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I 词适形式填空
1 _______________(that) are my grandparents
2 Look These are _____________(photo) of my family
3 This is my _____________(parent) room It's the biggest
4 Our English teacher is not only outgoing but also _____________(friend)to us
5 My school is bigger than _____________(your)
6 As students we should learn more about _____________(China) culture
7 Our class won _____________(one) prize in the school football match
8 Mary has got two new _____________(watch) They're the birthday presents from her father and uncle
9 What about _____________(go) swimming after class
10 There are several sharing _____________(library) in our city
11 It was raining My father asked me ______________(take) a raincoat
12 I often help my mom______________(do) some housework
Ⅱ 完成句子
1 叔叔足球迷常电视足球赛
My uncle is a football fan He often watches football match_________________
2 老师帮助学成绩取进步
_______________________ my teachers I have made great progress in my study
3 妈妈昨天买双白色靴子
My mother_________________ a pair of white boots for me yesterday
4 左转银行邮局隔壁
Turn left and you will see the bank _______________________ post office
5 字典呀
________________________________ they are
6 铅笔盒书包里书包书桌面
My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is ___________________
7 谢谢分享雨伞
________________________ sharing your umbrella with me
8 刚见约翰正操场踢足球
I saw John __________________________on the playground just now
9 怀特先生正开会
Mr White is ______________________________now
10 彼喜欢交朋友
Peter likes______________________
11 两张家漂亮片
__________________________________________________ of my family
12 妈妈求晚10点前完成作业
My mother asks me _________________________________ before 10 o’clock

I 词适形式填空
1 I think John_____________(like) strawberries and apples
2 Your idea_______________(sound) good
3 They help us relax and make our lives more _________________(interest)
4 I don't____________(real) care if my friends are the same as me or different with me
5 Chinese is such a_______________(use) language that more and more foreigners want to learn it
6 I need three_________________(tomato) for making the pizza
7 My sister wants________________(buy) a new bike
8 Tom is good at math and he can work out the math problems__________________(easy)
9 Although my grandfather is 90 years old he is still ____________________(health)
10 Tomorrow is my younger brother's _____________(nine) birthday
11 I had a good time on _______________(child) Day
12 Let’s _____________(keep) quiet in the library
Ⅱ 完成句子
1 父母总放学询问学情况
My parents always_________________________ my schoolwork after school
2 正考虑暑假里旅行
I'm_______________________where to travel during my summer vacation
3 妈妈昨天买两双白色鞋子
My mother bought____________________ white shoes for me yesterday
4 周六学校艺术节
There is an________________________ in our school next Saturday
5 算八月份海
I'm going to go to Shanghai_____________________
6 妈妈空闲时间喜欢电视
My mother likes_____________________ in her free time
7 公司铁站远
________________________ is it from your company to the subway station
8 昨天元旦晚会玩开心
They_____________________________at the New Year's party yesterday
9 科目中喜欢语文
Among all the _____________________ I like Chinese best
10 昨天午节美术课
I __________________________________yesterday afternoon
11 吃汉堡想长胖
I don't eat hamburgers because I ______________________________________
Tom ___________________________ for school

I 词适形式填空
1 Sally is a big fan of the______________(sing) Mao Buyi She can sing most of his songs
2 Brushing your______________(tooth) twice a day is good for your health
3 Miss Wang walked into the classroom ______________(quiet) so no one found her
4 I love music I want to be a great ______________(music) in the future
5 We like John because he usually tells us ______________(fun) stories
6 Though the news may make Lily sad they have to tell her the______________(true).
7 My family are looking forward to______________(live) in the new house
8 Tony's father is a taxi______________(drive) and he is proud of his job
9 Can you repair my computer as______________(quick) as possible
10 Doing morning ______________(exercise) can help you keep healthy
11 Don’t be afraid of____________(make) mistakes Failure is the mother of success
12 Bill __________________(brush) his teeth twice a day
Ⅱ 完成句子
1 爸爸喜欢路边老象棋
My father likes ______________ with the old beside the road
2 萨拉爸爸总求严格
Sarah's father is always _________________________ her
3 玛丽天铁学校
Mary __________________________ to get to school every day
4 周五午通常图书馆
I usually go to the library __________________________
5 实现梦想约翰天努力工作
In order to make his dream __________________________ John works hard every day
6 家超市间家医院
There is a hospital _______________ my home ____________ the supermarket
7 杰克擅长绘画美术喜欢科目
Jack __________________________ and art is his favorite subject
8 爷爷常清早着河边散步
My grandpa often __________________________ along the river early in the morning
9 天太家庭作业做
I have __________________________to do today
10 知道西方惯早晨洗淋浴
As we know Western people are used to __________________________in the morning
11 周末喜欢做什
What do you like doing __________________________
12 放学时半时篮球
After class I sometimes play basketball _________________________

I 词适形式填空
1 My mother enjoys_________________(watch) films
2 I'm going to _________________(Australian) next month
3 Mary stayed up late last night and now she feels_________________(sleep)
4 We'd better make preparations against a_________________(rain) day
5 Jack is good at math I think he can work out the problem _________________(easy).
6 I had a great time________________(visit) my aunt in London
7 I saw her________________(practice) English in the classroom when I passed by
8 I plan to travel to several_________________(Europe) countries next month
9 It will be _________________(snow) tomorrow according to the weather report
10 Basketball was invented by a _________________(Canada) doctor named James Naismith
11 ______________(visit) must show their health QR codes and check their temperature before they go into the museum
12 The elephant is one of Thailand’s ___________________(symbol)
Ⅱ 完成句子
1 年轻通常更喜欢出吃饭
The young usually prefer to_________________
2 动物神奇会迷路
Some animals are very magic They never_________________
3 动物双棕色眼睛
This small animal has a pair of ____________________
4 砍伐树木动物正失家园
People_________________ many trees so animals are losing their homes
5 星期五晚家弹钢琴起电影
You can either play the piano at home or______________________ with us on Friday night
6 端午节中国传统节日
______________________ is a traditional festival in China
7 妈妈包饺子尝起非常美味
The dumplings my mother made______________________
8 李老师现回回电话
Miss Li isn't here at the moment I will ask her to______________________ as soon as she comes back
9 喜欢熊猫点害羞
I like pandas Because they are______________________shy
We should take action to save the animals______________________
11 书店超市面
The bookstore is _______________________the supermarket
12 忘完成写作仔细检查
________________________check carefully after writing the composition

I 词适形式填空
1 It's usually considered impolite to ask ______________(person) questions about others
2 This book is really interesting It is worth _______________again
3 The______________(paint) in my grandfather's room are valuable
4 —How many ______________(sheep) can you see on the hill
—About 15
5 The mother became ______________(worry) after talking on the phone with her son
6 Eric wants to be a great ______________(art) like Vincent van Gogh in the future
7 MrBlack is really a kind and_______________(help)man
8 Sometimes the same person can be described ______________(different) by different people
9 The movie was interesting but Grace was not ______________(interest) in it
10 She was very ill but ______________(lucky) she is now out of danger
11 I feel ________________(luck) to have a friend like you
12 Would you like_________________(eat) icecream
Ⅱ 完成句子
1 爸爸高矮中等身高
My father isn't tall or short He's ____________________________
2 年努力学成功进入梦想学
After many years of hard work he successfully entered his dream university ________________________
3 双鞋价格时莉莉吃惊
Lily ________________________ when she saw the price of the pair of shoes
4 红包孩子带运
Hongbao can ________________________ children
5 昨天晚熬夜准备天考试
He ________________________last night to prepare for the exam today
6 弟弟兴奋沙发跳跳
My brother was so excited that he jumped ________________________on the sofa
7 作朋友应该互相帮助
Being good friends we should help ________________________
8 声嚷样礼貌
Don't ________________________ others It's not polite
9 善良男常带食物喂流浪动物
This kind man always brings some food to________________________
10 天早晨五点钟妈妈醒
My mother ________________________ at 5 00 this morning
11 中国生日时候吃蛋糕变越越流流行
In China it is _____________________ to have cake on your birthday
12 现类活动鲸鱼数量越越少
________________________ the whales is smaller and smaller because of human activities now

Task 27
I 完成句子
1 图书馆必须保持安静
We have to ____________________in the library
2 十岁孩子
He is only _________________________child
3 约翰会游泳想加入游泳俱乐部
John can swimso he wants to________________________________
4 昨天午操场放风筝
They ____________________________ on the playground yesterday afternoon
5 妈妈正电话朋友交谈
My Mother ________________________ with her friend
Ⅱ 短文填空

difference friend write be week usual school have come people
Dear Alan
How is it going I’m 1 _______________this letter in a hotel in the Alps(阿尔卑斯山) Now it’s summer vacation so we can stay here for two 2 ______________ Summer is 3 ________________very hot in Europe but in the mountains things are 4 _______________ There is always snow My grandparents and my sister are with me We 5 ______________having a great time The morning in the mountains is cold and windy so we don’t go out We watch TV or play chess in the hotel When the sun6 ___________out and it is not so cold we go out to play in the snow There are many 7______________ They teach 8 _____________how to ski My sister and I 9 _______________classes in one school The teachers there are 10 _____________ to us It is really fun
See you next month
Ⅲ 补全话
A Hey Eric Where did you go on vacation
B 1_______________________________
A Really Why did you go there
B I missed my grandparents in the countryside
A Oh nice 2_______________________________
B I went fishing every day And I milked a cow and picked some oranges
A 3_______________________________
B It was excellent
A 4_______________________________
B It was great and the air was so clean I watched the stars at night They were so beautiful
A Lucky you Did you take any photos
B 5_______________________________ I'll show them to you tomorrow
A OK thanks See you tomorrow





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1***1 5年前 上传1932   0


七年级英语一.单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)1. Everyone likes my father because is friendly.A. his B. him C.he D himself2. This is ruler and that is umbrella.A.a;an B. an: C. a: a

福***园 9个月前 上传305   0


1.式子①x+y=1;②x>y;③x+2y;④x-y≥1;⑤x<0是不等式的有()A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个

6***雅 2年前 上传355   0


 人教版七年级下册英语期末试题(含答案、听力) 英语试卷 卷一(选择题,共80分) 听力部分(第一节) I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分,读两遍) ( )1. A. gift B. giraffe C. guitar ( )2. A. brother B. mother C.

n***s 5年前 上传2361   0

人教版七年级下册英语 unit 11 测试卷

Unit 11 测试卷(120分, 100分钟)题 号一二三四五六七总 分得 分听力部分(25分)一、听力(共15小题, 满分25分)第一节: 听小对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项, 回答问题。(5分)(  )1. What did Kate do yesterday?A. Took photos. B. Climbed a mou

文***7 2年前 上传545   0

人教版七年级下册英语 unit 7 测试卷

Unit 7 测试卷(120分, 100分钟)题 号一二三四五六七总 分得 分听力部分(25分)一、听力(共15小题, 满分25分)第一节: 听小对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项, 回答问题。(5分)(  )1. How's the weather in Shanghai?A. Hot and sunny. B. Cold and

文***7 2年前 上传478   0

人教版七年级下册英语 unit 9 测试卷

Unit 9 测试卷(120分, 100分钟)题 号一二三四五六七总 分得 分听力部分(25分)一、听力(共15小题, 满分25分)第一节: 听小对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项, 回答问题。(5分)(  )1. What does Andrew's sister look like?A. She's short and heavy.

文***7 2年前 上传571   0


( )1. He can ________in their music festival. A. is B. are C. be D.joins( )2. Little Tom can draw . His drawings are very .A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well

5***蛇 2年前 上传421   0


人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题(含答案)七年级英语期末考试试题第一卷选择题(50分)I.单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. This is _________ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. We don’t like_________.

文***享 6个月前 上传207   0


二、听句子, 选择最佳应答语。(每小题1分, 共5分)(  )6. A. Oh, no! B. Thank you. C. I'm not sure. (  )7. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, she does. (  )8. A. I am OK. B. I like music. C. I need a hat, please. (  )9. A. Happy birthday! B. Sounds good. C. You're welcome. (  )10. A. I have it on Monday. B. I think it's difficult.

M***o 1年前 上传230   0


变为否定句:1.I’m 12 years old.______ _______ 12 years old. I _______ _______ 12 years old.2.He’s in the library.He ________ _______ in the library. 3.These are seven pens.These ________ _______ se

还***法 9个月前 上传186   0

外研版七年级下册英语 期末测试

期末测试(限时: 120分钟, 120分)听力部分(25分)一、 听句子, 选择与其相符的图片, 每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分, 共5分) A B C D E1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. _________

文***7 2年前 上传529   0

鲁教五四版七年级下册英语 期末测试

期末测试(限时: 120分钟 满分: 120分)听力部分(20分)一、听句子, 选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍(每小题1分, 共5分)1. A. They’ll have a great time. B. If you do, you’ll be sorry. C. If you do, you’ll be late. 2. A. Yes, I will. B. Laura. C

文***7 2年前 上传574   0


人教版七年级下册语文试卷 (全卷共四大题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 题 号 一 二 三 四 总 分 得 分 一、语文知识及运用 (30分) 1. 下列各项中黑体字读音相同的是( ) (3分) A. 折损 折本 B. 亘古 更加 C. 惩罚 乘法 D. 真挚 炽热 2.下列词语书写无误的一

n***s 5年前 上传1941   0


1. (2分)读下图,亚洲地形特点不包括以下的( )A . 中部高四周低B . 地势起伏很大 C . 地形复杂多样D . 以高原为主,地面坦荡开阔答案解析 设定得分 换题 转移 收藏 纠错 删除 2. (2分)东南亚流经国家最多的河流是( ) A . 湄南河B . 伊洛瓦底江C . 红河D . 湄公河答案解析 设定得分 换题 转移 收藏 纠错 删除 3. (4分)读中南半岛略图,完成

张***远 3年前 上传584   0



奋***行 4年前 上传1975   0

学年七年级下册语文期末复习试卷 部编人教版七年级下册

1.根据拼音写出相应的汉字。 生命,总在闪耀中现出càn①_灿___烂,在平凡中显出真实。生命如果有声音,是不是就是海伦.凯勒对光明的呼huàn②_唤__?生命如果有颜色,会不会就是宗璞眼中的那片繁shèng③__盛_流动的淡紫色?挫折与幸运,渺小与伟大,失意与重塑无不在丰yíng④__盈___着每一个生命。

4***1 1年前 上传252   0


一、 词汇运用(每小题0.5分,共5分)A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. These ________ (村民) are from Shanxi. They are so nice. 2. There are about five ________ (百) students in our school. 3. Look! So many ________ (小船) are on the river.

3***猪 3年前 上传772   0


Teaching Aims1. language aims1) to master the key wordsspend, spend time, climb, road, often, air, sunshine, free, enjoy, enjoy reading, easily, money2) to master the sentence structure① I like to spend time there on weekends.② I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.

静***雅 3年前 上传698   0


【练一练】①It is _______(rain) now and it is a ______(rain) day.②看,现在雨下的很大。Look, _____________________ heavily now.2.How is the weather in Shanghai ?、

静***雅 3年前 上传724   0


1. —Can you speak ______ Japanese?— No, I canˈt. I canˈt speak Japanese very______ .A. well, good B. good, well C. good, good D. well, well2. Miss Wang is good _________ music. She can be good _________ children in the music club.A. at; at B. at; with C. with; with D. with; at

夏***子 3年前 上传769   0


1. 知识目标:1) 识记以下单词:put, artist, crime, criminal, put, each, way, describe, differently, another, end, real 2)了解指示代词。 3) 能掌握描述人物相貌的词组和句型。

温***季 3年前 上传651   0


☞现在进行时★概念:现在进行时表示说话的瞬间正在进行或发生的事情或现阶段一直在进行的动作。备注:现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“现 在”,动作的状态是“正在进行中”。在英语时态中,“时“指动作发生的时间,”态“指动作的样子和状态。●Listen,She is singing an English song. 听,她正在唱英语歌。●We are making model planes t

还***法 10个月前 上传187   0


本单元教学内容选自人教版七年级英语下册第八单元,本节课为本单元的第四课时。此单元的主要教学目标是学生学会如何向别人问路及如何给别人指路,谈论的内容主要集中在地点名词、方位介词、指示方向的动词短语等,语言知识结构有“There be”结构,“Where questions”和“Prepositions of places”。

静***雅 3年前 上传523   0


教师寄语:Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。【学习目标】1、初步掌握第25页的生词和句型;2、能够运用以下句型进行交际。 Let’s see the pandas first. They’re my favorite animals. Why do you want to see them? Because they’re interesting.【学习重点】:熟练拼写和运用重点词汇。【学习难点】:掌握和运用why引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。**********************************************************************

夏***子 1年前 上传351   0