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  Sani tribal invaders also thrust out of the fruit Rao I do not know the number of road running Sani hide in a cave hole quickly concluded on the spider webYapping at their heels arrived holes were not Sani Some said may hide in your hole one can see a spider web portal Guitar certainly they were not hiding Sani cave Sani not the invaders leaveSani who saved the day and pull through Since then as they put the Spiders to worship God    
  Now you please look at the car window the car is from Sani living side after the stockadeTsaitsu said it was necessary to brief you Yi housing    
  In Shilin County and throughout the different natural conditions therefore the housing Sani has different forms Yi people have four words the sealine territory coffers waxy black Danbanfang Wo Hop the fence Lake on the grass four phrases to sum up the Yi four local representative and housingSoil Treasury also known as the palm of the soil soil wood as raw material in generalthe upper and lower floors live in the upper and lower levels of clearance livestock Danbanfang mostly twostorey buildings upstairs and downstairs of the three beam column beam floor all wood gables back with stone walls built from and the general soilbrick buildings and the differentOf the fence stone walls and bamboo woven into a tree fence and then paste on earth brushing smooth as the wallsThe grass stones pad and the walls of tamped earth with the best of logs or woodside the grass covered roof doublesided slopes Thatch grass roof swing down to make grass splashed Sheung Shui let the wind and then the grass ablaze saturated with water for part of the wind quit and not combustion forming a solid grass roofAlthough the grass than the shabby brick but cost savings While some visitors  
  Now I like to talk about people Sani bright and colorful costumes    
  Sani women spend Baotou is remarkable exquisite works of artBaotou in red green blue purple yellow green and orange colors of the seven silk preparation Edge nails silver bubble A sergeant on both sides rosy (color embroidered logo 130) After a beaded vertical endYin Ling Ying Sui dynasty Yinling impact mistake Baotou legend flower is to imitate rainbows in the sky produced for the Memorial 'to fire a love of Love Because of the fascination with death into seven color rainbow the rainbow descendants imitate production Baotou love it as a symbol of loyaltyThe girls were equipped with color sleeve silk cloth impregnated two wide sides Left married with purple fringe or black velvet inlaid center stageprofile width Back up to a black velvet coat so small Yanggaopi Jianku embroidered packetsWei Yao anthers waist belt line in the funeral like the men's neckties so that the strange Sani girl costumes When the suit tie beltDownloaded the past homemade kindness it is more of trousersShoes have also been embroidered shoes into a pair of sports shoes or semiDuan shoes In peacetime and more young women to wear the same fashion Han festivals or rush Street (Series) days girls dressed in colorful ethnic costumes Yi Heung added strong ethnic characteristics




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乃古石林导游词  看过《西游记》的朋友都知道孙悟空大闹天宫吧,当时孙悟空把太上老君的练丹炉踢翻后,这“八卦炉”落到了乃古石林。‘各位请看,丹炉就在这,炉子底部还坏了一个角,这想必就是孙大圣踢掉的。      “不是说有个白云洞吗?”您别急,我们“古林逛”还有许多精华呢,等逛到特定的地方我们再往“地下钻”。      我们一路前行,各位请仔细观察,我们还将看到:金鳖负山、鬼谷、松鼠回洞

浊***人 9年前 上传620   0


阿斯哈图石林导游词  内蒙古赤峰市克什克腾旗位于内蒙古高原东部,大兴安岭山脉南缘,浑善达克沙地东端,是三大地貌区的结合部,有“塞上金三角”之称。在这两万多平方公里的范围内汇集了草原、湖泊、林海、沙地、石林等多种自然景观,被称作内蒙古风光的“百宝箱”。    阿斯哈图石林位于赤峰市克什克腾旗。阿斯哈图是蒙语,汉译为“险峻的岩石”。它处于大兴安岭余脉向西部草原过渡的地带。草原上群山呈现出典型

j***a 10年前 上传622   0


云南昆明世博园导游词  各位团友大家好,今天我将带大家游览的是享誉全国,闻名世界的世博园。世博园是昆明99世界园艺博览会的简称,说到这呢,我就把世博会的有关内容给大家介绍一下。  世博会是一项由主办国政府主办或由政府委托有关部门举办的科学技术成就展览活动,是一项历史悠久、影响较大的非交易性博览会。  世博会的宗旨就在于促进各国经济、文化、科学技术的交流与发展,使各国都能利用这个机会宣

裤***人 11年前 上传355   0


云南昆明大观公园导游词  大观公园位于昆明市西郊约3公里的滇池畔。它近吞波光浩渺的滇池,远与太华山遥遥相望。被赞为“万里云山一水楼”的大观楼耸立其间,园林也因之得名。  进园门,穿过近华浦,揽胜阁壮丽崇宏,楼槛轩敞;新修的怀古廊萦纡回折,槛外银水玉山;涌月亭和观稼堂树木掩映,花丛环绕,最宜月夜闻笛。观稼堂边花坛里,英国伊丽莎白女王二世栽下的玫瑰花争芳吐艳。彩云崖假山幻奇、玲珑嵌空;溯洄洲

j***g 8年前 上传349   0


世界地质奇观―阿斯哈图花岗岩石林导游词  女士们、先生们:大家好!现在我们已经来到了国家4A级旅游区阿斯哈图花岗岩石林园区。阿斯哈图花岗岩石林位于赤峰市克什克腾旗东北部大兴安岭山脉中南段的北大山上,距旗政府所在地经棚镇150公里,是克什克腾世界地质公园八大园区最具代表性的一处。“阿斯哈图”是蒙古语,意为“险峻的岩石”。石林园区呈西北――东南方向展延,南北长5.5公里,东西宽3公里,占地面积约

木***人 8年前 上传400   0


云南路南石林风景区导游词  各位游客大家好:  石林位于昆明市东,是世界罕风的风景名胜,是大自然鬼斧神工杰作。在路南广达400平方公里的区域内,遍布着上百个黑色大森林一般的巨石群。有的独立成景,有的纵横交错,连成一片,占地数十亩,上在亩不等。只见奇石拔地而起,参差峥嵘,千姿百态,巧夺天工,被人们誉为“天下第一奇观”。   石林的主要游览区李子箐石林,面积约12平方公里,游览面积约12

j***k 11年前 上传601   0


塞上石林自然风景区导游词  各位朋友:大家好!欢迎您们来塞上石林自然风景区观光旅游!塞上石林自然风景区坐落在乌拉特中旗辽阔的同和太草原上。这里地势平坦,绿草如茵,风光秀丽,伴生有马蔺、山丹花、针茅草等200余种野生植物,栖息着野鸡、野兔、石鸡等30多种野生动物。然而,同和太草原上最为神奇的当属我们脚下的这片石林。它东西长约4公里,南北宽约3公里,占地12平方公里,是由千千万万天然奇石组成的。

B***8 12年前 上传565   0


重庆英文导游词  Evening Scenes of Chongqing   The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points fo

9***9 8年前 上传806   0


泰山英文导游词  fellow friends:  hello! sincerely welcome you to come to taishan, today i and everybodywill mount the summit together from the taishan east road.  this big, ancient taishan has contain

q***6 10年前 上传584   0


华山英文导游词  hua shan is the highest of china’s five sacred mountains. it is 120 kilometers east of xian. it has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower. the highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 f

7***0 9年前 上传402   0


泸沽湖英文导游词  lugu lake lies 200 kilometers (approximately 124 miles) from the center of lijiang city, on the border between ninglang county in yunnan province and yanyuan county in sichuan province. t

1***z 12年前 上传528   0


西藏英文导游词  Tibet Overview    Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, for which Ti

k***4 9年前 上传625   0


成都英文导游词  ladies and gentlemen:  on behalf of our travel agency, i would like to extend a welcome to you.wish you have a pleasant stay in chengdu.  there is a saying that “once you come to cheng

沈***龙 10年前 上传641   0


北京英文导游词  ladies and gentlemen:  welcome to the great wall. starting out in the east on the banks of the yale river in leaning province, the wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to jiayu

X***X 11年前 上传464   0


长城英文导游词  dear visitors:  hello everybody! now our automobile is going on the badaling highway,must enter the badaling scenic area immediately which soon visits.front that mountain is the jundu, t

y***w 10年前 上传533   0


天津英文导游词  Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, asse

i***n 12年前 上传623   0

畅游石林 (1)

畅游石林车飞驰着,窗外的景色后移着,近了近了,越来越近了。那沐浴在金色阳光下的一座座石峰,不正是我们向往已久的圣地——石林吗?走进石门,气势磅礴的奇石跃入我的眼帘,变化无常的石柱,有的摘星的巨手,直入云霄; 有的如探海的蛟龙,傲然腾飞,有的像大海中的巨浪,扑面而来,还有的像一棵巨大的石笋,拔地而起……这时,我发现了一座有趣的石像,竟像老鼠捉猫。猫是老鼠的天敌,但在这里,角色却倒转了过来。这

静***8 4年前 上传469   0


总统府英文导游词  hello everyone:  now we will visit the famous tourist site in nanjing——the presidential palace and understand its history.  the presidential palace is located at 292 changjiang road.

q***c 7年前 上传413   0


都江堰英文导游词  the dujiangyan dam, 45km north of chengdu, is an ancient technological wonder of the country. more than XX yers ago, li bing(250-200bc), as a local governor of the shu state, designed thi

1***5 11年前 上传529   0


西双版纳英文导游词  Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed “Aerial Garden“ for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests

x***3 9年前 上传548   0


2017英文导游词4篇本文目录1. 2017英文导游词2. 黄果树瀑布英文导游词3. 长城英文导游词4. 英文导游词  shanghai travel and tours guide  located at the center of the mainland's coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of com

张***1 7年前 上传473   0


英文的导游词范文  英文导游词范文——陕西西安大清真寺英文导游词  the great mosque at huajue lane  the mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 moslems in xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic pro

b***n 10年前 上传777   0


北京长城英文导游词  The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the bank

相***3 9年前 上传588   0


辽宁省内的英文导游词  Shenyang   Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, and a major industrial city. In 1625, Nurhaci, founder of the Jin, moved his capital to Shenyang, which later became the capital of

e***y 9年前 上传500   0


陕西西安华清池英文导游词  Huaqing Pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of Xi’an. Historically, the Western Zhou dynasty saw the construction of the Li Palace on the spot. In the Qin dynasty a 

s***2 8年前 上传466   0