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  • 1. Using LanguageUnit 3 Under the sea
  • 2. 学习目标1.Learn to pronounce the names of sea creatures mentioned in the text correctly. 2.Learn to describe the creatures mentioned in the text properly according to the pictures with the expressions like:...+ , looking,...+shaped,...+spotted,...+like,...+striped. 3.Learn to use proper expressions to convey their exact feelings in their past experiences.
  • 3. Where are they?What are they doing?Why do they go snorkelling?新课导入
  • 4. (本页无文本内容)
  • 5. Read the diary entry quickly and then number the paragraph topics in the correct order.Fast-readingTopic Paragraphcolors and shapes dangers reflecting the reef’s edge a final thought some sea creatures241563
  • 6. Read the passage again and list the delights and dangers when snorkeling.delightsdangers1.seeing such _______ _____ under the waves1. __________ __2. seeing ___________ ___________ 2. _____________ in small caves3. exploring ________ under the sea3. _____________ by sharksextraordinarygetting lostbeautyso many differentkinds of fishsmall cavespoisonous fishbeing attackedCareful reading
  • 7. 2. What was hanging upside down in the sea according to the text? A. The orange and white anemone fish. B. The yellow-spotted red sea-slug. C. The yellow and green parrotfish. D. The orange and blue-striped angle fish1. In the diary, the author mainly wants to tell ____. A. what he saw in the sea B. how the fish eat in the sea. C. the vivid colors in the sea. D. all the plants in the sea are poisonous.Read and choose the best answers.AC
  • 8. 3. When the author saw two ____, he felt scared to death. A. Anemone fish B. parrot fish C. sea-slugs D. sharks4. How many kinds of creatures didn’t the author want to get too close to according to the fourth paragraph? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.DB
  • 9. 5. From the passage we know the author felt that ______. A. he was a tiny spot compared with the whole world B. the ocean was a tiny spot compared with the whole world C. there was no danger in the sea except sharks D. all kinds of fish were waiting for something for food A
  • 10. Read the text and fill in the blanks. During the snorkelling trip, the writer first became _____ of the ____ colours and the fantastic corals. He saw little fish ________ the bodies of larger fish, the parrotfish _________ upside down, a sea-slug _______ by a sea-star, a turtle passing so close to him, an eel _______ its head from a hole, a clam _______ for something to swim in between its thick green lips. He felt ______ to death on seeing some creatures. It is a wonderful and _________________ world under the sea. awarevividcleaning hangingPost reading slidingshowingwaitingscaredlimitless / enormous
  • 11. I’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day — a day of pure magic! 我手拿一杯冷饮坐在温暖的夜空下回忆着当天的事情——这是神奇的一天! [赏析] with a cold drink in my hand是一个独立结构作伴随状语,表明“我”坐在那儿的时候悠闲的心态。warm和cold形成鲜明的对比,给人以惬意的感觉。知识探究
  • 12. [点拨] 根据句意“肖恩对他祖国强烈的爱在他最近发表的诗歌中反映了出来”可知选B。relieve减轻, 缓和; respond回应, 作出反应;recover恢复健康,康复。[考例] Sean’s strong love for his country is ______ in his recently published poems. A. relieved B. reflected C. responded D. recovered [考点] reflect反映; 思考;表明。
  • 13. 2. (be) aware of 意识到; 知道; 明白; 察觉到。如: Nerves send messages to the brain. They make people aware of what their bodies are feeling. 神经把信息传送到大脑, 让人觉察到 自己身体的感觉。
  • 14. Give a written introduction to the aquarium to be opened.The introduction should include the following aspects. 1.Location. 2.Admission price. 3.Open time. 4.Sea creatures you can see. 5.Delights you may have while watching performances given by dolphins,sea lions,etc. 6.Some Dos and Don'ts in it. Requests: 1.Be as imaginative as you like. 2.Use as many -ing forms in the composition (作文)as you can. 3.Make sure the aquarium is accessible to the disabled.Homework
  • 15. (本页无文本内容)