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学英语外研版四年级册Module 1 单元测试(含答案)
( )1Anice Brice Ccool
( )2Acall Bball Canswer[源学§科§网Z§X§X§K]
( )3Ashe Bshy Che
( )4Aaunt Bdoctor Cuncle
( )5Asheep Bclever Cparrot
二 英汉互译
1 位亲切老师____________________[源学科网ZXXK]
2 点害羞____________________
3 爱男孩____________________
4 妹妹____________________
5 淘气鸟____________________
6 my big brother____________________
7 my aunt____________________
8 tall and clever____________________
9 a shy doctor____________________
10 a clever pupil____________________
三 选词填空
A Yes Bfriend C a bit Dbig Eclever
1 This elephant is_________ short
2 Are you a pupil _________I am
3 This is my _________Jack
4 Amy is very _________
5 Look at my _________brotherHe is naughty
四 单项选择题
( )1My mother is ________ tall
Avery Blittle Cmuch
( )2Monkeys are _________animals
Abad Bclever Cshy
( )3This is my big brother_________is cool
Ahim Bhis Che
( )4Amy is very nice________she is a bit shy
AAnd BBut CWhen
( )5This is my _________
Aa friend Bfriend Cfriends
五 根问句选择合适答语
( )1Is she cute
AYesshe is BNoshe is CYesshe isn’t
( )2Are you a naughty boy
AYesI’m not BNoI am CNoI’m not
( )3What’s this
AThis is a bird BThat is a bird CIt’s a bird
( )4Is it tall
AYesit is BNoit is tall CYesthis is
( )5Is this your book
AYesit is BYesit isn’t CNoit is
六 求写句子
1 He is a clever boy(改复数句)
2 Amy is a shy girl(改否定句)
3 My big brother is naughty(改般疑问句)
4 He is a teacherHe is nice(合句话)
5 Parrot is a bad bird(改否定句)
七 阅读短文判断(√)错(×)
I am LintaoI’m a cool pupilLook at the pictureThis is my fatherhe is tall and strongHe likes playing footballThis is my mothershe is niceShe likes drawing picturesAnd this is my little sistershe is very naughtyI like her very muchWe are very happy
( )1Lin Tao is a nice pupil
( )2Lin Tao’s father is short
( )3Lin Tao’s mother is nice
( )4Lin Tao’s little sister is beautiful
( )5Lin Tao’s mother likes drawing pictures

1 5 B B B B B

二 英汉互译
1 a nice teacher
2 a bit shy
3 a cute boy
4 my little sister
5 a naughty bird
6 哥哥
7 阿姨
8 高聪明
9 位害羞医生
10 聪明学生

三 选词填空
1 5 C A B E D

15 A B C B B

15 A C C A A

六 求写句子
1 They are clever boys
2 Amy isn’t a shy girl
3 Is your big brother naughty
4 He is a nice teacher
5 Parrot isn’t a bad bird

七 阅读短文判断(√)错(×)
× × √ × √

Module 1测试卷
( 时间40分钟 满分100分 )
听力部分( 30分 )
听录音选出听单词( 10分 )
( A )1Anice     Bcool     Csister
( C )2Acute Blittle Cbit
( B )3Auncle Bcall Caunt
( B )4Ashy Bbad Cbig
( A )5Aclever Banswer Cpupil
二听录音选出听句子( 10分 )
( B )1AThis is my little sister
BThis is my brother
CThis is my teacher
( B )2ASam is very clever[源学科网]
BSam is very cute
CSam is a naughty boy
( A )3AShe is a bit shy[源学科网]
BShe is a clever girl[源学科网ZXXK]
CHe’s very naughty
( B )4AMy uncle is very cool
BMy uncle is very clever
CMy aunt is very nice
( B )5AThey’re my friends
BThey’re Maomao’s friends
CThey’re clever pupils
三听录音判断句子正( T )误( F )( 10分 )
( T )1He’s a nice teacher
( F )2He’s very naughty
( F )3My brother is very clever
( T )4This is Ms Smart
( T )5This is my little sister
笔试部分( 70分 )
四选出类项( 10分 )
( C )1Anice     Bcute     Csister[源学科网ZXXK]
( A )2Ashy Bfriend Cteacher
( C )3Anaughty Bcool Cpupil
( A )4Acall Bshy Cbad
( A )5Ashe Bthis Cthat
五单项选择( 15分 )
( B )1They    Tom’s friends 
Ais       Bare       Chave
( A )2This is my mother    very nice 
AShe’s BHe’s CI
( C )3—Are you naughty—   〚导学号89364012〛 
AYeshe is
BNoI am
CYesI am
( A )4This is my little    She’s very cute [源学科网]
Asister Bbrother Cfather

( B )5—Is Mr smart nice—Yes    is 
Ashe Bhe Cit
六根汉语提示补全句子( 15分 )
1This is my uncleHe’s very clever( 聪明 )
2That is my little sisterShe’s cute( 爱 )
3This is my motherShe’s a nice( 友 ) teacher
4Maomao is very niceBut she’s a bit( 点 ) shy 
5He’s tall and cool( 酷 ) 〚导学号89364013〛
七情景交际( 15分 )
( B )1想介绍爸爸位医生善应该说   〚导学号89364014〛 
AMy father is a nurseHe’s nicetoo
BMy father is a doctorHe’s nicetoo
( B )2想描述男孩调皮应该说   
AThe little boy is cool
BThe little boy is naughty
( B )3想夸奖张女士聪明应该说   
AMiss Zhang is cool
BMiss Zhang is clever
( B )4Amy想家介绍朋友玲玲说   
AI’m Lingling
BThis is Lingling
( A )5想表达Lucy高爱应该说   
ALucy is tall and cute
BLucy is tall and shy
八阅读短文求做题( 15分 )
This is TomHe’s a nice pupilHe’s a bit naughtyThese are Linda and BenThey are Tom’s parents( 父母亲 )Linda is a housewifeShe does the housework every dayBen is a cookHe can cook delicious foodThis is his brother TonyHe’s watching TV nowHe’s very shy
Ⅰ根短文容填空( 6分 )
①Tom is a bit naughty
②Linda is a housewife
③Ben can cook delicious food
④Tony is watching TV now
Ⅱ连词成句( 9分 )
He is a nice pupil 
Ben is a cook 
③isthisbrotherhisTony 〚导学号89364015〛
This is his brother Tony 


( 时间40分钟 满分100分 )
听力部分( 30分 )
听录音选出听单词( 10分 )
( A )1Anice     Bcool     Csister
( C )2Acute Blittle Cbit
( B )3Auncle Bcall Caunt
( B )4Ashy Bbad Cbig
( A )5Aclever Banswer Cpupil
二听录音选出听句子( 10分 )
( B )1AThis is my little sister
BThis is my brother
CThis is my teacher
( B )2ASam is very clever
BSam is very cute
CSam is a naughty boy
( A )3AShe is a bit shy
BShe is a clever girl
CHe’s very naughty
( B )4AMy uncle is very cool
BMy uncle is very clever
CMy aunt is very nice
( B )5AThey’re my friends
BThey’re Maomao’s friends
CThey’re clever pupils
三听录音判断句子正( T )误( F )( 10分 )
( T )1He’s a nice teacher
( F )2He’s very naughty
( F )3My brother is very clever
( T )4This is Ms Smart
( T )5This is my little sister
笔试部分( 70分 )
四选出类项( 10分 )
( C )1Anice     Bcute     Csister
( A )2Ashy Bfriend Cteacher
( C )3Anaughty Bcool Cpupil
( A )4Acall Bshy Cbad
( A )5Ashe Bthis Cthat
五单项选择( 15分 )
( B )1They    Tom’s friends 
Ais       Bare       Chave
( A )2This is my mother    very nice 
AShe’s BHe’s CI
( C )3—Are you naughty—   〚导学号89364012〛 
AYeshe is
BNoI am
CYesI am
( A )4This is my little    She’s very cute 
Asister Bbrother Cfather

( B )5—Is Mr smart nice—Yes    is 
Ashe Bhe Cit
六根汉语提示补全句子( 15分 )
1This is my uncleHe’s very clever( 聪明 )
2That is my little sisterShe’s cute( 爱 )
3This is my motherShe’s a nice( 友 ) teacher
4Maomao is very niceBut she’s abit( 点 ) shy 
5He’s tall and cool( 酷 )
七情景交际( 15分 )
( B )1想介绍爸爸位医生善应该说   
AMy father is a nurseHe’s nicetoo
BMy father is a doctorHe’s nicetoo
( B )2想描述男孩调皮应该说   
AThe little boy is cool
BThe little boy is naughty
( B )3想夸奖张女士聪明应该说   
AMiss Zhang is cool
BMiss Zhang is clever
( B )4Amy想家介绍朋友玲玲说   
AI’m Lingling
BThis is Lingling
( A )5想表达Lucy高爱应该说   
ALucy is tall and cute
BLucy is tall and shy
八阅读短文求做题( 15分 )
This is TomHe’s a nice pupilHe’s a bit naughtyThese are Linda and BenThey are Tom’s parents( 父母亲 )Linda is a housewifeShe does the housework every dayBen is a cookHe can cook delicious foodThis is his brother TonyHe’s watching TV nowHe’s very shy
Ⅰ根短文容填空( 6分 )
①Tom is a bit naughty
②Linda is a housewife
③Ben can cook delicious food
④Tony is watching TV now
Ⅱ连词成句( 9分 )

Module 1 Unit 1 She's a nice teacher
班级: 姓名: 等级:
( )1 a bit A年幼 B 点
( )2 shy A害羞 B熊猫
( )3 nice A友善 B米饭
( )4 clever A爱 B聪明
( )5 naughty A淘气 B酷

1friend (复数) 2good(反义词)
3aunt(应词) 4father(应词)
5have(第三称单数) 6two(音词)
7sister(应词) 8student(义词)
9up(反义词) 10fall(现分词)

1 This is (I my) teacher
2 Is that (you your) aunt
3 It is close (to from) school
4 Chengdu is big (and or) beaytiful
5 London Bridge is (fall falling) down
1 Maomao is very nice but she is a bit (害羞)
2 This is Ms Smart She is very ()
3 Xiaoyong is a (聪明) pupil
4 Parrot is a very (淘气) bird
5 This is my father He’s very (酷)[源ZxxkCom]

( ) 1This is Amy _________very nice
A She’s B He’s [源ZxxkCom]
( ) 2Parrot is a very naughty__________
A panda B bird
( ) 3This is my________ She’s very cute
A brother Bsister
( ) 4He’s a naughty_________
A boy B girl
( ) 5This is Xiaoyong _______very clever
A She’s B He’s[源Z_xx_kCom]
( )6 I have a book tigers
A in B at C about
( )7 This is Big Ben It’s very old And it’s very
A tall B wide[源ZxxkCom]
( )3 This is Hyde Park It’s very  
A shy B beautiful
( )4 This is Tower Bridge It’s very
A small B famous
( )5 This is a book about London It’s very
A nice B naughty

(  )1 How are you    A.It’s Buckingham Palace
(  )2 What’s this    B.My name is Xiaoyong
(  )3 Is that your house  C.I’m fine thank you
(  )4 What’s your name  D.No it isn’t
(  )5 How old are you  E.Yes he is
( )6 Are you clever F Yesit is
( )7 What’s your name G Yes I am
( )8 Is Parrot a naughty bird H I’m ten
( )9 Is Xiaoyong a clever boy I My name is Panpan

七阅读短文判断正( T )误( F )
Welcome to Beijing Beijing is the capital of China There are many famous places (方) in Beijing These are some pictures This is the Great Wall(长城)It’s very old and very long This is Summer Palace (颐园) It’s beautiful and famousThere are many old houses in Summer Palace
1 Beijing is the capital of China ( )
2 This is Big Ben in Beijing ( )
3 The Great Wall is very wide ( )
4 Summer Palace is beautiful and famous ( )
5 There are many old houses in Summer Palace ( )

Module 1
(总分:100分 答题时间:40分钟)
听 力 部 分
(  )1 A shy     B my     C why
(  )2 A nine B rice C nice
(  )3 A where B clever C what
(  )4 A cute B pupil C pencil
(  )5 A little B a bit C window
二 听单词题中选出听单词应图片答案标号写题号边方框(10分)


三 听句子题ABC三选项中选出听句子答案标号写题前括号(10分)
(  )11 A She's a bit shy
B He's a bit shy
C Her sister is a bit shy
(  )12 A This is my teacher
B This is my sister
C This is my brother
(  )13 A Mother is tall [源学&科&网Z&X&X&K]
B Father is tall
C Brother is tall
(  )14 A You're the winner
B I'm the winner
C He's the winner
(  )15 A He's cool
B He's very naughty
C She's nice
四 听句子题ABC三选项中选出听句子恰答语答案标号写题前括号(10分)
(  )16 A YesI am
B YesI has
C NoI haven't
(  )17 A It's clever
B It's half past nine
C It's fine
(  )18 A Yesshe doesn't
B Nohe doesn't
C Yesshe does
(  )19 A I'm nine
B I'm a teacher
C I'm Daming
(  )20 A I'm fourteen
B Good
C Fourteen
笔 试 部 分

慧眼识珠(5分)Between friends all is common朋友间分彼
(  )1 Maomao is very________
A ball B girl C tall
(  )2 This is my little sister _______ cute
A She B She’s C Her is
(  )3 Sam is ________ English boy
A a B an C 填
(  )4 There are many boats________ the river
A about B under C on
(  )5 These________ my books
A are B is C am
二 会说英语符合求句子序号填横线(10分)

1 告诉哥哥英语应该说:________
A This is my mother
B This is my big brother
C This is my sister
2 非常聪明女孩英语应该说:________
A She is a very clever girl
B She is very clever girl
C She is a clever girl
3 友善老师英语应该说:________[源学_科_网]
A She is a nice doctor
B She is a nice girl
C She is a nice teacher
4 明弟弟英语应该说:________
A Look in Xiaoming's little brother
B Look at Xiaoming's little brother
C Look at Xiaoming's brother
A You’re a doctor
B You’re a clever doctor
C You’re a naughty doctor
三 连词成句棒(注意写标点)(10分)
1 is this big my sister()
2 Smart is Ms nice teacher a()
3 has she little curl a()
4 at his little look brother()
5 is she a nice teacher()
四 单词拼写(10分)
6 Ms Smith is very n____ ____e ().
7 My brother is a little n____ugh____y (淘气).
8 Amy is very cl____v____r (聪明).
9 Don't be s____y (害羞).
10 It's a b____t (点) cold Cheats never prosper骗发财
五 火眼金睛选出题中错误项正确答案写面线(10分)
(  )1 are ________
(  )2 is Ms Smart is a nice ________
(  )3 Parrot naughty ________
(  )4 Lili a clever ________
(  )5 little ________[源学科网]
六 力士分分类单词搬家单词写应房子里(10分)
brother he nice I naughty is cool father sister am shy she clever are mother21世纪教育网版权

七 读读画画(5分)
In the parkthere is a lake One boat is on the lake Near the lakethere are two trees Some birds are on the trees Some boys are under the trees They are playing chess


Module 1 
1 shy 2 nice 3 clever 4 cute
5 window
二 6 bike 7 shy 8 naughty
9 banana 10 biscuits
三 11 She's a bit shy
12 This is my brother
13 Father is tall
14 I'm the winner
15 He's cool
四 16 Have you got a tiger
17 What's the time
18 Does she like Chinese[源学科网]
19 How old are you
20 How many girls
1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C
二 6 B 7 E 8 C 9 A 10 D
三 11 A 12 C 13 B 14 B
15 A
四 16 C 17 B 18 C 19 A
20 C
1 C 解析:tall作形容词意高
2 B 解析:girl女孩
3 B 解析:English元音音素开头an
4 C 解析:on the river指河面
5 A 解析:these复数形式are应
二 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C
三 1 This is my big sister
2 Ms Smart is a nice teacher
3 She has a little curl
4 Look at his little brother
5 She is a nice teacher
四 1 book 2 rice 3 bread 4 kite
5 swim 6 nice 7 naughty
8 clever 9 shy 10 bit
五 1 C friends 2 B She 3 B a
4 A is 5 A Look at
六 家庭成员:brotherfathersistermother
七 略

Module 1达标测试卷
时间:40分钟 满分:100分
听力部分 (30分)
(  ) 1 A shy         B by         C my
(  ) 2 A teacher B mother C answer
(  ) 3 A call B cool C girl
(  ) 4 A big B bad C bag
(  ) 5 A little B bit C nice
1  2 3   4   5

 A clever    B nice    C cool    D shy   E naughty
三听录音判断列句子听容(T)否(F)相符(10分) [源学科网ZXXK]
(  ) 1 This is my friend
(  ) 2 This is my aunt She's very nice
(  ) 3 This is Maomao She's a clever pupil
(  ) 4 My little sister is cute
(  ) 5 My friend is very cool
(  ) 1 A The elephant is very naughty   B The elephant is very cute
(  ) 2 A The man is my uncle B The woman is my aunt
(  ) 3 A The little boy is cute B The big girl is shy
(  ) 4 A It is a clever elephant B It is a naughty bird
(  ) 5 A My teacher is nice and clever B My teacher is clever and cool
笔试部分 (70分)
1       2       3  

    4       5
(  ) 1 A she         B he        C my
(  ) 2 A teacher B father C aunt
(  ) 3 A naughty B bird C nice
(  ) 4 A answer B little C big
(  ) 5 A this B that C they
A  B  C  D
1 Mingming is a________ pupil
2 Can you ________ the call now
3 This ________ my father
4 They ________ my friends
(  ) 1 Tingting is ________ good pupil
A an B a C
(  ) 2 She is ________ shy
A a bit B bit C a bits
(  ) 3 This is Amy ________ very cute [源Z*xx*kCom]
A She B She's C He's
(  ) 4 ________ you answer the call
—No I can't
A Do B Can C Are
(  ) 5 This is my ________ He's very clever
A sister B aunt C uncle
(  ) 6 —The elephant is clever
—And very naughty ________
A two B to C too
(  ) 7 She ________ a little cat
A have B has C are
(  ) 8 Ms Wang is ________
A a nice B nice teacher C a nice teacher
1               A It's a naughty bird
2 B She is a cute girl
3 C The boy is very clever [源学科网]
4 D It's a cute elephant
5 E The teacher is very nice

例:This is my teacher
She is very tall

1 This is ________ ________
She is very ________

2 This ________ my ________
He is________ ________


3 This is________ ________
She is ________ ________

4 This ________ ________ ________
He ________ ________ ________

5 ____________________________________
Hello I'm Tingting Look at my family photo There are four people in my family This is my father He's a doctor And he is very clever This is my mother She's a nice teacher She teaches English The pupils like her very much This is my little brother He's two He's very cute and naughty This is me I'm a clever pupil
(  ) 1 There are three people in my family
(  ) 2 My father is a worker
(  ) 3 My mother is an English teacher
(  ) 4 My little brother is cool
(  ) 5 I'm a clever pupil
Module 1达标测试卷
1 shy 2 answer 3 cool 4 big 5 little
二1 This is Ms Smart She's a nice teacher
2 This is Xiaoyang He's very clever
3 This is Maomao She's a bit shy
4 Parrot is a naughty bird
5 This is my big brother He's cool
三1 They are my friends
2 This is my mother She's very nice
3 This is Maomao She's a bit shy
4 This is my little sister She's cute
5 My friend is very cool
四1 The elephant is very naughty
2 The woman is my aunt
3 The big girl is shy
4 It is a clever elephant
5 My teacher is nice and clever
1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 A 
二1 B 2 A 3 D 4 E 5 C
三1 F 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T
四1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 A
五1  2  3  4  5
六1 C  shehe 称代词格my 形容词性物代词
2 A 3 B
4 A  [点拨])A项动词BC项形容词
5 C
七1 A 2 D 3 B 4 C
八1 B
2 A  [点拨])a bit 意点
3 B 4 B
5 C  [点拨])He知男性选uncle
6 C[源学科网ZXXK]
7 B  [点拨])she第三称单数选has
8 C [源ZxxkCom]
九1 E 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 D
十1 my mother nice
2 is father very cool
3 my sister very shy
4 is my brother is very naughty
5 This is my uncle He is very clever
十1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T
Module 1关检测卷
时间:40分钟 满分:100分
 Part 1 Listening 听 (30)
(  ) 1 A nice     B shy     C this
(  ) 2 A they B that C these[源学科网ZXXK]
(  ) 3 A shy B nice C rice
(  ) 4 A aunt B uncle C friend
(  ) 5 A cute B book C bad
1           A is very cool
2   B is very naughty
3 C is very cute
4 D is very nice
5 E is very clever
(  ) She's a bit shy
(  ) This is Li Hong
(  ) She's tall and clever
(  ) This is my little sister
(  ) Parrot is not a bad bird [源学科网]
Part2 Reading and Writing
1 She is a nice teacher ride________
2 Mike is my brother bit________
3 My father is very cool school________
4 He's not a bad bird bag________
5 Xiaoyong is clever   desk________
(  ) 1 This is my little brother ________ very cute
A He     B She's C He's
(  ) 2 Lingling is ________ shy
A bit B a bit C a bit of
(  ) 3 They are my ________
A friends B sister C teacher
(  ) 4 This ________ my uncle
A am B is C are
(  ) 5 She is ________ aunt
A I B me C my

A He's a naughty bird     
B She is a cute girl
C The boy is very clever
D It's a cute elephant
E The teacher is very nice

(  ) 1   (  ) 2 (  ) 3
(  ) 4 (  ) 5
__________________________________________________________________ [源学科网]
Module 1关检测卷
1 shy 2 they 3 nice 4 aunt 5 cute
二1 This is my teacher She's very nice
2 This is my uncle He's very cool
3 This is my little brother He's very clever
4 Parrot is very naughty But he isn't a bad bird
5 This is my little sister She's very cute
三1 This is Li Hong   2 Parrot is not a bad bird
3 This is my little sister   4 She's a bit shy
5 She's tall and clever
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 A
二1-D 2-A 3-E 4-B 5-C
三 4 1 5 3 2
四1 nice 2 is 3 cool 4 bad 5 clever
五1 C 点拨:句中my little brother知处应应代词he空格面very cute知前面应be动词A 项中be动词正确
2 B 点拨:shy 形容词a bit修饰a bit of修饰名词
3 A 点拨:题考查名词复数运语They知名词复数形式
4 B 点拨:题考查交际语介绍某时This is 句型
5 C 点拨:题考查代词运句中aunt名词形容词性物代词修饰
六家庭称呼:A C E G I  形容词:B D F H J
七1 E 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 D
八1 He is a clever boy
2 This is my little sister
3 This is my big brother
4 Can you answer the call now
( ) 1Aclever Bnice Cgirl
( ) 2Amother Bfather Ccool
( ) 3Anaughty Bcat Cbird
( ) 4Abird Bdoctor Cteacher
( ) 5Athat Bthis Cis

She's my _________ He's my _________

He is __________ He's my ________

She is my ________
( ) 1 ____ your brother a clever boy
Yeshe is
A Is
B Do
C Are
( ) 2My father is very ____
A cool
B little
C big
( ) 3What's thisYang Ling
____ a toy monkey
A That is
B You are
C It is
( ) 4My sister is ____ shy
A a bit
B bit of
C little
( )5This is ____ album ____ my family
A a about
B an about
C a at
1This is my friend(改复数句)
2 naughty He very is(.)(连词成句)
3 brother This little my is(.)(连词成句)
4 She is tall She is clever(合成句话)
( ) 1This is Mike
( ) 2Is he a clever boy
( ) 3Can you answer the call now
( ) 4Parrot is a very naughty bird
( ) 5How old are you
A Yes I can
B I'm eleven
C Yes he is
D But he's not bad
E Nice to meet you
Tom is my friend He is from America He likes China very much Now he is in Beijing He is tall and clever But he is a bit shy There are four people in his family His father is cool And his mother is very nice And his little sister is cute
( ) 1Tom is from America
( ) 2Tom is short and a bit shy
( ) 3There are four people in Tom's family
( ) 4Tom's father is cool
( ) 5Tom's little sister is naughty

1 C 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C
二1 sister 2 brother 3 clever 4 uncle 5 aunt
三1 A 2 A 3C 4 A 5 B
四 1 These are my friends
2 He is very naughty
3 This is my little brother
4 She is tall and clever
五l E 2C 3 A 4 D 5 B
六lT 2F 3T 4T 5F

Module1 单元测试卷
( ) 1 A short B little C tall
( ) 2 A very B pupil C clever
( ) 3 A brother B cute C little
( ) 4 A nice B shy C very
( ) 5 A bad B cool C naughty

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) 1 A This is my little sister
B This is my little brother
C This is my mother
( ) 2 A She’s a bit shy
B He’s a bit shy
C He’s cool
( ) 3 A This is my big brother
B This is my big sister
C This is my sister
( ) 4 A Panpan is very naughty
B Panpan is very clever
C Panpan is very cute
( ) 5 A My little sister is very cute
B My little sister is very naughty
C My little brother is very naughty
( ) 1 My mother is a nice teacher
( ) 2 This is my uncle He’s clever
( ) 3 My friend is very naughty
( ) 4 Lanlan is tall and clever
( ) 5 Parrot is a very naughty bird
( ) 1 A he B she C my
( ) 2 A clever B mother C father
( ) 3 A bad B good C girl
( ) 4 A shy B cool C uncle
( ) 5 A brother B call C sister
( ) 1 This is my mother _______ a nice teacher
A He’s B She’s C She
( ) 2 This is my uncle _______ very clever
A He’s B She’s C He
( ) 3 My sister _______ a naughty girl
A am B is C are
( ) 4 Amy look at Tom’s little sister
A Yes she is B No she isn’t C Oh she’s cute
( ) 5 This is Ms Smart
_______ a nice teacher
A He’s B She’s C It’s
( ) 1 Look the elephant is clever and naughty
A 头象聪明
B 头象淘气
C 头象聪明淘气
( ) 2 Can you answer the call now
A 现接电话?
B 现电话?
C 电话
( ) 3 Xiaoyong is a clever pupil
A 勇聪明
B 勇学生
C 勇聪明学生
( ) 4 They are my friends
A 朋友
B 朋友
C 朋友
( ) 5 My little sister is very cute
A 妹妹淘气
B 妹妹爱
C 妹妹害羞
Look at this picture This is my mother She is very nice This is my father He is tall and strong This is my little brother He is cute And this is me We all love each other
(1) There are four people in the family
(2) I have a little brother
(3) My father is very tall
(4) My mother is very nice
(5) I’m not in the picture


1 little
2 clever
3 cute
4 shy
5 bad

1 This is Maomao She’s shy
2 This is Xiaoyong He’s very clever
3 She’s my teacher Ms Smart
4 This is a bird It’s very naughty
5 This is my big brother He’s very cool

1 This is my little sister
2 He’s a bit shy
3This is my big brother
4 Panpan is very cute
5 My little brother is very naughty

1 My mother is a nice teacher
2 This is my uncle He's clever
3 My friend is very cute
4 Lanlan is short and clever
5 Parrot is a very naughty bird




15 √√××√




(1)(5) √√√√×
Module 1

1 The baby is c_______
2 The girl is c_______[源Z&xx&kCom]
3 The boy is n_______
4 The boy is c_______
三 单项选择
( )1 These are my __________
A friend B teacher C friends
( )2 __________ is my father
A These B This C She
( )3 He’s a clever __________
A pupils B students C student
( )4 —__________ you naughty —Yes I am[源学科网ZXXK]
A Am B Are C Is[源学|科|网Z|X|X|K]
( )5 —Is Parrot a naughty bird —Yes it __________
A is B isn’t C does
( )6 My mother has a sister She is my __________
A sister B uncle C aunt
( )7 You __________ a naughty boy
A am B is C are
( )8 This is my uncle __________ very clever
A He’s B She’s C He
( )9 He’s __________ shy
A little B bit C a bit[源ZxxkCom]
( )10 Mr smart is __________ nice teacher
A a B an C very
1 Are you a bit shy(作肯定回答)
_______ _______ _______
2 He is a naughty pupil(变般疑问句)
_______ _______ a naughty pupil
3 This is my friend(变复数句子)
_______ _______ my friends
4 clever He is very()(连词成句)
5 a bit he’s But shy()(连词成句)
五 根图片首字母提示补全句子
1 This is my l__________ sister She’s c__________
2 This is my big b__________ He’s a p__________
3 My friend is very n__________
4 She’s my mother’s sister She’s my a__________
(参考句型 This is … She’sHe’s … My is )

1 ___________________________________________________________________[源学科网]
2 ___________________________________________________________________
3 ___________________________________________________________________
4 ___________________________________________________________________
5 ___________________________________________________________________
1 call 2 uncle 3 clever 4 cool 5 mother 6 very
二(仅供参考)1cute 2clever 3naughty 4cool
三1 C 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 C 8 A 9 C 10 A
四1Yes I amwe are Are you?肯定答语YesI amwe are
2Is he 陈述句变般疑问句be动词is提句首句首单词首字母写句号变问号
3These are this复数theseis复数are
4He is very clever
5But he’s a bit shy
五1 little cute 2 brother pupil 3 naughty 4 aunt
六1 My father is very tall
2 My mother is a teacher
3 I’m a bit shy
4 My uncle is very clever
5 This is my sister She’s very cute

Module 1
( )1 uncle A aunt B want
( )2 shy A bad B pupil
( )3 he A nice B she
( )4 little A big B mother
( )5 cute A pretty B but
二 根课文容请物相应性格连起
1 clever 2 naughty 3 nice 4 shy

三 右栏中选出左栏中短语汉语意思

( )1 tall and clever A 位老师
( )2 a bit naughty B 哥哥[源学科网ZXXK]
( )3 answer the call C 接电话
( )4 a nice teacher D 高聪明
( )5 my big brother E 点淘气
四 单项选择
( )1 The monkey is naughty __________ not bad
A and B but C of
( )2 They are my __________
A friends B friend C brother
( )3 This is my uncle __________ a doctor
A They’re B She’s C He’s
( )4 __________ you answer the question (问题)?[源学_科_网]
A Are B Can C Is
My English teacher is very nice His name is Li Jun He is tall and cool He speaks English very well He likes playing football We all like him very much[源学科网]
( )1 My English teacher’s name is Li Yan
( )2 He is cool and short
( )3 He speaks French very well
( )4 He likes playing football
( )5 He is very bad
1A uncle(叔叔)aunt(阿姨)名词want(想)动词选A
2A shy(害羞)bad(坏)形容词pupil(学生)名词选A
3B he()she()称代词nice()形容词选B
4A little()big()形容词mother(妈妈)名词选A
5A cute(爱)pretty(漂亮)形容词but()连词选A
二 1—B 2—A 3—C 4—D
三1 D 2 E 3 C 4 A 5 B
四1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B
五1F My English teacher is very nice His name is Li Jun知句错误
2F He is tall and cool知句错误[源ZxxkCom][源学科网ZXXK]
3F He speaks English very well知句错误
4T He likes playing football知句正确
5F My English teacher is very nice知句错误
Module 1
( )1 A he B she C my
( )2 A clever B mother C aunt
( )3 A bad B little C answer
( )4 A shy B cool C uncle
( )5 A brother B call C sister
二 选出类单词
( )1 A aunt B doctor C teacher
( )2 A cute B nice C nine
( )3 A answer B bad C good
( )4 A father B brother C little
( )5 A they B my C you
( )1 This is Lily She is _______ bit shy
A an B a C the
( )2 This _______ my English teacher
A is B am C are
( )3 They _______ my friends
A am B is C are[源ZxxkCom]
( )4 Tom is a naughty _______
A boy B girl C bad
( )5 —Is she cute
—No _______
A she is B I’m not C she isn’t
四 求改写句子
1 These are my friends(改单数句)
2 This is my little sister(改般疑问句作肯定回答)
3 She is a clever pupil(改否定句)[源学科网ZXXK]
4 Are you fat(作否定回答)
5 It is a very naughty bird(改般疑问句作否定回答)
This is my class There are fortynine students in our class There are twentyfive boys and twentyfour girls There is an English student in our class Her name is Amy Her English is very good We all like her She likes eating noodles and dumplings She likes drinking milk and tea I like eating rice and drinking juice We are good friends[源学|科|网Z|X|X|K]
( )1 There are twentyfour girls in my class
( )2 There is an English boy in our class
( )3 Amy is an English girl
( )4 She likes rice and juice
( )5 We aren’t good friends[源ZxxkCom]
六 连词成句
1 teacher is Ms Smart nice a ()
2 my is aunt this ()
3 bit my a sister shy is ()
4 and he cool is clever ()
七 阅读短文判断句子正(T)误(F)
Look at this picture This is my mother She is tall and nice This is my father He is short and fat This is my big brother He is cool And this is me We all love each other[源ZxxkCom]
( )1 There are four people in the family
( )2 I have a little brother
( )3 My father is very tall
( )4 My mother is very nice
( )5 I’m not in the picture
1 C 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 B
二1 A 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B
三1B a bit固定短语意点
2A 句时态般现时thisbe动词is
3C 句时态般现时theybe动词are
4A Tom男孩名选择boy
5C is开头般疑问句答语Yes语+isNo语+isn’t
四1 This is my friend
2 —Is this your little sister —Yes it is
3 She isn’t a clever pupil
4 No I’m not
5 —Is it a very naught bird —No it isn’t
五1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F
六1 Ms Smart is a nice teacher
2 This is my aunt
3 My sister is a bit shy
4 He is cool and clever
七1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F

Module 1单元检测
woman man girl panda boy parrot

fr_______ _______ _______ d(朋友) cl_______ v_______ _______(聪明)
p_______ p ______ l(学生) n______ _______ gh_______ ______(淘气)
f_______ t(胖) c _______t _______(爱)
sh_______ _______ t(矮) _______ _______ ese()
c_______ _______ l(酷) s _______ _______(羞涩)
( ) 1 A football B play C basketball
( ) 2 A doctor B woman C boy
( ) 3 A my B your C he
( ) 4 A dog B panda C blue
( ) 5 A teacher B parrot C doctor
( ) 6 A mother B sister C friend
点害羞________________ 位老师________________
聪明学生________________ 妹妹________________
this(复数)________ he(应词)________
this(应词)________ teacher(应词)________
bad(应词)________ sister(应词)________
( ) 1 Is this your father
A Yes it is B No he isn’t
C This is my mother D Yes she is
( ) 2 What’s that
A Is it a house B No it isn’t
C It’s a toy bus D Yes it is a bus
( )3 Is the boy clever
A Yes he is cute B No she doesn’t
C No he doesn’t D No he isn’t
( )4 Sam look at Amy’s little sister
A Yes she is B No she isn’t
C Oh she is so beautiful D The boy is very naughty[源ZxxkCom]
( )5 What’s the man doing
A He is cool B He is my old brother
C He is writing something D He writes a letter
( )6 What are you going to do on Monday
A He is going to writing a card B I am going to writing a card
C I write a card D I am going to write a card
( )7 How does your big brother go to school
A He goes to school on foot B He goes to school on Monday
C He go to school on foot D He go to school on Monday
( )8 —Are you clever
A I am B Yes I am not
C Yes I am D Yes you are
( )Look at the picture
( )She is very nice and clever
( ) Her name is Lucy
( ) But she is a little shy
( ) This is my good friend
( ) She is from England
1 bird naughty a very Parrot is
2 girl little a is this
3 are my these friends
4 brother my cool is big
5 clever he pupil a is
1 This is my _______
He’s very_______

2 _______ _______ my _______
She’s _______ _______

3 _______ _______ my big _______
_______ _______ _______

4 _______ _______ my little _______
5 This is my _______
He’s _______ _______

1 My toy monkey is________________________(点瘦)
2 Is the mother panda ________________________(胖)
3 Maomao is ________________________(淘气男孩)
4Sam is __________(聪明) ________________________(点淘气)
5 ________________________() her books
6 ________________________()his car
7 She ________________________() a little curls
8 ________________________(爱)
9 They are ________________________(朋友)
10 Is that ________________________(女士)Green
This is a photo of Jim’s family(张吉姆全家) You can see his father mother sister and Jim Mr Green is forty He’s a teacher Mrs Green is in a nice grey sweater Her daughter(女)Kate is beside her(旁边) She has brown hair and black eyes Jim is on a red bike They’re very happy(幸福)
1 Mr Green is Jim’s father ( )
2 Kate is on a red bike ( )
3 Mr Green and Mrs Green are teachers ( )
4 Mrs Green’s sweater is grey ( )[源学&科&网Z&X&X&K]
5 Kate has black eyes ( )
6 Jim and Kate are brother and sister ( )
girl boy woman man parrot panda
五these she that pupil good brother
六15 ACDCC 68 DAC
七1 5 3 6 2 4[源学科网]
九1 father clever
2 This is mother very nice
3 This is brother He’s very cool
4 This is sister She’s
5 friend very naughty
十1 a bit thin 2 very fat 3 a very naughty boy
4 clever but he’s a bit naughty 5 These are 6 This is 7 has
8 Are you cute 9 my friends 10 Ms
Module 1单元检测


( ) Maomao ( ) Xiaoyong ( ) Ms Smart[源学科网ZXXK]
( ) Parrot ( ) a nurse ( ) a farmer
( ) a doctor ( ) a driver ( ) a teacher
( ) a policeman
( ) 1 A naughty B bird C clever D cute
( ) 2 A girl B little C good D bad
( ) 3 A sister B brother C friend D Panpan
( ) 4 A cool B Ms Smart C Parrot D Xiaoyong[源学_科_网Z_X_X_K]
( ) 5 A she B he C your D I
( ) 6 A be B is C are D am
( ) 7 A this B that C when D these
( ) 1 She’s reading a book
A What is she doing B What are you doing C What does she do
( )2 Where are you going
A I’m going to school B I’m watching TV C I’m cute
( )3 Are you clever
A Yes you are B No I am C Yes we are
( )4 No she hasn’t
A Have she got a new pen B Has she got a new pen
C Have you got a new pen
( ) 5 What’s this
A This is a parrot B This’s a parrot C It’s a parrot
( ) Look he is writing a letter over there
( ) Do you know my father
( ) I love him
( ) He is in black (穿着黑衣服)today
( ) He is tall and thin
( ) And he is a teacher
A栏 B栏
( )What’s your mother A He is very clever and nice
( )Are you a naughty boy B He is Amy’s little brother
( )This is Mr Wang C My mother is a nurse
( ) How old are you D I’m 3[源ZxxkCom]
( ) Who is he E No I’m not
( ) What’s your name F I’m Xiaoyong
( ) What’s Sam like’ G Nice to meet you
1 Ms Wang is very (rice nice) 2 Panpan is a (clever eleven) panda
3 Are you a clever (pupil people) 4 She is very (bad bag)
5 My little brother is very (suit cute) 6 (These This) are my sisters
7 He’s my (mother brother) 8 Is that her good (fruit friend)
9 This (cud girt) is very naughty 10 My father is very (cold cool)
( )1 These are my friend _________
( )2 Maomao is very nice girl _________
( )3 Parrot is a very naughty _________
( )4 Are you clever Yes I’m _________
A B C D[源学科网]
( )5 She’s my big brother _________
( ) 1 A bag B dad C naughty
( )2 A thin B those C this
( )3 A cake B have C name
( )4 A leg B she C clever
( )5 A but B cute C thin
Look these are my friends This is Lucy Silt is tall and beautiful She is from USA And his is my best friend Sam He is very clever His mother is a teacher She works in a school This is my new friend Maomao He is naughty but cute arm he is only 5 His father works in a hospital
( ) 1 Lucy is from England
( ) 2 Sam is clever
( )3 Sam’s mother works in a hospital
( )4 Maomao is my new friend
( )5 Maomao’s father is a doctor
( )6 Lucy is 5 years old
Hi my name is Lily I am 9 There are 4 people in my family My mother my father my brother and I My mother is a teacher and she is very busy My father is a driver He is tall and thin He is very nice but a bit strict My brother Jim is very cute but very naughty He has brown hair I love them I have a happy family
1 shy 2 nice 3 very naughty 4 very clever
二H I J G B F A E D C
三B A D A C A C
四A A C B C
五6 1 4 5 2 3
六C E G D B F A
七1 nice 2 clever 3 pupil 4 bad 5cute 6These 7brother 8friend 9girl l0 cool
八 1 D friends 2 B a very 3 D naughty bird 4 D I am 5A He’s
九C A B B C
十F T F T T F
(  )1Ashy B.shine C.sit
(  )2Anice B.nine C.night
(  )3Acool B.cold C.who
(  )4Acat B.cute C.cut
(  )5Aninety B.night C.naughty
cool      little   clever shy     a bit
 (  )    (  )   (  )   (  ) (  )
(  )1AThis monkey is naughty B.This monkey is nice
C.This tiger is naughty
(  )2AThe panda is clever B.The panda is cute
C.The panda is big
(  )3AMaomao is a bit shy B.Maomao is shy
C.Maomao is very quiet
(  )4AParrot is a very naughty bird B.Parrot is a very nice bird
C.Parrot is a clever bird
(  )5AMy mother is very nice B.My sister is very nice
C.My mother is shy
(  )1Abanana   B.bear   C.apple
(  )2Apoliceman B.sister C.nurse
(  )3Ashy B.nice C.driver
(  )4Aclever B.car C.chair
(  )5Ateacher B.naughty C.cute
(  )1This is LilyShe is________bit shy
A.an B.a C.the
(  )2This________my English teacher
A.is B.am C.are
(  )3These________my friends
A.am B.is C.are
(  )4Tom is a naughty________
A.boy B.girl C.birds
(  )5—Is she cute
A.she is B.I'm not C.she isn't
1.This is LucyShe is a bit________(害羞).
2.Lookthis is my brotherHe is very________(酷).
3.Ann is a________(友善) girl
4.She is my________(朋友).
5.This is my dogIt's very________(爱).
1.Are you naughty?(作否定回答)
3.She is a shy girl(改般疑问句)
5.This is my friend(变复数句子)
(  )1爱猫时会说:
A.This cat is cute B.This cat is big
(  )2家介绍点害羞时会说:
A.I'm a bit shy B.I'm a naughty girl
(  )3学丽丽聪明女孩会样介绍:
A.She is nice B.She is clever
(  )4问Are you naughty?时会回答:
A.YesI am B.NoI am
1shy 2nice 3cool 4cute 5naughty
二1little 2cool 3clever 4shy 5a bit
三1This monkey is naughty 2.The panda is clever
3.Maomao is very quiet 4.Parrot is a very nice bird
5.My sister is very nice

1A 2A 3A 4B 5C
二2 1 3 4 5
三1A 2A 3C 4B 5B
四1B 2B 3C 4A 5A
五1B 2A 3C 4A 5C
六1shy 2cool 3nice 4friend 5cute
七1NoI am not 2My mother is very tall 3.Is she a shy girl? 4She is very nice 5.These are my friends
八1A 2A 3B 4A

( )1Anice Bclever Cdoor ( )2Ateacher Bpupil Cshy
( )3Anaughty Bcurl C cute ( )4Abig Bvery Cgood
( )5Amother Bfriend Clittle ( )6Ais B this Cthese
( )7Ahe Bshe Cmy ( )8Aboy Bgirl C cool[源学科网]
( )9Atall Blook Cis ( )10Amy Bshe Chis
1 朋友 2点害羞

3聪明学生 4位友善老师

5非常淘气鸟 6坏鸟

7接电话 8非常聪明

9伯母 10叔叔
( )1She is Aa very nice Bvery nice
( )2She is Aa bit shy Ba bit nice
( )3He is Aa clever Bclever
( )4Parrot is Aa very naughty Bvery naughty
( )5 are my friends AThese BThis
( )6 is Maomao A These BThis
( )7 is my big brother A These BThis
( )8He is Aa cool Bcool
( )9This is sister Alittle my Bmy little
( )10My mother is Avery tall Ba very tall
三 连线[源学*科*网]
1 a clever pupil A朋友
2 a bit B非常淘气
3 my friend C聪明学生
4answer the call D点
5very naughty E接电话
6very cool F姨母
7my aunt G非常酷 [源学科网]
aunt this brother mother teacher

sister father uncle pupil that
1 This is Maomao very nice
A She’s B He’s CHer is
2 They my friends
A am Bis C are
3My sister is shy
A bit B a little C a bit
4 Parrot is not a bad A bird B cat C dog
nice clever shy naughty
1 Ms Smart is a teacher
2Parrot is very
3 This is Maomao She’s a bit
4 This is Yixiu He’s very
1 This is Xiaoyong (HeShe) is clever
2Lingling and Amy (isare) my friends
3Maomao ia a (bitmany) shy
4Parrot is (manyvery)naughty
5Ms Smart is (ana) nice teacher
AHelloTom This is Ms Smart

ANo I am not I am very clever
BShe`s our new teacher
CXiaoyong is a bit shy
DYou are very cute
EHelloMs Smart
CHelloTomAre you shy
CHaha Who`s shy in your class[源Z&xx&kCom]
B [源Z§xx§kCom]
C Who`s naughty
BParrot is very naughty





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Module2测试卷( 时间:40分钟 满分:100分 )听力部分( 30分 )一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( 10分 )( A )1.A.famous     B.father     C.friend( C )2.A.book B.clock C.about( B )3.A.city B.queen C.this( A )4.A.old B.co

x***q 3年前 上传522   0


小学英语外研版三年级下册Module 1 单元测试(含答案)一、 将下列大小写字母连线。QHYAR rahyqq二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。( )1.A.arm B leg C.red( )2.A.colour

x***q 3年前 上传517   0


小学英语外研版三年级起点六年级下册Module 1测试卷(含听力+答案解析)听力部分一、听录音,给下列单词排序。(10分)1、A、cent B、dollar C、father _______________[来源:学科网ZXXK]2、A、write B、read C、ask_______________3、A、meal B、milk C、meat______________

x***q 3年前 上传1078   0


Module 1达标测试卷 时间:40分钟 满分:100分听力部分(30分)一、听录音,按听到的顺序为下列图片排序。(7分) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  )      (  ) (  )  

x***q 4年前 上传890   0


Module 1Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher.知识目标: a) 能听、说、认读下列单词: nice、clever、shy、naughty b) 能听懂、会说下列句型:He’s / She’s a bit/ very … c) 初步了解转折的表达方式:She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy.能力目标: 能简单描

思***1 2年前 上传599   0


外研版四年级英语下册全册教案年 级四年级备教者教学内容M1 Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher.(第一课时)(总1次)教学目标知 识目 标 1. nice, clever, shy,naughty,a bit. 2. This is ...以及He/She

文***享 3年前 上传792   0


外研版英语四年级下册全册教案设计2021-1-27Module 1Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher.知识目标: a) 能听、说、认读下列单词: nice、clever、shy、naughty b) 能听懂、会说下列句型:He’s / She’s a bit/ very … c) 初步了解转折的表达方式:She’s very nice.

思***1 3年前 上传1124   0


Module 2一、 写出所给词的反义词或对应词。1. tall—__________ 2. big—__________3. thin—__________ 4. this—__________5. father—__________二、写出下列单词的复数形式。三、 单项选择。( )1. —What’s this?—__________A. It’s a lion.

x***q 3年前 上传595   0


小学英语外研五下Module 2测试卷一、选出不同类的一项。(5分)( ) 1. A. dancer B. driver C. teach( ) 2. A. teach B. learn C. teacher( ) 3. A. was B. am C. is( ) 4

x***q 3年前 上传659   0


外研 六年级下module 2 测试题 一、选出不同类的一项。(10分)( ) 1. A. cold B. hot C. weat

x***q 3年前 上传512   0


外研版四年级英语下册教学计划一、学情分析  从上个学期的情况来看,四年级的大部分学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。尤其从这学期开始,对学生又提出了新的要求:培养听、说、读、写的技能。所以我们应该面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。二、教材分析本册

文***品 3年前 上传870   0

四年级下册英语单元测试-Module 1 Unit 1 She's a nice teacher∣外研版(三起)(无答案)

Module 1 Unit 1 She's a nice teacher检测班级: 姓名: 等级: 一、选择下列单词正确的汉语。( )1. a bit A.小的,年幼的 B 有一点( )2. shy A.害羞的 B.熊猫( )3. nice A.好的,友善的

x***q 3年前 上传614   0


通过学习 go straight on ,turn left, turn right等词组为他人指路,培养学生助人为乐的情感。

阳***4 5年前 上传1961   0


2020-2021学年度第一学期外研版英语四年级上册教学设计Unit 1 Go straight on教学目标:1、让学生掌握turn left \turn right \go straight on。2、学会用Where's ...? 来问路。3、在各种活动中培养学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:1、会用Where's ...? 来打听道路。2、能听懂turn le

散***辰 2年前 上传646   0


( )1. I'm afraid there _________ much time left. Let's hurry. A. isn't B. aren't C. is( )2. The little girl is standing in front of _______ old tree . A. a B. the C. an( )3. Don't leave Mary by________. She is only one year old. A. her B. she C. herself

秋***อ 2年前 上传442   0



c***g 5年前 上传1002   0


外研版英语五年级下册全册教案设计2021-1-27Module 1题材(主要)内容Lingling和Sam, Amy在英国。Amy和Lingling看到电视节目中记者在采访一位中国老太太。老人在采访中谈到了过去生活的艰苦和现在生活发生的变化。 教学目标语言知识目标功能谈论人们过去和现在的生活变化。语法(结构、句子)本模块继续学习过去式。谈论过去:T

思***1 3年前 上传944   0


Module 1题材(主要)内容Lingling和Sam, Amy在英国。Amy和Lingling看到电视节目中记者在采访一位中国老太太。老人在采访中谈到了过去生活的艰苦和现在生活发生的变化。 教学目标语言知识目标功能谈论人们过去和现在的生活变化。语法(结构、句子)本模块继续学习过去式。谈论过去:There weren’t any buses. We lived

思***1 2年前 上传545   0


外研版英语三年级下册全册教案设计2021-1-27Module 1Unit 1 It’s the ABC songs.教学目标1.知识技能目标:能听说读写26个英文字母。能正确识别印刷体、手写体大小写字母。2.文化目标:学习语句What’s your favourite song? It’s the ABC Song. 3.情感、:对学生进行爱国主义教育,培养学生养成良好

思***1 3年前 上传1256   0



4***1 2年前 上传524   0

外研版八年级下册Module 10 On the radio练习

1.I want to write an a about health for the newspaper.2.Our head teacher Mr. Black showed some guests a our school yesterday.3.This problem s difficult to solve. What should I do?

3***猪 3年前 上传575   0

外研版七年级下册英语 期末测试

期末测试(限时: 120分钟, 120分)听力部分(25分)一、 听句子, 选择与其相符的图片, 每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分, 共5分) A B C D E1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. _________

文***7 2年前 上传529   0


 Unit 1 It’s the ABC song.一、学习目标 1.知识目标:1.知识目标:(1)能听懂并认读26个英文字母及词汇 song。  (2)会唱字母歌.  (3)初步感知英文字母的顺序。  2.能力目标:能够运用26个字母唱英文歌曲。从唱中学,学中唱,能够在日常生活中发现英文字母。  3.情感目标:培养学生“好的开始是成功的一半”的情感态度,字母是入门阶段的重

思***1 2年前 上传803   0

外研版七年级下册英语 Module 7 测试

Module 7 测试(限时: 60分钟, 100分)一、单项选择(每小题1分, 共10分)1. Lucy watched that movie again and again, but she didn’t feel _______. She really liked it.A. sorry B. excited C. happy D. bored2. —Was Mr Smith

文***7 2年前 上传451   0


Module 1Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.一、教学内容  本教学知识点源于外语教学研究出版社,小学英语(供三年级起始用)第八册Module 1第一单元。本教学知识点围绕“在快餐店点餐”展开教学的。学习“hamburger、cola、dollar、cent、enjoy”等单词及“What do you want?/I want a hot dog, pl

思***1 2年前 上传745   0