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Describe a person

Describe a friend you are very close to
You should say
Who she is
When you got to know each other
What she has helped you most with
And explain why you are close to this friend

Describe an old person you know
You should say
Who this old person is
When and where you got to know himher
What this person is like
And explain what you think of this old person

Describe a child you know
You should say
Who this child is
When and where you got to know himher
What this person is like
And explain what you like about the child


Describe a person you admire
You should say
Who heshe is
What does heshe look like
What is your relationship with himher
And explain why you admire himher

Describe an adventurous person
You should say
Who she is
What made himher a adventurous person
How adventurous she is
And explain hisher influence

Describe a famous businessperson you admire
You should say
Who this person is
What kind of business heshe does
How you found out about himher
And explain why you admire himher

Describe you favorite singeractoractress
You should say
Who heshe is
When you knew himher
What is hisher personality
And explain why you like himher

Describe a celebrity you want to see most
You should say
Who this celebrity is
How you knew himher
What you know about himher
And explain why you want to see this celebrity


Describe a band group that you like
You should say
Which band it is
Who are the members
How you got to know them
And explain why you likedislike them

Describe a sportspersonsports team you admire
You should say
Who she isWhat the team is
What sports she playsWhat sport the team plays
When and where does she or do they play
And explain why you admire this personteam

Describe an object
Describe a kind of equipment you think is useful
You should say
What it is
What you use it for
When you use it
And explain why you think it is useful

Describe a machine that is important in your life
You should say
What it is
What is its function
How it has changed your life
And explain why it is important in your life

Describe an important invention before computer
You should say
What it is
When it was invented
How it has influenced people’s life
And explain its advantages and disadvantages

Describe the bestworst invention in the 20th century
You should say
What it is
When and who invented it
What is the significance of it
And explain how it affects your life

Describe a normal commodity in your family
You should say
What it is
When and where you got it
What is the importance of this commodity
And explain its advantage or disadvantage

Describe a handicraft you made
You should say
What it is
When and where you made it
What his handcraft is like
And explain what you think of this handicraft

Describe an important means of transport
You should say
What it is
Where it is usually found
How people make use of it
And explain the importance of this means of transport

Describe your favorite clothingjewelry
You should say
What clothingjewelry it is
When and where you got it
What it is like
And explain why you like it

Describe process


Describe a toy you used to play
You should say
What this toy is
When and where you got this toy
What the toy is like
And explain what you think of this toy

Describe an experience
Describe a work of art
You should say
What it is
How to make it
What it is special about
And explain the importance of this work of art

Describe an important photograph
You should say
What it is about
When and where you took it
Who took it for you
And explain why it is important for you

Describe an advertisement you like
You should say
What advertisement it is
When and where you saw it
What is in the advertisement
And explain why you like this advertisement

Describe your favorite medium
You should say
What it is
When and where you use it
How often you use it
And explain why you like it best

Describe a TV program that you like
You should say
What it is
What it is about
What you learned from it
And explain why you like this program

Describe your favorite (type of) movie
You should say
What (type of) movie it is
When and where you saw it
What the movie is about
And explain why you like this movie

Describe a type of musicsong you enjoy particularly
You should say
When you started to listen to this type of musicsong
How you are attracted to this type of musicsong
Which groups of people play this type of music
And explain why you like this type of musicsong

Describe your favorite traditional Chinese art or craft
You should say
What it is
What is the main feature of it
How long you have been in love with it
And explain why you like it so much

Describe you favorite newspapermagazine
You should say
What it is 
How often you read it
When you read it
And explain why you like it

Describe your favorite book
You should say
What it is about
Who is the author
When you first read it
And explain why it is your favorite book

Describe an interesting news story you like
You should say
What it is
When you read it
What sort of news is your favourite
And explain what impact it had on you

Describe a website you like
You should say
What it is about
How often you visit it
What you can get from this website
And explain why you like this website

Describe your most unforgettable childhood story
You should say
What was the story
When and where you heart or read it
Who was with you when you read the story
And explain why it is unforgettable to you

Describe your favorite recipe dish
You should say
What is the dish
When and where you first tasted it
How it is prepared
And explain why it is your favorite

Describe you favorite (wild) animal
You should say
What it is 
How you know it
What you know about it
And explain why you like it


Describe your favorite type of holiday
You should say
What type it is
Where you went
What you did
And explain why you like type of holiday

Describe a festival that is important in your country
You should say
When and what is the festival
How people celebrate it
How you feel about this festival
And explain what is special about this festival

Describe the best party you have been to
You should say
Who showed up in the party
When and where you had the party
How you celebrated the party
And explain why it was the best party you have been to


Describe an impressive wedding you have ever attended
You should say
Whose wedding it was
When and where it was
Who you met
And explain why it was impressive to you

Describe the worst weather you have experienced
You should say
What it was
When it happened
What happened at that time
And explain why it was bad experience for you

Describe the weather that you really enjoy
You should say
What type of weather it is
In which period of the year it is to have this weather
What is special about this type of weather
And explain why you enjoy this weather

Describe a popular game that children play in your town
You should say
What it is
How to play it
Where to play it
And explain why it is popular

Describe a place

Describe a parkgarden you like
You should say
What it is
What there are in it
What do you do in it
And explain why you like this parkgarden

Describe an ideal house
You should say
What is the location of the house
What is its exterior structure
What is its interior structure
And explain why it is your ideal house

Describe an historic building you have seen
You should say
Where the building is located
What the building looks like
What is special about this building
And explain why you like this building

Describe a kind of traditional building in your country
You should say
How old is this kind of building
What the building is like
Where is it
And explain the feature of this kind of traditional building

Describe the emblematic building in your town
You should say
What is the building
Where is it
What the building is like
And explain the meaning of this emblematic building

Describe your room
You should say
What it is like
How you decorate it
What is special about your room
And explain how you spend your time there

Describe a museum you have ever visited
You should say
What it is about
Where it is located
How often you visit it
And explain how you likedislike it





需要 2 积分 [ 获取积分 ]




  雅思口语考试题目集锦:1. What‘s your name?   2. Does your name have any special meaning?  3. Where were you come from?  4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?  5. What is the main cro

h***z 11年前 上传649   0


雅思口语精准预测   刘薇简介 环球雅思北京学校副校长最受欢迎口语教师授课时激情中透着温婉幽默里渗入励志秉承让学生 “轻松复习事半功倍“的教学理念。 从事雅思教学多年北京大学传播学硕士曾学术访问哈佛大学耶鲁大学等世界顶尖名校。 著作《雅思九天口语高分之路》、《剑桥雅思全真试题原版解析8》。      本月预测重点  本预测适用于2013年4月雅思考试超高频和重回

c***2 9年前 上传7848   0


雅思口语礼仪  大家都知道,雅思口语是一门与人互动的考试,这就需要我们注意一些基本的雅思口语礼仪,那么到底有哪些雅思口语礼仪呢?下面就来看看山东环球雅思为大家收集整理的雅思口语礼仪,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。  雅思口语礼仪1、动作:  同学们的眼睛千万不要晃,不要老眨眼,这是消极的表现,要不时面带笑容,看考官的鼻子,不要看眼睛,这样你会很紧张,你看考

b***5 10年前 上传555   0


1. Describe a public place that you think need improvements 描述一个你认为需要改进的公共场所2. Describe a country or city where you want to live or work in the future描述一个国家或城市,你希望在那里生活或工作在未来

m***2 6年前 上传2062   0


1.Describe a sport you are good at: TennisI would like to talk about tennis, which is my best love among all the popular sports. Tennis is popular all over the world, especially loved by teenag

办***料 9年前 上传502   0


雅思口语考试要注意的六个细节  雅思口语考试中除了要认真的答题外,还有很多雅思口语细节需要各位考生注意,为此小编特别收集整理雅思口语细节整理,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。  雅思口语细节1,一定要口语化。  其实口语就是交流,总说些平时说不到的东西和词汇的话,总会给考官一种应试的感觉,往往拿不到高分,最多也就是6.5分左右。但是也不能抓着哪个词狠用,那就

j***h 8年前 上传465   0



冰***5 11个月前 上传150   0



小***🐷 4年前 上传1121   0

第二部分 动物实验类


半***妝 4年前 上传2121   0


先介绍一下基本情况:考了三次雅思考试,第一次听力5.5;第二次听力6.5;第三次听力7.5分。 这里和大家分享下一些自己在复习中积累的东西,希望能帮助小烤鸭们结合自身情况选择合适的复习计划。 雅思听力是雅思考试中最容易提高分数的一项。可能大家会发现口语和写作很难达到7分或者更高的水平,毕竟native speaker 的写作都很难达到满分,更不要说大家普遍都是被常年笼罩在中国式应试英语的教育

j***3 10年前 上传9255   0


雅思写作素材雅思写作素材(八):宝贵的时间When is the better time to learn a foreign language? Should we learn knowledge or go to work at our youth?今天,给大家看一段关于时间宝贵的一段话,作为写作中对童年和青少年时期的论证支持。 All time is precious; but

9年前 上传440   0


强化阅读课程结构安排:Lesson1:雅思阅读透析Lesson2: summary(5个题左右,中等难度)/table/flowchart/picture(简单)Lesson3: matching(8个,中等难度)Lesson4: True/false/not given(12个,难)Lesson5:list of heading(5个,难)/multiple choic

i***6 11年前 上传413   0


雅思学习计划  2、确定需要完成的任务之后,根据复习的天数,制定好每天的雅思学习计划。学习时间是要分部分的,这个在学校称为课时,需要注意的是:  (1)并不是每天学习的内容和强度都必须一样,而学习新的内容最好放在白天,晚间留给复习和休息,否则千篇一律和庞杂的学习内容依旧会把人带入枯燥乏味的学习困境中从而使计划失效。比如第一天上午第一节练的是听力,第二天第一节可以换成阅读,而第一天练过的写

s***1 12年前 上传482   0


让口语交际落到实处 进入崭新的21世纪,随着中国各个领域与世界的接轨,口语交际将是我们连接世界的一大桥梁。我们面对的学生将会成为这个知识经济社会、这个信息爆炸时代的主人,为此,在语文教学中切实落实口语教学就变得尤为重要。 口语交际的重要性已无容置疑,然而,语文教学中的口语交际却仍成为一些老师眼中的摆设,因为“说者讲不好,听者乱糟糟,为了赶进度,三言两语描”。怎样去上好口语交际,激活学生思维,

紫***萝 14年前 上传15316   0


雅思写作影视类核心词汇   1. paparazzi 狗仔队  2. mass media 大众媒体  3. entertainment 娱乐  4. journalism 新闻业  5. journal 期刊  6. the latest news 最新消息  7. exclusive news 独家新闻  8. news agency 新闻社  9. news block

小***库 1年前 上传489   0


雅思写作素材Woman & FamiliesWoman & Families 类女性与家庭类Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men. Do you agree or disagree?开头段3+1,转述题目+主旨

z***a 12年前 上传529   0


雅思写作6分必备的词汇(一)TASK-2雅思写作6分必背的100个常用意群词汇1. 持某观点: claim ( contend, deem, reckon, assert, share the belief that ) 2. 支持某观点: advocate (maintain vote for side with be in favor of )3. 反对某观点:

h***n 11年前 上传536   0


雅思学习周计划  周一:单词、语法、口语(单词30分,语法1小时,口语30分)  周二:单词、阅读、口语(单词30分,阅读90分,口语30分)  周三:单词、写作、口语(单词30分、写作90分,口语30分)  周四:单词、语法、口语(单词30分、语法1小时,口语30分)  周五:单词、阅读、口语(单词30分、阅读90分,口语30分)  周六:模拟考试、口语  周日:总

a***1 6年前 上传440   0


雅思写作素材AnimalAnimal 类范文Some people think animal experimentation should be stopped because it is cruel. Others think it is necessary for the development of science. Discuss both view and give you

p***9 11年前 上传567   0


高二学生的雅思学习经验总结  说到英语,我真是感慨万千。算算从我对英语产生浓厚的兴趣到最终雅思考了高分,也就是两年多的时间。相信每个人都有自己的学习心得,说起我的心得,我不想说太多诸如多听多读多写之类的空话,而是想通过讲述我学习英语的经历来给大家一点启发……发现潜力我的雅思高分,不能不归功于朗阁的培训班。老师在信心和应试技巧上给了我很大的帮助。当初只是因为妈妈建议才迷迷糊糊报了名,完全不知道

n***t 10年前 上传402   0


雅思自学计划  1. 雅思自学计划-听力:  记得上学时是在每天早上背半个小时单词就开始练听力了. 因为生单词背太长时间就容易忘记之前的, 屡次如此就造成对单词的厌恶, 等于是把英语的基础的奠基彻底打破. 因此要量力而行.早上的听力可以练习2个小时,因为那时的精力比较旺盛. 晚上十点之后继续练习.  2. 雅思自学计划-口语:  这一门真的是点滴积累, 不要放掉任何时间. 在路上

l***h 6年前 上传411   0



B***a 6年前 上传1511   0


雅思写作技巧汇总老外实用的10条雅思写作技巧想知道外国人是如何提高雅思写作的吗?美联英语学习网给大家整理了10条外国人对提高雅思写作的建议,希望对大家有所帮助。外国人眼中的雅思写作技巧1:Budget your time carefully.You have only a half hour in which to complete your work, You should u

p***u 11年前 上传393   0

初中数学 第二轮总复习解答题部分分块练习

初中数学 第二轮总复习解答题部分分块练习

小***库 4年前 上传972   0


销售经理管理手册(第二部分)   销售部内部组织的营运要点 (一)销售组织与业务效率 1.销售部内的(a)组织和推销人员的关系,(b)组织的编成方式和业务效率及销售有密切的关系。 2.销售经理对于自己所辖部门的组织形态和有效率的营运,应经常留意。 3.不可忽略组织管理的研究。 (二)组织营运的重点 1.销售组织有效率地营运,首要关键在于销售经理的作法,尤以销售经理的领导能力的发

小***问 8年前 上传25875   0