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着类生活质素断提高类贪念越越类常分捕杀动物破坏然环境 电影冰河世纪说吧里面讲述长毛象—曼尼爸爸妈妈类捕杀曼尼离开类着孤独生活曼尼北路途中树敕—希德解散决困难希德曼尼继续保护便曼尼前北方时群剑齿虎报复类捕杀类剑齿虎群便派剑齿虎—迭弋抓猎子迭弋更完成务剑齿虎便引开猎孩妈妈发现迭弋企图便连忙抱着孩子逃跑迭弋穷追舍眼抓孩妈妈着生命危险跳瀑布着河流意外漂长毛象— 曼尼树敕—希德面前孩妈妈奋力孩放岸体力支沉河里曼尼希德商量决定带着孩寻找类孩切藏暗里迭弋见曼尼希德推荐导曼尼正知类便烦脑口便答应迭弋请求路遇危险次迭弋差点岩浆吞没曼尼顾生命危险拯救迭弋迭弋感动曼尼
第二篇:冰河世纪 英文影评简介
ice age 2
简介:while skrat the saber toothed squirrel is still ineffectually trying to regain his precious acorn the misfit trio of manny the mammoth sid the sloth and diego the sabretooth tiger have settled down in an isolated valley with numerous other animals however the trio discover that the ice wall surrounding the valley is barely holding back a massive body of water behind it and it's melting state threatens to break and flood the valley with their one chance of survival being a boat at the other end of the valley the trio follow the desperate exodus there along the way they meet ellie a female mammoth who is convinced she's a opossum like her brothers while the strange group continues the trek they must learn to get along even as manny struggles to find some
connection to this strange female who may be the only other one of his kind
影评:watch this films one movie to laugh section clever even if the movie has a very strong laughter section irony means that analysis to our clinics to save what the whole story just happy mammoth sid the tree rex and sabertoothed tiger diego three animal kingdom is still a leader in ice age 2 in gag following the upper part of the convoy after the human child in this department are continuing their well care for their own actions in a relatively human salvation in animals and animals should live in harmony and goodwill request in ice age 2 in question has no longer a moderate acute to the situation of the global environment we are now into the film a wild and widespread fearand can be seen in the movie doomsday religions of the various totem depictshowever the earth's environment has been desperate film director is still good and the tender because of the film to face the major groups are children
第三篇:ice age4英文观感(冰河世纪四)
i read in the ice age 4 continental drift this movie is my deep feeling
ice age 4 continental drift by mike thurmeier directed the animated film the concentration of mammoth manny sid the sloth sabertoothed tiger diego and others were flood apart they put a block of ice as the lifeboat in the sea began their epic journey
ice age 4 story from rat barquette and the crazy chase day in and day out from sun up down until the moon rose endless and in the process affect the body the earth because of oquet's madness by the small chain stimulation later originally connected surface was divided into seven continents four ocean led manny sid diego and opened a new adventure sid 's eccentric grandmother
inadvertently and three people drifted out to sea all the way to meet her all kinds of strange requirements more particularly this group of
fellow sufferers were a pirate give up make their journey home add more beat all the crazy after although funny but it's also very
thoughtprovoking as the song says i'm good better already i've got what i was looking for the light we have stood together i'm fine had better the sky that i was reborn we finally got together this is just the beginning we are addicted to the beat of the drum till forever comes you'll find out we are chasing the light they said this day will never come and then stopped and this is just the
课 题:英语流行文化元素视听学 院:艺术设计学院 班 级:装潢2班
学 号:201410050056指导老师:许珂
学 期:20149——20142
ice age(冰河世纪)
and my friends attended an early press screening for the third ice age installment two weeks ago and had a wonderful time the film easily tops the second outing of the series and is right on par with the first with just the right mixture of new characters and settings vs the older ones we've all grown to love (especially scat i can watch a whole movie with this guy)
this time around manny and ellie are expecting a baby mammoth something that leads to unexpected responds from diego and sid when sid decides to become a parent himself in return he steals three giant eggs he accidentally bumps into only to later realize they're dinosaur eggs that belong to a pretty angry mother when motherdinosaur kidnaps sid it's up to manny and friends to return him home safely adventures ensue as they find out that underneath their icy world lives a land filled with enormous and sometimes menacing dinosaurs one which our friends would need to cross in order to rescue sid
the animation is terrific judging from the end credits apparently the astor beaver trade long that to be extinct has experienced a renaissance in the animatedfur factories of california dino babies and mammal kids are ridiculously endearing this film is better than the 2nd which i didn't
particularly like and if you can go and see it in 3d the 3d is likewise terrific well used where appropriate (especially in conveying a sense of scale for the underworld) but not
overdone the one carp i have is that 3d simply does not lend itself to dissolves between scenes i'm guessing the filmmakers figured this out themselves as most of the time they used cuts
ice age 3 dawn of the dinosaurs is cute but not insulting the visuals are stunning and if you forgive the obvious historical loophole (there were no dinosaurs during the ice age) you can actually have quite a good time the dinosaurs add a lot to the plot and there's actually a very cool nice sense of adventure throughout the film one that was somewhat missing (in my
opinion) from the previous installment all this adds to a fun and thrilling experience alongside the visuals jokes and general good atmosphere
the person who didn't laugh go on ebay and find a sense of humor the whole cinema was laughing through out the film and i really enjoyed the jokes yes you saw most of them coming but hey its a kids cartoon the story is easy to follow and every kid i have spoken to loves it





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《冰河世纪》观后感《冰河世纪》观后感1   星期一我们小记者看了一部电影《冰河世纪》,不得不称赞这是一部耐人寻味的好电影,我们在哈哈大笑的同时又引发了对人类与动物之间关系的思考,并为故事中的三位主人公感动。   主人公之一:长毛象曼弗雷德   长毛象曼弗雷德喜怒无常,有时尖酸刻薄,有时温情善良,对朋友永远忠诚,它先后救了三个伙伴,一只树懒,一个弃婴和一只老虎

高***了 2年前 上传434   0



小***子 12年前 上传519   0


《21世纪教子方法》读后感第一篇:《21世纪教子方法》读后体会 读《21世纪教子方法》心得体会 近来,我读了一本名叫《21世纪教子方法》的书,作者是王志刚。这书分为上、下两册。上册重点介绍了教子方法和教子技巧;下册则把成功学和家庭教育学融为一体进行阐述,指导家长怎样成功教育孩子。读了这书,确实令我受益匪浅,兴奋不已!因为站在母亲的角度,看了这书,对教子方法和教子技巧上有着更丰富、

n***0 11年前 上传433   0


名著读后感英文第一篇:无聊集读后感-名著读后感 英文读后感无聊集这个题目曾经叫我沉思了很久。虽然无聊的人并不一定写得好诗,但自古留得好诗的人却都无聊,那些庙堂上做栋梁的做橼子的有用之材,到底也逃不过一句“屈平词赋悬日月,楚王台榭空山丘”,如果能这么看这么想,无聊倒也不坏。中国的文艺评论一向不太正常,第一,作为被评论者,对"公平评价"的期望过高,这是作者群的自身素养问题;第二,对于评论

z***3 11年前 上传518   0


名著的英文读后感第一篇:名著英文读后感名著英文读后感this year summer vacation, i read the american well-known writer hemingway's novel “the old man and the sea “. i extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's w

12年前 上传467   0


傲慢与偏见英文读后感第一篇:傲慢与偏见英文读后感many people simply regard pride and prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. she perfectly reflected the rel

z***0 9年前 上传663   0


Personal-Thinking-about-the-John约翰福音读后感(英文) I-haven’t-read-the-Bible-before-this-term.-Only-in-a-song-did-I-hear-about-the-John.-So-when-I-have-a-chance-to-read-the-New-Testament,-I-paid-some-more-a

c***y 12年前 上传12892   0


哈姆雷特英文读后感第一篇:《哈姆雷特》英文读后感shakspere (wrong spelling) created hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .in order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented (spelling mistake) to be ma

l***l 10年前 上传817   0


《简爱》英文读后感(精选多篇)第一篇:《简爱》英文读后感this is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. the s

H***5 10年前 上传410   0


                         读书报告————《20世纪中国文学思潮》读后感      这学期开学时,偶然在图书馆闲逛时看到了《20世纪中国文学思潮》这本书,就借了回来看看。恰好西哲课要求写读书报告,于是我将我看完这本书之后的感想和收获写了下来,算是一次作业,也算是自己的一点思考。      这本书在一开始就对“哲学思潮”这个词给予了阐释,作者认为“没有一个科学的文学思潮

l***n 10年前 上传10416   0


  Reading course         系部:外语系 班级:英语四班 学号:23 姓名:彭立 日期:2011年5月11日                       Pride and prejudice This book is opening with “It is a truth universally acknowledged th

p***0 5年前 上传1667   0



b***e 10年前 上传473   0


世纪大道导游词  世纪大道,从东方明珠至浦东世纪公园全长约5.5公里,宽100米。西起东方明珠,东至浦东新区行政文化中心,被誉为“东方的香榭丽舍大街”。  道路为不对称设计,绿化带和人行道比车行道宽,使人、交通、建筑三者的关系更加合理。北侧人行道旁,建有8个主题突出、各具特色的植物园,使道路具有园林景致效果。  世纪大道功能定位为城市景观大道,法国夏氏-德方斯提供的方案设计,将世纪大

3***7 12年前 上传501   0


世纪之交的思索  世纪之交的思索高一(9)班王丹   亲爱的朋友!你们好!钟声不停地嘀嗒着,它仿佛告诉我们今天就要永远离去了,此时,历经苍桑的中国正以崭新的姿态,迈进千禧年的门槛,迈上世界之巅峰。她,不再是沉睡的雄狮,也不再是旧日的东亚病夫,而是一位把握现在,憧憬未来屹立于世界东方的巨人,她用乳汁培育了我们强健的身躯,用血液孕育了我们不屈的灵魂,在她那博大的胸襟上,华夏儿女世世代代繁衍生

c***1 11年前 上传465   0


青春—新世纪的新起点女士们、先生们: 下午好! 首先,请允许我做一个简短的自我介绍。        我是来自中海发展股份有限公司油轮公司的琳达。        我毕业于大连海事大学,是一名法学硕士。        目前负责保险理赔业务。        今天,我有幸站在这个讲台上,并借此机会表明,我十分荣幸地成为中海集团大家庭中的一员。        

魔***禅 10年前 上传514   0



三***m 6年前 上传1243   0


新世纪,我这样做老师  新世纪,我这样做老师--  我充满爱心,爱我的事业,爱我的学生。爱是源泉,没有爱,就没有教育。当一个孩子第一次背上书包,满怀期待地第一次跨进教室的时候,他看到的,应该是一张真诚慈爱的笑脸;迎接他的,应该是一个宽厚博爱的怀抱;他所处的,更应该是一个团结友爱的家园。这一切,都将由我来为他缔造!这是一项多么美的事业啊!我坚信,只要我在教育这块热土上洒下满满是爱,新世纪,

l***4 9年前 上传439   0


青春―新世纪的新起点  女士们、先生们:   下午好!   首先,请允许我做一个简短的自我介绍。我是来自中海发展股份有限公司油轮公司的琳达。我毕业于大连海事大学,是一名法学硕士。目前负责保险理赔业务。今天,我有幸站在这个讲台上,并借此机会表明,我十分荣幸地成为中海集团大家庭中的一员。   中海集团仅仅走过了短短六年的历程,就已在国内外航运界享有了很高的声誉,并有着极其辉煌的未来。

w***f 12年前 上传475   0


共创新世纪  团旗、方向,青年、希望,朋友们,无论当你申请入团的时候,还是当你在团旗下宣誓的时候,无论当你戴上光闪闪团徽的时候,还是当你即将离开敬爱的团组织的时候,你都会深刻体会到,共青团—这座学校是多么充满活力,是多么神圣,是多么令人向往。  我们知道,火红的团旗,浸满了无数先烈的鲜血,她展示着如火如荼的革命岁月,她宣告着中国革命的胜利,她象征着青年一代,紧紧团结在党的周围,在党的领导

l***4 12年前 上传609   0


迎接世纪的挑战  各位评委、朋友们:  大家好,今天我演讲的题目是:《迎接世纪的挑战》。  一次简单的日夜交替,新世纪就这样悄然来临,千年的感慨就这样在一瞬间被抛在了上一个世纪。面对新的世纪, 我们每个人都经历着无数的挑战:社会的、家庭的、工作的、事业的……在世纪之交时,××的运行女工们满怀豪情,写下宣言:用行动与世纪同行,用追求向世纪挑战。  有人可能觉得燃料运行是电厂最容易干

z***9 11年前 上传360   0


绽放百年风华的世纪建筑 ——新华世纪园 建筑艺术进化论 从生理、心理、视觉到艺术 近年来国人的生活水平不断提升,对住宅的品质也日益重视,环顾国内房地产市场,在生活形态意识的高涨下,纷纷出现多元化、深度雕刻的住宅品质,这对整体建筑生态而言,不仅是良性的前进动力,对整体居家空间的价值、甚至对家的伦理与回归,都有着前所未有的提升意义。 建筑就像时代文明的见证,记录着人类生活的点滴

1***c 8年前 上传7796   0


世纪联华超市实习周记  实习本来就是锻炼的,所以当我早上五点半起床六点就上车却一直到八点才到实习地点的时候我觉得,我的实习生活一定很锻炼我的坚持力。  我是在世纪联华庆春总店实习的,这里虽然是个超市,但是却是一个日盈利200百万的超市,每天从早上八点十五开门起就有好多人等的超市。  实习报道的第一天,刚到就直接告诉了分配岗位直接去自己的分配地熟悉了。一大堆的食品条码要记住,不同品牌的

L***6 12年前 上传625   0


新华世纪园市场报告目录第一章 长宁区房地产市场概况一、价位分布二、楼盘板块分布三、房产市场总体去化态势分析第二章 本案所处区域环境一、区域市场总体去化态势分析二、周边各案基本情况比较分析三、周边个案价格比较分析四、周边个案面积比较分析五、周边个案房型比较分析六、周边个案去化情况比较分析七、项目SWOT分析八、区域客源分析

x***1 12年前 上传442   0


上世纪30年代21世纪男人和女人的变革30年代:男:找个好男人,祝你们白头到老。女:呜...... <****r>40-60年代男:不要恨我。女:我不后悔。 <****r>70年代:男:我们还是彻底分手吧!女:你再好好想想。 <****r>80年代:男:我们已经完啦!女:赔我青春损失费! <****r>90年代:男:祝你以后幸福!女:滚蛋,用不着你担心! <****r>

大***水 10年前 上传410   0


企划篇营销策划像是一座桥,连着产品与消费者,但这座桥决不是“彩虹桥”,美丽却不可捉摸。我们认为这座桥要架得准,架得好,就应该坚持策划来源于产品,高于产品;而同时传播策划更要以产品为基础。目录:企划篇一、 企划思路二、 企划缘起三、 品牌策略思考建议四、 区域消费者心理权重比预测

h***y 10年前 上传390   0