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(2020·湖北华师附中4月调研C)If plastic had been invented when the Pilgrims sailed from Plymouth England to North America-and their Mayflower had been stocked with bottled water and plastic­wrapped snackstheir plastic waste would likely still be around four centuries laterAtlantic waves and sunlight would have worn all that plastic into tiny bits And those bits might still be floating around the world's oceans today waiting to be eaten by some fish or oysters and finally perhaps by one of us
Because plastic wasn't invented until the late 19th century and its production only really took off around 1950 we have a mere 92 billion tons of the stuff to deal with Of that more than 69 billion tons have become waste And of that wastea surprising 63 billion tons never made it to a recycling bin-the figure that shocked the scientists who published the numbers in 2017
No one knows how much unrecycled plastic waste ends up in the ocean the earth's last sink In 2015 Jenna Jambeck an engineering professor of the University of Georgiacaught everyone's attention with a rough estimate:between 53 million and 14 million tons of plastic waste each year just come from coastal regions
Meanwhile ocean plastic is estimated to kill millions of marine(海洋) animals every year Nearly 700 speciesincluding endangered ones are known to have been affected by it Some are harmed visibly stuck by abandoned things made of plasticMany more are probably harmed invisiblyMarine species of all sizes from zooplankton to whales now eat microplastics the bits smaller than one­fifth of an inch across
This isn't a problem that we don't know what the solution is says Ted Siegler a Vermont resource economist who has spent more than 25 years working with developing nations on garbageWe know how to pick up garbage Anyone can do itWe know how to deal with it We know how to recycle It's a matter of building the necessary institutions and systems ideally before the ocean turns into a thin soup of plastic
语篇解读 文说明文题语境然文章介绍塑料垃圾已严重污染环境尤海洋环境类应该采取措施改变现状
1.Why does the author mention the Pilgrims in Paragraph 1
A.To prove plastic was difficult to invent
B.To introduce what marine animals like eating
C.To tell the Pilgrims contributed a lot to the marine protection
D.To show plastic waste has a lasting effect on the ocean
D [推理判断题根第段中And those bits might still be floating around the world's oceans todaywaiting to be eaten by some fish or oystersand finally perhaps by one of us知作者第段中提Pilgrims表明塑料垃圾海洋持久影响选D项]
2.What's the main trouble marine animals face according to the text
A.Lacking protection
B.Being stuck by plastics
C.Being caught by humans
D.Treating plastics as food
D [细节理解题根第四段中Marine species of all sizesfrom zooplankton to whalesnow eat microplasticsthe bits smaller than one­fifth of an inch across知海洋动物面问题塑料作食物选D项]
3.What does Ted Siegler want to tell us in the last paragraph
A.Some people don't know the solution to plastic waste
B.Plastics will turn the ocean into a soup of plastic
C.It's time to take measures to deal with plastic waste
D.People should avoid using plastics to protect the ocean
C [推理判断题根段中It's a matter of building the necessary institutions and systems ideally before the ocean turns into a thin soup of plastic知Ted Siegler想告诉采取措施处理塑料垃圾时候选C项]
4.From which is the text probably taken
A.A biology textbook
B.A travel brochure
C.An environmental report
D.A lifestyle magazine
C [推理判断题文章关海洋垃圾海洋生物保护推知篇文章份环境报告选C项]
(2020·河北5月模拟C)On a recent day Katie Baldwin took a break from work to talk about moving from a wealthy neighborhood near New York City to an organic farm on Long Island Farming for where I grew up was a very unusual career choice said the 32­year­old Americanbut everybody belongs to the land in their own wayNone of us should feel separate from it
Katie was raised in an upper middle class town outside New Yorkwhere most people never thought about working on a farmToday Katie grows potatoes wheat and other crops at Quail Hill a property in Amagansett New York
In the United States organic farming is a growing industryWomen operate some of the best­known organic farms on Long Island Women make up a little more than 37 percent of all organic farmers nationwide That information comes from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Experts predict women's share in farming is likely to continue to grow
The new young farmers choose organic farming with their desire to have an influence on society Katie and several farmers said She said They are choosing it to protect natural resources for future generations to fight climate change to feed their community on good and healthy food
New York has about 1000 certified organic farmsmaking it the third largest in the country and California and Wisconsin are the first and second the USDA saysThese farms make up nearly four percent of the state's farmlandcompared with a national average of around 06 percent
Although organic farming is growing quickly it comes with high labor costs and sometimes smaller harvests than commercial farming So it can be a difficult business for new farmers When I look now at the starting of the farm it seems really audacious Katie Baldwin said But in that environments in 2008 everybody had lost their jobs and there weren't jobs Soit didn't feel strange to start something she said
语篇解读 文说明文题语境社会文章介绍纽约促进社会发展越越年轻开始事机农业生产
5.What does Katie think of working at the organic farm
A.It's unacceptable  B.It's worthwhile
C.It's unforgettable D.It's challenging
B [推理判断题根第段知Katie认长方营机农业种寻常职业选择推知Katie认机农场工作值选B项]
6.Why do the young people want to work as farmers
A.To find a suitable job
B.To earn healthy food
C.To stop climate change
D.To help the society develop
D [细节理解题根第四段知年轻选择事机农业生产社会带影响促进社会发展选择D项]
7.Which can replace the underlined word audacious in the last paragraph
A.hopeful B.dangerous
C.daring D.reasonable
C [词义猜测题根画线单词前面描述知机农业新型农民说件艰难事情够开始敢险选C]
8.What can be inferred from the text
A.American women are good at organic farming
B.Organic farming will become a good employment
C.Many American communities lack abundant food
D.Starting organic farming needs careful consideration
D [推理判断题根段前两句知机农业存着投入高低回报风险年轻开始选择行业时应深思熟虑选D项]
(浙江绍兴柯桥区2021届高三模拟)Everyone in business has been told that success is all about attracting and retaining (留住) customers It sounds 1 and achievable But 2 words of wisdom are soon forgotten Once companies have attracted customers they often 3 the second half of the story In the excitement of beating off the competition negotiating prices securing orders and delivering the product managers tend to become 4 They forget what they regard as the boring side of business- 5 that the customer remains a customer
6 to concentrate on retaining as well as attracting customers costs business huge amounts of money annually It has been estimated that the average company loses between 10 and 30 percent of its customers every year In constantly changing 7 this is not surprising What is surprising is the fact that few companies have any 8 how many customers they have lost
Only now are organizations beginning to wake up to those lost opportunities and calculate the 9 implications Cutting down the number of customers a company loses can make a big 10 in its performance Research in the US found that a five percent decrease in the number of defecting (流失) customers led to 11 increases of between 25 and 85 percent
In the US Domino's Pizza estimates that a(n) 12 customer is worth more than 5000 over ten years A customer who receives a poor quality product or service on their first visit and 13 never returns is losing the company thousands of dollars in 14 profits (more if you consider how many people they are likely to tell about their bad experience).
The logic behind cultivating customer 15 is impossible to deny In practice most companies' marketing effort is focused on getting customers with little attention paid to 16 them says Adrian Payne of Cornfield University' School of Management Research suggests that there is a 17 relationship between retaining customers and making profits 18 customers tend to buy more are predictable and usually cost less to service than new customers Furthermore they tend to be less price 19 and may provide free word­of­mouth advertising Retaining customers also makes it 20 for competitors to enter a market or increase their share of a market
语篇解读 文篇说明文文章讲述公司精力放吸引顾客方面少关注留住老客户说明留住老客户重性
1.A.simple B.difficult C.tough  D.complicated
A [根achievable知听起简单易行现实中智慧话语快会遗忘选A]
2.A.in particular  B.in reality
C.at least  D.first of all
B [根前文Everyone in business has been told that success is all about attracting and retaining (留住) customers空前but判断事实简单选B]
3.A.emphasize  B.doubt
C.overlook  D.believe
C [根文They forget知成功吸引顾客常常会忽略事部分选C]
4.A.carried away  B.carried back
C.carried on  D.carried through
A [根文They forget what they regard as the boring side of business- ________ that the customer remains a customer忘记认聊面正确保留住客户方面知处表示理会忘选A]
5.A.denying  B.ensuring 
C.arguing  D.proving
B [忘记认聊面正确保留住客户方面选B]
6.A.Moving  B.Hoping 
C.Starting  D.Failing
D [果集中精力留住吸引客户年会企业带巨额损失选D]
7.A.markets  B.tastes 
C.prices  D.expenses
A [文讲公司做生意应市场选A]
8.A.thought  B.idea 
C.opinion  D.view
B [have anany idea固定搭配意知道里指少公司知道失少客户选B]
9.A.culture  B.social 
C.financial  D.economical
C [根文知少公司知道失少客户会财务产生影响financial implication财务影响选C]
10.A.promise  B.plan
C.mistake  D.difference
D [make a difference影响关系里指业绩影响选D]
11.A.cost  B.opportunity
C.profit  D.budget
C [句意:美国调查表明减少流失5顾客会导致利润增加25~85文提profit应选C]
12.A.usual  B.ordinary
C.common  D.regular
D [根文A customer who receives a poor quality product or service on their first visit and ________ never returns is losing the company thousands of dollars in ________ profits知处讲老顾客重性regular customers固定法意老顾客常客选D]
13.A.as a result  B.on the whole
C.in conclusion  D.on the contrary
A [空前文结果应选A]
14.A.huge  B.potential 
C.extra  D.reasonable
B [文知老顾客十年价值超5 000美元没回头客会损失潜利润选B]
15.A.beliefs  B.loyalty 
C.habits  D.interest
B [根文知留住老客户公司损失数千美元潜利润培养客户忠诚度选B]
16.A.altering  B.understanding
C.keeping  D.attracting
C [根focused on getting customers with little attention paid知处应留住顾客选C]
17.A.close  B.distant 
C.deep  D.shallow
A [根文________ customers tend to buy more are predictable and usually cost less to service than new customers知留住老客户客户维护关系非常重选A]
18.A.Assumed  B.Respected
C.Established  D.Unexpected
C [根than new customers里指已建立顾客老顾客选C]
19.A.agreeable  B.flexible
C.friendly  D.sensitive
D [根常识购物验知老顾客价格太敏感price sensitive价格敏感性选D]
20.A.unfair  B.difficult 
C.essential  D.convenient
B [根Retaining customers知留住客户竞争手难进入市场增加市场份额选B]
(2020·山东济南模)The wildfires in Australia became considerably worse in January 2020The disaster faced by 1________ country is far from over Many of the fires 2________(send) smoke high into the atmosphere and some smoke turned into pyrocumulonimbus clouds(火云) The clouds could help a fire draw in more air and shift surface winds3________(result) in fire tornadoes (龙卷风) Fires have destroyed habitats for animals that 4________(find) only in Australia including koalas and rare birds It will take time to fully know how much harm the fires have done 5________ wildlife The wildfires are expected 6________(continue) burning for months as Australia entered its dry season
This past year 2019 is the hottest and driest year on record The fires happen 7________(regular) during the Australian dry season However climate and natural changes are making the situation 8________(bad) At least 12 million acres have been burned so far in Victoria and New South Wales aloneSmoke from the fires has made 9________ to South America There is so much smoke that it may stay in the air for months10________ could have a small effect on the planet's climate
语篇解读 文说明文题语境然澳利亚森林火2020年1月变更加严重时火灾产生烟雾引发火焰龙卷风文章说明次火澳利亚破坏影响
1.the [考查冠词country意国家时数名词处特指文Australia应定冠词the]
2.sent [考查动词时态根文and some smoke turned into pyrocumulonimbus clouds(火云)知处应般时填sent]
3.resulting [考查非谓语动词分析句子成分知result逻辑语构成动关系应现分词作结果状语]
4.are found [考查动词时态语态谓致句描述客观事实应般现时设空处前面关系代词that引导定语句先行词animalsthat句中作语动词find构成动关系填are found]
5.to [考查介词句意:完全解火灾野生动物造成伤害需时间do harm to……造成伤害固定搭配应介词to]
6.to continue [考查非谓语动词be expected to do sth意预计做某事填to continue]
7.regularly [考查副词修饰动词happen应副词regularlyregularly表示常]
8.worse [考查形容词较等级句意:然气候然变化情况变更糟表示更糟应形容词bad较级形式填worse]
9.it [考查代词make it to固定搭配表示达]
10.which [考查非限制性定语句句意:烟雾会空气中停留数月久会球气候产生影响处指代前面整句话容句中缺少语关系代词which]





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One of the most stressful days of Susan McFrederick's life was watching her son get wheeled away for surgery hours after he was born in 2011.But after the operation,Susan burst into tears for a different reason:across the cut on their newborn son's back was a sweet winter scene,hand­drawn on his bandages(绷带).

6***雅 3年前 上传801   0


小说“环境题”一、阅读下面的文字,完成1~4题。(16分)遍野荆花厉周吉在怪石嶙峋的山坡上,王亮小心翼翼地攀爬着。爬累了,就坐到山石上挠一阵头。遇上难以解决的事,王亮有挠头的习惯,挠来挠去,头发越来越少。这不,今天又把本就稀疏的头发挠掉了无数根。崮崖是个小山村,全村500多口人,只有不到300亩山岭地,却有6 000多亩山场。可这么多山场有什么用?这是水源缺乏、土壤贫瘠、几乎连一棵大树

文***7 10个月前 上传227   0


Kevin Barber was just 15 years old when he had an idea that would change downtown San Diego. His mother, Dr. Carolyn Barber, 1 in a busy emergency room and would come home with stories about the homeless 2 she had treated there.

2***翔 2年前 上传427   0


1.下列关于性染色体和性别决定的叙述正确的是(  )A.生物性别决定的方式只有XY型和ZW型两种B.人、哺乳类、两栖类和昆虫的性别决定都是XY型C.Y染色体上的基因控制的性状只能在男性中表现出来D.性染色体上的基因会随着性染色体的传递而遗传2.摩尔根验证“白眼基因只存在于X染色体上,Y染色体上不含有它的等位基因”的实验是(  )A.亲本白眼雄果蝇与纯合红眼雌果蝇杂交,F1都是红眼果蝇B.F1雌雄果蝇相互交配,F2出现白眼果蝇,且白眼果蝇都是雄性C.F1中的红眼雌果蝇与F2中的白眼雄果蝇交配,子代雌雄果蝇中,红眼和白眼各占一半D.野生型红眼雄果蝇与白眼雌果蝇交配,子代只有红眼雌果蝇和白眼雄果蝇

6***雅 3年前 上传497   0

中考地理人教版总复习一轮复习-课时训练03 陆地和海洋(Word版,含答案)

(三) 陆地和海洋真题冲关1.[2021·南充]如图所示,图中阴影部分表示海洋,非阴影部分表示陆地。字母A、B、C、D四点位于半岛的是 (  )A.A B.B C.C D.D[2021·凉山州]下图是大洲和大洋分布图。据此完成2~3题。2.下列对大洲和大洋的名称及其特点的判读,错误的是 (  )A.①是非洲,是热带面积最广的大洲B.②是欧洲,全在北半球

福***园 10个月前 上传228   0


1. 下列判断正确的是( ) A. B.-9的算术平方根是3C.27的立方根是 D.正数 的算术平方根是 2. 若方程 的解分别为a,b,且 ,下列说法正确的是( ) A. a是5的平方根 B. b是5的平方根C. 是5的算术平方根 D. 是5的算术平方根

6***雅 2年前 上传469   0


“形”似“神”异的阿伏加德罗常数   新课标全国卷命题强调知识的综合性,该类试题往往通过阿伏加德罗常数将化学基本概念、基本原理以及元素化合物知识与化学计量联系起来,在物质状态、物质组成、化学键、气

焦***宝 5年前 上传978   0


According to a recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research,both the size and consumption habits of our eating companions can influence our food intake.And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions,it's the beanpoles with big appetites you really need to avoid.

6***雅 3年前 上传474   0


With the young unable to afford to leave home and the old at risk of isolation(孤独),more families are choosing to live together.The doorway to peace and quiet,for Nick Bright at least,leads straight to his mother­in­law:she lives on the ground floor,while he lives upstairs with his wife and their two daughters.

6***雅 3年前 上传666   0


I have a special place in my heart for libraries. I have for as long as I can remember. I was always an enthusiastic reader,sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child. Stories were like air to me and while other kids played ball or went to parties,I lived out adventures through the books I checked out from the library.

6***雅 3年前 上传697   0


Returning to a book you've read many times can feel like drinks with an old friend.There's a welcome familiarity-but also sometimes a slight suspicion that time has changed you both,and thus the relationship.But books don't change,people do.And that's what makes the act of rereading so rich and transformative.

6***雅 3年前 上传663   0


Want to explore new cultures, meet new people and do something worthwhile at the same time? You can do all the three with Global Development Association(GDA). Whatever stage of life you're at, wherever you go and whatever project you do in GDA, you'll create positive changes in a poor and remote community(社区).

6***雅 3年前 上传520   0


How to Get to HolkerBy Car:Follow brown signs on A590 from J36,M6.Approximate travel times:Windermere-20 minutes, Kendal-25 minutes,Lancaster-45 minutes,Manchester-1 hour 30 minutes.

6***雅 3年前 上传436   0


In the 1960s,while studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National Park, Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something that,oddly,had not troubled anyone before:he couldn't find the park's volcano.It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in nature — that's what accounted for all its hot springs and other steamy features. But Christiansen couldn't find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere.

6***雅 3年前 上传484   0


Would you BET on the future of this man?He is 53 years old. Most of his adult life has been a losing struggle against debt and misfortune. A war injury has made his left hand stop functioning,and he has often been in prison. Driven by heaven­knows­what motives,he determines to write a book.

6***雅 3年前 上传618   0


Dalemain Mansion & Historic GardensHistory,Culture & Landscape(景观).Discover and enjoy 4 centuries of history,5 acres of celebrated and award­winning gardens with parkland walk.Owned by the Hasell family since 1679,home to the International Marmalade Festival.Gifts and antiques,plant sales,museums & Mediaeval Hall Tearoom.Open:29 Mar­29 Oct,Sun to Thurs.

6***雅 3年前 上传480   0


The possibility of self­driving robot cars has often seemed like a futurist's dream, years away from materializing in the real world. Well, the future is apparently now. The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self­driving cars on public roads. The state also cleared the way for companies to sell or rent out self­driving cars, and for companies to operate driverless taxi services. California, it should be noted,

6***雅 3年前 上传628   0


In 1812, the year Charles Dickens was born, there were 66 novels published in Britain. People had been writing novels for a century - most experts date the first novel to Robinson Crusoe in 1719 - but nobody wanted to do it professionally. The steam­powered printing press was still in its early stages; the literacy (识字) rate in England was under 50%. Many works of fiction appeared without the names of the authors, often with something like “By a lady.” Novels, for the most part, were looked upon as silly, immoral or just plain bad.

6***雅 3年前 上传481   0



2***翔 2年前 上传393   0



静***雅 3年前 上传591   0


(2021•浙江高考真题)位于锋面上下的风向往往存在明显差异。下图为我国东部地区两测站位于冷、暖锋面下方时﹐自下而上垂直方向不同高度测得的风向、风速变化图。完成下面小题。 1.有关测站上空锋面类型、锋面位置、风向变化的描述正确的是A.冷锋距地面1.5~2.0千米锋下西北风,锋上东南风B.冷锋距地面2.0~2.5千米锋下东南风,锋上西北风C.暖锋距地面2.0~2.5千米锋下西南风,锋上东北风D.暖锋距地面1.5~2.0千米锋下东南风,锋上西南风

幸***在 2年前 上传385   0



2***翔 2年前 上传420   0


2.下列关于酶的实验设计,正确的是(  )A.用过氧化氢溶液、肝脏研磨液作材料探究温度对酶活性的影响B.用淀粉和蔗糖溶液、淀粉酶,反应后滴加碘液验证酶的专一性C.用蛋白酶、蛋白块作实验材料,验证蛋白酶能够催化蛋白质分解D.设置pH为3、7、12的条件,探究pH对胃蛋白酶活性的影响

6***雅 3年前 上传506   0


1.图示曲线表示夏季时,某植物体在不同程度遮光条件下净光合速率的日变化。据图分析下列叙述正确的是(  ) A.一天中适当遮光均会显著增强净光合速率B.a~b段叶肉细胞内合成[H]的场所只有细胞质基质和线粒体C.M点时该植物体内叶肉细胞消耗的CO2量一般大于该细胞呼吸产生的CO2量D.6:30左右在不遮光的条件下限制该植物光合速率的主要因素是CO2浓度

6***雅 3年前 上传522   0


【新课标全国卷理数】考点6 数列—2022届高考数学一轮复习考点易错题提升练【易错点分析】1.等差数列通项公式:.2.等差中项公式:.3.等差数列前n项和公式:.4.等差数列的性质:已知数列是等差数列,是的前n项和.(1)若,则有.(2)等差数列的单调性:当时,是递增函数;当时,是递减函数;当时,是常数列.(3)若是等差数列,公差为d,则是公差为的等差数列.(4)若是等差数

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