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  Good morning ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to China Welcome to Hubei Province
  Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River
  At first I’ll have a brief introduction of Yangtze River the Yangtze River the biggest river in China the third longest in the World starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World QinghaiTibet Plateau takes in countless rivers and flows eastward across the interior of China With an overall length of more than 6300 kilometers the Yangtze River next only to the Amazon and the Nile is the third biggest river in the world and is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation
  When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China it cuts through the Wushan Mountain Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise on either side creating one of nature's most fantastic sights The Three GorgesQutang wuxia and xilingstart just after Fengjie and end near Yichang stretch about 200 kilometers The Gorges vary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest
  Qutang Gorge is the smallest and shortest Gorge but grandest of the three The Yangtze River mighty and rapid here is suddenly contained like a thousand seas poured into one cup as the Song Dynasty poet SU Tungpo described the spectacle High on the both bank at a place called Bellows Gorge are a series of crevices This area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whose custom was to place the coffins of their crevices some containing bronze swords armour and other artifacts but the coffins are believed to date back as far as the Warring States Period (475bc221BC)
  Wu Gorge extends 40 kilometers along which the river snakes between based strangeshaped mountain peaks each of which has a reputation based on a beautiful legend The story of the 12 Peaks of Wushan goes like this 12 nymphs once descended to enjoy themselves in the secular world Finding how perilous Wushan Gorge was they decided to stay there to protect ships As time went by they transformed themselves into 12 peaks The Goddess Peak the most graceful of the 12 is said to have been yaoji the youngest daughter of the Queen mother of the Western Heaven Goddess Peak stands out from the other peaks on the northern bank to be the first to greet the morning sun and the last to bid it farewell hence its another name Viewing the glow Peak Seen at a distance it resembles the silhouette of a beautiful young lady
  Down stream from the zigzagging Wuxia Gorge is Xiling Gorge which stretches 78 kilometers eastward and the cliffs on either side rise to just over 900 meters Xiling Gorge is awesome with its dangerous rapids shoals reefs sharp turns billowy whirlpools The water at one point is so turbulent that it seems to be boiling during the flood season Xiling Gorge in the east consists of several small gorges On the top of another is a rock that looks like a sword On the crag of the north bank are two pieces of brown rock which are named Bull's Liver and Horse' Lung whose shape they take Next does the Lantern Shadow Gorge which has four rocks resemble Monk Xuan Zang and his three disciplesMonkey Piggy and Sandy in the classic Chinese adventures of the four on their way to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures
  Around the last bend of Xiling Gorge stretches a vast plain The river suddenly becomes wide here Travelers on the Yangtze cruise may also visit many sites of historical and scenic interest along the river banks including the ruined of baidi Town and Precious Stone Village
  Everyone knows that the Yangtze Gorges are changing since the wellknown Three Gorges Dam Project is being built at Sabdouping Yichang Hubei Province The dam is 181 meters in height Its construction investment comes up to 2039 billion rmb equals to 2465 billion US dollars The installed power generation capacity is expected to be 182 million kilo watts With the dam built the flood in the Yangtze River valley will be controlled navigation improved besides the economic benefits Tourism will be little affected Many cultural and historical relics are now being removed to a higher ground before the rise of the water level approaches
  北京长城英文导游词 ・岳阳楼英文导游辞 ・重庆英文导游词 ・西藏英文导游词
  Ladies and Gentlemen the time has gone very quickly and your trip is drawing to a close It’s a pity that you cannot stay here any longer Please allow me then take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding and if you come back in the future I hope to see you again and be your guide again




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集团领导赴三峡考察日程安排 一、此行程有安排漂流 6月28日(周五) 16:30~17:30    由旅游公司出发,前往**三峡机场等候客人 (旅游公司备考斯特一台)        18:30~20:00    抵达**三峡机场,乘车下榻三峡工程大酒店     20:00~21:30    三峡工程大酒店晚餐(二楼中餐厅) 6月29日(周六) 07:30~08:00    早 

段***儿 11年前 上传10240   0


三峡导游词  各位朋友:  大家好!在这里我对大家参加我们的旅游团表示热烈的欢迎,在接下去的时间里将由我为各位提供导游讲解服务,我一定会尽力安排好各位的行程,使大家在这次旅游活动中感到开心愉快。  好,下面请大家随我一起去游览万里长江上著名的景区——长江三峡。  首先呢,我想为大家介绍一下长江。大家知道,长江是我国最长的河流,是全世界第三长河,它仅次于非洲的尼罗河和南美洲的亚马逊

狗***大 9年前 上传810   0


广州白云山+三峡大坝景点导游词两篇 广州白云山导游词范文 各位游客:   大家好!欢迎大家来到广州白云山游玩。白云山位于广州市白云区,自古以来就是有名的风景胜地,历史上羊城八景中的“白云晚望”、“菊湖云影”等都在白云山里。   来到白云山脚下,大家首先看到的是芬芳满园的云台花园,里面有许多奇花异草。最神奇的是花园的中央有一个巨大的花钟,这个花钟是由12种不同时间开放的花组成的,每到一个时

y***a 5年前 上传676   0


长江三峡导游词  女士们,先生们:  长江三峡旅游,可以从重庆顺流而下,快镜头地观赏三峡奇特风光,也可以从上海、南京或武汉逆流而上,慢节奏地饱览长江沿途美景。然而,从长江三峡门户宜昌出发,畅游神奇美丽的长江三峡,是长江三峡旅游最佳起始点。  长江三峡东起湖北宜昌南津关,西至重庆市奉节县白帝城,由西陵峡、巫峡、瞿塘峡组成,全长193公里。它是长江风光的精华,神州山水中的瑰宝,古往今来,

霞***年 11年前 上传474   0


三峡公路导游词  各位朋友:  大家好!首先我代表中国长江三峡开发总公司(和大三峡国旅)欢迎您的到来,感谢您对三峡工程的关心和支持。(自我介绍和司机介绍略)相逢就是有缘,我觉得非常高兴能陪同大家参观。如果您在旅游过程中有什么意见,建议和要求,我们将尽力为您服务。  一个繁荣富强的国家总有关系国计民生的骨干工程,影响深远,泽被后世。宜昌市是中国有名的水电之城,七十年代破土动工的葛洲坝水

功***禄 9年前 上传421   0


导游词三峡工程导游词  领队随员先生,请快通知您的团员到观景台上来,前面两岸,就是三峡工程工地。这一带的地层全是坚硬的花岗岩地质结构,是建大坝最理想的地方,大坝的中轴线从这里横截长江。请大家靠近点。我把三峡工程的有关情况向大家介绍一下:  1992年4月3日,全国七届人大五次会议通过r《关于兴建长江三峡工程的决议》,从此完成了三峡工程的立法程序,转入实施阶段。1994年12月14日,李鹏

藿***西 9年前 上传480   0


重庆英文导游词  Evening Scenes of Chongqing   The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points fo

9***9 9年前 上传887   0


华山英文导游词  hua shan is the highest of china’s five sacred mountains. it is 120 kilometers east of xian. it has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower. the highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 f

7***0 9年前 上传425   0


泰山英文导游词  fellow friends:  hello! sincerely welcome you to come to taishan, today i and everybodywill mount the summit together from the taishan east road.  this big, ancient taishan has contain

q***6 10年前 上传620   0


泸沽湖英文导游词  lugu lake lies 200 kilometers (approximately 124 miles) from the center of lijiang city, on the border between ninglang county in yunnan province and yanyuan county in sichuan province. t

1***z 12年前 上传563   0


西藏英文导游词  Tibet Overview    Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, for which Ti

k***4 9年前 上传660   0


北京英文导游词  ladies and gentlemen:  welcome to the great wall. starting out in the east on the banks of the yale river in leaning province, the wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to jiayu

X***X 11年前 上传499   0


成都英文导游词  ladies and gentlemen:  on behalf of our travel agency, i would like to extend a welcome to you.wish you have a pleasant stay in chengdu.  there is a saying that “once you come to cheng

沈***龙 10年前 上传700   0


长城英文导游词  dear visitors:  hello everybody! now our automobile is going on the badaling highway,must enter the badaling scenic area immediately which soon visits.front that mountain is the jundu, t

y***w 10年前 上传561   0


天津英文导游词  Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, asse

i***n 12年前 上传650   0


长江三峡石宝寨导游词  游客朋友们,欢迎你们来美丽的长江三峡旅游观光。我是大家今天的导游小凌,我代表长江旅行社欢迎大家的到来,非常高兴有机会为大家服务,希望壮丽的长江三峡和我的服务能给您一个愉快的旅程。 我们的轮船马上起航了,请大家扶好手轮,看好自己的行李物品,注意安全。现在我就为大家简单的介绍一下长江三峡的的概况吧。  大家都知道,长江是我国的第一大河,它发源于青藏高原的唐古拉山,流经

w***1 11年前 上传395   0


A1 编号:施工现场质量管理检查记录                                    开工日期:工程名称法库县沙河流域景观绿化一期工程-金牛桥拦水坝工程 施工许可证号建设单位法库县住房和城乡建设管理局工程负责人白洪涛设计单位浙江华坤建筑设计院工程负责人陈健监

鬼***笑 2年前 上传367   0


西双版纳英文导游词  Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed “Aerial Garden“ for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests

x***3 10年前 上传578   0


辽宁省内的英文导游词  Shenyang   Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, and a major industrial city. In 1625, Nurhaci, founder of the Jin, moved his capital to Shenyang, which later became the capital of

e***y 9年前 上传556   0


都江堰英文导游词  the dujiangyan dam, 45km north of chengdu, is an ancient technological wonder of the country. more than XX yers ago, li bing(250-200bc), as a local governor of the shu state, designed thi

1***5 11年前 上传555   0


英文的导游词范文  英文导游词范文——陕西西安大清真寺英文导游词  the great mosque at huajue lane  the mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 moslems in xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic pro

b***n 10年前 上传857   0


北京长城英文导游词  The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the bank

相***3 9年前 上传661   0


2017英文导游词4篇本文目录1. 2017英文导游词2. 黄果树瀑布英文导游词3. 长城英文导游词4. 英文导游词  shanghai travel and tours guide  located at the center of the mainland's coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of com

张***1 7年前 上传492   0


总统府英文导游词  hello everyone:  now we will visit the famous tourist site in nanjing——the presidential palace and understand its history.  the presidential palace is located at 292 changjiang road.

q***c 7年前 上传443   0


云南英文导游词  Welcome to Yunnan, Welcome to Tengchong! It’s my honor to be your guide. Today we are going to visit the volcanoes and hot springs in Tengchong, which are the most famous here.  As we wi

g***g 9年前 上传586   0