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  1—Who are making so much noise in the garden
  —_______ the children
  A It is B They are
  C That is D There are
  2 It is _______ he often fails in exams ______ makes his parents worried about him
  A what that B that what
  C that that D that
  3 It is the protection for the trees _______ really matters rather than how many trees are planted
  A what B that
  C 填 D which
  4 It is _____ my father worked _____ I work now
  A where that B where when
  C that where D that that
  5 Was _____ that I saw last night at the concert
  A it you B not you
  C you D that you
  6 It was ten o’clock _____ he came back home
  A when B that
  C since D after
  7 It was not until he came back _____ he knew the police were looking for him
  A which B since
  C that D before
  1 选A强调句型 It is the children who are making so much noise 省略
  2 选C强调句型强调成分语句 that he often fails in exams
  3 选B强调句型句意真正重保护树种少树
  4 选A整句子 it was … that … 格式强调句式第二空填that第空填wherewhere my father worked 点状语句强调句强调部分句意现父亲工作方工作
  5 选A强调句般疑问句形式相应陈述句 It was you that I saw …
  6 选Awhen 表示……时候句首 it 表示时间全句意回家时时间10点钟
  7 选C He didn’t know the police were looking for him until he came back 强调形式注意not … until … 强调句式通常 It was not until … that … 形式





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易错题名师指导:it陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. Why shouldn’t I buy a new coat — I haven’t bought _____ for five years.  A. it B. that  C. one D. which  2. He made _____ known to his friends that he didn’t want

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易错题名师指导:形容词副词陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. It was _____ opportunity to miss.  A. too good an B. a too good  C. too a good D. too good  2. I don’t like it at all. It can’t be _____.  A. better B. worse

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易错题名师指导:比较结构陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. In my apartment there are two rooms, _____ is used as a living room.  A. larger one B. the larger of which  C. the largest one D. the largest of which  2. “Are

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易错题名师指导:虚拟语气陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. “I still haven’t thanked Aunt Lucy for her present.” “It’s time you _____.”  A. do B. did  C. had D. would  2. If I hadn’t been lucky enough to meet you. I real

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易错题名师指导:介词陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. So far, several ships have been reported missing _______ the coast of Bermuda Island.  A. off B. along  C. on D. around  2. “How long have you stayed in this hote

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易错题名师指导:连词陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. “Shall we stop for lunch _____ shall we drive on?” “Let’s stop for lunch, but the driver can’t drink _____ drive.”  A. and, and B. or, or  C. and, or D. or, and  

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易错题名师指导:冠词陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. Since tasting the excitement of _____ big city life, she never wants to live in _____ country again.  A. the, the B. 不填,不填  C. the, 不填 D. 不填,the  2. The operation

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易错题名师指导:状语从句陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. Don’t be afraid of asking for help _______ it is needed.  A. unless B. since  C. although D. when  2. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners’ cur

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易错题名师指导:定语从句陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those _______ in the forest.  A. once they grew B. they grew once  C. they once grew D. once grew  2. In

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易错题名师指导:非谓语动词陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. He looked around and caught a man ______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.  A. put B. to be putting  C. to put D. putting  2. When you’re learning to dr

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m***u 13年前 上传625   0


易错题名师指导:名词性从句陷阱题◆精编陷阱题训练◆  1. They lost their way in the forest, and _______ made matters worse was that night began to fall.  A. it B. which  C. that D. what  2. Patience is a kind of qual

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初三英语易错题总结    118 题( ). 1.---Who’s taken away my English book“---_________.A. I have       B. Him        C. She did       D. He took it( ). 2. ---This kind of rice tastes nice.---Yes. It ________in

小***库 2年前 上传455   0


易错题过关卷一、认真审题,填一填,圈一圈,涂一涂。(第6小题9分,其余每空3分,共45分)1.15的个位上是(  ),十位上是(  )。个位上是2,十位上比个位上少1的数是(  )。2.最大的一位数是(  ),最小的两位数是(  ),它们的和是 (  ),它们的差是(  )。3.从2数到9,一共数了(  )个数。4.比16大,比19小的数是(   )和(   )。5.两个相同的数相

x***q 4年前 上传965   0



邹***炮 4年前 上传994   0



穆***丶 2年前 上传747   0



s***g 3个月前 上传172   0


2.易错题抢分卷一、仔细推敲,选一选。(每小题3分,共15分)1.下面算式成立的是(  )。A.8.5×101=8.5×100+1 B.3.4×7.8=0.34×78C.6.93÷0.7=693÷7 D.0.62=2×0.6=1.22.如图,两个完全一样的平行四边形,阴影部分面积的关系是(  )。A.甲>乙 B.甲<乙 C.甲=乙 D.无法比较3.广场大钟5时敲5下,8秒敲完;1

x***q 4年前 上传945   0