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第题 交际语题库
★Amydo you shop online often●____CYesIt’s very convenient and the price is often lower than in store
★Are the Project Managers linking up OK●They seem to beyes____BThere’s been a good atmosphere at the first management meetings
★Are the Project Managers sharing information and contacts and so on●____AYesthere’s really nothing to worry about
★Are there any disadvantages to shopping online●_____But I think this problem will be solved soonBIt takes some time for the stuff you buy online to arrive
★Aunt Cindydo you shop online often●_____CYesIt’s very convenient and the price is often lower than in store
★Aunt Cindydo you shop online often●_____CYesIt’s very convenient
★_____but I still have the feeling that it’s not safe enough●I couldn’t agree moreThat’s why I only do street shoppingCPaying online is much safer than before
★Bettywe’ll have a buffet party next SaturdayWill you join us●_____SusanThank youCI’d love to
★Bettywe’ll have a buffet party next SaturdayWill you join us●_____SusanThank youAI’d love to
★But then we’ll have to accept a Board of Directors chosen by our stockholdersWouldn’t that limit us in many ways●CertainlyBut if you consider the massive capital investment that we’ll receiveyou’ll understand that this could take our company______Bfrom being a mediumtier firm to being one of the big players
★Can you tell us why you think this makes good business sense to you●We’ve been doing quite well on our own and we could probably survive like this for quite a few more years to comebut if we really want to take it to the next level_____Cwe are going to have to consider finding more investors
★Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock n rollI’m preparing for tomorrow’s meeting report●______CSureSorry to disturb you

★Did you get your financial records into shape for your audit next month●_____Keeping a strict account of all our incoming and outgoing is not an easy taskCI’m still working on ironing out a few problems
★Do you mind if I close the door●__________BI feel cold as wellGo ahead
★Have you ever tried shopping online●Nonever______especially for clothes and shoesAI prefer to actually see and touch what I’m buying before I pay for it
★Hellois this the Sail Moving Company●_____BYesthanks for calling
★Hellois that Sail Moving Company●______AYesthis is Jack speakingThanks for callingWhat can we do for you
★HelloSir_______●I’d like to order a pizzaCWhat can I help
★Hellothis is Lucas BowenI’d like to order some machines●___When do you need themBNo problem
★Henrywhat do you think of the new team●_____I think the team is starting to get along quite nicelyCVery well on the whole
★Hey Kyleguess what The boss is sending me to Europe for a marketing seminar next month●___You’ve been itching to go on a business trip for monthsBGreat You must be happy
★How do you calculate the fee if we ask you to move the office furniture●_______CThe cost depends on the floor to move tothe distance between two places and the amount of the furniture to move
★How is the weather in autumn●______BIt is always sunny
★How much of a problem meeting the budget●_______BWellit seems that we underestimated the costs
★How was your trip to LondonJane●________AOhwonderful indeed
★How would you like to go●_______BI’d like to fly to Frankfurt for a stay of two days
★_______●I expect to depart for Frankfurt on SundaySeptember 1stany time after 1300 pmCWhen do you plan to leave
★I am going to ask for a pay rise●________CI think you may talk to your boss
★I had a really good weekend at the seaside●________BOhI’m glad to hear that
★I thought that if I could get your support firstit might make getting approval easier●_____BWellyou’ve got my support on this
★I thought that if I could get your support firstit might make getting approval easier●_____AWellyou’ve got my support on this
★I’d like to have some soft drink●________BHere you are
★I’ll also throw in the discount of 10 on your up front depositWhat do you think about this suggestion●_______AOKI think we’ve both have done our best for this
★I’ll be away on a business trip Would you mind signing for my express delivery●____CI’d be happy to
★I’ll be away on a business tripWould you mind signing for my express delivery

●____CI’d be happy to
★I’m really fed up with Larry●_____AHeywhat’s up
★I’m really fed up with Larry●_____CHeywhat’s up
★Is there a bank near here●_______CYesThere is one just down the road
★Larry is the biggest airhead I’ve ever metHe always makes careless mistakesand he’s a pain to work with●______You’ll always have some coworkers that are harder to work with than othersyou knowCYou shouldn’t be so negative
★Looking at thisif my calculations are correctwe are about five thousand dollars over budget●That’s right_____CIt’s going to cost about five thousand more to complete the first order
★Okay thenso to confirma 6 discount but you pay all the shipping and installation costs●_____I’ll call you tomorrowBThat sounds all right
★Okaywhat is the decision●As you knowwe have been a privately heldfamilyowned company for over 120 years_____Bbut it may be time to consider some major changes
★___●Sureno problemFirstgo see Cindy and tell her where you’re going and whenACan you fill me in
★___●Sureno problemFirstgo see Cindy and tell her where you’re going and whenCCan you fill me in
★Some friends say when they get the article______●That happensSo close quality control is needed to avoid eshoppers’ fraudAit’s quite different from what they saw on the website advertisement
★Thanks for inviting meJohnbut I’ve already made other plans●______Maybe another timeCOh I’m sorry to hear that
★The client said he had to send a monitor back three times before the problem was solvedDo you have a reason for this●_AWellI wonder whether the recent layoffs are affecting the quality of our customer service
★They want to make sure you’re paying taxes on the money you make●_______AWe’re paying alright
★We’ve done very well so far but if we want to see serious growth_____●YeahmaybeBut I have my doubts Cit might be time to ditch our old business model and go public
★What does the customer’s complaint say●_____BHe says he hasn’t gotten back the monitor for repairs
★What is the distance between the new building and your office●______BIt is about 15 kilometers
★________●Yesbusiness classAWill you fly business class
★_________●YesI think soAWill you fly business class
★You meanlike becoming a publiclytraded company●That’s right_______AIt’s something we should give serious consideration to




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★3D printing is one of the latest technological innovations.(红色字体为本题正确答案)―_________Maybe its functions are questionable.A.Really?

h***s 2个月前 上传154   0


★-Do you think I can use your car for one day?-________.A.I’m afraid not.B.No, you can’tC.I won’t let you do that.

h***s 2个月前 上传190   0


★―Any suggestions for the project?―________________.B.I advise you to put more hands in this project.

h***s 1个月前 上传159   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★Amy,do you shop online often?●____.C.Yes.It’s very convenient and the price is often lower than in store★Are the Project Managers linking up OK?●They seem to be,yes.____.B.There’s been a good atmosphere at the first management meetings★Are the Project Managers sharing information and contacts and so on?●____.A.Yes,there’s really nothing to worry about

h***s 1个月前 上传100   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★___________●According to law,they refer to transportation,construction,finance,insurance and the like.C.What do you mean by taxable services?★___________●Alright,I will try my best.C.Can you give me a brief introduction about business tax?★And could you give me your signature here?●________B.Sorry?I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch that.

h***s 1个月前 上传102   0


-Anything else I can do for you?(红色字体为本题正确答案)-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That’s all.C.My pleasure.

h***s 2个月前 上传136   0


说明:2024年7月整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。◆-_____________.-Imean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it.A.What do you mean?B.What do you think?C.How do you mean?◆-_____________. We are leaving on Sunday.-Yes, that’s a good idea.A.Why don’t you join us?B.Can you tell me how to get to the Linden Street?C.When shall I arrive at your home?◆-_____________will it take me to walk there?

h***s 2个月前 上传236   0


国开电大专科《商务英语2》一平台机考题库第一大题 交际用语说明:试题随机组合。A-As you know,I’m not quite familiar with how to shop online.-It’s a piece of cake! I’ll show you how to do it. A.First of all,you should find

h***s 2年前 上传395   0


国开电大专科《商务英语1》一平台机考题库第一大题 交际用语说明:试题随机组合。B-______________.-Besides Bank of China,you can get the money exchanged in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,China Construction Bank etc.A.Could yo

h***s 2年前 上传715   0


★__________?A lot of things are on sale.●That’s a good idea.Let’s go.B.Why don’t we go shopping today★Are you on holiday here?●____________.A.No,we aren’t.We live here

h***s 1个月前 上传122   0


国开电大本科《商务英语4》机考题库第一大题 交际用语说明:资料整理于2023年2月,适用于2023年2月底3月初期末机考考试。A01 ―Amy,do you shop online often?―___________________.A.No,I don't think soB.That's a good ideaC.Yes.It's very convenient and t

h***s 2年前 上传1833   0


首字母A―Amy,do you shop online often?―___________________.A.No,I don’t think soB.That’s a good ideaC.Yes.It’s very convenient and the price is often lower than in store[答案]C―Are the Project Managers linking up OK?―They seem to be,yes._________.A.One of them hopes to quit nowB.There’s been a good atmosphere at the first management meetings

h***s 1年前 上传544   0


首字母A◆―__________?A lot of things are on sale.―That’s a good idea.Let’s go.B.Why don’t we go shopping today ◆―Are you on holiday here?―___________________A.No,we aren’t.We live here首字母B◆-_______________.-Because there are many geographical and social problems.

h***s 8个月前 上传347   0


说明:2024年8月16日整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。 本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★______●Besides Bank of China,you can get the money exchanged in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,China Construction Bank etc.A.Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banks?★______●It arrives by mail,I suppose.B.How does your remittance come?★______●Today’s rate is listed on the board here.C.What’s the exchange rate today?★______●You too!▲Happy New Year!

h***s 1个月前 上传112   0


★Brand was Jane’s brother!●______he reminded me so much of Jane!C.No wonder★Brand was Jane’s brother ! ●No wonder________! C.he reminded me so much of Jane

h***s 1个月前 上传141   0


★Can you tell me about the trash collection?●_________A.OK,let me show you.★Can you turn down the radio,please?●________B.I’m sorry,I didn’t realize it was that loud.

h***s 1个月前 上传104   0


★Any suggestions for the project?●________________.B.I advise you to put more hands in this project.★Any suggestions for the project?●________________.B.I advise you to put more hands in this project.

h***s 1个月前 上传119   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Aunt Cindy,do you shop online often?—__________A.No,I don’t think so.B.That’s a good idea.C.Yes.It’s very convenient.2.—Hello,is this the Sail Moving Company?—__________A.Thanks,I’m here.B.Yes,thanks for calling.C.Hello,what did he say?

h***s 1个月前 上传119   0


国开电大本科《商务英语3》机考题库第一大题 交际用语说明:资料整理于2023年2月,适用于2023年2月底3月初期末机考考试。A01 ―________________―According to law,they refer to transportation,construction,finance,insurance and the like.A.Do you know taxa

h***s 2年前 上传1584   0


国开电大专科《商务英语2》机考题库第一大题 交际用语说明:资料整理于2023年2月,适用于2023年2月底3月初期末机考考试。A01 -As you know,I’m not quite familiar with how to shop online.-It’s a piece of cake! I’ll show you how to do it. A.Fir

h***s 1年前 上传507   0


B01 -______________.-Besides Bank of China,you can get the money exchanged in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,China Construction Bank etc.A.Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banks?B.Could you tell me whether I need to fill in the exchange memo?C.Could you tell me whether you can accept traveler’s checks?

h***s 1年前 上传376   0


说明:2023年9月整理,适用于国开电大2024年1月期末机考。 本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。首字母A―________________―According to law,they refer to transportation,construction,finance,insurance and the like.A.Do you know taxable services?B.How do you like taxable services?

h***s 1年前 上传420   0


国开电大专科《人文英语2》一平台机考题库第一大题 交际用语A-Are you confident enough?-___________________A.It's nothing serious.B.It doesn't matter.C.Yes, I think being confident is one of my strong points.[答案]C-Are y

h***s 2年前 上传504   0


国开电大专科《管理英语1》一平台机考题库第一大题 交际用语A-Anything else I can do for you?-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That's all.C.My pleasure.[答案]B-Are you ready,folks?-___________________A.Yes,I'm ready.I'll have the

h***s 2年前 上传754   0


国开电大专科《理工英语2》一平台机考题库第一大题 交际用语说明:试题随机组合。A―Any suggestions for my meeting today?―______________A.I'm afraid I don't know.B.I think you should ask others.I'm busy.C.Why don't you wear your bla

h***s 2年前 上传604   0