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My favorite season
My favorite season is summer It’s hot in summer There is a summer vacation in summer I don’t go to school I think many children like this season because they can eat icecream and go swimming I can go swimming Sometimes I go to the beach with my parents Sometimes I go to the swimming pool with my friends I usually visit many places in summer vacation

My Favourite Food
Do you know what this is Guess Its colour is yellow It’s long and thin It looks like a small boat and crescent Oh it is a banana Do you know what that is Guess again Its colour is orange It’s round It looks like a small ball and a small lantern Oh it is an orange I like then a lot I like icecreams I like to chew gum Chocolates and candies are yummy I like them very much
How about you What’s your favourite food
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My hobby
My hobby is collecting stamps(集邮) There are many stamps in my room I like stamps very much There are many things on the stamps They are colorful and beautiful After school I usually go to the post office and there are many people there I learn a lot from collecting stamps I like collecting stamps very much

My hobby

I am Cindy I am in Nanhai Experimental Primary School I am in Class 9 Grade 6 I am tall and thin I live in Dali I have many good friends I often play with them

I have many hobbies riding a bike drawing pictures and reading books But I like to read books the best Because of reading books is good for my study I also like riding bikes Because of it does a lot of good to my body

What’s your hobby Can you tell me

My Seasons
We have four seasons in a year I can do many interesting things in each season In spring the weather is cool and wind I can fly kites when it’s wind And I can go hiking with my family when it’s sunny and cool I like hiking Summer is hot in the north of China but it’s not long time I often go swimming It can make me healthy and strong I can also wear my beautiful dresses Fall is a season with harvest And I can eat delicious fruits in this season I can watch the leaves fall Winter comes it’s often snowy in winter in my hometown When it snows everything is white We can play with snow and make a snowman skate and ski And winter is my favourite season because of the Spring Festival I love seasons I love the nature
I often go to Zhongshan Park In the park you can see many trees and flowers Some flowers are red and some are purple The trees are big and tall You can see a hill in the park too At the foot of the hill there are several paths
A lot of people in my city like going to the park Some young people like taking a walk there Some old people like singing there Some children like dancing or playing games there
Zhongshan park is really a good place for relaxation[ww@w#zzstep~^com*]
1 several
2 relaxation放松[中国教#育出^@版网*&]

Li Ying ’s Hobby
Li Ying likes English very much She works hard at it She reads English every morning She likes speaking English She often listens to the radio She watches TV only on Saturday evening
Does she like dancing No she doesn’t But she likes drawing and singing Her parents love her And all the teachers and her friends like her too She says her hobbies make her happy
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My Favorite Animal
My favorite animal is rabbit Its name is Sweet Sweet has long ears It’s very small It’s white It has a short tail It has red eyes It likes eating carrots It likes jumping It goes jumping three times a day I like it very much It’s lovely It’s my best friend I like the rabbit




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