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Clothes and Pop Culture




Clothing nothing but everything
All is known that Clothing is one of the most critical necessities for every single person and its functions and reasons for existence vary from era to era Starting from Adam and Eve and dating back to primitive times clothing just works as a fig leaf while in the ongoing process of civilization people tended to focus on more than its physical functions Nowadays with the development of society together with individual understanding clothing's meanings ascribed by people in different contexts change year by year without defining ones Fancy clothing indicates our intrinsic pursuit of beauty Celebrities are those famous people in entertainment industry whose behaviors and scandals are gossiping keenly nationwide or worldwide And what is enormously talked about are their red carpet looks and daily dressing from which people can cultivate their own dressing looks by imitating The reason for this is substantially because of people's intrinsic pursuit of beauty out of aesthetics In other words we are visualoriented creatures and easily caught by fancy clothing Taking barbie dolls for example if you got a naked barbie doll what will you do at onceGetting her dressed with gorgeous clothes definitely Why do we do that It's because that although a naked body is already a beautiful work of God we still want to add quite a few ornaments to make it look better And undoubtedly the most eyecaught item is clothes The same reason can also apply to get your pets like kittens bunnies or puppies dressed What's more for those passionate at clothdesigning fancy clothes wore by celebrities can be the inspiration also the tentative encouragement Clothing covers more than one inherent symbolic meanings As we know when it comes to the wedding dress wedding dresses are distinctively different in China and western countries on styles especially the colors Every color has its place Red is regarded as the most favorable color in China indicting happiness and felicity That's why bride and groom prefer red wedding clothes Different from China western couples insist on taking white wedding dress in which color white symbolized purity of their love although cheating always happens Colors to some extent show the inherent meanings Additionally we have noticed from TV series that almost every prisoner wore in white and black stripes With the strong color disparity it is fairly easy to pick out criminals among the crowd even if they try to break out of jail For another example sportsman's organizations often use brightly colored ties so the hue would show the mud that would spatter on them Shape and style mean a lot in some ways And it's worthy mentioning the Iron Lady Mrs Thatcher's dressing style In order to be looking powerful and professional in the diplomat she always selects broadshouldered clothes acting like as powerful as a man and with her weapona solid handbag What's more in the pass women are highly unlikely to be wearing mannish clothes while as time goes by in 21st century such an open era women tent to wear unisex clothing with manlike haircut which is popular among female celebrities For instance Emma Watson has been making her initiatives on a global activity called He for She and almost in every public speech she wears in unisex clothing calling for woman's rights It's widely believed that clothing inherently heralds woman's growing social equality with men asking for gender equality Except for Emma there are others like Kate Brachette Allen Page Kristen Steward dressing like a man leading an avauntgarde fashion trend Hilariously a saying goes on the internet no man can be as handsome as a woman once in suit while a man in dress is much more voluptuous than a woman What you wear is who you are clothing determines who you are in some ways From the very beginning in human society clothing was made of leaves or the furs from those animals the hunted Many years had gone and human was able to simply make warm
clothing with the invention of texture In mid century clothing's physical function was less concerned while its decorating function was highly emphasized It was at that time that you were totally what you wore Provided that a man or woman wore elaborate clothing being tugged out and you could tell that he or she was from upper class with no doubt Although this identitytelling function depending on clothing has gradually fading you can still differentiate people's identity with different uniforms Uniform culture exists in every country and those people belonging to national institutes are required to wear specific uniforms from which you can easily recognize their identities and jobs like the policeman firefighter and so on Clothing can also be the reflections of your characteristics If you are a girl and favor in bright color clothing you are mostly a dynamic and vigorous person Provided that you always wore in dim hue color you are likely a fastidious but a reliable guy Provided that a person extremely acts out on dressing she or he might be the next shining star in fashion sector According to what have mentioned above clothing exerts a fundamental part in protecting us from cold but it is also a carrier of a blend of inherent functions and meanings That is to say clothing has little to do with itself but everything to do with how people interpret them   





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一 POP管理制度概述

一 POP管理制度概述 POP是指所有的助用品,包括海报、挂旗、贴纸、灯箱、宣传手册等辅助销售的物品。 POP是销售部的重要资源,如果不能有效管理将造成巨大浪费。POP管理制度即是将POP实施定点,定量管理,并在配额管理的基础上适当灵活处理。所谓定点、定量管理,即是将各种POP按照每一个客户的销售情况,分配至每个客户确定数量的配额。   二 POP管理制度运作细则 1  SLT讲座确

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