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  we are opposed to that theory socialism which is perfectly clear and unmistakable says the thing you have got to take care of is your distribution we have to begin with that and private property if it stands in the way of good distribution has got to go
  a man who holds public property must hold it on the pub1ic condition on which for instance i carry my walking stick i am not al1owed to do what i like with it i must not knock you on the head with it we say that if distribution goes wrong everything else goes wrongreligion morals government and we say therefore (this is the whole meaning of our socialism} we must begin with distribution and take all the necessary steps
  i think we are keeping it in our minds because our business is to take care of the distribution of wealth in the worid1 and i tell you as i have told you be fore that i don’t think there are two men or perhaps one man in our 47000000 who approves of the existing distribution of wealth i will go even further and say that you will not find a single person in the whole of the civilized world who agrees with the existing system of the distribution of wealth it has been reduced to a blank absurdity
  i think the day will come when we will be able to make the distinction b
  您正阅读英语演讲稿――on his seventieth birthday
  etween us and the capitalists we must get certain leading ideas before the people we should announce that we are not going in for what was the oldfashioned idea of redistribution but the redistribution of income let it always be a question of income
  i have been very happy here to night i entirely understand the distinction made by our chairman to night when he said you hold me in social esteem and a certain amount of personal affection i am not a sentimental man but l am not 1nsensible to all that i know the value of all tl1at and it gives me now that 1 have come to the age of seventy (it will not occur again and i am saying it for the first time) a great fee1ing of pleasure that l can say what a good many people can’t say
  您正阅读英语演讲稿――on his seventieth birthday
关感恩英语演讲稿:Thanksgiving in happiness
学生英语演讲稿――I love youChina
学生英语演讲稿:learn to share学会分享
全国英语演讲赛冠军演讲稿:Our Future A Battle between Dreams and Reality




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when is your birthday英语教案设计

When Is Your Birthday 教案设计 一、概述 课题名称:When is your birthday 学科:七年级英语 教学对象:初中一年级学生 课时:10分钟 课型:新授课 二、教材分析 这套新目标教材已经开始把任务型语言教学的理念应用于英语课堂教学。它的语言教育理念是:强调语言应用,发展学习策略,培养创新精神,突出实践能力。它以话题为主线,贴近学生的实际生活,

x***8 8年前 上传7186   0

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday  The whole world's nicer,brighter,too,because of thougntfulpeople like you.!   Thank you for your helping my dreams,my life,my future ,,sir!   Your kindness couldn't be appreciat

h***t 11年前 上传645   0


His系统医生操作说明 流程说明: 门诊:门诊挂号→门诊工作台→开立处方→保存→让病人到收费处报自己姓名缴费→病人到药房拿药 住院:收费处办理“住院登记”,交押金→护士在电脑上办理“入科登记”→医生工作平台出现病人名称→开立医嘱→审核医嘱→护士或病人到药房拿药→书写病历 出院:出院前提,医生对所有医嘱审核完毕(通过或者停止),病人无欠费→护士办理“出科登记”→收费处办理出院登记,自费病人

超***立 11年前 上传12705   0

Module 6 Unit 1 Happy birthday教案

Unit1 Happy birthday!教学目标:1. 知识目标学习并掌握单词: happy, birthday, here(here’s=here is), this, pencil, pen, cake.2、能力目标掌握句型:“Happy birthday! Here’s …….” on one’s birthday and give one’s birthday presen

x***q 3年前 上传779   0


医院信息管理系统HIS方案 目 录第1章 前 言 3第2章 项目概述 42.1 项目背景和基本需求 42.2 项目范围 42.3 项目方式 52.4 项目建议 52.5 带给医院的价值 5第3章 整体解决方案 63.1 方案概述 63.1.1 系统平台架构 63.1.2 应用系统架构 73.2 实施策略 93.3 成功的关键 9第4章 应用

文***品 3年前 上传928   0

Unit 6 Happy birthday!教案5

Unit6 Happy Birthday重点:Happy Birthday! 。How old are you? 及相应的回答 。难点:I’m… 中 [m] 音的提示。How old are you? 与How are you? 的区分教具准备:1 教师准备数字1—10的单词卡片。2 教师准备教学录音带。3 教师准备Let’s talk部分的课件。4 教师准

阳***师 3年前 上传636   0

2017年祝你生日快乐Happy Birthday

祝你生日快乐Happy Birthday  生日(Birthday),也就是人出生的那一天,每年满周岁的那一天也叫生日。一般在中国比较重视老人和儿童的生日,每一年的生日都是一次家庭的聚会。在中国的传统中,生日吃寿面和鸡蛋。现在西风渐进,青年人用蛋糕和蜡烛庆祝。生日实质是一个纪念日,纪念着一个人来到这个世界的日子。每一年的生日记录着我们人生的成长记号,每年的这个日子,总是特殊的。本文档由香

g***5 7年前 上传515   0

英文生日祝福语 Happy Birthday

英文生日祝福语 Happy Birthday  Wishing you ——  glad days filled with friendliness,  bright days filled with cheer,  warm days filled with happiness  to last throughout the year!  Have a wonderfu

中***穗 12年前 上传620   0

三年级上册英语学案-Unit 4 Lesson 23 Happy Birthday!|冀教版(三起)(无答案)

Unit 4 FamilyLesson 23: Happy Birthday!【学习目标】1.学习与生日有关的单词和对话,要求发音准确,语调自然流畅。2.能力目标:联系生活实际,提高学生的语言交际能力。3.知识目标:掌握与生活有关的单词和对话。4.情感目标:创设情景,举行一个课堂生日宴会。【学习重难点】重点:Birthday, birthday cake, candles,

文***7 4年前 上传504   0

人教PEP版英语三年级上册Unit 6 Happy birthday!测试卷「含参考答案」

人教PEP版英语三年级上册Unit 6 Happy birthday!测试卷满分:100分 时间:60分钟  得分:    听力部分一、听录音,选单词。(10分)(  )1.A.black  B.blue       (  )2.A.nine  B.nice(  )3.A.yellow B.yo-yo      (  )4.A.four

阳***师 4年前 上传590   0

三年级上英语学案-Lesson S Happy Birthday to You!川教版(三起)(无答案)

Lesson S Happy Birthday to You!【学习目标】1.学会听、说、读下列词汇:cake, pear, banana, orange, fruit.2.能熟练、恰当地将表惊奇的词Wow和表祝愿的句子Happy birthday to you运用于日常生活中.3.能较自如地应用基数词和颜色类单词.4.学会有感情的唱Happy Birthday to You!

文***7 3年前 上传545   0

英文生日祝福语|happy birthday to You

英文生日祝福语|happy birthday to You  wishing you ――  glad days filled with friendliness,  bright days filled with cheer,  warm days filled with happiness  to last throughout the year!  have a w

l***s 8年前 上传465   0


东软eHIS系统数字化医院解决方案-HIS解决方案  第一章 公司简介  东软软件股份有限公司成立于1991年,是中国首家上市的软件企业,中国最大的解决方案提供商和专业化软件公司。公司注册资本2.8亿元人民币,拥有28家控股子公司,7个研发中心,在华南、华东、华北、华中、西南、西北、山东和东北等八大区域设有“虚拟总部”,在国内30多个主要城市,以及香港、美国、日本等地区和国家设有分支

高***o 11年前 上传503   0

happy birthday to You|英文生日祝福语

happy birthday to You|英文生日祝福语  2. 祝心上人生日  to you, sweetheart, with all my love.  there's someone who loves you far more than you know with a love that keeps growing as days come and go.  have

雨***峰 12年前 上传719   0


网御神州助力医院信息安全审计业务-HIS解决方案  经历20多年的发展,中国医疗信息化建设已初具规模,医院信息系统(HIS)为医院的正常运营和科学化管理提供保障,然而,医院信息管理系统在信息安全保密方面依然是医疗信息化建设的短板,严重影响或制约了信息化进程。  谁为医疗信息补漏  随着信息技术的不断发展,在医院这种社会公共服务领域,收集和储存了大量的公民个人信息。但在当前对医

蒙***拉 11年前 上传447   0


数字化医院核心信息平台解决方案-HIS解决方案  数字化医院的建设是一个长期复杂的工程,其难点,主要是由于医疗信息系统主要研究的是“患者”“疾病”和“管理模式”三个高度不确定的对象。患者的个体差异,人类对疾病认识的有限性,和医疗机构运营管理模式的动态调整,是当前医疗信息系统面临的主要挑战。  根据HIMMS对美国众多医院CIO的调查表明,未来数字化医院建设的重点,将集中在临床信息的共

c***9 10年前 上传633   0

中英文生日快乐祝福语Congratulations on your birthday

中英文生日快乐祝福语Congratulations on your birthday  Happy birthday. I hope today treats you well.  生日快乐,祝你今天过得愉快!  Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life\'s way. May your birthday be happy in

s***2 11年前 上传763   0


Although earthquakes can not be avoided, once you have some skills,  the damage from the disaster can be reduced to the lowest . 1. Do not be anxious  On the average,there are only 12 seconds whe

s***w 9年前 上传7814   0


英语学习总结演讲稿“英语难,难于上青天”,“最令我们头疼的就是学英语”平常交谈中,我们常能听到许多类似的感慨。学英语真的很难吗?我认为:英语学习并非难事,关键在于要用心去学。 首先,要舍得投入精力和时间,要有恒心。许多人学习英语时想寻求捷径,我认为这也未尝不可,但必须以坚实的基础为前提。付出总与收获成正比,持之以恒,英语水平就有了相应的提高。 其次,掌握一定的词汇量。如果你目前没有掌握一定的

V***E 8年前 上传479   0


一、英语演讲稿的写法   英语演讲稿首先开头要开门见山,既要一下子抓住听众又要提出你的观点,中间要用各种方法和所准备的材料说明、支持你的论点,感染听众,然后在结尾加强说明论点或得出结论,结束演讲。   英语演讲稿的写作有严格的要求,就内容而言要主题鲜明,表达完整;就文章组织结构而言要思维清晰,逻辑性强;就语言而言要有感染力、形象生动。写作时可根据需要有效、正确地使用英语写作方法和技巧,如恰当

z***0 11年前 上传10742   0


世博会英语演讲稿  First, I’ll say something about World Expo History. As we know, the very first World Expo, the Great Exhibition of 1851, took place in the Crystal Palace in London. UK. Ever since then, t

士***梨 12年前 上传637   0


英语即兴演讲稿distinguished judges, teachers, students:good afternoon everyone!from all the warm applause, i am of my classmates have hope. i will be with perseverance and tenacity to laugh last!wha

x***n 11年前 上传704   0


英语演讲稿  全国英语演讲比赛冠军得主演讲稿-“21世纪・爱立信杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军得主演讲稿  to me march 28th was a lucky day. it was on that particular evening that i found myself at central stage, in the spotlight. winning the “21st ce

s***1 10年前 上传572   0


英语演讲稿13The ideal teacher may be young or old, tall or short, fat or thin. He should know his subject, but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn. His personality is as important as his scho

岁***1 12年前 上传643   0


著名英语演讲稿the four freedomsfranklin delano rooseveltin the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.the first is freedom o

k***u 10年前 上传543   0