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Building Self-discipline




Good evening Ladies and gentlemen
When do you usually get up every morning How many times do you skip classes How often do you go to the library to do research
College is the prime time of our life It is supposed to be a palace of knowledge where we arm ourselves with various skills enlighten ourselves with a sea of philosophy and get ready for the future competitions in our careers Yet for many of us we just want to pass with the minimum amount of efforts We are spoilt by threemonth worth of vacations each year we get used to the leisurely college schedule We don’t arrive at the classroom until the last minute as the class bell rings We don’t go to the library to study by ourselves unless the final examinations are approaching We don’t stop chatting online until the power supply is cut off The casual time table has led us to the habit of idling away our time
However things are different when we start our professions Indulging in the casual schedule of college may lead to a disaster in career down the road My cousin graduated from college last year Being an intelligent and capable man he found a decent job in a joint venture But he was soon fired because he always showed up late to work In college he used to get up at nine o’clock and skip classes if he wanted But at work he couldn’t hit the snooze button any more and had to go to work on time every morning The unchanging schedule was really a big challenge for him and he found it hard to adjust which eventually resulted in his unemployment
From the casual college to the disciplined workplace it is not easy to adapt to a new time table The crisis of self discipline may not only lead to unemployment but also the erosion of your future prosperity
Ladies and gentlemen it is high time for us to regulate our current schedule and build selfdiscipline Then the upcoming crisis will never be a crisis
Thank you very much








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