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1Nice weather isn’t it        
AYes it is
BI’m not sure
CYou know it well

2Let me introduce myselfI’m Steward.
APleased to meet you
BWhat a pleasure
CThanks a lot

3I’ve started my own software company
ACould you tell me who is the owner
BNo kidding Congratulations
Cif I had the money I’d start one

4What’s wrong with youdear
AI didn’t go to school
BI have a terrible headache
CIt is a beautiful dress

5Have you been to Paris
ANoI didn’t go there last year
BNo but l hope to go there next year
CNo it was a long time ago

1Mike is ______ an honest worker ______ we all believe him

2Mary works harder than her sister ______

3What she does is a fulltime job not an ______

4Prices change according to ______and demand

5There are ______flowers in the garden
Alittle two yellow
Byellow two little
Ctwo little yellow

6____ in the late 1970s____American manufacturing factories realized that quality control was a significant issue
Ait waswhen
Bit iswhen
Cit wasthat

7An application form will be sent to you ______
Aon request
Bon a request
Cin request

8We should discourage people____using their cars in the city centers

9The book _____ Mike’sIt has his name on it
Ahave be
Bmust be
Chave to be

10_____ of Professor Smith’s have arrived here
ATwo student
BTwo students

11I was trying to get into the ____ bus when I heard a voice from behind

12He used to ______ very hard when he was young
Cto work

13I took it for _______ that you wouldn’t come here again

14I bought a new car last month but I ______ my old car yet
Adid not sell
Bhave not sold
Chad not sold

15The news _____ we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true

1I’m Michael BushManaging Director of Hoogle EngineeringI am pleased to welcome you here to our website and I’d like to tell you a little about the company and its organizationHoogle Engineering was set up in 1960It was divided into several departments at that timesuch as the sales departmentmarketing departmentand production departmentLots of managers were employed to manage it all

Fortunately things are different nowSixty people are employed by Hoogle and communication between departments is considered to be one of the most important aspects of the businessThe market is global so we need to make contact with customers worldwidenot just locally

But in the old days we were all in different departments and never spoke to each otherWe had a tall structureTraditionally we had people at the first level on the shop floormanufacturing products according to the instructions which they were givenThen you had a supervisory level of people who supervised them every dayThen you moved up to the middle managementwho were doing the tasks of getting new businessand then you had the senior management teamand then you had the boardwho decided the business strategySo there were a lot of levels in the company in the old days actually

The structure today is that we form teams within teams to place people who can manufacture a productEach team has members that can manufacture different productsThe actual teams now are selfmanagingso we don’t even have team leadersYou’ve got the teamsand then you’ve got two peopleonly two peoplewho are what you think of as managementThis is generally called flat structure
[单选题]◆Hoogle Engineering was set up in_________
Athe nineteenth century
Bthe twentieth century
Cthe twenty first century

[单选题]◆There are many different_________of management in a tall structure

[单选题]◆People in a flat structure usually work in_________

[单选题]◆Which ofthe following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
Acommunication in the companv is becoming more and more important
Bthe author thinks the two structures have the same functions
Cthere are more individual responsibilities in the flat structure

[单选题]◆Which isthe best title for the passage?
AOraanization Structure in hoogle Engineening
BHistorv of Hooale Engineering
CSuccess in Hoogle engineering

1Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in EnglishIt is also the most important way

Some students say they don’t want to read for pleasureThey say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new wordsThey say that pleasure reading is too easy

Many experts(专家)say pleasure reading is very important for learning EnglishDrStephen Krashen a famous expert on learning languages says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about EnglishStudents learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasureThey also learn more about good writing

DrKrashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different wayEach student needs to learn something differentPleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs

Reading for pleasure is not the same as studyingWhen you read for pleasure you choose your own books and you don’t have to remember everythingThere are no tests on your pleasure reading booksPleasure reading will help you
● learn how English speakers use English
● read faster in English
● find examples of good writing in English
● learn new words
● learn about the cultures of English speakers
[判断题]◆Pleasure reading is important for learning English

[判断题]◆Studying is the easier way to become a better reader

[判断题]◆Some students think of pleasure reading not easy

[判断题]◆Do pleasure reading can not help us become better readers

[判断题]◆We can learn what we need is the greatest advantage of pleasure reading


MaDong’s Timetable from Monday to Friday

6 30
get up
7 00
have breakfast
7 30
take Subway line 2
9 00~12 00
check the productionline
12 00
have lunch
14 00~17 30
repair and maintenance machines
18 00
go home
19 30
have supper
20 00~22 00
watch TV do some reading
22 00
go to bed

1Nice weather isn’t it (红色字体题正确答案选项)       
AYes it is
BI’m not sure

CYou know it well

2Let me introduce myselfI’m Steward.(红色字体题正确答案选项)
APleased to meet you
BWhat a pleasure
CThanks a lot

3I’ve started my own software company(红色字体题正确答案选项)
A Could you tell me who is the owner
BNo kidding Congratulations
Cif I had the money I’d start one

4What’s wrong with youdear(红色字体题正确答案选项)
AI didn’t go to school
BI have a terrible headache
CIt is a beautiful dress

5Have you been to Paris(红色字体题正确答案选项)
A NoI didn’t go there last year
BNo but l hope to go there next year
CNo it was a long time ago

1Mike is ______ an honest worker ______ we all believe him(红色字体题正确答案选项)

2Mary works harder than her sister ______(红色字体题正确答案选项)

3What she does is a fulltime job not an ______(红色字体题正确答案选项)

4Prices change according to ______and demand(红色字体题正确答案选项)

5There are ______flowers in the garden(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Alittle two yellow
Byellow two little
Ctwo little yellow

6____ in the late 1970s____American manufacturing factories realized that quality control was a significant issue(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Ait waswhen
Bit iswhen
Cit wasthat

7An application form will be sent to you ______(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Aon request
Bon a request
Cin request

8We should discourage people____using their cars in the city centers(红色字体题正确答案选项)

9The book _____ Mike’sIt has his name on it(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Ahave be
Bmust be
Chave to be

10_____ of Professor Smith’s have arrived here(红色字体题正确答案选项)
ATwo student
BTwo students

11I was trying to get into the ____ bus when I heard a voice from behind(红色字体题正确答案选项)

12He used to ______ very hard when he was young(红色字体题正确答案选项)

Cto work

13I took it for _______ that you wouldn’t come here again(红色字体题正确答案选项)

14I bought a new car last month but I ______ my old car yet(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Adid not sell
Bhave not sold
Chad not sold

15The news _____ we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true(红色字体题正确答案选项)

1I’m Michael BushManaging Director of Hoogle EngineeringI am pleased to welcome you here to our website and I’d like to tell you a little about the company and its organizationHoogle Engineering was set up in 1960It was divided into several departments at that timesuch as the sales departmentmarketing departmentand production departmentLots of managers were employed to manage it all

Fortunately things are different nowSixty people are employed by Hoogle and communication between departments is considered to be one of the most important aspects of the businessThe market is global so we need to make contact with customers worldwidenot just locally

But in the old days we were all in different departments and never spoke to each otherWe had a tall structureTraditionally we had people at the first level on the shop floormanufacturing products according to the instructions which they were givenThen you had a supervisory level of people who supervised them every dayThen you moved up to the middle managementwho were doing the tasks of getting new businessand then you had the senior management teamand then you had the boardwho decided the business strategySo there were a lot of levels in the company in the old days actually

The structure today is that we form teams within teams to place people who can manufacture a productEach team has members that can manufacture different

productsThe actual teams now are selfmanagingso we don’t even have team leadersYou’ve got the teamsand then you’ve got two peopleonly two peoplewho are what you think of as managementThis is generally called flat structure
[单选题]◆Hoogle Engineering was set up in_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Athe nineteenth century
Bthe twentieth century
Cthe twenty first century

[单选题]◆There are many different_________of management in a tall structure(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[单选题]◆People in a flat structure usually work in_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[单选题]◆Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Acommunication in the companv is becoming more and more important
Bthe author thinks the two structures have the same functions
Cthere are more individual responsibilities in the flat structure

[单选题]◆Which isthe best title for the passage?(红色字体题正确答案选项)
AOraanization Structure in hoogle Engineening
BHistorv of Hooale Engineering
CSuccess in Hoogle engineering

1Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in EnglishIt is also the most important way

Some students say they don’t want to read for pleasureThey say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new wordsThey say that pleasure reading is too easy

Many experts(专家)say pleasure reading is very important for learning EnglishDrStephen Krashen a famous expert on learning languages says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about EnglishStudents learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasureThey also learn more about good writing

DrKrashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different wayEach student needs to learn something differentPleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs

Reading for pleasure is not the same as studyingWhen you read for pleasure you choose your own books and you don’t have to remember everythingThere are no tests on your pleasure reading booksPleasure reading will help you
● learn how English speakers use English
● read faster in English
● find examples of good writing in English
● learn new words
● learn about the cultures of English speakers
[判断题]◆Pleasure reading is important for learning English(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[判断题]◆Studying is the easier way to become a better reader(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[判断题]◆Some students think of pleasure reading not easy(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[判断题]◆Do pleasure reading can not help us become better readers(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[判断题]◆We can learn what we need is the greatest advantage of pleasure reading(红色字体题正确答案选项)


MaDong’s Timetable from Monday to Friday

6 30
get up
7 00
have breakfast
7 30
take Subway line 2
9 00~12 00
check the production line
12 00
have lunch
14 00~17 30
repair and maintenance machines
18 00
go home
19 30
have supper
20 00~22 00
watch TV do some reading
22 00
go to bed


I’m Mang DongI often get up at 630 and have my breakfast at 700At 730 I take Subway line 2 to go to workAt factory I focus on checking the production line from 900 to 1200At 1200 it is lunch timeIn the afternoon from 1400 to 1730 I set about repairing and maintenance machinesAt 1800 I am ready to go home and have supper at 1930From 2000 to 2200 in the evening I watch TV and do some reading then I go to bedThat is what my routine day is like




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1.-How often do you go dancing?-_______________.A.I will go dancing tomorrow.B.Yesterday.C.Every other day.

h***s 1个月前 上传95   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-The red dress fits me very much,doesn’t it?-_______________.A.You look very beautifulB.Yes,it doesC.It is expensive2.-It’s raining so heavily outside.I’m terribly anxious about my son’s safety.-_______________.A.Well.He is a good boyB.Yes,it is.It will rain tomorrowC.Don’t worry about him.He will come back safe and sound

h***s 1个月前 上传184   0


1.—Don’t keep water running when you wash hands.―_________________ A.I hope so.B.I’m afraid not.C.Sorry,I won’t.

h***s 1个月前 上传156   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Do you mind if I close the door?—__________A.Yes.That’s good.B.I feel cold as well.Go ahead.C.No,I can’t.2.—I had a really good weekend at the seaside.—__________A.Oh,that’s very nice of you.B.Oh,I’m glad to hear that.C.It’s a pleasure.

h***s 1个月前 上传112   0


1.-What can we do for the case? -_______________.A.We could consult our lawyer.B.The case is difficult C.I don’t care about it.

h***s 1个月前 上传116   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-_______________.-Can you tell me something about your new product?A.What do you do.Sir?B.What do you know,Madam?C.What can I help you.Sir?2.-How about getting together for a cartoon movie tonight?-_______________What’s playing tonight?A.Take it easyB.That’s a good ideaC.I don’t like Kongfu film

h***s 2个月前 上传160   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-I’m terribly sorry that I’ve spilled some coffee on the table-_______________A.I don’t careB.It doesn’t matterC.Don’t be sorry2.-Hello, I’m Harry Potter!Hello, my name is Charles Green, but_______________A.call my CharlesB.call me CharlesC.call me at Charles3.-So sorry to trouble you.-_______________A.It’s a pleasure.B.It’s your faultC.I don’t think so

h***s 1个月前 上传187   0


★―Any suggestions for the project?―________________.B.I advise you to put more hands in this project.★―Any suggestions for the project?―________________.B.I advise you to put more hands in this project.

h***s 1个月前 上传186   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Nice weather, isn’t it? -_______________A.Yes, it is,B. I’m not sure,C.You know it well,2.-Hello, I’m Harry Potter. -Hello, my name is Charles Green, but__________A.call my CharlesB. call me CharlesC.call me at Charles3.-Let’s go to the library this afternoon. -_______________A.That’s a good idea.B.Yes that’s right.C.No,I can’t

h***s 1个月前 上传145   0


★Any suggestions for the project?●________________.B.I advise you to put more hands in this project.★Any suggestions for the project?●________________.B.I advise you to put more hands in this project.

h***s 1个月前 上传131   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Nice weather, isn’t it? -_______________A.Yes, it is,B.I’m not sure,C.You know it well,2.-Hello, I’m Harry Potter. -Hello, my name is Charles Green, but__________A.call my CharlesB.call me CharlesC.call me at Charles3.-How did you miss your train?-_______________A.Never mindB.What’s your proposal?C.Well, I was caught in the traffic jam

h***s 1个月前 上传128   0


1.-What’s the weather like in that area?-________________.A.Very well.B.It’s rainy.C.Yes, it’s fine.

h***s 1个月前 上传186   0


1.-What’s the weather like in that area?-________________.A.Very well.B.It’s rainy.C.Yes, it’s fine.

h***s 1个月前 上传223   0


1.-What’s the weather like in that area?-________________.A.Very well.B.It’s rainy.C.Yes, it’s fine.

h***s 1个月前 上传294   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-What’s the weather like in that area? -________________A.Very wellB it’s rainyC.Yes, it’s fine2.-Let me introduce myself. I’m Steward. -________________A.Pleased to meet you!B.What a pleasureC.Thanks a lot.3.-Don’t take too long at the coffee shop. It’s 14:15. -_________________A.I’ll think it overB.That’s very kind of you.C.I see. We have 30 minutes left.

h***s 1个月前 上传142   0


1.-Sam, this is my friend, Jane.-________________A.I’m Jack.B.Glad to meet you, Sam.C.Glad to meet you. Jane.

h***s 1个月前 上传134   0


1.-Nice weather. isn’t it?-________________.A.Yes.it isB.I’m not sure,C.You know it well,

h***s 1个月前 上传191   0


1.-Hey,Henry!-_______________.A.Who are you?B.Hello,there!How are you?C.Nice to meet you,too.

h***s 1个月前 上传144   0


第一部分、试题原题第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-How is the movie? Interesting?-_______________.A.It was shown late until midnight.B.It was starred by a few famous people.C.Far from.I should have stayed at home watching TV.

h***s 1个月前 上传109   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-The red dress fits me very much, doesn’t it?-_______________.A.You look very beautifulB.Yes, it doesC.It is expensive2.-Thank you for your MP4 player. I’ll ask Mary to take it to you soon.-_______________. I’ve bought a new one.A.No senseB.No hurryC.No way

h***s 1个月前 上传165   0


1.―I think things have been a bit difficult for us in the last couple of months.―___________We’ve been working hard,but still getting behind.A.You’re right.B.I’m afraid.C.I don’t think so.

h***s 1个月前 上传164   0


1.-What’s the best way to get to the Empire Hotel?-_______________A.It’s five blocks awayB.Walking through the woodC.It’s a twenty-minute walk

h***s 4周前 上传76   0


1.-Hey,Derek,which do you think is harder to learn,marketing or designing?-_____________A.It is the best design I have ever seenB.Personally,I think designing is more difficultC.I like it very much

h***s 2个月前 上传140   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.- Did you enjoy your college life?- ________________________.A.Yes,it was rich and colorfulB.No,it is interestingC.I like my college very much2.- I’m so sorry for breaking your cup.- Oh,_________,I’ve got a lot of cups.A.help yourselfB.my pleasureC.forget it

h***s 1个月前 上传157   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.- The red dress fits me very much,doesn’t it?-_______________________.A.You look very beautiful B.Yes,it doesC.It is expensive2.- I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow.-__________________________.A.I really envy you

h***s 1个月前 上传193   0