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  Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province The prefecture is nicknamed Aerial Garden for its luxuriant and multilayered primitive woods and tropical rain forests which are teeming with animals and plants Renowned as a huge natural zoo Xishuangbanna's rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about with peacocks in their pride gibbons at play and hornbills whispering
  Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection including loris the gibbons the rednecked cranes the brownneck hornbills and the green peacocks which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame The region has 5000 kinds of plants or about onesixth of the total in China This has earned it the renown and sobriquet The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants
  Among these are such fascinating ones as the colorchanging flower whose colors change three times daily and the dancing herb whose leaves rotate gently Then there is mysterious fruit which reverse tastes turning sour to sweet
  Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves The King of Tea Trees which authorities say is at least 800 years old continues to sprout adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous Pu'er tea In Xishuangbanna there is a saying: Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit




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西双版纳导游词  各位旅客朋友们:  大家早上好!非常荣幸能成为大家今天的导游。也感谢大家对我们旅行社的支持和给我本人的信任。首先先做一下自我介绍,我叫xxx,大家叫我小x或x导。如果咱们大家在旅途过程中有什么困难和要求的话就尽管的提,不要客气,我会尽自己最大的努力帮助大家解决.那么同时也希望在座的各位对我们的工作能够给予支持和配合,预祝我们的行程圆满的结束,同时也预祝各位在北京玩的开心

e***o 9年前 上传352   0


西双版纳导游词  西双版纳在云南省的南部,面积约2万平方公里,聚居着10多个民族,其中以傣族人口最多,是傣族自治州。作为一个风景旅游胜地,西双版纳是很有特色的。这里居住的少数民族,基本上都还保留着各自特有的文化和生活习俗。人们在这里可以看到傣族、布朗族的彩色缤纷的头饰和统裙,他们居住的竹楼,吃的竹筒饭   每年4月中旬,是傣族人民的新年佳节--泼水节。节日期间,无论在竹楼、村寨里,还是在

h***3 11年前 上传318   0


西双版纳野象谷导游词  各位游客,大家下午好!欢迎来到西双版纳中有着“热带雨林神奇秘境”之称的“野象谷”。我是你们的地陪,我叫xxx,大家可以叫我x导,也可以叫我xx,今天我将会尽我全力带领大家玩尽“野象谷”,希望大家今天能够玩得尽兴!野象谷充满神秘、奇异,它那优美的自然景色,惊心动魂的探险活动,一定会让你赏心悦目,终生难忘,让你了却回归自然的夙愿。现在我们已经在“野象谷”的大门了,大家就紧

w***6 12年前 上传412   0


重庆英文导游词  Evening Scenes of Chongqing   The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points fo

9***9 8年前 上传776   0


华山英文导游词  hua shan is the highest of china’s five sacred mountains. it is 120 kilometers east of xian. it has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower. the highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 f

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泰山英文导游词  fellow friends:  hello! sincerely welcome you to come to taishan, today i and everybodywill mount the summit together from the taishan east road.  this big, ancient taishan has contain

q***6 10年前 上传577   0


泸沽湖英文导游词  lugu lake lies 200 kilometers (approximately 124 miles) from the center of lijiang city, on the border between ninglang county in yunnan province and yanyuan county in sichuan province. t

1***z 12年前 上传523   0


西藏英文导游词  Tibet Overview    Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, for which Ti

k***4 9年前 上传608   0


成都英文导游词  ladies and gentlemen:  on behalf of our travel agency, i would like to extend a welcome to you.wish you have a pleasant stay in chengdu.  there is a saying that “once you come to cheng

沈***龙 10年前 上传627   0


北京英文导游词  ladies and gentlemen:  welcome to the great wall. starting out in the east on the banks of the yale river in leaning province, the wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to jiayu

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长城英文导游词  dear visitors:  hello everybody! now our automobile is going on the badaling highway,must enter the badaling scenic area immediately which soon visits.front that mountain is the jundu, t

y***w 10年前 上传520   0


天津英文导游词  Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, asse

i***n 11年前 上传619   0


尊敬的魏主任及一行: 诚挚的欢迎各位的到来。我受西双版纳州委、州政府的委托,把西双版纳州情况简要的向魏主任一行做汇报。 一、 基本情况 西双版纳州位于云南省西南部,地处东经99°56′—101°50′,北纬21°08′—22°36′,东南、西南面与老挝、缅甸接壤,国境线长966.29公里。属于亚洲内陆向中南半岛的过度地带,南距北部湾500公里,西南距印度洋孟加拉湾600公里。辖区内最高海拔

维***维 15年前 上传18327   0


英文的导游词范文  英文导游词范文——陕西西安大清真寺英文导游词  the great mosque at huajue lane  the mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 moslems in xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic pro

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辽宁省内的英文导游词  Shenyang   Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, and a major industrial city. In 1625, Nurhaci, founder of the Jin, moved his capital to Shenyang, which later became the capital of

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北京长城英文导游词  The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the bank

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2017英文导游词4篇本文目录1. 2017英文导游词2. 黄果树瀑布英文导游词3. 长城英文导游词4. 英文导游词  shanghai travel and tours guide  located at the center of the mainland's coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of com

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总统府英文导游词  hello everyone:  now we will visit the famous tourist site in nanjing——the presidential palace and understand its history.  the presidential palace is located at 292 changjiang road.

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都江堰英文导游词  the dujiangyan dam, 45km north of chengdu, is an ancient technological wonder of the country. more than XX yers ago, li bing(250-200bc), as a local governor of the shu state, designed thi

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韶山英文导游词  good morning! ladies and gentlemen:  today, we will go and visit shaoshan, the hometown of chairman mao. shaoshan is a small mountain village about 100km southwest of changsha, the capit

s***f 9年前 上传594   0


岳麓书院英文导游词  good morning! ladies and gentlemen:  today we will go and visit the yuelu academy! yuelu academy is one of the four famous academies in china, and it was established by zhudong, magist

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上海景点英文导游词  located at the center of the mainland's coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. the municipality covers an area of 6,

h***u 11年前 上传676   0


云南英文导游词  Welcome to Yunnan, Welcome to Tengchong! It’s my honor to be your guide. Today we are going to visit the volcanoes and hot springs in Tengchong, which are the most famous here.  As we wi

g***g 9年前 上传557   0


拙政园英文导游词  各位朋友,大家好!我叫xxx,是你们拙政园的导游。  dear friends, hello! my name is xxx, is your tour guide of humble administrator's garden.  现在我带大家去游览一个大户人家的私家花园-世界文化遗产拙政园。它在我国是唯一同时拥有四项头衔的景点:全国重点文物保护单位、国家5a

l***r 9年前 上传511   0


英文导游词4篇本文目录1. 英文导游词2. 湖北省博物馆英文导游词3. 黑龙江哈尔滨中央大街英文导游词4. 呼伦贝尔大草原英文导游词  黄帝陵  good morning, ladies and gentlemen. today we are going to visit the yellow emperor mausoleum, known as “the firs

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