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六年级英语下册知识讲义-说一说(Module 8)-外研版(三起)




说说(Module 8 )

1 掌握句子句型 Why do you Why are you结构法询问原
2 掌握句子句型Because回答关原提问


1 考查学生询问事情原回答力
2 考点常出现单项选择完形填空阅读理解等题型中

Sam came into the classroom and saw some friends there They had cups on their heads Why do you have cups on your heads Why are you laughing He asked
Daming told him the story They planed to play a baseball game Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps for the game But Lingling brought some cups They all laughed Then they put the cups on their heads and laughed more
Sam smiled It’s easy to make mistakes with English words he said I make lots of mistakes with Chinese words too Now look what’s in my bag Sam opened his bag There were baseball caps Hooray everyone shouted They put the caps on Then they went to the playground and played baseball together

Amy Why are you wearing a raincoat
Tom Because it’s going to rain
Daming Why are you wearing a hat
Lingling Because it’s going to be sunny
Daming Why are you wearing a Tshirt
Sam Because I’m going to play baseball
Mum Why are you wearing a dress
Amy Because I’m going to the theatre
1 Why do you have cups on your heads什头杯子?
Why are you laughing什笑?

两why开头特殊疑问句询问方做某事原句型结构:Why do you + 动词原形(+) (般现时)Why are you +动词ing形式(+)(现进行时)

Why do you stand there
Why are you crying

询问原句型Why did you + 动词原形(+ )?
Why did you sit under the tree
语第三称单数 she he名do变doesare 变is

Why does he she + 动词原形(+)
Why is he she + 动词ing形式(+)
Why did he she + 动词原形(+)

询问原句型中助动词do does 接动词原形be动词面接动词ing形式

1 Why do you ____________ cups on your heads
A had B have C has
思路分析:why do you接动词原形
2 Why are you ______________
A laughing B laugh C to laugh
思路分析:why are you接动词ing形式

—Why are you wearing a raincoat 什穿着件雨衣?
—Because it’s going to rain 雨
—Why are you wearing a Tshirt 什穿着件T恤衫?
—Because I’m going to play basketball 篮球

Why are you wearing?询问方什穿某种服饰句型wear表示穿戴面直接接服饰类名词
答句般because引导because意思面接陈述句文中出现答句运时态句型结构Because I’m it’s going to + 动词原形(+ )

—Why are you taking a bag
—Because I’m going to go to school

Because + 语+ 动词原形单三形式(+)
Because + 语+ 动词式(+ )

1 答句Because引导
2 It’s I’m going to 接动词原形

—Why are you wearing this coat
—_____________ I’m going to climb hills
A So B Because C Then



Anna HiSusanWhy are you __1__(stand) here
Susan Because I’m __2__(wait) for my sister Why do you __3__(come) here
Anna Because I want to __4_(buy) a dress Why are you __5__(wear) a coat
Susan Because it’s going to ___6_(cold)
At this time they see a boy crying
Anna Why are you __7__(cry)
Boy Because I __8__(lose) my way
Anna Let me __9__(help) you What’s your mother’s telephone number
Boy It’s 13475148020
Anna OK She’s going to __10__(come) in 10 minutes
Boy Thank you

答案:standing waiting come buy wearing be cold crying lost help come
思路分析:现进行时中(be动词)动词ing 形式1257
般时中(be going to)动词原形6 10
want to 接动词原形4

( ) 1Why do you __________ so much food
A takes B taking C take
( ) 2 Amy asked Lingling to __________ some caps for the game
A bring B brought C brings
( ) 3 It’s easy __________ mistakes with English
A to make B to makes C made
( ) 4 —Why are you walking so fast
—____________ it’s going to rain
A So B Because C Then
5 Why are you ____
A shout B shouting C shouted
思路分析:1 Why do you接动词原形
2 ask sb to do sth
3 做某事容易 easy to do sth
4 回答原because引导
5 Why are you + 动词ing形式

( ) 1 Helen Keller in 1880
A be born B is born C was born
( ) 2 She lived _____________ be 87
A in B at C to
( ) 3 Her teacher drew ____________ in her hand
A pictures B names C letters
( ) 4 Lei Feng is a model us
A to B for C with
( )5 He was born _____________1970
A on B in C at

1 Where are you going A Because I’m happy
2 Why are you laughing B I’d like some fish
3 What would you like C I’m going to school
4 Whose cap is it D He went there by bus
5 How did he go there E It’s Tony’s

1 she see hear couldn’t and she couldn’t
2 herself wrote book about she a
3 blind Helen Keller is for people role a model
4 over went she the world all
5 was in she born 1880 in America

三1 She cloudn’t see and she couldn’t hear
2 She wrote a book about herself
3 Helen Keller is a role model for blind people
4 She went all over the world
5 She was born in America in 1880





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外研版七年级下册英语 Module 8 测试

Module 8 测试(限时: 60分钟, 100分)一、单项选择(每小题1分, 共10分)1. My family decide _______ our house this weekend.A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned2. —Did he visit the park yesterday afternoon?— ___

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六年级英语下册 Module5 unit1教案 外研版

Module 5Unit1 Daming is having a birthday party.课题:Module5   Unit1 Daming is having a birthday party.学习目标:  1. 听、说、读、写四会单词:  Trumpet   ring   doorbell  loudly    2. 能听懂、会说功能句:  A Daming is h

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六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 1(5)教案 外研版

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六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2(5)教案 外研版

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六年级英语下册 Module5 unit2教案 外研版

Module 5Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain.课题:Module 5 Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain.学习目标:1. 听、说、读、写四会词组。  Eat dinner, ride a bike, do morning exerc

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Unit2 I am looking out of the window.教学目标:1、口头运用 I’m looking out of the window.向不在场的人描述所看到的场景。2、能识别单词:train, out of window, hill. 能书写单词:train, window.3、学习本单元的歌谣。重难点: 1、口头运用 I’m looking out

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六年级英语下册 Module2 unit1教案 外研版

Module 2Unit 1 We’re going to have a picnic.1.Teaching content:  Module 2   Plans 2. Teaching objectives: (1) Words: duck noisy  (2) Sentences: When are we going to eat?  We’re going to eat a

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六年级英语下册 Module4 unit1教案 外研版

Module 4Unit 1 I’m making Daming’s birthday card.Teaching objectives:Knowledge Aim:1. Words: cards, careful, balloon, fly away.2. Sentences: Who can help me? Sorry, I can’t. Yes, I can help you

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Module3Unit 1 The sun is shining.第一课时(40分钟)教学内容:SB(学生用书)与AB(课堂活动用书)Unit 1 The sun is shining.教学目标:1、 学习目标语句:The sun is shining.The birds are singing,2、能口头运用The birds are singing in the tre

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外研版七年级下册英语 Module 10 测试

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外研版七年级下册英语 Module 12 测试

Module 12 测试(限时: 60分钟, 100分)一、单项选择(每小题1分, 共10分)1. —Who’s the music The Blue Danube _______?—Johann Strauss.A. in B. at C. by D. for2. —The pet dog is lovely.— Really? It’s also _______. It

文***7 2年前 上传536   0


1.beat(n.)节拍;拍子→beat(v.)击败→beat(过去式)→beaten(过去分词)2.intend(v.)计划;打算→intend to do sth.计划干某事3.fetch(v.)(去)取来;拿来→fetches(第三人称单数形式)4.handbag(n.)(女用)小提包

5***蛇 3年前 上传494   0


Unit 1 I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre.1.so...that...用法 意为“如此……以至于……”,其中,so后跟形容词或者副词,that后为结果状语从句。

6***雅 3年前 上传524   0

六年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 2(2)教案 外研版(一起)

外研版一起六年级英语下册Module 8 unit 2 Helen’s First Word教材分析语言功能:能够谈论现在和过去所具备和不具备的能力。语言结构:How did Helen Keller learn to read and write?教学目标:a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句How did Helen Keller learn to read and write?b

自由的感觉 2年前 上传324   0


1. 能够听懂、会说并认读单词:exercise, playground, before, skip, coffee, tea。2. 能够听懂、会说并认读句子:What time does your school start? What time do you get up? My school starts at…

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