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  wade–giles romanization wut'ai shan pinyin wutai shan mountain and mountain chain in northeast shansi province china the mountain chain is a massif with a southwest–northeast axis separated from the heng shan (mountains) to the northwest by the valley of the hut'o ho (river) which curves around its southern flank to flow into the north china plain in hopeh province mt wut'ai is actually a cluster of flattopped peaks from which the mountain takes its name (five terraces) the highest peak is 10033 ft (3058 m) above sea level
  mt wut'ai is particularly famous as one of the great holy places of chinese buddhism great numbers of temples including some of the oldest wooden buildings surviving in china are scattered over the mountain the largest temples—such as the hsient'ung the tatayüan and the pusatingshenjungyüan—are grouped around the town of t'aihuaichen
  mt wut'ai appears first to have become a holy mountain to the taoist adepts of the later han dynasty (ad 25–220) but came into prominence in the 5th century under the northern wei dynasty (386–53435) when as ch'ingliang shan it became identified as the dwelling place of mãnjuśrī bodhisattva (a heavenly being who voluntarily postpones his buddhahood in order to work for worldly welfare and understanding) the cult of mãnjuśrī was intensified under the t'ang dynasty (618–907) in early t'ang times mount wut'ai was closely associated with the patriarchs of the huayen buddhist school becoming the principal centre of their teaching during this period it attracted scholars and pilgrims not only from all parts of china but also from japan who continued to visit and study there until the 12th century
  many of the other monasteries in the region were attached to ch'an buddhism which in the 9th century found patronage in the region from the provincial governors of the neighbouring areas of hopeh who were able to protect mount wut'ai from the worst ravages of the great religious persecution that occurred from 843 to 845 under mongol rule in the late 13th century tibetan buddhism (lamaism) was first introduced to mount wut'ai during the ch'ing dynasty (1644–191112) when the tibetan buddhist religion was an important element in relations between the chinese court and their mongol and tibetan vassals and when the state gave lavish support to monasteries inhabited by lamas (monks) mount wut'ai was one of the principal monastic centres
  few of the present buildings are very old but the main hall of the huakuang ssu dating from 857 is the oldest surviving wooden building in china




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五台山英语导游词  wade–giles romanization wu-t'ai shan , pinyin wutai shan mountain and mountain chain in northeast shansi province, china. the mountain chain is a massif with a southwest–northeast axis, s

e***k 7年前 上传360   0


五台山导游词  游客们大家好   五台山位于山西省东北部,忻州地区五台县,距太原240公里,是我国著名的四大佛教名山之首,以天下第一佛教名山享誉中外,有此殊荣,一是,这里是我国最早建寺的地区之一,而且从古至今,这里的寺僧在规模上都是第一;二是,佛典有记载,这里是佛教四大菩萨之首文殊菩萨的道场;三是,历朝历代,凡信奉佛教的帝王,都特别关注这里,这里是我国唯一的青庙和黄庙共生荣的佛教圣地。

i***a 11年前 上传462   0


五台山显通寺英文导游词  city,shanxi province ,70km from wutai county town ,140km from xinzhou city town and 240km from taiyuan city in the southwest and 210km from datong in the north ,with a total area of ab

s***o 9年前 上传420   0


山西五台山导游词  五台山位于山西省东北部五台县境内。五台山方圆约300公里,因五峰如五根擎天大柱,拔地崛起, 巍然矗立,峰顶平坦如台,故名五台。又因山上气候多寒,盛夏仍不知炎暑,故又别称清凉山。  五台山是驰名中外的佛教胜地,是文殊菩萨的道场,而五台山又以其建寺历史之悠久和规模之宏大,而居佛教四大名山之首,在日本、印度、斯里兰卡、缅甸、尼泊尔等国享有盛名。五台山寺庙始建于汉明帝,唐代因

z***u 11年前 上传547   0


小五台山导游词  大家好!欢迎来到小五台山旅游区。我是导游×××。  小五台山国家级自然保护区位于河北省蔚县,面积为21883公顷,属恒山余脉,有东、西、南、北、中5个突出的山峰,为区别于山西五台山,称小五台山。五台之中以东台最高,海拔2882米,是河北省境内高山之最。大家看,小五台危峰兀立,怪石嶙峋,崖壁陡似削,山石横如断,几乎90度垂直的石梯令人心惊胆战。  走进小五台,首先映入

k***9 9年前 上传501   0


五台山菩萨顶导游词  大家好,我是您这此游览的导游员,叫蒙毅。首先我代表山西省友谊之旅旅行社欢迎您来参观菩萨顶。我在这里祝您玩得开心愉快,通过我的讲解,一定会使您不虚此行。    大家看,坐落在灵鹫峰上的这座金碧辉煌的寺庙就是素有喇嘛宫之称的菩萨顶。我们已经参观了许多寺庙,大家可能也发现了,大多是红墙灰瓦,,而菩萨顶却是红墙黄瓦。在古代中国,黄色是皇家专用的,可菩萨顶却用了黄琉璃瓦,,您

6***8 9年前 上传400   0


大理苍山洱海英语导游词  fellow friends:  hello! toured the dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dali's america of scenery.

c***6 9年前 上传507   0


新外滩英语导游词  friends:  now we come to shanghai huangpu river bank bund, first, i tour to everybody visit bund to express the welcome, and wishes in advance each traveling to be happy.  new bund al

书***Y 10年前 上传479   0


大理苍山洱海英语导游词  Fellow friends: Hello! Toured the Dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; Now we watch the CangshanErhai, understands the Dali's America of scenery. <b

廷***廷 8年前 上传510   0


太平湖英语导游词  good morning! ladies and gentlemen! today, with such great joy, on behalf of anhui travel agency. i’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, our distinguished guest from the other

a***8 10年前 上传495   0


黄山英语导游词  hello,everyone!  now our already arrived the huangshan mountain scenic spot southernregion strategic place soup mouth. first introduces the huangshanmountain scenery in here to you the s

叶***烟 6年前 上传402   0


大理喜州英语导游词  after an eight-hour ride in the night train we arrived at the dali train station, which is in the suburb of the new city of dali. we had made hotel bookings to stay in old dali, a nice a

h***0 9年前 上传461   0


洛阳地陪英语导游词  luoyang travel guide  located in the west of henan province in central china, luoyang occupies quite an important geographic location. it is in the middle reaches of the yellow river a

武***武 10年前 上传556   0


趵突泉英语导游词  ladies and gentlemen, welcome to baotuquan spring park. my name is miao meng. i am very pleased to serve as your tour guide today.  in order to give you a general impression, let me mak

1***e 10年前 上传579   0


英语导游词范文  英语导游词范文——湖南长沙博物馆三国吴简英文导游词  the exhibition of inscribed bamboo tablets of wu kingdom of the three kingdoms at changsha ladies and gentlemen,  welcome to changsha museum. well be here to

清***g 6年前 上传451   0


蓬莱阁英语导游词  ladies and gentlemen,  welcome to penglai. my name is miao meng. i am very pleased to be at your service as a tour guide today. the first sight we are going to visit today is penglai pa

j***g 9年前 上传511   0


五台山大酒店实习总结报告一、五台山大酒店概况   五台山大酒店是隶属于忻州市地方税务局职教中心的一家现代化的三星级大酒店,位于忻州市经济开发和城市开发的黄金地段——忻州市五台山北路65号。并与佛教胜地五台山、华北名山芦芽山和顿村温泉度假村等风景名胜毗邻。酒店建筑面积13895平方米,于2001年元月开业。为了增强酒店竞争优势,树立酒店良好形象,酒店于2006年1月投巨资对客房、餐饮、会议

1***6 9年前 上传398   0


英语导游词范文3篇本文目录1. 英语导游词范文2. 洛阳地陪英语导游词3. 黄果树瀑布英语导游词  hello,everyone!  now our already arrived the huangshan mountain scenic spot southernregion strategic place soup mouth. first introduces t

多***梦 6年前 上传434   0


黄果树瀑布英语导游词  ladies, gentlemen:  today we are going to tour the scenic spot is the yellow fruit treewaterfall. the yellow fruit tree waterfall is china first in thewaterfall, also is in the world

l***n 9年前 上传434   0


肇兴侗寨英语导游词  zhaoxing dong village  zhaoxing dong village is one of the largest dong villages in guizhou. known as no.1 dong village, zhaoxing has over 800 households and more than 4,000 inhabitant

老***= 7年前 上传533   0


黑龙江哈尔滨中央大街英文导游词-导游英语  Ladies and gentlemen:  Today we are going to visit zhongyang street. this is the downtown area. in order to better know the street, we are going to walk through it, which ta

z***8 10年前 上传455   0


云南旅游-香格里拉英文(英语)导游词  In the year 1893, James Hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the East―― “Shangri-La“ in one of his novels for the first time. In the novel “

与***行 10年前 上传533   0


太姥山导游词  远道而来的各位朋友,旅途辛苦了!欢迎来到“海上仙都”太姥山。我是XX旅行社导游XX。  我们今天所要游览的太姥山风景区位于福鼎市境内东海之滨,这里有雁荡、武夷山水之秀美;有黄山、泰山石雾之奇幻;有崂山、北戴河的海韵沙情;有普陀、武当山的佛踪道迹。这是个怎样的地方呢?走,就让我们一起去揭开它的神秘面纱吧。  太姥山原名才山,相传尧帝时有一女子种兰于山中,在她得道成仙时,

c***3 11年前 上传528   0


西安导游词  各位游客朋友们:  大家好!欢迎大家到西安游览。  历史文化名城西安位于黄河西岸渭水平原的中部。这里是良田纵横,一目万顷的八百里秦川,物华天宝,人杰地灵。在中华大地上,镶嵌在黄土高原南端的这颗耀眼的明珠,昔日曾有过名震寰宇、无比辉煌的历史文化,也有着绿水青山、无比秀媚的自然景观。  在西安南侧的东西凡百里间,是峰峦叠峰、逶迤相连的有“东方阿尔卑斯山”之称的秦岭山脉。

E***a 11年前 上传735   0


大连导游词  亲爱的贵宾们:  不说不笑不热闹。为了能够给大家提前构筑一个对大连的印象,今天将带大家进入一个美妙的世界。并为为大家朗诵一首自己创作的诗:  滨城美景日日新,满眼绿树芳草荫。  欧式建筑不胜举,城市雕塑铺海滨。  广场风格均自异,海畔美景怡身心。  空气清新人自喜,古人也要叹如今。  大连是一个充满诗情画意的城市,每一条街道、每一个广场、每一片绿地、每一

z***l 12年前 上传752   0