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句末常出现every dayweekyearMonday in the morning句中常always usually often sometimes
I am a student
He is tall
否定句:be 加not
I am not a student
He is not tall
疑问句:be 动词提前第位
Are you a student
YesI amNoI am not
Is he tall
Yeshe isNohe isn’t
We go to school on Monday
He goes to the park on Sunday
We don’t go to school on Monday
He doesn’t go to the park on Sunday
Do you go to school on Monday
Yes we do No we don’t
Does he go to the park on Sunday
Yes he does No he doesn’t
1 原单词末尾加s :like – likes
2 单词o sh ch s x 结尾加es :go – goes
3 单词末尾辅音+y结尾y加ies :study studies
句末常出现now句首常出现look listen
组成语+be +动词ing形式
I am reading English
They are swimming
He is playing football
I am not reading English
They are not swimming
He is not playing football
疑问句:be 放第位
Are you reading English
Yes I am No I am not
Are they swimming
Yes they are No they aren’t
Is he playing football
Yes he is No he isn’t
1动词末尾加ing :play playing
2 末尾ee加ing :ride – riding
3 末尾辅音元音辅音结尾双写末尾辅音字母:swimswimming
句末常出现last nightweekMondayyear yesterday ago
I was a pilot
They were busy
He went to the market
否定句:be加not普通动词前加didn’t 动词恢复原形
I was not a pilot
They were not busy
He didn’t go to the market
疑问句:提前be 动词句前加did
Were you a pilot
Yes I was No I wasn’t
Were they busy
Yes they were No they weren’t
Did they go to the market
Yes they did No they didn’t
1 末尾加edd :playplayedlikeliked
2 辅音加y结尾y加ied:studystudied
3 辅音元音辅音结尾双写字母加ed:stopstopped
句末常出现next Mondayweek year tomorrow
组成1语+be going to +动词原形
I am going to visit Ann
They are going to draw a dog
She is going to ride a horse
I am not going to visit Ann
They are not going to draw a dog
She is going to ride a horse
Are you going to visit Ann
Yes I am No I am not
Are they going to draw a dog
Yes they are No they aren’t
Is she going to ride a horse
Yes she is No she isn’t
I will go to the library
They will clean the house
She will eat breakfast at home
否定句:will 加not will not 写won’t
I will not go to the library
They will not clean the house
She will mot eat breakfast at home
疑问句:will 提前
Will you go to the library
Yes I will No I won’t
Will they clean the house
Yes they will No they won’t
Will she eat breakfast at home
Yes she will No she won’t
eat read do take wash
watch have carry study f ly
catch go have cook look
sing teach like get come play
1 Mike ___________ (do) his homework every day
2 There ____________ (be) some water in the glass
3 We like ____________ (play) basketball after class
4 I like singing I often ____________ (listen) to the music in the evening
5 My grandma ___________ (watch) TV every day
1 ____Alice often play the piano No she _____
A Do do B Does does C Does doesn't
2 ___ your penfriend __ in Beijing
A Do live B Do lives C Does live
3 Tom and Mike __ very excited they will take a trip
A is B are C am
4 I like ________ very much What about you
A dance B danced C dancing
5 I can’t find my pen Let me __
A go and ask her B go and ask hers C go and ask she
6 Fangfang is a good student She ____maths
A does good at B well do it C is good at
7 The kite ____ a bird A look like B is looking C looks like
8 Bill and I ___ good friends
A is B are C am
9 Sandy often ___ his homework on Sundays
A do B does C did
10 What do you usually do on the weekend I __________
A went swimming B go swimming C visited grandparents
11 What do you usually do on your holiday
A saw elephants B sing and dance Ctook picture
12 I ____ a student I go to school ____bus every day
A is by B am on C am by
13 I ____ a brother She ____ a sister
A have has B has has C have have
14 You ____ a student He ____ a teacher
A is is B are is C are are
15 He always _____ football games
A watches B watch C doesn't
16 My best friend _____ shells
A collects B collect C often
17 She doesn’t _____ listening to the music
A often B like C likes
18 My mother and I ___ always watch romantic films
A doesn’t B don’t C do
19 When _____ he get home on Friday
He gets home at four on Friday
A do B does C did
do play dance sit
make swim jump cook
clean watch come read
eat write sing go
run fly catch help
1 look Chen Jie and Mike are ___________(sing)now
2 The small bear is ________ (climb) the tree
3 Mike is ________ (draw) picture
4 She is ________ (do) the dishes
5 My brother is ________ (make) kites
6 My father is ________ (read) a newspaper in living room
7 Ted is __________(answer) the phone
8 My uncle is ________ (drive) a car
9 The students are ________(listen) to their teacher carefully
10 Chen Jie is _________(wash) clothes
三 选择正确答案
1 Every one ____ to their teacher in the classroom
A are listening B is listening C listen
2 They are singing and ___ together at the party now
A dance B danced C dancing
3 Listen The birds ____
A is singing B are sing C are singing
4 Look The kite ___ in the sky A fly B flies C is flying
5 They ____ riding a forse A is B are C am
6 Kate ____ playing chess A am B is C are
7 Are you washing clothes?
A Yes you are B Yes I am C No I am
8 Is he ____ TV?Yes he is A watch B watching C not
9 ____ they taking pictures Yes they are
A Am B Be C Are
10 It’s 10 o’clock Ben _____ TV in the bedroom
A watch B is watching C watches
四 根中文填空
1 Sandy 正弹钢琴Sandy ______ ________ the piano
2 听 正说英语Listen _______ are _______ English
3正做家庭作业I _________ _________ my homework
4正写信? ________she _______a letter
5 Zhang Peng Tom 树棋
Zhang Peng and Tom ________ ________ chess under the tree
6 正植树? _______ you ________ trees Yes we are
am is was arewere
begin began
riderode blowblew
breakbroke bringbrought
runran buildbuilt buybought
catchcaught saysaid
comecame seesaw
drawdrew drinkdrank
eatate fallfell
drivedrove singsang
dodid flyflew sitsat
fightfought gowent
meetmet sweepswept
sleepslept teachtaught
swimswam taketook
leaveleft tell—told writewrote
knowknew wearwore
getgot givegave
havehad makemade
putput readread throwthrew
1go________ 2is________ 3buy________ 4swim________
5have ________ 6 watched _________ 7 ate________ 8 got________
9 lived ________ 10 saw ________ 11 spend ________
12 talk ________ 13 do _________ 14 teach ________
15 win ________ 16 like _________ 17 write ________
18 cry ________ 19 study _________ 20 ask ________
二 单词适形式填空
1 _____ you ______(water) the flowers yesterday
2 Su Hai ________(go) for a walk last Sunday
3 Mike didn’t ________(finish) his homework yesterday
4 I _______ (pick) apples on the tree last month
5 I_______(is) ten years old last year
6 There _______(are) five books on the desk a moment ago
7 They _______(sweep) the floor just now
8 I _______ (meet) Miss White the day before yesterday
10 I _______ (wash) clothes last weekend
11 What did you you do on your holiday
I _______ (go) swimming
三 选择正确答案
1 I ___presents for my parents yesterday A buyed B bought C buying
2 Susan _____ swimming yesterday A go B goes C went
3 Danny _____ breakfast five times last week A eat B ate C eated
4 Last Sunday____ Tree Planting Day A is B were C was
5 I ____ a lot from our textbook A learned B learnes C learning
6 We ____ to the zoo and ___ a lot of animals yesterday A go see B went saw C goes sees
7 What did you do last weekend I _________ A read a book B wash the clothes C go fishing
8 What did you do on your holiday I ________
A bought a present B go skiing C learn English
9 What did he _____ yesterday He ____ his homework A did did B do did C do do
10 Yesterday my presents and I ____ our house A were cleaning B cleaned C are going to clean
11 What _____ to trees in the different season A happen B happens C happened
12 Last summer I ____ in the lake and played on the beach A swim B swam C will swim
13 Did you eat good food in China ______ A Yes I do B No I didn’t C No I did
14 We played basketball _____ A sometimes B on Saturdays C last Saturday
shall will + 动词原形 (shall 第称)
be going to + 动词原形 (表示算干什)
be going to + 点 (表示准备)
I _______ ________ _______ _______ (see) a film tomorrow
A What _______ you _______ ______ _______ (do) next Saturday?
B I _______ __________ _______ ________(swim) with my parents
There ______ _______ (be) a party in our school
Mike _______ ________ (visit ) his grandparents next week
He ______ ______ _______ _______(buy)a bike the day after tomorrow
________ (fly)a kite with my father next week
He will not _________ (go) to school tomorrow
1 I’m going to _____ some chopsticks ____ Sunday afternoon
A bought on B buy on C buy on
2 When are you going to Hong Kong I’m going there ____
A this weekend B by plane C yesterday
3 I’m going to____ my friends this weekend
A visit B visited C visiting
4 I’m going to____ homework tomorrow
A does B do C did
5 Are you going to take a piano class ____
A No we not B No I am C Yes I am
6 I am ___ eat breakfast at 715
A will B going to C shall
7 We are going to ____ to the park tomorrow
A go B goes C going
8 What film are you going to ______
A see B watch C look
9 We _____ a play tomorrow Will you please join us
A are going to see B saw C sees
10 He ___ a race with Ming Ming
A shall have B will have C going to have
11 Where _____ you go tomorrow
A are B will C shall
12 ___ his brother going to climb mountains
A Is B Are C Am
13 Look It _____ A will snowing B is going to snow C snows
14 I ____ free this afternoon A be B will be C going to be
15 They will ____ roast ducks in Beijing A ate B eats C eat
16 I __ visit my friends this weekend
A go to B am going to C going to

eat eats read reads do does
take takes wash washes watch watches
have has carry carries study studies
f ly flies catch catches go goes
have has cook cooks look looks
sing sings teach teaches like likes
get gets come comes play plays
二 1 is doing 2 is 3 playing 4listen 5 Watches
三 15 C C B C A 610 C C B B B 1115 B C A B A
1619 A B B B
do doing play playing dance dancing
sit sitting make making swim swimming
jump jumping cook cooking clean cleaning
watch watching come coming read reading
eat eating write writing sing singing
go going run running fly flying
catch catching help helping
二1singing 2climbing 3drawing 4doing 5making
6reading 7answering 8driving 9listening 10washing
三15 B C C C B 610 B B B C B
四1is playing 2they speaking 3am doing 4 Is writing
5are playing 6Are planting
1go went 2is was 3buy bought 4swim swam
5have had 6 watched watch 7 ate eat 8 got get
9 lived live 10 saw see 11 spend spent
12 talk talked 13 do did 14 teach taught
15 win won 16 like liked 17 write wrote
18 cry cried 19 study studied 20 ask asked
1 Did you water (water) the flowers yesterday
2 Su Hai went (go) for a walk last Sunday
3 Mike didn’t finish (finish) his homework yesterday
4 I picked (pick) apples on the tree last month
5 I was (is) ten years old last year
6 There were (are) five books on the desk a moment ago
7 They swept (sweep) the floor just now
8 I met (meet) Miss White the day before yesterday
10 I washed (wash) clothes last weekend
11 What did you you do on your holiday
I went (go) swimming
15 B C B C A 610 B A A B B 1114 C B B C
1am going to see
2are going to do am going to swim
3will be 4will visit
5is going to buy
6will fly 7go
15 C A A B C
610 B A A A B
1116 B A B B C B




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初中英语动词时态专项练习题用括号中动词的适当的形式填空。  1.The boy is happy because he ___________(sell) out all the  newspapers.  2.The plan _____________(give) up because of rain.  3.If it __________(not rain) tomorrow,

文***享 2年前 上传388   0



豆***2 4年前 上传1273   0


直接引语和间接引语的概述在直接引用别人的原话时,被引用的句子称为直接引语。在用直接引语时,引语前后都要加引号。引导引语的动词称为引用动词,如:say, ask, answer, reply等。

4***1 3年前 上传775   0


名词练习题一、 写出下列名词的复数形式1.computer ____________ 2.apple ____________ 3.city ______________4.house _____________ 5.sheep _____________ 6.watch ______________7.tomato _____________ 8.child

文***品 1年前 上传449   0


一般过去时专项讲解与练习一、 概念:一般过去时表示过去某一时候发生的动作或存在的状态。常与一般过去时连用的时间状语有:yesterday; 昨天 just now 刚才the day before yesterday;前天 ……ago ……之前 (例如:三天前three days ago) Last…… 上一个… (例如:上周星期天last Sunday)in 19

豆***2 4年前 上传1141   0



豆***2 4年前 上传2690   0



s***g 1个月前 上传138   0



s***g 3个月前 上传204   0



s***g 4个月前 上传186   0



s***g 2年前 上传640   0


高考英语动词的时态和语态专题练习高中英语语法(时态和语态)一.动词的时态时态是谓语动词所表示的动作或情况发生时间的各种形式。英语动词有16种时态,但是常见的只有九种:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时、过去将来时、现在完成进行时。(一)一般现在时(do / does)1.具体用法1) 表示经常性或习惯性动作We always care

z***i 3年前 上传860   0


一、单复数1、名词单复数I likebananas(banana) very much.That isan apple(apple).2、be动词单复数Thereis(be) a pair of shoes under the bed.Hereis(be) some water for you.

4***1 3年前 上传1148   0


一般现在时练习题一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。eat read do take wash watch have carry study f ly

豆***2 4年前 上传1038   0


第1讲 改否定句【知识点】1、 句子中有am/is/are/can时,直接在后面加not,其他不变,抄下来;2、 句子中没有am/is/are/can时,找到动词,在动词前面加don’t/doesn’t,其他不变,抄下来。【练习题】1、 I am Mike.否定句:____________________________________________________

豆***2 4年前 上传1022   0



s***g 4个月前 上传174   0



豆***2 4年前 上传1244   0


2022中考英语语法专题--介词讲解(含答案)介词是一种“媒介”词,是用来表示句子中某一个词或短语与另外一个词或短语之间的关系的词。一、表“在……时”的时间介词用法示例in表示较长时间,如世纪、朝代、时代、年、季节、月及一般(非特指)的早、中、晚等。in the 20th century, in the 1950s, in 1989, in summer, in Janu

的***有 8个月前 上传220   0


2022陕西中考专题讲解-作文讲解与练习->考试规律及考点介绍书面表达在陕西省初中毕业学业考试英语科目中占15分,考査学生直接用英语进行比较 简单的书面表达的能力。写作方向主要以活动计划、做法建议、写人叙事为主。分析近十年, 可看出作文话题主要跟学生的学校生活、饮食健康、活动计划、人际交往及学习策略有关。考题规律考察年份考察文体话题提示词形式时态2020做法建议类如何爱护

还***法 2年前 上传430   0


1. It is a fine day. The sun __________(shine) brightly.2. They ___________(visit) the Science Museum next Sunday.3. Mr Brown __________(live) in Beijing since he came to China.4. Mr Wang ___________(teach) us English two years ago.

幸***在 2年前 上传384   0


小学语文修辞手法专项练习及答案1. 比喻:打比方,是用具体的、浅显的、熟悉的、形象鲜明的事物去说明或描写抽象的、深奥的事物。这样可以把事物的形象描写得更生动、具体。打比方的双方要有共同特征。2. 拟人:借助想象力,把事物当作人来写。即赋予它们人的言行、思想、感情等。3. 排比:运用三个或三个以上的结构相同或相似,意思密切相关,语气一致的句子或词组,排成一串。这样的句子可以加强语言的气势

一***心 4年前 上传1243   0


一、将所给直接引语变为间接引语,每空一词:1. “I am having supper,” he said. He said that _______ _______ having supper.2. “I’ve seen the film,” Gina said to me. Gina _______ me that she _______ _______ the film. 3. “I went home with my sister,” she said.

4***1 3年前 上传1128   0


1. 直接引语:别人直接说的话,一般直接放在引号内。如:(1) My mother told me, “You should finish your homework first, then you can play with your friends.”(2) Our teacher said, “Class is over, we should have a rest.”2. 间接引语:用自己的话加以转述,被转述的话不放在引号内。上面两个例句变成间接引语应该是:

4***1 3年前 上传623   0


初中英语语法八大时态一.一般现在时1. 结构肯定句式: 主语+动词原形/动词的第三人称单数+其他否定句式: 主语+(助动词) don't/doesn't +动词原形+其他一般疑问句式: Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他简略回答: (肯)Yes,主语+do/does (否)No,主语+do/does not 缩写形式: don't = do not

文***享 4年前 上传829   0


(完整word)初中英语语法八大时态总结推荐文档第 1 页 共 9 页初中英语语法八大时态一.一般现在时1.结构肯定句式: 主语+动词原形/动词的第三人称单数+其他否定句式: 主语+(助动词) don't/doesn't +动词原形+其他一般疑问句式: Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他简略回答: (肯)Yes,主语+do/does (否)No,主语+do/does not 缩写形式

和***6 3年前 上传629   0



s***g 3个月前 上传240   0