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申请国外研究生,签证的Study plan




                          Study plan
My name is Du Yuanxun I was born on September 4 1989 I have a gift in Mathematics and Economics From 2003 to 2009 I studied in Junan NO1 middle School Tow years ago I was successfully admitted in Shandong University of Finance My major is Economics I have been learning Economics in Shandong University of Finance After two years study I want to go to Canada in order to updating with world trend A new surrounding can let me study hard My father thinks that I should go abroad and enrich my overseas culture
My father and my mother will support my living costs and tuition fees during my studied in Canada My father is a government officer and my mother is businesswoman who runs a restaurant called Milk Way restaurant For my study in Canada my parent s have saved money for 3 years I believe that I will not worry about the financial aspects for my studied in Canada because my parent have saved RMB 500000 Furthermore I can also earn some money for myself by doing parttime job while studying
I know I have to pass IELTS if I want to go to Canada Since last year I have been preparing for IELTS and I will take my IELTS examination 3 months later Although I have a little amount time to improve my English I firmly believe that I will get a good outcome in IELTS Where there is a will there is a way is my motto
With the development of the economy I need more knowledge to equip myself to adapt to the booming society The new society needs talents especially talent education from oversea In Canada I can learn something that I have never learned in China Under the international background I can get in touch with the fresh theory and technology The more knowledge I know the more contribution I can make in the future
I intend to go to Dalhousie University This University has a long history and good environment located in Halifax which is a beautiful coastal city I can cook a lot of dishes because I have learned from my mother In Canada I can make a lot of friends from allover the world We can exchange our ideas and cultures I want to become my person and be able to control my own future hence I want to go to Canada By going to studied in Canada on my own I will built my own future
If I graduate from Dalhousie University two years later I will get tow Bachelor degrees one is a Bachelor degree of Shandong University of Finance and anther is from Dalhousie University With the two degrees I can find good jobs easily Without a doubt if I can be admitted for a Master’s degree I will continue my study in Canada or another county and complete my Master
’s degree If I can not be admitted for a Master’s degree program L in China Under the international background I can get in touch with the fresh theory I will come back to China to establish my own business with what I have learned in Canada I believe that I will run my own business perfectly with the international educational background I have learned My international education will give me competitive advantage from offers The other reason why I have to come back to China is that my parents have only one child I should come back and take care of them They supported my study in Canada and they spent a lot of time to make money but they have no time to enjoy themselves Thus I should make money for them to enjoy the happy time It is my duty as only child
Thanks for you reading my study plan I cherish this education opportunity I will study hard and obey the laws and regulations of Canada I would never like to miss this opportunity





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    意大利旅游签证须知 (2011年07月版)   意大利驻华大使馆地址:北京市**区三里屯东二街2号   Ø         签证领区划分 北京领区:除上海,**领区之外的其他省份 上海领区:**、江苏、浙江、上海 **领区:广东、**、福建、**   香港领区:香港 持半年前发放的北京领区所属城市暂住证者可以在北京办理签证 可以收少量外领区客人,但不能超过整团

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夜***停 4年前 上传998   0


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梦***人 3年前 上传914   0


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