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1 完整
Bikes are so popular in China
(Bikes are so popular in China that almost every family has at least one)
It is incredible to many people Cigarette smokers spend money for illness
(It is incredible to many people that cigarette smokers spend money for illness)
I said I have more respect for him than his wife
(I said I have more respect for him than for his wife)
We couldn’t decide upon a new car there were many attractive models
(We couldn’t decide upon a new car for there were many attractive models) or
(We couldn’t decide upon a new car There were many attractive models)
1) 代词指明确
He was knocked down by a bicycle but it was not serious
(He was knocked down by a bicycle but was not seriously hurt)
2) 定式分词动名词逻辑语句子语致
To succeed in a scientific research project persistence is needed
(To succeed in a scientific research project one needs to be persistent)
3) 结构行
Formerly science was taught by the textbook method while now the laboratory method is employed (Formerly science was taught by the textbook method now it is taught by the laboratory method) It was both a long ceremony and very tedious
(The ceremony was both long and tedious)
4) 次分重点突出
The competition for college enrollment is extremely keen this year and the candidates spend days and nights preparing for the entrance examination and they neglect their health and so the newspapers carry articles urging teachers and parents to take up this problem seriously
(As the competition for college enrollment is extremely keen this year the candidates spend days and nights preparing for the entrance examination neglecting their health In view of this the newspapers carry articles urging teachers and parents to take up this problem seriously)
1) 删(余成分)
The distant explosion was audible to the ear
(The distant explosion was audible)
There are four companies in Shanghai and any of them can supply us with spareparts
(Any of the four companies in Shanghai can supply us with spareparts)
2) 换(词词组代句)
The bottles that are placed on the shelf contain some chemicals that have been newly discovered (The bottles on the shelf contain new chemicals)
Mr Li who is my favorite professor has received a Distinguished Teacher Award
(Mr Li my favorite professor has received a Distinguished Teacher Award)
4 样化
1) 简单句复杂句
I am sorry not to have answered your letter earlier
I am sorry that I have not answered your letter earlier
2) 双重否定
The value of the information he has provided cannot be overestimated
There is no general rule without some exceptions
3) 变化语
If you take this medicine you will feel better
This medicine will make you feel better
1 相似性
1) A is to B whatas C is to D
Moral corruption is to the State as physical disease is to an individual body
2) Just as … so …
Just as woods are indispensable to birds so is the earth to human beings
3) A and B have sth in common
As far as personality is concerned they have almost everything in common
4) A is similar to B
My hobby is similar to his in that we both like collecting records foreign and domestic
5) The same is true of The same can be said of
As the economies of all countries are closely interrelated no country can develop in selfseclusion (隔绝) The same is true of China
2 相异性
1) A is just the opposite (to B)
Beijing is populous and crowded while Canberra is just the opposite
2) A differs from B in that …
China’s condition differs from ours in that China has the largest population in the world
3) … is not the same
While it may be true that basketball and volleyball share certain features the excitement each arouses in the spectators is not the same
3 权衡
1) The advantages outweigh the disadvantages
It seems safe to say that the advantages of marriage outweigh the disadvantages of divorce
2) Nothing can rival …
Perhaps nothing can rival the pleasure from reading
3) … has drawbacks as well as merits
There could be no doubt that jobhopping has its drawbacks as well as merits
4) A is superior to B
Men may be superior to women in physical affairs Yet there is no difference in intelligence
5) … varies from person to person
People’s attitude towards drugs varies from person to person
4 渡句
1) It is true that most jobs are a series of more or less unpleasant chores but it doesn’t follow that that’s all they are
2) This is true no doubt but it is not the whole story by any means
3) It is fairly well known that Vitamin C is indispensable to health But it is probably less well known that taking it excessively may do harm to the human body
5 图表作文中渡
1) This table provides several important points of comparison between the two universities As can be indicated in the table the housing space for the staff of A in 1995 was 34 500 square meters which nearly doubled the B’s corresponding figure
2) As we could find out later in this unit his plan was not quite as he had expected
3) As is revealed in the graph …
4) As the survey results show …
6 描述曲线走势
1) The population rose rapidly until it reached 600 000 in 1990 Since 1990 the growth has continued but the population has risen relatively slowly
2) The birth rate in this region rocketed to the highest peak in 1963
7 图表作文中开头结尾
1) This table provides several important points of comparison between the two key universities
2) The two graphs depict the same thing seen in two different ways The first diagram simply records … The second graph throws a light on …
3) The key findings taken from the surveys are as follows …
4) If drivers continue to drive more carefully and further strengthen their sense of safety the rate of accidents can be expected to decline even more dramatically in the year 1991
1)附加递进:and also moreover furthermore in addition besides
3) 转折:but yet while whereas although however nevertheless on the other hand in contrast
3)陈述理:for since as because due to on the grounds that owing to
4)表达结果:so as a result thus consequently therefore
5)肯定强调:obviously certainly of course undoubtedly in fact indeed
6)罗列条件:if as long as provided that unless
7)序列举:firstly to begin with then after this last but not least
8)举例证:for instance for example namely such as including
9)总结说明:in conclusion in summary to sum up to conclude
2 反义词互补词
1) 反义词:Years ago a TV set was regarded as a luxury Today it is a necessity
2) 互补词:Discrimination is mainly practiced against women in the field of science We don’t find men complaining about this





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英语写作基本要领、写作技巧  一、措辞    1、选择生动准确的词    词是语言的基本单位,人们要表达思想,就要选择适当的词语,这是写作的基本要求。    词可分为一般概念的词(general words)和具体概念的词(specific  words)。表示一般概念的词含义模糊;表示具体概念的词含义明确,表达准确,生动形象。写作时合理地使用具体概念的词能够使句子表达的意思准确

h***o 12年前 上传657   0



n***8 9年前 上传527   0


新闻写作与公文写作的区别  案写作与新闻写作的区别   (1 )真实性要求的区别   新闻写作与广告文案写作都要求真实。但是,两者对于真实性的要求在范围、尺度、对象等方面都有本质的不同。广告文案写作的真实是信息内容的真实,《广告法》对广告信息内容的真实性问题有明确的规定。如果违反了《广告法》中对有关信息的真实性要求,就是违法广告作品。但《广告法》对表现形式和表现风格上的真实性要求

c***2 11年前 上传962   0



D***t 11年前 上传986   0


公文写作心得及写作指导八篇   篇一   静下心来,将省委研究室**副主任《想明白说明白写明白》认真研读了几遍,对于曾经与文字有一点交道的我来说,内心深处受到了强烈震撼。   一、我的共鸣。最大的共鸣来自于对文字的态度和写文稿的方式。首当其冲是“会积累”,有深厚的积累才能游刃有余。我们平常就要做一个会学习、多积累的人,不仅要了解国家的经济形势、宏观政策,还要多学习区委、区政府工作报告,对区

风***脱 5年前 上传2327   0



旅***誓 2年前 上传389   0


论文写作:关于学术论文的写作  随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的学者涉及到学术论文的写作领域,那么怎样写学术论文、学术论文写作是怎样要求的、格式如何,下面就介绍一下学术论文的写作,希望能对您论文写作有所帮助。   (一)题名(title,topic)  题名又称题目或标题。题名是以最恰当、最简明的词语反映论文中最重要的特定内容的逻辑组合。   论文题目是一篇论文给出的涉及论文范围与

y***y 12年前 上传1022   0



a***3 12年前 上传1397   0


通讯的写作  第一,主题要明确。有了明确的主题,取舍材料才有标准,起笔、过渡、高潮、结尾才有依据。    第二,材料要精当。按照主题思想的要求,去掂量材料、选取材料;把最能反映事物本质的、具有典型意义的和最有吸引力的材料写进去。    第三,写人离不开事,写事为了写人。写人物通讯固然要写人,就是写事件通讯、概貌通讯、工作通讯,也不能忘记写人。当然,写人离不开写事。离开事例、细节、情节去写人,

飞***歌 10年前 上传593   0


请示的写作  请示适用于向上级机关请求批准、请示用。   [格式内容]  1. 标题。一般写成“关于xxx的请示“。  2. 主送机关(只写一个)。  3. 请示的原因。  4. 请示的事项。  5. 结语。  [范例参考]  关于暂缓调高旅游专项资金在交通建设附加费中分配比例的请示  市人民政府:  今年4月7日,xx市委、市政府《关于加快发展旅游业

这***年 11年前 上传695   0


BEC写作良师益友网 BEC 专家 http://BEC写作指南务便函与便条写作(一)商务便函例一SCHOOL OF ENGNISH FOR BUSINESSMEMORANDUMTo: Mr. Kingswick, Course CoordinateFrom: Barnsby CampbelDate: 19 November 1995Subj ect:

g***e 9年前 上传477   0



泪***拍 8年前 上传1141   0


Word写作现在正是大学毕业生完成毕业设计、撰写毕业论文的时候,大家往往要苦熬一个多月 才能完成自己的毕业论文。现在大家主要都是用Microsoft Word来编辑论文(不论各 位用哪个版本,基本功能都是一致的,以下简称Word)。如果不能充分Word的一些强 大功能,大家在撰写和编辑较长篇幅的科技论文的时候,可能经常要为不断地调整格 式而烦恼。在这里我把自己以前使用Word的经验和教训总结

t***9 9年前 上传497   0


  第一章   写作基础常识   第一节  主题与材料 文章应在占有材料的基础上提炼深刻、鲜明、正确的主题。机关实用文体表现主题的方法要求是:直接阐述、单一集中、“以意役法”、片言居要、善用标题。 材料是写作的基础,材料是说明观点和主张、表现主题的支柱。积累与占有材料的途径主要有:亲自的观察体验,调查采访,从既有文献资料中采集。积累和占有材料的基本要求就是“多多益善”。 选取材料的要

丫***7 9年前 上传8390   0


提案的写作  提案必须以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、xx“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持社会主义初级阶段的基本路线和基本纲领,贯彻“长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共”的方针,充分发扬民主,广开言路,为调动一切积极因素、维护安定团结的政治局面、促进改革开放、推进社会主义现代化建设和实现祖国统一大业服务;围绕党和国家的大政方针、爱国统一战线的重大问题、本地改革开放经济建设和社会事业发

y***l 9年前 上传713   0


请示的写作  [概念解说]  请示适用于向上级机关请求批准、请示用。   [格式内容]  1. 标题。一般写成“关于xxx的请示“。  2. 主送机关(只写一个)。  3. 请示的原因。  4. 请示的事项。  5. 结语。  [范例参考]  关于暂缓调高旅游专项资金在交通建设附加费中分配比例的请示  市人民政府:  今年4月7日,xx市委、市政府

w***y 12年前 上传634   0


简历的写作  把这些相关信息都准备完备之后,可以开始简历的正式写作。请确定适用得简历格式,是通用式还是功能式,并可以参考我们提供的简历样本。一般来说简历不要过长,一到两页就足够了,让招聘人员在几分钟内看完并留下深刻印象。人事部一般不会花很多时间逐字逐句阅读每一份简历。简历内容要真实,既不要夸张,也不要消极评价自己。 对于国内求职来说,简历一般总是从个人基本情况开始,逐步深入到教育背景和工作经

j***9 12年前 上传667   0


写作教学  写作教学中需不需要教知识,甚至写作教学中有没有知识,对这个问题有两种截然不同的看法。不少人认为写作有知识,写作教学应该教给学生必要的知识,这对于学生写作有帮助;也有人认为那些所谓写作知识对学生写作帮助不大,纯粹是伪知识,没有必要在这方面花时间。两种观点造成不同的作文教学取向,影响了写作教学,有必要加以辨析。  《红楼梦》中“香菱学诗”的故事尽人皆知。在我看来,《红楼梦》虽然是

沁***业 9年前 上传423   0


浅谈新闻写作与公文写作之异同       【摘要】在实际工作中,许多党政机关、社会团体、企事业单位的文字秘书在负责起草各类公文的同时,还负责本单位的新闻宣传报道。由于各种原因, 混淆公文和新闻而一稿多用的现象大量存在。用写公文的方法写新闻宣传报道,会影响新闻稿件的可读性和上稿率, 而对于一些公文稿件,如果未经严格审查就直接报给新闻媒体,则可能造成失密或其他不良影响。因此,澄清公文和新闻两

x***4 5年前 上传3336   0


医学病例写作方法、写作技巧  撰写病例报告,首先应查阅有关的文献资料,判断所报告病例的医学价值,是不是首发或罕见病例等。病例报告的重点在于对病例本身的描述,应重点突出,简单明了,一般千字左右即可,但少者也可二三百字,多者可达数千字。论文题目要求直接写出病名(罕见病例)或新方法及例数,文章的前言可有可无,有也应较为简短,一两句即可。  病例报告主要是写好病例摘要与讨论。写作时病例摘要要求有

维***奇 12年前 上传920   0



王***朝 2年前 上传1053   0


学术论文写作要求与写作方法毕业论文写作要求与写作方法1 论文题名题名一般不超过20个汉字,必要时可加副题名,题名要符合编制题录、索引和检索的有关原则,应以简明、准确的词语反映文章特定内容,并有助于选定关键词。应避免使用非公知公用的缩写词、字符、代号,尽量不出现数学式和化学式。题名(Title,Topic) ----找一个好的主题题名又称题目或标题。题名是以最恰当、最简明的词语

H***O 12年前 上传678   0


把握写作要领提升写作水平把握写作要领提升写作水平一、掌握写作方法要想写好一篇优秀的英文作文,方法尤其重要。我个人认为应该注意以下几点:首先,动笔之前,认真审题当你 看到作文题目后,先不要急于动笔,要仔细看清题目要求的内容。在自己的头脑中构思出一个框架,确定短文的中心思想,不要匆匆下笔,看懂题意再审题。审题时要注意格式、体裁、人物关系、人称(尤其说假如你是李明,不要再用I)时态(注

平***2 9年前 上传936   0



王***朝 2年前 上传665   0


述职报告的写作方法、写作要求  述职报告写作说明:  述职报告是指担任领导职务的干部或单位负责人,根据制度规定或工作需要,定期或不定期向选举或任命机构、上级领导机关、主管部门以及本单位的干部职工,陈述本人或单位在一定时间内履行岗位职责情况的书面报告。述职报告,按时间可分为年度述职报告、阶段述职报告和任期述职报告;按内容可分为个人述职报告、集体述职报告。   述职报告一般由首部、正文和

l***i 9年前 上传474   0