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  to the beautiful scenery known yangshuo county guangxi zhuang autonomous region in the northeast the southern city of guilin is the jurisdiction of guilincounty building began duokaihuang decade (year 1590) it has been more than 1400 years county area of 1428 square kilometers 20000 hectares of arable land the county’s total population of 300000 people exempted six three rural towns a han zhuang yao to 11 different nationalities
  yangshuo is subtropical monsoon climate abundant energy abundant sunshine abundant rainfallthe average annual temperature is 19 degrees celsius 1465 hours of sunshine an average rainfall 1640 mm 302 days of frostfree period
  yangshuo county is rich in resources mainly grain rice the annual output of 13 million tons pomelo navel orange persimmon chestnut of yangshuo four specialty fruit pomelo fruit with large color delicious sweet famous at home and abroad 1997 production reached 16000 tons 1995 agricultural exposition in china won the highest awards of similar products jujube silver 1998 appraisals of the national pomelo jinbei award in 1996 by the ministry of agriculture as china shatinyu village county rich in mineral resources lead zinc barite marble limestone and other major minerals yangshuo people directory in recent years produced a lot of development of tourism souvenirs such as painting drawing fans marble talc souvenirs there are landscape plant culture shirt zhang shi wood carvings clothing antique antique pottery handicraft and other ball bestselling domestic and international tourism market
  yangshuo is the first of the statelevel scenic tourist spots one of the landscape than guilin lijiang’s golden waterway (sing to guilin) which is located in the territory of yangshuo there are still stay upright exterior of the summit more than 20000 blocks the wind in the mountains finishing off 17 rivers xu xiake’s been dubbed the gish jen yusun world in addition king is everywhere natural scenery ancient  emphasizing pastoral landscape shocking the world must karst wonders playing on the xiangrenjie to yangshuo west street you will be well spent
  yangshuo beauty everywhere many beginning here say the people who seem to own paintings the town area in addition to providing you with good shelter at the same time lang mountain west landscapes park bilianfeng such displays there is willing to stay in the old foreigner here yang renjie west street you can paoba rock climbing rock climbing museum can cruise on the lijiang river nine paintings ma shan ha long scenery waves rock scenery mirror yellow cloth mineral nirvana (20 yuan on the back of the map viewfinder) and other famous scenic spots in lijiang clinton called on the landing visited the fishing village explore known as karst wonders in the shower rock in moon mountain area a geology wearing rock hotel moon mountain polyethylene longtan the natural caves buddha rocks (which can wash mud bath useful skin) hudiequan a large rock climbing spots bicyclist yulong scenic tour oulongqiao fulvic bridge sin gui three bridges over 500 years of history of ancient stone bridge and you can see the pastoral beauty because beauty tourists have called highwater swimming rafting fishing camping lijiang river in the downstream area a travel helpers hill lang east hill a rural painting fans welfare yangshuo town is a large park
  yangshuo nature to the beautiful scenery and attract global tourists who love nature of the eyes from the 1980s to a small number of foreigners and now the annual receipts among the 300 million or more yangshuo her unique charm attracts the xanadu dream chaserwith the extensive application of information developed formerly known guilin yangshuo but do not know that people really find the most representative of the karst karst park
  lonely planetin fact the generals more than most people understand yangshuo a lonely planet them from the other side of the world to the yangshuo yangshuo of foreign tourists are a manpower only guilin as a transit point for traffic the plane where the train arrived directly from yangshuo of guilin and never stop know why i only know that the great majority of his own generals with the domestic standard of living improves tourism has become one of the most important agenda of the state policy may 1 11 golden week implementation each of the scenic overcrowding holidays according to the yangshuo tourism sector statistics from XX yangshuo hotel beds doubled this year’s may 1 will be unable to complete all the arrangements for the guests a lot of people can only take tentsyangshuo boiling yangshuo outbreak
  yangshuo foreign tourists have come only slowly with new or old houses to renovate dozens of special foreign guest houses hotels it can be said that the tourism yangshuo is tuizhaozou now the west more than 40 bars of different colors allowing you to enjoy the rest of the world food flavor even if a small one small hotel the attendant can fluent in a foreign language to foreign tourists compared to some parts of the threestar hotel also fares slightlyyangshuo local flavor in addition to rice the main cruise pijiuyu all colors and stuffed vegetables fresh water fish such as lijiang in particular pijiuyu titled people
  since ancient times and celebrities who have jimmy king constant source sun yatsen zhou enlai zhu de deng xiaoping jiang zemin and other state leaders have come to nixon carter george bush president of the united states bill clinton four former united nations secretarygeneral de cuellar and other disputes to be seen and in 1996 li brought his wife to visit yangshuo and the inscriptions yangshuo china’s tourism county




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桂林阳朔导游词  各位亲爱的游客,今天我们出发去阳朔,游览仙境般的桂林山水。  以风景秀丽著称的阳朔县,位于广西壮族自治区东北部,桂林市区南面,属桂林市管辖。建县始于隋开皇十年(公元590年),距今已1400余年。全县总面积1428平方公里,有耕地2万公顷,全县总人口30万人,辖6镇3乡,有汉、壮、瑶、回等11个民族。  阳朔县资源丰富,粮食作物以水稻为主,年产量为13万吨。沙田柚、

x***t 9年前 上传466   0


2022年推举的桂林阳朔导游词样文五篇   桂林阳朔的导游词怎么写?阳朔县,隶属于广西壮族自治区桂林市,位于广西东北部,桂林市区南面,东邻恭城县、平乐县,南邻荔浦县,西接永福县、临桂区,北与灵川县、雁山区接壤。下面是我收集整理的,仅供参考。   桂林阳朔导游词(一)    图腾古道位于闻名的“十里画廊”中的位置。景区展出的有石器、陶器、自然图腾柱、古老的.、让人听不懂念念有词布满

和***6 1年前 上传260   0


广西漓江导游词  各位朋友、各位来宾:   欢迎大家乘船游览美丽的漓江。   漓江属于珠江水系,发源地在桂林北面兴安县境内的猫儿山。猫儿山是史称五岭之一的越城岭主峰,海拔2238米,号称中南最高峰,漓江由猫儿山下的涓涓细流汇集而成兴安县境内至今还保留着秦始皇时期修建的“灵渠”,它是中国第一条人工运河,史称“兴安灵渠”,它把漓江的水和湘江的水连接起来。湘江在湖南境内,属于长江水系。大自

z***w 9年前 上传369   0


广西七星岩导游词  景区介绍:  说是1959年发现并不很确切。因为在人们打开这个岩洞时,在它的石壁上看到几十则纪游题名,都是唐宋时代的,可见1000多前,它就被人们发现,并成为游览胜地,只是后来不知是什么原因,它又被封闭起来。因此,把1959年的发现称做再发现似更确切。  芦笛岩于1962年开放时,因当时全国开放游览岩洞为数不多,而芦笛岩又比较瑰丽,因此一下子名扬四海,被誉为“大自

t***a 9年前 上传491   0


广西南溪山导游词  南溪山在市区南面将军桥头,离火车站约一公里,因南溪萦绕而得名。它有东西两峰,彼此并列,耸拔千尺,北面的峭壁,山石洁白。雨后新晴,云雾初开,阳光照映在山石上,会发射出耀眼的光彩。  在古代“南溪新霁”就是桂林八景之一。南溪山的山洞多而奇,以北面的白龙洞最为有名。它的洞口高敞开阔,好像一间高大的石屋,石壁白色,有一石乳下垂,极似龙头,所以叫做白龙洞。洞内有双狮石、石笋迎春

峰***月 12年前 上传503   0


广西桂平西山导游词  天下西山二十八,大多都是钟灵秀景,可李宗仁先生却只说:“当郡西山,夙擅名胜”。五岳归客郭凤岗将军欣然题刻为“别有天地”。孙中山的秘书、中山大学校长邹鲁赞为“灵气集中枢”。清代诗人瘳在云说是“胜景追赶寻第一巅”。大诗人李白有诗“别有天地非人间”句,但是郭凤岗将军游罢五岳归来,不只要看西山,而且还畅游西山。古人云:西山暗漱玉声响出山巅。披襟飒飒松风爽,兴尽归来月满天。今天你

1***Z 9年前 上传484   0


广西玉林导游词  各位游客:  你们好!我是导游员×××,你们可以叫我××,而旁边这位呢是我们本次旅途的“要塞”——王师傅司机,他已经跑遍我们玉林的每个角落,所以到了这里,你们无须担心入夜不知归途了。在此,我们对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎,同时,也希望我的服务能给大家带来一段美好的享受。  好了,大家在到来玉林之前,有没有听说过这么一句“岭南美玉,胜景如林”呢?如果没有,我再重复一次,

张***了 7年前 上传410   0


广西榕湖、杉湖导游词  榕湖、杉湖原为唐宋时桂州城南护城河, 现在湖畔树木婆娑, 湖中澄湖碧水, 象碧玉镶嵌在市区中心, 游人到此不仅能饱览湖光山色, 而且可以寻胜访古。  湖心亭 在榕湖的湖心岛上, 原建于40年代, 1979年两次重建, 现为一组设计新颖的仿古临水亭廊, 由大小两亭及连廊组成。大亭8角、重檐、凌驾水中; 小亭4角, 单檐尖顶, 坐落岸上, 以直角形(L)曲廊与大亭相连

q***3 11年前 上传495   0


广西独秀峰导游词  独秀峰位于市中心以靖江王城内, 孤峰突起, 陡峭高峻, 气势雄伟, 素有“南天一柱”之称。山东麓有南朝刘宋时文学家颜延元读书岩, 为桂林最古老的名人胜迹。颜曾写下“未若独秀者, 峨峨郛吧间”的佳句, 独秀峰因此得名。假当晨曦辉映或晚霞夕照, 孤峰似披紫袍金衣, 故又名紫舍山。  太平岩 在独秀峰西麓, 原名西岩, 高2.9米, 宽 4.25米, 长31.5米, 面积1

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广西桂林尧山导游词  尧山 在桂林市东北, 距市中心约10公里。桂林市东北与灵川县接壤即以尧山为分界线。尧山主峰海拔909.3米, 相对高度760米, 是桂林最高的山峰。山势大致南北延伸, 高大雄浑, 状如伏牛, 俗名牛山。远云16~8亿年前, 尧山原为海底, 约在4亿年前的广西运动抬升为陆地, 其后又降为浅海, 3.6亿年前再由砂岩与页岩组成, 经亿万年来, 以物理风化为主, 岩体缓慢地破

5***3 11年前 上传612   0


重庆英文导游词  Evening Scenes of Chongqing   The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points fo

9***9 8年前 上传808   0


华山英文导游词  hua shan is the highest of china’s five sacred mountains. it is 120 kilometers east of xian. it has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower. the highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 f

7***0 9年前 上传403   0


西藏英文导游词  Tibet Overview    Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, for which Ti

k***4 9年前 上传628   0


泸沽湖英文导游词  lugu lake lies 200 kilometers (approximately 124 miles) from the center of lijiang city, on the border between ninglang county in yunnan province and yanyuan county in sichuan province. t

1***z 12年前 上传530   0


泰山英文导游词  fellow friends:  hello! sincerely welcome you to come to taishan, today i and everybodywill mount the summit together from the taishan east road.  this big, ancient taishan has contain

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成都英文导游词  ladies and gentlemen:  on behalf of our travel agency, i would like to extend a welcome to you.wish you have a pleasant stay in chengdu.  there is a saying that “once you come to cheng

沈***龙 10年前 上传641   0


北京英文导游词  ladies and gentlemen:  welcome to the great wall. starting out in the east on the banks of the yale river in leaning province, the wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to jiayu

X***X 11年前 上传464   0


长城英文导游词  dear visitors:  hello everybody! now our automobile is going on the badaling highway,must enter the badaling scenic area immediately which soon visits.front that mountain is the jundu, t

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天津英文导游词  Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, asse

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广西省姑婆山国家森林公园英文导游词  dear visitors, we are running at the national famous tourist resort ,the national-level four-star forest park——gupo hill.every year millions of travelers from everywhere in our c

k***l 7年前 上传412   0


2017英文导游词4篇本文目录1. 2017英文导游词2. 黄果树瀑布英文导游词3. 长城英文导游词4. 英文导游词  shanghai travel and tours guide  located at the center of the mainland's coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of com

张***1 7年前 上传474   0


北京长城英文导游词  The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the bank

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西双版纳英文导游词  Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed “Aerial Garden“ for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests

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英文的导游词范文  英文导游词范文——陕西西安大清真寺英文导游词  the great mosque at huajue lane  the mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 moslems in xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic pro

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都江堰英文导游词  the dujiangyan dam, 45km north of chengdu, is an ancient technological wonder of the country. more than XX yers ago, li bing(250-200bc), as a local governor of the shu state, designed thi

1***5 11年前 上传530   0