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Dear SirMadam
I'm Li Hua an outgoing boy who is studying in London  Learning that a Chinese Painting Exhibition will be held in this local city I am writing to apply to be a volunteer of your team I have some advantages for the job
First of all having lived in China for sixteen years and having learned English since I was a child I have a good command of English and Chinese which is beneficial for introducing Chinese paintings Besides I can get foreigners and the locals to know more about Chinese painting culture because I 
have a good knowledge of Chinese paintings Last but not least through my introduction and efforts I believe I can strengthen the friendship between China and England 
I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration
Li Hua

Dear Sir or Madam
How are you doing I am Li Hua a 17yearold teenager who is crazy about different cultures around the world Recently I learned in your official website that a volunteer is needed for an exhibition of Chinese traditional painting in London So I am writing to apply for this position
Here are three main reasons why I am the best choice for you First and foremost having lived in London for half a year before as an exchange student I am undoubtedly good at English as a result it is a piece of cake for me to introduce everything to international friends Besides I learned Chinese painting for more than ten years in my childhood therefore I do know a lot about this great art form Last but certainly not least as vice monitor of our class I am kind patient and always ready to help others
Hopefully this wonderful chance would be offered to me I have the confidence that I will have a great time Looking forward to your reply
Li Hua

1 赛信息
2 赛前准备
3 表达期


Dear Chris
I'm Li Hua captain of the school volleyball team I'm writing to inform you of the upcoming tournament that you should prepare for
The threeweek tournament is scheduled to be held in the newlybuilt stadium early next month You being a member of the team proper preparation on your part would be appreciated For starters please come up with a workout schedule and stick to it so that you can get in shape soon Secondly you should attend team training sessions and meetings to study our opponents together with the teammates
Since the school attaches great importance to this game I hope we can devote ourselves to becoming a stronger team and beat our opponent
Li Hua


Dear Chris
How are you doing Recently an important volleyball game will be held in our school which will be not only meaningful but also exciting So as captain of the team I on behalf of all our team members am writing to invite you to join us in the battle
Here are some relevant details about it To begin with it will be on the 3rd volleyball court from 200 to 400 on the afternoon of July 1st Besides we the Giants will confront the Eagles which is undoubtedly a tough rival As a result adequate preparation is urgently needed including practice nutrition and a perfect plan
Hopefully you could make it to this wonderful event We need you Looking forward to your reply and your presence
Li Hua



Dear Allen 
I'm writing to invite you to the annual Music Festival to be held next Sunday in our school We would be delighted to have you there with us
This year the music festival will provide various activities where many students will put on some performances Knowing that you are a music lover I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in it You can sing a song or play a kind of musical instrument such as violin or piano In addition you can also appreciate the performance of other students I'm sure you will enjoy yourself in the activity
I really hope that you can attend the music festival and please let me know your decision soon
Li Hua

Dear Allen
How is everything going Our school will hold a music festival next Sunday morning in the school hall And I’m writing to invite you to join us
The opening ceremony will start at 900 am and the schoolmaster will deliver a speech Then there will be various fantastic performances played by talented studentsYou are definitely welcome to show up on stage which will add color and fun to our festival
Looking forward to your early reply Best wishes 
Li Hua

第节 应文写作

Dear Alex 
I've just learned that you're leaving for the United States soon At this moment I want to express my sincere thanks to you for your help
Honestly speaking but for your help I wouldn't have made such great progress in English With your help I won first prize in an English speech contest Whenever I have difficulties you always cheer me up and help me out Words can't describe how thankful I am
Wish you a pleasant journey home
Li Hua
第二节 读续写
Parents everywhere praise their kids Jenn Berman author of The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids says We've gone to the opposite extreme of a few decades ago when parents tended to be more strict By giving kids a lot of praise parents think they're building their children's confidence when in fact it may be just the opposite Too much praise can backfire and when given in a way that's insincere make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk for fear of not being able to stay on top where their parents' praise has put them
Still don't go too far in the other direction Not giving enough praise can be just as damaging gas giving too much Kids will feel like they're not good enough or that you don't care and as a result may see no point in trying hard for their accomplishments
So what is the right amount of praise Experts say that the quality of praise is more important than the quantity If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward We should especially recognize our children's efforts to push themselves and work hard to achieve a goal says Donahue author of Parenting Without Fear Letting Go of Worry and Focusing on What Really Matters One thing to remember is that it's the process not the end product that matters
Your son may not be the best basketball player on his team But if he's out there every day and playing hard you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses Praising the effort and not the outcome can also mean recognizing your child when she has worked hard to clean the yard cook dinner or finish a book report But whatever it is praise should be given on a casebycase basis and be proportionate(相称)to the amount of effort your child has put into it
Parents tend to go to extremes when it comes to praising their kids However both too much and too little damage can be damaging When giving praise parents should be sincere and focus on the process rather than the result They are supposed to give praise according to how much effort their kids have put into the work they choose to do

Li Jiang:Have you heard this?A group of exchange students from the UK are visiting our school next month
Su Hua:YesI have Some are already recommending the traditional Chinese dress for the welcome ceremony
Li Jiang:But it seems people have different opinions
Su Hua:What do you think?
Li Jiang:I think it's a good idea It's an opportunity to make the Chinese culture better known to international students
Su Hua:I agree But we don't have to dress that way That's not our daily style Besidesit's not very convenient
Li Jiang:You see It's the Chinese culture that the British friends are coming for Just the right occasion
Su Hua:I prefer the school uniform It's nice It's also a better display of our school culture



概Li Jiang and Su Hua are discussing what to wear when receiving the British students next month Li recommends the traditional Chinese dress while Su prefers the school uniform

I would be happy to wear traditional Chinese clothes at the welcome ceremony Firstly this is precisely what the British visitors are expecting They come to learn about Chinese culture with their own eyes Their Chinese peers in the typical Chinese dress would be highly impressive The school uniforms are fine but not special enough to give a unique Chinese flavour 
Secondly the inconvenience is not a problem if our purpose is to share Chinese culture It is just the socalled inconvenience that displays the richness delicacy and great fascination of Chinese culture with a history of thousands of years
The traditional Chinese clothes it seems to me will make the occasion very Chinese and inviting to the British guests 


概Li Jiang and Su Hua don't agree on what to wear when greeting the British students Li suggests traditional Chinese clothes while Su thinks the school uniforms are more suitable
I prefer the school uniform to the traditional Chinese dress at the welcome ceremony next month Although the traditional Chinese dress may look more beautiful and stylish it is a little bit strange to walk around in it We feel at ease in our school uniforms every day What's more the traditional Chinese dress can't reflect the unique culture of our school From the design and colour of our uniforms the British friends will learn more about our school Besides the choice of the traditional Chinese dress means extra money and extra time for we have to change it back after the event
So the school uniforms are a better choice than the traditional Chinese dress for such an occasion

假设晨光中学李津英国友校派教师校参加期周暑期交流活动活动期间英方教师Chris 做关西方艺术讲座现讲座容征求校学生意见请根提示Chris写封电子邮件

Dear Chris
I'm Li Jin a student at Chenguang High School As far as I am concerned a lecture about western art will be given in the coming interchange activity in summer vacation I'm writing to give some suggestions about the topic of the lecture
As a music lover I'm greatly fond of classic music therefore I would appreciate it if you could talk about something about western classical music such as the origin and developing progress of it In addition some representative figures and their masterpieces are also expected to be introduced
I believe this lecture will enrich my knowledge about western classical music and develop students' interest in western art Last but not least I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestions into serious account and hope you a wonderful trip to our school
Thank you for your time
Li Jin


Dear Jim
I am more than delighted to learn that you will take a tour around Beijing Shanghai and Tianjin during the coming summer vacation Now I'd like to offer you some suggestions to get you well prepared for a rewarding and memorable trip
As for the means of transportation I strongly advise you to take the highspeed railway which enables you to have a comfortable and timesaving traveling while enjoying an amazing window view of the natural landscape and artificial wonders
Besides in case of the changing weather you had better check on the latest forecast and pack in your baggage necessary clothes and belongings
All in all I wish you a pleasant experience when you are exposed to those tourist attractions in these three cities Please let me know if you need any help
Li Hua
Last week our class organized a field trip called working is most honorable appealing to us for active participation Instructed by the teacher about the meaning of labor I felt it dutybound for us to contribute our share as well
After school I immediately returned home to prepare my luggage for the voluntary activity expecting a memorable and refreshing experience
The next day morning upon our arrival at the farm the scene of watermelon harvest was simply a feast to our eyes As scheduled some classmates got down to picking the watermelons with great care while the others were occupied in carrying the baskets filled with those collected fruits In spite of the tiredness we felt rewarded to our heart's content when seeing our efforts pay off in the end
Coming back home I shared my experience with my parents who thought highly of my performance I felt so relieved not only for the praise I received but also for the pride gained from devoted working





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近五年高考数学真题分类汇编10 概率与统计

近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编十、概率与统计一、单选题1.(2021·全国(文))为了解某地农村经济情况,对该地农户家庭年收入进行抽样调查,将农户家庭年收入的调查数据整理得到如下频率分布直方图:根据此频率分布直方图,下面结论中不正确的是( )A.该地农户家庭年收入低于4.5万元的农户比率估计为6%B.该地农户家庭年收入不低于10.5万元的农户比率估计为1

蓝郎梦 2年前 上传840   1

近五年(2018-2022)高考数学真题分类汇编09 计数原理

近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编九、计数原理一、单选题1.(2021·全国(理))将4个1和2个0随机排成一行,则2个0不相邻的概率为( )A. B. C. D.2.(2021·全国(文))将3个1和2个0随机排成一行,则2个0不相邻的概率为( )A.0.3 B.0.5 C.0.6 D.0.83.(2021·全国(理))将5名北京冬奥会志愿者分配到花样

蓝郎梦 2年前 上传698   1

近五年高考数学真题分类汇编04 不等式

近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编四、不等式一、单选题1.(2021·全国(文))下列函数中最小值为4的是( )A. B.C. D.2.(2021·全国(文))若满足约束条件则的最小值为( )A.18 B.10 C.6 D.43.(2021·浙江)若实数x,y满足约束条件,则的最小值是( )A. B. C. D.4.(2021·浙江)已知是互

蓝郎梦 2年前 上传542   1

近五年高考数学真题分类汇编06 函数与导数

近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编三、函数与导数一、单选题1.(2021·全国(文))下列函数中是增函数的为( )A. B. C. D.2.(2021·全国)若过点可以作曲线的两条切线,则( )A. B.C. D.3.(2021·浙江)已知函数,则图象为如图的函数可能是( )A. B.C. D.4.(2021·全国(文))设是定义域为R的奇

蓝郎梦 2年前 上传350   1

近五年高考数学真题分类汇编05 平面向量

近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编五、平面向量一、多选题1.(2021·全国新高考1)已知为坐标原点,点,,,,则( )A. B.C. D.二、单选题2.(2021·浙江)已知非零向量,则“”是“”的( )A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分又不必要条件3.(2020·海南)在中,D是AB边上的中点,则=(

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近五年高考数学真题分类汇编03 复数

近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编三、复数一、单选题1.(2021·全国)已知,则( )A. B. C. D.2.(2021·浙江)已知,,(i为虚数单位),则( )A. B.1 C. D.33.(2021·全国(文))已知,则( )A. B. C. D.4.(2021·全国(理))设,则( )A. B. C. D.5.(2021·全

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近五年高考数学真题分类汇编01 集合

近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编一、集合一、单选题1.(2021·浙江)设集合,,则( )A. B. C. D.2.(2021·全国(文))设集合,则( )A. B. C. D.3.(2021·全国(理))设集合,则( )A. B.C. D.4.(2021·全国(理))已知集合,,则( )A. B. C. D.5.(2021·全国(

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专题03 相互作用-2019年高考真题和模拟题汇编

专题03 相互作用-2019年高考真题和模拟题汇编

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专题05 曲线运动-2019年高考真题和模拟题汇编

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专题08 动量-2019年高考真题和模拟题汇编(答案)

专题08 动量-2019年高考真题和模拟题汇编(答案)

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                   课标理数15.H1[2011·安徽卷] 在平面直角坐标系中,如果x与y都是整数,就称点(x,y)为整点,下列命题中正确的是________(写出所有正确命题的编号).①存在这样的直线,既不与坐标轴平行又不经过任何整点;②如果k与b都是无理数,则直线y=kx+b不经过任何整点;③直线l经过无穷多个整点,当且仅当l经过两个不同的整点;④直

小***后 12年前 上传412   0

考研真题 英语真题及参考答案

2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

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2019 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)真题

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小升初英语试卷(听力部分略)一、辨音(5分)13.(1分)辨音   A.palaceB.magicC.maryD.parent14.(1分)辨音   A.messyB.reuseC.protect15.(1分)辨音   A.AprilB.medicineC.finallyD.foolish16.(1分)辨音   A.don'tB.projectC.hone

笑***7 4年前 上传1023   0

近五年(2019-2023)高考数学真题分类汇编11 立体几何

近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编十一、立体几何一、多选题1.(2021·全国高考真题)在正三棱柱中,,点满足,其中,,则( )A.当时,的周长为定值B.当时,三棱锥的体积为定值C.当时,有且仅有一个点,使得D.当时,有且仅有一个点,使得平面二、单选题2.(2021·浙江高考真题)如图已知正方体,M,N分别是,的中点,则( )A.直线与直线垂直

蓝郎梦 2年前 上传429   1

近五年高考数学真题分类汇编02 常用逻辑用语

近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编二、常用逻辑用语一、单选题1.(2021·浙江)已知非零向量,则“”是“”的( )A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分又不必要条件2.(2021·全国(理))等比数列的公比为q,前n项和为,设甲:,乙:是递增数列,则( )A.甲是乙的充分条件但不是必要条件B.甲是乙的必要条件但不是充分条

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近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编12 解析几何

近五年(2017-2021)高考数学真题分类汇编十二、解析几何一、单选题1.(2021·全国(文))点到双曲线的一条渐近线的距离为( )A. B. C. D.2.(2021·全国(文))设B是椭圆的上顶点,点P在C上,则的最大值为( )A. B. C. D.23.(2021·全国)已知,是椭圆:的两个焦点,点在上,则的最大值为( )A.13 B.12 C.9

蓝郎梦 2年前 上传380   0


2023 年高考地理真题考点汇编 地形剖面图〔含解析〕【xx·上海·24~25】以下图为某洲大陆沿 22°S 纬线的地形剖面图。1.图中乙地气候类型属于〔 〕A . 热带季风气候 B . 热带稀树草原气候 C . 热带沙漠气候 D.高原山地气候 2.导致乙地降水量与甲地明显不同的主要因素是乙

5***2 1年前 上传500   0


专题17 力学实验(解析版)近5年(2017-2021)高考物理试题分类解析1. 2021全国甲卷第9题. 为测量小铜块与瓷砖表面间的动摩擦因数,一同学将贴有标尺的瓷砖的一端放在水平桌面上,形成一倾角为的斜面(已知sin=0.34,cos=0.94),小铜块可在斜面上加速下滑,如图所示。该同学用手机拍摄小铜块的下滑过程,然后解析视频记录的图像,获得5个连续相等时间间隔(每个时间间隔∆T=0.

小***库 2年前 上传661   0


2014年高考物理真题分类汇编:恒定电流2. [2014·天津卷] 如图所示,电路中R1、R2均为可变电阻,电源内阻不能忽略,平行板电容器C的极板水平放置.闭合开关S,电路达到稳定时,带电油滴悬浮在两板之间静止不动.如果仅改变下列某一个条件,油滴仍能静止不动的是(  )A.增大R1的阻值B.增大R2的阻值C.增大两板间的距离D.断开开关S答案:B [解析] 本题考查含

的***民 10年前 上传596   0


专题18 电学实验近5年(2017-2021)高考物理试题分类解析1. 2021全国甲卷第10题. 某同学用图(a)所示电路探究小灯泡的伏安特性,所用器材有:小灯泡(额定电压2.5V,额定电流0.3A)电压表(量程300mV,内阻300)电流表(量程300mA,内阻0.27)定值电阻R0滑动变阻器R1(阻值0-20)电阻箱R2(最大阻值9999.9)电源E(电动势6V,内阻不

小***库 2年前 上传408   0


专题09 磁场(解析版)近5年(2017-2021)高考物理试题分类解析1.2021全国甲卷第3题. 两足够长直导线均折成直角,按图示方式放置在同一平面内,EO与在一条直线上,与OF在一条直线上,两导线相互绝缘,通有相等的电流I,电流方向如图所示。若一根无限长直导线通过电流I时,所产生的磁场在距离导线d处的磁感应强度大小为B,则图中与导线距离均为d的M、N两点处的磁感应强度大小分别为(  )

小***库 2年前 上传431   0

近五年高考数学真题分类汇编14 不等式选讲


蓝郎梦 2年前 上传662   0