 energy security
120农村居民均纯收入 the per capita net income of rural residents
121泡沫济 bubble economy
122片面追求发展速度 seek an unduly high growth rate
123品牌资产 brand equity
124等保护物权 equal protection of property rights
125千年发展目标 Millennium Development Goals
126潜市值 potential market capitalization
127强劲势头 strong momentum
128轻轨列车 light rail train
129区域发展 regional development
130全国济普查 national economic census
131 均出收入 net per capita income
132均国生产总值 per capita gross domestic product(GDP)
133三角债 chain debts
134商品房 commercial residents
135商品流通体制改革 reform of commodity circulation
136社会消费品零售总额 total retail sales of consumer goods
137社会义市场济 socialist market economy
138十二五计划 the Twelfth FiveYear for
139实名购票制 IDbased ticket booking system
140食品安全 food safety
141中国济国际接轨 to bring China’s economy in line with international practice
142中国济走世界 to make China’s economy competitive in the world
143世界第二济体 the world’s secondstrongest economic power
144市场元化 a multioutlet market
145市场分割 market segmentation
146市场化改革 marketoriented reform
147市场预期 market expectation
148市场占率 market share
149市场元化战略 the strategy of market diversification
150市场准入制度 market access rules
151收入差距 income gapinequality
152 丝绸路济带 the Silk Road economic belt
153收入分配 income distribution
154收入分配秩序 pattern of income distribution
155提高扶贫开发水 make poverty reduction more effective through development
156铁饭碗 iron rice bowl
157 通胀预期 inflation expectation
158投资环境 investment environmentclimate
159投资拉动型增长 investmentled growth
160外商直接投资 foreign direct investment
161外引联 act as an intermediary for introducing foreign capital and establishing domestic connection
162网络泡沫 the Internet bubble
163网购物 online shopping
164网拍卖 online auction
165物价补贴 subsidy to offset rising price
166西部开发 largescale development of western China
167岗业 reemployment after being laid off
168现代产权制度 modern system of property rights
169现代企业制度 modern enterprise corporate system
170限制购房政策 restrictive policy on housing purchase
171消费热点 new highlight of consumption
172新济增长点 new points of economic growth
173新兴济体 emerging economies
174新兴企业 startup company
175 海济特区 special economic zones in coastal areas
176央企 centrallyadministered stateowned enterprise
177站式服务 onestop service
178支笔审批 onechop approval
179线采购 online procurement
180增强国济活力控制力\影响力 enhance the dynamism leverage and influence of the state sector of the economy
181债转股 debttoequity swap
182招商项目 project proposals for investment
183政策性住房 policyrelated housing
184政府注资 pump priming
185支柱产业 pillar industry
186知识密集型产业 knowledgeintensive industry
187中部区崛起 development o moderately developed countries
189中华全国工商联合会 AllChina Federation of Industry and Commerce
190中型企业 SMEs(small and mediumsized enterprises)
191中央政府公投资 the central government’s public investment
192重合守信 observe contracts and maintain commercial integrity
193住房资源分配 housing resources distribution
194资源充足率 capital adequacy ratio
195资密集型产业 capitalintensive industry
196资泡沫 assets bubble
197资源节约型社会 resourcesconserving society
198资源型济体 resourcesbased economies
199创新力 capacity for independent innovation
200营权 full right to independent operation
201低工资制度 minimum wage system

1 济全球化基特征资技术商品信息服务全球范围流动优化配置世界国济互相存相互影响日益加深
Economic globalization features the free flow and optimized allocation of capital technology goods information and services in the global context making the economic interdependence and interaction between various countries ever stronger
2 网购物优点购物者需亲现场省时省力
One of the advantages of online shopping is that it spares the shopper the trouble to go to the shop in person saving him both time and energy
3 西部开发定成沟通国中国座桥梁促进中国世界济发展繁荣
The great development of the western region is bound to serve as a bridge linking China to the rest of the world to promote their common economic development and prosperity
4 国国民济继续着宏观调控预期方发展
China’s economy has continued to grow as we anticipated in our exercise of macro control
5 中国正处转型升级关键阶段前济发展基面济运行总体稳
The Chinese economy which is at a crucial stage of transformation and upgrading is moving forward in a steady way and its fundamentals are sound
6 中国济发展奇迹已进入体质增效第二季
Now the new season of the Chinese economic miracle one of better quality and higher efficiency is unveiled
7 中国世界济中发挥稳定器助推器作疑世界福音
China plays the role of a stabilizer and thruster in the global economy This is certainly a good thing for the world
8 正努力教育公民西方国家样度消费意空调私汽车次性产品
We are managing to educate citizens to avoid the behavior of overconsumption in Western countries such as the excessive use of air conditioners private cars and disposable products at will
9 科学技术第生产力
Science and technology are the primary productive forces
10 巩固公制体位时促进种制济发展
While maintaining the dominance of the public sectors we encourage diverse sectors of the economy to develop side by side
11 中国国企业正根建立现代企业制度目标求探索够转换营机制增强企业活力途径吸收外商投资进行改组改造中重措施
The Chinese enterprises are exploring new ways to alter their operational mechanism and rejuvenate themselves in accordance with the goal of establishing modern corporate system One of the major measures is to absorb foreign capital in the reorganization and restructuring process
12 均国民生产总值达中等发达国家水
The average per capita GNP will reach the level of moderately developed countries
13 必须抓住新机遇迎接新挑战采取更加力措施
We must seize new opportunities to meet new challenges By taking more effective measures and being more active in opening to the outside world we will strive to expand our foreign trade and absorb more foreign capital
14 实施开放政策海外企业中国济发展中扮演十分重角色
Since the implementation of the openingup policy foreign enterprises have played role in China’s economic development
15 济运行中突出矛盾缓解尚未根解决
Although the outstanding problems in economic activities have been somewhat alleviated they have yet to be fundamentally solved
16 次会议 两国进步加强持续济联系奠定坚实基础
This meeting laid a solid foundation for the two countries to forge enduring and constant economic ties
17 导致价格持续增长重素物价逐步开放价格结构调整
An important factor contributing to substantial prices hikes lies in the gradual lifting lifting of its structural adjustment
18 中国作世界发展中国家密切注意新济发展情况深入研究带机遇挑战
China as the biggest developing country is also closely following the evolvement of the new economy and making an indepth study of the opportunities and challenges arising thereof
19 中国拥强科技队伍巨市场富吸引力
In China we have a strong contingent of talents in science and technology and a magnetic huge market
20 希双方加强合作交流促进新济健康序发展
We hope that the two sides will strengthen collaboration and exchanges so as to jointly foster an orderly and sound development of the new economy
21 中国持续实施扩国需求方针政策加快济结构战略性调整
China will continue implementing the policy o stimulating domestic demand and accelerating strategic economic restructuring
22 公制体种济成分发展中国相长历史阶段需坚持项基济制度
Maintaining the dominance of the public sector and allowing diverse sectors of the economy to develop side by side will be a basic economic system China will adhere to for a fair long time
23 改革开放国济断发展时中国集体济体私营等非公制济发展迅速国民济中发挥着越越重作
Since the reform and opening up amid continuous development of the state sector of the economy other nonpublic sectors such as collective and private ones have also been playing an increasingly important role in the national economy
24 国外贸体质改革进步深化扩外开放步伐明显加快
China’s reform of its foreign trade and economic cooperation regime is further deepened and its opening up is notably accelerated
25 更实施质取胜市场元化科技兴贸战略
We shall carry out the strategies of achieving success on strength of quality market diversification and reinvigorating trade by science and technology
26 济全球化拉世界国民距离整世界济方面交流更加密切
The economic globalization has shortened the distance among the people all over the world maintaining close ties in the world economy and other areas
27 中国济规模翻两番济结构明显改善市场济体制已初步建立
China’s GDP has quadrupled with the economic structure notably improved and a market economy preliminarily established
28 中国完善全方位层次宽领域外开放格局发展开放型济积极参区域济合作全球边贸易体系
China will improve its multidimensional multitiered and wideranging pattern of opening up develop an open economy and actively participate in regional economic cooperation and global multilateral trading system
12hour economic zone 两时济圈
2accumulated earnings 积累收益
3a circular economy 循环济
4a convenient methods of payment 方便付款方式
5a cyber power 网络强国
6an economic depressionslumprecession 济萎缩
7antidumping measures 反倾销措施
8assets depreciation range 资产折旧幅度
9balance the twoway trade 保持双边贸易衡
10bondedfree trade area 保税区
11bonded warehouse 保税仓库
12break regional blockades and trade monopolies 破区封锁行业垄断
13break regional blockades and trade monopolies 破区封锁行业垄断
14business misconduct 商业正行
15capital market 资市场
16cargo handling capacity 货物吞吐量
17commission brokerage 佣金
18commodity economy 商品济
19common international practice 国际惯例
20confessionalfavorable terms 优惠条件
21cost and benefit analysis 成收益分析
22costofliving index 生活费指数
23crossborder takeover 跨国购
24currency depreciationappreciation 通货贬值升值
25current account balance sheet 流动资产负债表
26current asset losses in suspense 处理流动资产损失
27current debt ratio 流动负债率
28current fund employment rate 流动资金占率
29current liability 流动负债
30current tangible assets 形流动资产
31domestic funds 国配套资金
32doubledigit growth 两位数增长
33earning capacity 盈利力
34EcommerceEbusiness 电子商务
35economic blueprint 济蓝图
36economic aggregate 济总量
37economic boom 济兴旺
38economic efficiency 济效益
39economic growth point 济增长点
40economic indicators 济指标
41economic measure 济手段
42economic strength 济实力
43economic takeoff 济起飞
44efficiency In operation 营效率
45emerging market economy 新兴市场济
46equity earnings 参股收益股盈利
47equity capital transaction 产权资转
48equity investment 股投资
49equity ownership 资权
50excessive consumption 超前消费
51exportorientedoutwardlooking economy 外型济
52extensiveintensive operation 粗放集约济
53fair trading practice 公贸易行
54finacing channels 融资渠道
55fixedassets accounting 固定资产核算
56fluctuate in line with market conditions 行市
57foreign exchangeearning enterprise 创汇性企业
58foreign exchange market 外汇市场
59foreign investment in actual use 实际利外资
60franchise operation 特许营权
61gap between the rich and the poor 贫富差距
62general retail price index 社会零售物价总指数
63generous pension and health care plans 优厚养老金医疗卫生保障
54finacing channels 融资渠道
55fixedassets accounting 固定资产核算
56fluctuate in line with market conditions 行市
57foreign exchangeearning enterprise 创汇型企业
58foreign exchange market 外汇市场
59foreign investment in actual use 实际利外资
64global economic order 国际济秩序
65global value chain 全球济秩序
66gross foreign export value 外贸出口总额
67gross output value of industry and agriculture 工农业总产值
68guidance plan 指导性计划
69hard landing 硬着陆
70 importexport quota 进出口配额
71 In a period of transition 渡时期
72 income to net worth ratio 净值收益率
73income tax return 税申报表
74individualpersonal income tax cutoff pointthreshold 税起征点
75industrial policy 产业转移
77inflationproof bank savings 保值储蓄
78 information consumption 信息消费
79 information technology outsourcing 信息技术外包
80intangible assets 形资产
81internet censorship 网络审查
82investment in fixed assets 固定资产投资
83 investment portfolio 投资组合
84 Invisible trade 形贸易
85 IT application 信息化
86 knowledge economy 知识济
87 labor outsourcing 劳务外包
88 letters patentcertificate of patent 专利证书
89 Lowcarbon economy 低碳济
90 Lowprofit era 微利时代
91 maintenance of value 保值
92majority shareholding 占数股权
93managerial decisionmaking process 理决策程序
94managerial knowhow 理专门知识
95mandatory plan 指令性计划
96margins desired 期毛利
97market mechanism 市场机制
98market channel 销售渠道市场渠道
99 market demand price 市场需求价格
100 market players 市场体
101 market regulation 市场调节
102 market share 市场份额
103 market value method 市场法
104 mediumsized enterprise 中型企业
105 merchandise inventory 商品库存
106 middleincome groupsection 中等收入阶层
107 mild inflation 温通货膨胀
108 negative growth 负增长
109 noncore business 非营业务
110 nonperforming loan 良贷款
111 Outboundoverseas Investment 海外投资
112 petrol chemistry 石油化工
113poverty line 贫困线
114privatelyor individuallyowned businesses 私营体工商户
115projecct management system 项目理体系
116property right market 产权市场
117public finance 财政
118purchasing power parity 购买力评价法
119qualitative analysis 定性分析
120quality guarantee 质量保证
121quantitative analysis 定量分析
122rate of return on equity 股收益率
123risk investmentventure capital 风险投资
124seller’s market 买方市场
125service outsourcing 服务外包
126shopping gala 购物狂欢节
127social benefitsreturns 社会效益
128soft landing 软着陆
129startup company 新兴企业
130state revenue 财政收入
131subprime crisis 次贷危机
132tangible assets 形资产
133 tax reduction and exemption 减免税收
134the globalization of capital 资全球化
135the Great Depression 济萧条
136the Internet of Things 物联网
137 the law of demandsupply 需求公定律
138the linkage system between the US dollar and the HK dollar 港币联系汇率制
139the primarysecondarytertiary industry(the service sector)第第二第三产业
140the real economy 实体济
141the subprime mortgage market 房产次贷抵押市场
142the threshold for business startups 创业门槛

143tighten the money supply 收缩银根
144total volume of retail sales of consumer goods 社会消费品零售总额
145total volume of retail sales 社会商品零售总额
146tade barrier 贸易障碍
147trademark registration 商标注册
148twoforone offerbuy one get one free 买送
149uppermiddle income 中等偏收入
150vested interests 利益
151virtual property 虚拟财产

1 Efforts should be made to reverse the current economic downturn and fight against protectionism in trade
2 The global economy is facing greater instability and uncertainty
3 By making investments across the country we’ll lay a new foundation for our economic competitiveness and contribute to smart urban and rural growth
4 What we need then is a smart transportation system equal to the needs of the 21st century
5 we’ll create highlyskilled construction and operating jobs and generate demand for technology that gives a new generation of innovators and entrepreneurs the opportunity to step up and lead the way in the 21st century

6 For the past generation discussion of inequality have focused overwhelmingly not on capital versus labor but on distributional issues between workers either on the gap between moreand lesseducated workers or on the soaring incomes of a handful of superstars in finance and other fields
7 The new capitalintensive technologies of the Industrial Revolution could actually make workers worse off at least for a whilewhich modern scholarship suggests may indeed have happened for several decades
8 Lower export demand and reduced foreign direct investment are more likely to hit urban jobs harder
9 Some developing countries are struggling with the fact that money transfers sent from migrants back home have declined substantially causing the loss of foreign exchange and household income
10 Unlike previous crises developing countries have less room to adjust to the deteriorating economic conditions
11 The economic crises also comes on the heel of the food and fuel crisis
12 Hunger and poverty often compel the poor to overexploit the resources on which their own livelihoods depend
13 It would be confronted with the bottleneck affecting the sustainable development at certain stage of its economic development
14 A resurgent American economy would do more to restore the confidence of the world in its own future than anything else
15 Stock and commodity markets markets have been rattled
16 Economic growth has averaged about nine percent a year
17 These measures are widely used to promote the local economy
18 They manufacture products at the price of land resources the environment and sustainability
19 Capital continually circulates in search of maximum investment opportunities
20 Net profit is the most important figure for working out if a company is healthy or not
21 The economy is still in a recession
22 The economic globalization has become an irreversible historical trend
23 The informationbased new economy represented by the Internet economy is advancing vibrantly
24 The enormous vitality and promising future of the new economy has caught attention from the governments and enterprises of all countries around the world since it is regarded as a new growth point for the world economy
25 Developed countries with their strong economic strength and technological advantages has taken the lead in grasping the growth opportunities generated from the new economy
26 The economic foundation is far from being sound and the current situation remains severe
27 This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below
28 The more dynamism there is in an economy the greater the opportunity
29 A much more positive kind of competition could emerge if managers thought about strategy in the right way
30 Many economists and marketing gurus predict a rosy season for online shopping
31 The price of gold surged a head on Friday but dropped back when business resumed on Monday
32 Even so the job creation could not keep pace with the surge in the labor force

第四单元 文化
1 八股文 eightlegged essays official stereotyped writing
2 八卦 Eight Trigram
3 百家姓Pamphlet of Chinese SurnamesBook of (china) Family Names
4 版权收入 royalty income
5 版权 owner of a copyright
6 命年 one’s animal year
7 博精深 broad and profound
8 策划 executive producer
9 承办 presented by
10 出土文物 unearthed relics
11 夕 Chinese New Year’s Eve
12 传统美德 traditional virtues
13 传统文化 traditional culture
14 传统文化知识 traditional cultural knowhow
15 创意eventconcept designed by
16 道德观 moral outlook
17 道德Tao Te Ching Classic of the Way of virtue
18 道德修养 moral selfcultivation
19 道法然 Tao models itself after nature
20 弟子规Disciples Regulation
21 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
22 外文化贸易 international cultural trade
23 二十四节气 24 solar terms
24 风土情 local conditions and customs
25 封号 official title
26 风水 fengshuigeomancy
27 改造落文化 transform the backward cultures
28 刚柔济 combination of softness and hardness
29 品德 individual integrity
30 公益性文化事业 nonprofit cultural programs
31 骨干文化企业 leadingkey cultural enterprises
32 顾问 advisor
33 国策 Discourses of the States
34 国家级保护文物 Class A heritagecultural property under national protection
35 国家类文物保护单位 cultural relics units under firstgrade state protection
36 翰林院 Imperial Academy
37 贵 Harmony is most precious
38 谐文化 harmonious culture
39 荷花奖 Lotus Award(for professional dance)
40 弘扬民族优秀文化 advance and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nation
41 厚德载物 Great virtue promotes growth
42 华表 cloud pillar ornamental column
43 原 redeem a wish
44 皇城根 the foot of the imperial city
45 家庭美德 family virtues
46 监制 supervised by
47 营性文化单位 cultural enterprises
48 营性文艺演出 commercial art and cultural performance
49 精神文明 spiritual civilization advanced culture and ethics
50 敬老慈幼 respect the old and love the young
51 孔孟道 ConfuciusMencius doctrines
52 孔雀奖 Peacock Award(for ethnic minority artists and artworks)
53 孔子学院 Confucius Institute
54 离骚Sorrow after Departure
55 礼乐文化 rites and music culture
56 礼仪邦 a land of ceremony and decorum
57 礼义廉耻 Courtesy Justice Integrity and Sense of Shame
58 礼 essence of the rites
59 礼制 ethnical codes
60 龙传 the generation of dragon
61 民思想 populist ideas
62 民间工艺品 folk arts and crafts
63 民间文化 folk culture
64 民俗庙会 temple fair of folk custom
65 民族文化 national culture
66 民族豪 national pride
67 墨家学派 the Mohist school
68 外兼修 whole care
69 年夜饭 family reunion dinner
70 农耕文化 farming culture
71 农历 Chinese lunar calendar
72 气节 moral integrity
73 全国级文物保护单位 Class A heritage site under state protection
74 全国重点文物保护单位 important heritage site under state protection
75 群星奖 Galaxy Award(for amateur artists and community culture)
76 仁 the foundation of harmony
77 三百 A Hundred Patriotic FilmsSongsBooks List
78 三乡(文化科技卫生) bring culture science and technology and hygienic health to the countryside
79 扫黄非 eliminatecrack down on pornography and illegal publications
80 善养浩气 skillful in nourishing virtual force
81 社会文化图书馆事业 work of community culture and libraries
82 社会公德 social code of conduct
83 慎言敏行 diligent in duties and careful in speech
84 十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac
85 史记 Historical Records
86 世界文化遗产 world cultural heritage site
87 世界遗产名录 the World heritage list
88 谥号 temple title
89 思维方式 the way of thinking
90 思想道德建设 raise ideological and ethical standards
91 四库全书 Complete works of Chinese Classics
92 隋唐佛学 The Buddhist philosophy during Sui and Tang Dynasties
93 天干支 Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches
94 天合 unity of man and nature
95 天公 the world or country for all
96 图书出版版税 book publishing royalties
97 晚会 evening performancegala night
98 文华奖 Splendor Award(for professional theatrical artworks)
99 文化宝藏 cultural treasures
100文化产业 cultural industry

101文化产业基 cultural industrial base
102文化传播渠道 channels of cultural transmission
103文化创新 bring forth new ideas in culture cultural innovation
104文化创意产业 cultural creative industry
105文化样性 cultural diversificationdiversity
106 文化界 cultural circles
107文化纽带 cultural bonds
108文化软实力 cultural soft power
109文化事业 cultural undertakings
110文化事业单位 cultural institutions
111文化(事业部)体制改革 internal reform of cultural institutions
112文化视点 cultural perspective
113文化体制改革 reform of cultural administrative system cultural restructuring
114文化乡长效机制 longterm mechanism for developing culture in rural areas
115文化需求 cultural needs
116文化摇篮 cradle of culture
117文化遗址 cultural relics
118 文化重建 cultural reconstruction
119文化资源整合 integration of cultural resources
120文化觉 cultural awareness
121文明素质 educational and ethical standards
122治 letting nature take its own coursegovern by noninterference
123五工程奖 the Best Works Award
124五 Five Classics
125吸收外国文化益成果 absorb the achievements of foreign cultures
126乡土文化 native culture
127孝敬 filial piety and reverence
128协办支持 cosponsoredsupported by
129新兴文化业态 emerging cultural formats
130修身齐家治国天 selfcultivation a wellmanaged family and the ability to administer the state and to bring peace to the nation
131压岁钱 red envelopemoney given to children as a lunar New Year gift
132炎黄子孙 a Chinese descendant the Chinese nation
133德行仁 practice humanity with virtue
134音乐版税 music royalties
135姻缘 prefixed fate of marriage
136源远流长 have a long history
137战国策 strategies of the Warring states
138职业道德 professional ethics
139中国意识 Chineseness
140中国元素 China’s elements
141中 harmony
142中山装 Chinese tunic suit Mao suit
143中庸道 doctrine of the mean
144重文化产业项目 major cultural industrial projects
145重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival
146办 under the auspices of sponsored by hosted by
147旋律 mainstream values
148总策划 producer
149左传 The Spring and Autumn Annals
1 扶持体现民族特色国家水准重文化项目艺术院团
We should support statelevel majortopnotch cultural projects and art troupes that represent national characteristics
2 艺术丝润心灵文化陶冶情操
Art nurtures the soul and culture cultivates the mind
3 文艺应贴群众贴生活贴实际
Culture and arts should bekeep close to the people their lives and reality
4 越民族越世界
What’s unique for a nation is also precious for the world
Harmony is a definingcore value of China’s cultural tradition It is an ideal that the Chinese nation has never ceased to pursue
We the Chinese hold that one should be as tolerantencompassing as the vast ocean which admits hundreds of rivers and should draw upon others’ strengths
Culture is the spiritual bond that ensures the continuity of our Chinese nation
Passing on fine culture is essential in maintaining the everlasting vitality of a nation
Principles for the protection of cultural heritage are preservation with timely rescue utilization under strict control
Culture gives human beings a sense of belonging
Chinese culture is highly cohesive and inspiring
12 中华民族传统文化博精深源远流长
The traditional Chinese culture both extensive and profound dates back to ancient times
13 早2000年前中国产生孔孟代表儒家学说老庄代表道家学说许中国思想史位学说学派
More than 2000 years ago there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi and many other theories and doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese thought
14 中国文字考历史追溯4000年前中国认古埃古巴伦古印度齐名世界四古代文明
With written records dating back over 4000 years China is recognized as one of the four great ancient civilizations of the world together with ancient Egypt ancient Babylon and ancient India
15 中国文化围棋游戏规简单明子解释清楚真正玩起逐渐领略中奥秘
Chinese culture is like the game of go the rules of which are clear simple and easy to follow but until you begin to play it you do not see the mystery and complexity involved in it
16 文化民间文化属众保护文化遗产繁荣民族文化关系公民
Culture stems from the people and belongs to them All citizens therefore should protect their cultural heritage and develop their national culture
17 中国历史悠久文化灿烂民族国家
China is a multiethnic country with a long history and a splendid culture
18 文化交流 外国文化吞没文化丰富充实民族文化
Cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing our own culture to a foreign one but one of enriching our nation’s own culture
19 长期中西方文化香港相互辉映相互交融
For a long time Hong Kong has embraced the Eastern and Western cultures
20 国历史悠久域辽阔口众民族职业年龄历教育程度样生活俗文化传统艺术爱
China has a long history a vast territory and a huge population Our people are of many ethnic groups different professions ages experiences and educational levels and they have varied customs cultural traditions and preferences for art
21 造纸术印刷术指南针火药中国古代科技四发明宋元时期相继传入世界世界文明作出巨贡献
During the Song and Yuan dynasties the four great inventions in science and technology by ancient Chinesepapermaking printing the compass and gunpowderwere introduced to other countries making great contributions to the world civilization
22 文化方面积极开展文化体制改革试点工作公文化基础设施建设进步加强文化信息资源享工程利实施
In culture we reformed the culture system on a trial basis upgraded cultural facilities for public use and implemented the project to share cultural information
23 思想文化中国古代文化灵魂凝练严谨理形式反映中国古代文化质
As the soul of ancient Chinese culture thinking reflects its essence in the form of concise and coherent theories
24 汉语世界古老四种语言三种分古埃文字古苏美尔文字古巴伦文字
Chinese is one of the four earliest written languages in the world the others being ancient Egyptian ancient Sumerian and ancient Babylonian
25 夕夜守岁俗聆听新年钟声燃放烟花爆竹旧迎新意味夕深刻体现春节题团圆
The ceremony of staying overnight to greet the New Year is observed during the eve when people listen to the toll of the New Year bell setting off fireworks and firecrackers events that are imbued with the implications of ringing out the old and ring in the new when the theme of reunion is highlighted to the full
26 中国需量吸收外国进步文化决批判兼收蓄
China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture but it must not swallow anything and everything uncritically
27 中华文明博精深源远流长类文明进步做出巨贡献
The Chinese civilization is extensive and profound and has a long history and it has contributed tremendously to the progress of human civilization
28 中文接触中华文化钥匙中华文化包括书法艺术绘画艺术陶器艺术古典文学历史等
The Chinese language is the key to the Chinese culture which includes calligraphy paintings ceramics literary classics history etc
29 国学价值体现:振奋民族精神传承中华美德提升文素质建设精神文明维护祖国统推动世界
Traditional Sinology has great value that finds full expression in elevating the national spirit carrying forward the fine traditions of the Chinese nation enhancing our cultural qualities strengthening our spiritual civilization maintaining unification and promoting world peace
30 藏民族文化然中华文化世界文化宝库颗璀璨明珠
Tibetan culture has all along been a dazzling pearl in the treasurehouse of the Chinese culture as well as that of the world as a whole
1 All Saints’ Day 万圣节
2 American plan (旅馆)美国式收费
3 an exclusively licensed show 独播剧
4 a soft job 轻松工作
5 a widow’s mite 礼轻情意重
6 beefcake 男性健美
7 be free to practice one’s religion 宗教信仰
8 bifocal vision 双重视野
9 break with old customs 抛弃传统
10 bus boy 饭店洗碗擦桌子杂工
11 catch22 法摆脱困难难逾越障碍
12 cinematic genres 电影流派
13 civic values 众价值观
14 clash with civilizations 文明碰撞
15 consumerist creed 消费义
16 corporate culture 企业文化
17 country fair 乡村集市
18 crosscultural communication 跨文化交流
19 crosscultural bridge 跨文化桥梁
20 cultural and creative industry 文化创意产业
21 cultural borrowing 文化
22 cultural circles 文化界
23 cultural complex 文化情结
24 cultural development 文化建设
25 cultural devolution 文化退化
26 cultural difference 文化差异
27 cultural exchange 文化交流
28 cultural hegemony 文化霸权
29 cultural heritage 文化遗产
30 cultural identity 文化认
31 cultural impact 文化影响
32 cultural infiltration 文化渗透
33 cultural insights 文化视角
34 cultural lag 文化落
35 cultural life 文化生活
36 cultural manifestation 文化诉求
37 cultural market 文化市场
38 cultural misreading 文化误读
39 cultural pluralism multiculturalism 文化元化
40 cultural relics 文物
41 cultural shock 文化击
42 cultural trade 文化贸易
43 cultural traditions 文化传统
44 culture area 文化区
45 culture of tolerance 宽容文化
46 cultureoriented travel 文化旅游
47 culture trait 文化特质
48 dialogue among civilizations 文明间话
49 digitally published product 数字出版物
50 digital publishing industry 数字出版业
51 dinner etiquette 餐桌礼仪
52 dominant culture 导文化
53 electronic reader 电子阅读器
54 ethnic origin 种族起源
55 flower children 配花嬉皮士
56 Flower Generation 花季代
57 genderneutral language 中性语言
58 generation X (90年代)未知代
59 goldcollars 金领阶层
60 hard drug 硬毒品易成瘾烈性毒品(海洛卡啡等)
61 heterogenous culture 异质文化
62 high culture 优等文化高级文化
63 highprofile TV series 热播电视剧
64 human civilization 类文明
65 humane historical sites 文历史遗迹
66 hyperindividualism 超级义
67 intellectual circles 知识界
68 intellectual property rights 知识产权
69 intercultural dialogue 跨文化话
70 isomorphic cultural community 质文化群体
71 King’s English 纯正英语
72 language restriction 语言限制义
73 library card 书卡
74 low culture 低等文化低级文化
75 文档香网(httpswwwxiangdangnet)户传




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d***n 5年前 上传1114   1


倒叙 inverted pyramid style 回访 return visit 均势 balance of power 社论 editorial 试播 start trial broadcasts 述评 commentary 顺叙 pyramid style 主编 chief editor 直播 live broadcast 专电 special disp

小***库 3年前 上传581   0


英语笔译转正申请书  以下是由本站介绍的英语笔译转正申请书  我知道,作为英语笔译员,我们必须牢记自己的使命,好好学习,在这一年中,我参加了全国研究生招生考试,并被南开大学外国语学院英汉笔译专业录取,这为我继续学习提供了一个很好的机会,在开学以后,我努力调整来适应新的环境和学习,并尝试去阅读专业以外的书籍,来扩大自己的视野,这对于提高自己的学习能力有很大的帮助。  在生活上,我牢记我

z***w 11年前 上传472   0


商务英语笔译个人实习报告  一.实习目的  1.通过本次实习使我能够从理论回到实践,更好的实现理论和实践的结合,为以后的工作和学习奠定初步的知识,使我能够亲身感受到由一个学生转变到一个职业商务英语笔译工作者的过程。  二.实习内容  2012年6月中下旬开始在本校内为期2个星期左右的商务英语笔译的实习,起初我对笔译还不是太了解,选择笔译是基于我对笔译工作的特别爱好。商务英语笔译是

Z***1 10年前 上传467   0


                                       **高尔夫 **高尔夫(运营)常用词语及专业用语 1、      球僮专业词语: 高尔夫球场、高尔夫俱乐部、会所、大堂、前台(接待台)、订场、 接待员、收银员、出发台、出发员、球僮主管、开球、开球时间、球僮休息室、专卖店、更衣室、餐厅、停车场、球车库、吹鞋区、草坪、长草区、沙坑、发球台、球道、果岭、洞、码、球车

v***7 11年前 上传11822   0



李***昕 5年前 上传1484   0



李***昕 5年前 上传2855   0


文言文常用词语表序号例词    词    义    例    句    出  处1比①靠近②比较,相比③等到其两膝相比者比吾乡邻之死则已后矣比及反也核舟记捕蛇者说王顾左右而言他  2  鄙目光短浅肉食者鄙,未能远谋曹刿论战   3   兵①兵器,武器②兵士,军队今南方已定,兵甲已足持兵揖曰上使外将兵出师表周亚夫军细柳陈涉世家 

文***品 3年前 上传760   0


员工手册目 录:董事长致词总经理致词经营理念:企业精神:第一章 公司简介1. 企业介绍 2. 公司机构第二章 聘用规定1. 基本政策l 公司员工在被聘用及晋升方面享有均等的机会;l 职位或补空缺职位时,本公司将在可能情况下首先考虑已聘用员工,然后再向外招聘;l 工作表现是本公司晋升员工的最主要依据。2. 入职手续l 应聘者通

涵***o 10年前 上传607   0


  常用药品专业知识手册   第一章   消化系统   一、反流性食管炎 [病因] 在一些诱因的作用下,食管下端括约肌不能正常地关闭,导致酸性的胃液或碱性的肠液反流入食管,并刺激、腐蚀食管粘膜,引起反流性食管炎。 [临床表现] 1、烧心:即胸骨后烧灼感或烧灼样疼痛。烧心常与姿势有关,故又叫做“姿势性烧心”,多在屈曲弯腰、咳嗽、用力排便、头低位仰卧或侧卧时出现。 2、反酸:胃内酸

g***i 9年前 上传7737   0



肖***1 4年前 上传1276   0


笔译实习总结  在这次笔译实习中,我接触到了涉及不同领域、不同文体的文章,有旅游文化资源、报刊议论文和关于水利水电的科普文章,并且初步了解到字幕校对工作是怎样来做的。这些材料没有很强的文学性,比较偏重实用性。于是,在翻译这些文章的时候需要考虑到用途、受众甚至是文化等多重因素,在收集、筛选相关信息以及表达时也要有较强的针对性。  大量的翻译材料让我感觉自己遨游在英语和汉语的文字世界中,语言

l***9 10年前 上传496   0


个人资料常用英语  个人资料常用英语name 姓名 in. 英寸 pen name 笔名 ft. 英尺 alias 别名 street 街 Mr. 先生 road 路 Miss 小姐 district 区 Ms 小姐或太太 house number 门牌 Mrs. 太太 lane 胡同,巷 age 年龄 height 身高 bloodtype 血型 weight 体重 address 地址

l***i 12年前 上传672   0


Banking English         What kind of account did you have in your mind? 你想开哪种帐户?   Do you like to open a current account?   你想开一个活期存款帐户吗?   A deposit or current account?   定期还是活期?  

c***h 8年前 上传5512   0


翻译服务合同(笔译)  甲方:_________________________  乙方:_________________________  甲乙双方经友好协商,就乙方为甲方提供翻译服务达成协议如下:  1.标的  _________________________________________________________  2.期限  乙方须在_______

y***0 12年前 上传651   0


教师工作手册 ( 至 学年度 学期)任教学科: 任教班级: 教师姓名: 填 写 说 明1.教师工作手册是教师履行工作职责、落实教学常规、反映教学成果、积累教学经验的记录,是每位教师的个人教学档案,是学校对教师教学工作进行检查考核的一个重要途径。2.必须本着对工作负责的态度认真、

l***e 11年前 上传545   0


1. Hello! (How do you do?)你好!2. How are you?-I'm fine. Thank you. and you?你好吗?我很好。谢谢,你呢?3.Good morning / afternoon/evening/night.早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。4. Excuse me。(sorry. I'm sorry)

s***g 1年前 上传401   0



游***9 3年前 上传749   0


成语复习第一讲 常用成语积累 1. 心急如焚:心里急得象着了火一样。形容非常着急。 2. 白驹过隙: 比喻时间过得很快,就骏马在细小的缝隙前飞快地越过一样。 3.入乡随俗:指到一个地方,就顺从当地的习俗。常形容外乡人尊重、适应和主动融入当地风俗文化。 4. 杯弓蛇影: 比喻疑神疑鬼,妄自惊慌。

4***1 1天前 上传68   0


ɑ>ɑr刀把儿dāobàr 号码儿hàomǎr 戏法儿xìfǎr 在哪儿zàinǎr  找茬儿zhǎochár 打杂儿dǎzár  板擦儿 bǎncār ɑi>ɑr名牌儿 mínɡpáir 鞋带儿 xiédàir   壶盖儿 húɡàir 小孩儿 xiǎoháir  加塞儿 jiāsāir ɑn>ɑr快板儿kuàibǎnr 老伴儿lǎobànr

文***7 4年前 上传781   0


一、勤奋、意志与成功  1. Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。2. No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。3. Constant dripping wears away a stone.水滴石穿,绳锯木断。4. Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。5. Ge

文***享 3年前 上传691   0


交际用语易错常考的日常交际用语1. 问候和应答 A: How are you doing? B: Fine, thank you. / Just so-so.A: Please remember me to your parents. B: Sure, I will.2. 介绍和应答A: This is Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms Brown

v***j 11年前 上传707   0


小学英语常用口语汇总1. Hello! (How do you do?) 你好!2. How are you?-I'm fine. Thank you. and you?你好吗?我很好。谢谢,你呢?3.Good morning / afternoon/evening/night.早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。4. Excuse me。(sorry. I'm sorry)打搅一下(对

s***g 2年前 上传439   0


英语四六级应试技巧—经验材料     很多同学学习新概念的目的是为了准备四六级的考试,关于BT的四六级考试,在这里简单的说明一下如何准备四六级考试以及考试的技巧,这一部分是整理自戴尔英语副校长张建成老师和新东方国内考试部范猛老师的讲座。     四六级考试自推出的时候就是不完善的,虽然经过多年的修正,但是无法解决其考试指导思想与运转体系上的问题。就像一个一出生就先天残疾的婴儿,无论怎

f***6 10年前 上传450   0


复旦、交大自主招生英语应试指导及真题详解第 七 讲:英 语 写 作 (二)大作文往年试题:Directions: write a composition of no less than 250 words according to the outline given below.Sample 1My View on Playing Computer Games1. 有

b***8 10年前 上传604   0