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A possible version last month our class took part in the school's Art Festival We held a class meeting to discuss what to perform in the festival My classmates have several ideas such as performing drama singing or dancing because many of us want to participate in it
Drama is our last choice After the discussion we started the preparatory work Although most of us are not familiar with drama we are confident to try all the actors and actors and start practicing the drama of our choice
At the same time other students are preparing stage supplies such as clothing and other decorations Our monitor even made some lovely hat shows The big day has finally come
Every actor and actress are doing their best to perform leaving a deep impression on the audience When they come to the stage to receive the award the applause keeps on and our dream is realized in the whole process

I'd like to give you some suggestions to make our town a pleasant city for your first time I'd like to make some suggestions for you to come to our town for the first time The busiest street in our town is prospect Avenue has a lot of things to do and see on this street
First of all you can visit the art museum The art exhibition is across the street from the art museum If you want to buy some books you can go through the third street to the bookstore from there to the south of prospect Street
If you want to have some snacks go west along prospect Avenue You have many choices You can visit an ice cream shop a bakery or a candy store
Finally cross the second street and enjoy all the unusual animals in the pet store Find prospect Avenue from the railway station turn left on the Fourth Avenue and go south It's only two blocks away from the entrance of the art museum
I hope you'll enjoy your visit to prospect Avenue prospect Avenue and Prospect Avenue City




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  星期xx,我和爸爸去了xx科技馆。  一走进科技馆,一种科学的气息就围绕着我。首先,我和爸爸看到的,是一辆固定的自行车,自行车下头的一块牌子上,我看见了操作说明:人坐在上头骑,骑一会儿,对面的镜子上,就

平***7 2年前 上传340   0


科技馆参观记作文 汤 可 今天,我与同学们满怀期待的来到了**科技馆。 站在大门外抬头仰望,只见整个科技馆呈一个碗状,形状十分新奇。刚进入科技馆便有一个大石碑映入你的眼帘,石碑上写着“**科技馆”五个大字,听讲解员阿姨介绍说:“**科技馆总建筑面积1700平方米,布展面积1200平方米,一共分为四个主题展区,分别是产业·科技、科技·生活、超感影院和科技长廊。”我们立刻发出了不可思议地惊呼:

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冰雕闪闪   雪花飘飘 **市第二实验小学五年级(4)班     黄昕昀 指导老师:黄淑灵 “什么?冰雪大世界?机会难得呀!”手握“冰雪大世界”门票的我,兴奋地跳了起来。我生在南方,对“冰雪”只有书面理解,从未看过。 国庆当天,我来参观“冰雪大世界”。 套上羽绒服,穿上防滑鞋套,沿着过道,我来到了一个冰雪天地。方才直叫热的我,被一股迎面而来的冷气,吹得冷不防打了个哆嗦,上下牙齿不听话得

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★My Favourite Book Everyone has his own favourite book, I am also. The book I like best is ‘Harry  Potter’which is written by an English single mother author—J.K Rowling. It’s very interesting. I li

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