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Unit2Elderly Care
Listening and Speaking 1
The correct answers are You understand where you have been You're glad to be part of the life You understand the changes around you

Listening and Speaking 2

Reading 1

Reading 2


Unit 3 Community Security
Listening and Speaking 1

Listening and Speaking 2

Reading 1

Reading 2


A Crime Happened in the School
At 1230 last night when everybody was asleep two thieves broke into a lab on the second floor and there they found some expensive equipment When they were trying to move the equipment out of the building the doorkeeper heard the sound and immediately called the police nearby the school The two thieves were at last caughtarrested 20 minutes later The policemen warned everyone to keep away from thieves

Unit 4 Crime Prevention

Listening and Speaking 1

Listening and Speaking 2

appropriate → fitting operating → running supervision → management  juvenile → youngster influence → effect environment → surroundings filter → clean cause → reaso

Reading 1

Reading 2

Description of the Case

Last Saturday a robbery took place at about 1100 pm on the 6th Street A young man was robbed and lost his handbag with his computer mobile phone his passport and something else in it The suspect looked short and slim He has a long big face with a pair of small eyes The victim saw cruel eyesight from his eyes and was very frightened His fingernails are long and dirty and he wears a worn jacket a pair of jeans and trainers If anyone knows anything about the robbery or the suspect please call 110 You may get a reward of RMB 5000

Unit 5 Giving a Speech
Listening and Speaking 1

1 What are they talking about in the dialog
正确答案:They are talking about the preparation of a speech

2 What is Peter going to do at the weekend and what is he worried about
正确答案:Peter is going to deliver a speech at the weekend and he is worried that his audience may find his speech boring and fall asleep

3  What are Molly's suggestions to Peter
正确答案:Molly's suggestions to Peter are as follows(1) First he should remember to keep eyecontact with his audience(2) Secondly he should mind his tone Make sure that he is talking not just reciting his draft(3) If he wants to make his presentation vivid he may use some visual aids like PPT(4) If he wants to have some interaction with his audience he may prepare some questions for them

Listening and Speaking 2

Reading 1
1 Public speeches are speeches delivered in public for general purpose
答案:Public speeches are speeches delivered in public for a special purpose

2The speaker will have to appear to be unfriendly to the audience
答案:The speaker will have to appear to be friendly to the audience

3he speaker needn't use every means to make his speech persuasive engaging and convincing
答案:The speaker will have to use every means to make his speech persuasive engaging and convincing

4 Public speeches are strongly influenced by the characteristics of the spoken language
答案:Public speeches are strongly influenced by the characteristics of the written language

5 The language used in public speeches is informal in style clear and vivid in tone and persuasive in purpose
答案:The language used in public speeches is formal in style clear and vivid in tone and persuasive in purpose

6 序
special purpose
every means

Reading 2

题目6They often work overtime because of too much work waiting in queue which ends up causing a lot of physical and mental problems

7One's health should never be sacrificed for a need to work hard

8Traveling at home and abroad has now become convenient and affordable

9 Exercising helps relax your body and has been shown to relieve mental stress as well
10Knowing when and how to relax should be a part of wellbalanced lifestyle

My Dream
When I was alittle child I had many dreams I wanted to be rich so that I can live in abig and beautiful house I can go everywhere by car But now my dream seems tobe better and more realistic I hope I can have a good job It will not takemuch of my time although I can’t earn much Every year I have holidays totravel Traveling is my favorite and it can reduce my pressure It’s good formy life Therefore I hope traveling can be a part of my future life


I have a dream that is the designer I dream I often for my door open thought if I could design a sky garden should have much good
One night I became a designer in a dream my sky garden is designed I designed the garden has a total of five layers
The first layer design a garden Inside a Chinese rose lily and chrysanthemum open all the year round The second kind of singular grass there is a very famous grass grass that is dance Heard that this dance grass as long as the listen to the beautiful music dancing Inside the layer 3 design a zoo with one of my favorite kitten doggie and rabbit and so on The fourth layer to build a large pool raised in fish and shrimp Fifth floor to design a big fountain music every time remind of fountain can gushing water of high and low deserve to go up again the colorful lights how charming

Unit 6 Language Learning
Listening and Speaking 1

Listening and Speaking 2
1She is discussing with Liu Hui about new English 回答loanwords
from Chinese
2 He is glad to 回答teach
Molly more things about China
3She already knew many Chinese words But she cannot speak Chinese 
4 Though many people believe feng shui he thinks it is 回答superstition
5 She said feng shui is 回答traditional
6 He realized there are also many English words 回答borrowed
 from other languages 

Reading 1

Reading 2

6Speakers of English as a second language will soon outnumber those who speak it as a first language

7The domination of the English language globally is a sure thing

7 British colonialism in the 19th century and American capitalism and technological progress in the 20th century were undoubtedly the main causes for the spread of English throughout the world
19 世纪英国殖民义20 世纪美国资义技术进步疑推动英语全球范围传播原

9For the last hundred years the USA has played a leading role in most parts of the world
10However the future of English as a global language will depend very largely on the political economic demographic and cultural trends in the world

My Experience in Learning English
Some students don't like English and think English learning is unimportant But I don't think so English is very important We all know that english is widely used Next I want to share my experience of learning English
First  Speak without Fear 
 Don't worry about making mistakes  The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right  Like anything learning English requires practice Seconduse all of your resources Use as many different sources methods and tools as possibleThirdsurround yourself with EnglishTake notes in English put English books around your room listen to English language radio broadcasts watch English news movies and television  Speak English with your friends whenever you can 
The last but not the leastwatch English films and television and listen to English MusicKeep doing this and you really will make some progress with English 
FinallyHave fun

Unit 7 Modern Educational Technology
Listening and Speaking 1

Listening and Speaking 2

Reading 1


Reading 2

6Apple has entered the textbook market

8 Apple developed its iPadbased textbooks in conjunction with major textbook publishers
苹果公司教材出版商起开发基iPad 教材

8It sounds like good news for pupils and students

9Every textbook you require can be stored on your iPad

10You can also share stuff on social networking sites with fellow students


the future classroom

overhead projector
conference software
The Ideal Classroom
The future of each desk in the classroom on a computer this computer will not hurt your eyes The computer has an ebook you want to see that a page as long as the catalogue If you are hungry thirsty you only need to press a key the desk drawer will automatically open a hamburger and water inside if you doesn't like words can change it gives you food and nutrition If you are tired you can click a button on the chair it will help you massage
     Classroom of the future of the fresh air which placed many of the pot the morning to open the door you can smell the thick fragrance
     Classroom of the future have characteristics of warm in winter and cool in summer it can change according to the change of the weather it can mediate temperature will be transferred to the appropriate temperature every day

Unit 8 Lifelong Learning
Listening and Speaking 1

Listening and Speaking 2

Reading 1

Reading 2

6The highest paid people in America today work an average of 59 hours per week
答案:美国收入高群周均工作59 时
7 Lifelong learning is the minimum requirement for success in your field
8 Continuing education for them means that they attend annual meetings and go to every session available that has new insights that can help them to be more effective
9Since information and knowledge in every field is doubling every 23 years this means that your knowledge has to double every 23 years as well

10I hope you are making room for continuing education in your life

Advantages and Disadvantages of Formal Education

Learning in the Internet and the tradictional learning are the most common method in our daily study and lifeThe two ways both have their advantage and disadvantageLearning in the Internet has the advantage that it brings free time for students to studyMoreoverit can be watched repeatedly which can deepen the impressionHoweverit also has the disadvantage that teacher cannot supervise the students' studyThe tradictional learning supplyes the Internet's disadvantage for it has a perfect supervise machismBut it doesn't mean the tradictional's has not shortcomingIt limit the students' freedom and let students' be passive




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浮***华 4年前 上传635   0


先进性教育活动学习动员阶段边学边改情况  先进性教育活动学习动员阶段边学边改情况在保持共产党员先进性教育活动中,我乡党委坚持边学边查边改的原则,查找出了一系列的问题,并及时进行了整改:问题一:学习不够多,学习的方式较为单一整改方法:针对这一问题,我乡党委制定出了先进性教育活动学习计划和集中学习安排表,采取全乡集中学习、各支部集中学习、自学相结合的方式,先后组织集中学习10次以上,集中学习时间

s***i 11年前 上传579   0

教育实践活动总结:边学边改 立查立改

教育实践活动总结:边学边改 立查立改  教育实践活动总结:边学边改 立查立改  第二批教育实践活动开展以来,市委常委会和常委同志以群众满意不满意、有没有得到的实惠为标准,充分发挥示范引领作用,思想先学、意见先听、问题先查、服务先做,以学风促党风、以党风带政风、以政风转民风,发扬认真精神,解决实际问题,三大支点搞活动,立查立改出实效,为全市教育实践活动深入有效开展做好了榜样,树好了标杆。

d***s 10年前 上传599   0

两学一做理论学习发言提纲--边学边改 争做合格党员

边学边改  争做合格党员 第二季度中心组理论学习发言提纲   各位领导、各位同事: 大家好! 我发言的题目是《边学边改,争做合格党员》。 深入开展“两学一做”学习教育活动,是党中央为了深入学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,推动全面从严治党向基层延伸,巩固拓展党的群众路线教育实践活动和“三严三实”专题教育的成果,进一步解决党员队伍在思想、组织、作风、纪律等方面存在的问题,始终保持发

且***1 8年前 上传4752   0

2010年边学习边整改,边总结边实践 将先进性教育落到实处

2010年边学习边整改,边总结边实践 将先进性教育落到实处边学习边整改,边总结边实践平罗传输局党支部在学习党的先进性教育活动中,按照党章要求,认真查找薄弱环节,加强班子建设,改进工作方法,创新活动方式,健全组织生活,做好党员的教育管理工作,充分发挥党的基层组织的战斗堡垒作用,党支部在学习党的先进性教育活动中就开展此项工作做了具体的安排部署,边学习边整改,边总结边实践,及时解决员工反映

z***i 14年前 上传649   0


学习实践科学发展观边学边查边整改情况报告—工作汇报 区委学习实践活动办公室:按照区委,区学习实践活动领导小组统一安排,区统计局对前一阶段在学习实践活动中查找出来的问题,坚持边学边整改,并取得初步成效。现将情况汇报如下:一、立足实际,找准问题区统计局通过发放《汉滨区统计局学习实践科学发展观活动征求意见表》,召开乡镇办统计干部座谈会,局领导班子带队深入调研和干部学习交流等形式,广

灰***天 10年前 上传488   0



郭***林 3年前 上传870   0


E1-406边采边撤安全技术措施 施工地点:E1-406工作面  施工单位:综 采 队  编 制 人:  负 责 人:  编制日期:  执行日期:审批生效日至施工结束 一、工程说明 E1-406工作面Ⅱ段回采到362.6m到达斜巷位置后开始撤板减架,采用边采边撤方式。边采边撤位置斜长82米,垂直长度47米,工作面与回顺夹角35度,预计回撤44组液压支架,撤板减架后工作面长度为10

h***a 11年前 上传9618   0


市林业局保持共产党员先进性教育活动边学边改情况报告  市林业局保持共产党员先进性  教育活动边学边改情况报告  保持共产党员先进性教育活动开展以来,我局组织全体党员学习了《保持共产党员先进性教育读本》、胡锦涛总书记在新时期保持共产党员先进性专题报告会上的报告、《江泽民论加强和改进执政党建设《专题摘编》和《争创“三有一好,正当时代先锋》、《我是共产党员》等学习资料,通过学习,提供了我局

z***n 9年前 上传396   0


边检女警 走上三尺验证台,她们身穿藏蓝,一丝不苟地检查着每一名出入境人员的证件;走下三尺验证台,她们为人妻、为人母。然而,不曾被人所知的是,她们英姿飒爽的背后,却包含着对家人、对孩子的愧疚,面对所有的遗憾和不舍,都因为她们是一名边检女警。 每天,在拱北口岸联检大厅内,人头攒动,旅客带着急切的心情显得有些焦躁不安,此时,拱北边检上勤的女警们微笑着送上一声声“您好”、“辛苦了”的温暖问候,刹那间

寒***沙 9年前 上传7451   0


策划部工作总结――边工作,边收获  7月,我过的忙碌而充实。主要工作分为以下几大块。  一、夏季会员刊   这一次夏季刊的制作明显要比上一期春季刊做的更得心应手,无论从文案的安排还是设计板式的选择上都比上期刊物更加成熟。即从专业角度出发解决读者皮肤问题,也从营销角度出发帮助读者选择合适的产品。设计上以“读图”为重点。版面鲜艳,文字减少,增加趣味阅读,是正本杂志不像教科书那样死板。从一

保***查 9年前 上传543   0


校园安全及“六个一”活动边查边改总结范文为贯彻落实9月24日省委教育工作领导小组全体会议精神和全省学校安全工作电视电话会议工作部署,切实做好学校安全工作,根据省、市、县委教育工作领导小组办公室统一部署要求,我校围绕学校安全检查重点项目立刻开展安全自查和“六个一”活动。现将我校边查边改情况总结如下:一、 成立边查边改领导小组组 长:XXX副组长:XXX XXX XXX成 员:XXX XX

s***g 2年前 上传1450   0


“一定三建”    预警防瘫 **着力破解非公企业党组织“边建边瘫”难题 **在学习实践科学发展观活动中,通过建立“一定三建”预警防瘫工作机制, 有效预防和遏制了非公有制企业党组织建设中存在的“边建边瘫”现象的发生。“一定”是指:就是在合格以上党支部与基本合格党支部之间,基本合格党支部与不合格党支部之间,确立预警防线,防止优秀和合格党支部向基本合格党支部下滑、基本合格党支部向不合格党支部演变

y***6 14年前 上传16723   0


关于党的群众性路线教育实践活动边学边改制度建设情况报告 按照区委要求,现将我办党的群众性路线教育实践活动边学边改制度建设情况报告如下: 一、工作措施 (一)及时传达学习。按照党的群众性路线教育实践活动要求,我办积极组织学习了中央的“八项规定”、省委“九项规定”及市委的“十项措施”,结合我办当前工作,查找不足,在实际工作中贯彻落实好,领导班子结合自身思想和工作实际,深入开展了批评和自我批评,

风***g 10年前 上传7832   0


真心换放心,清白换明白--卫生院边学边改促进医患和谐  真心换放心 清白换明白   ###中心卫生院边学边改促进医患和谐   问安镇中心卫生院以学习实践活动为契机,紧密结合工作实际,突出行业特色,大力加强医德医风建设,不断改善就医环境,促进了医患和谐,医疗卫生服务得到优化,人民满意程度进一步提高。今年截至10月底实现业务收入402万元,同比增长11%,收到患者表扬信11封,锦旗7面,

5***6 9年前 上传480   0


谁能治好中国的病 ——读《黄河边的中国》有感     作为生仪学院第一期青马学员,在生仪学院团委的倡导下,我利用寒假读了曹锦清先生的《黄河边的中国》。书中,曹锦清先生不仅记录了他先后两次深入农村调查的情况,还表达了他对当今中国所存在的问题的思考。书中的文字没有多少修饰和煽情的地方,只是简单的纪录,然而我被它深深吸引住了,以至于我一翻开就无法放下。 我是一个土生土长的浙江农民,在我的印象里的

c***8 11年前 上传10976   0



d***j 6年前 上传16393   0



l***1 5年前 上传1347   0


年终收边组工作总结 时间如彩虹,转眼即过。一年的时间如果好好珍惜,就如雨过天晴后的彩虹般出现,是最美的时刻。值得回忆,留恋。反之,虚度一年,任时光流逝,无作为,就如彩虹过后平淡无常,没有留恋之处。 回顾20几年,发生了很多,为公司的发展做出了很多的贡献。收边组的工作量相对于全厂而言是最大的生产比较繁琐的一组,因为无论是复合板还是单板,他们都是用专用机台生产相对应的板型,生产相对简单。而收边组

p***c 11年前 上传10518   0


现场边坡存在在问题: 现场未做喷锚,有浮土、泥流、坡脚坍塌现象。 处理办法:    清理浮土、流泥,使用打桩堆沙袋处理坡脚坍塌,护坡按方案进行喷锚。 方案: 一标段和二标段边坡同样采用喷锚50厚C15钢筋混凝土墙体,钢筋网为Φ4双向@200,锚钉采用Φ12钢筋,锚钉长度0.5米。 三标段基坑防护防护方案为采用喷锚方法进行施工,5#、6#楼周边基坑支护桩喷锚50厚C20钢筋混凝土墙体,

最***崖 5年前 上传3044   0


劳务分包合同(边坡支护) 劳务发包方 名 称: 地 址: 联系人: 电 话: 劳务承包方 名 称:

w***j 4年前 上传1472   0


窗边的小豆豆第一篇:窗边的小豆豆----读后感550字窗边的小豆豆----读后感550字小豆豆因为淘气被退学了,一个全新的学校“巴学园”接受了她。“巴学园”是一个与众不同的学校。 “巴学园”的教室:一个个废弃不用的电车车厢。“巴学园”的校长:第一次见小豆豆,校长就微微笑着听小豆豆不停地说了四个小时的话,没有一丝不耐烦,没有一丝厌倦。“巴学园”的午餐:每到午餐开始的时候,校长就会问:“

l***3 11年前 上传507   0



周***i 4年前 上传693   0



x***q 4年前 上传1016   0

四边形 教学设计


校***递 9个月前 上传153   0