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Mortgage Loan
A mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property through the use of a mortgage note which evidences the existence of the loan and the encumbrance of that realty through the granting of a mortgage which secures the loan However the word mortgage alone in everyday usage is most often used to mean mortgage loan
The word mortgage is a Law French term meaning death contract meaning that the pledge ends (dies) when either the obligation is fulfilled or the property is taken through foreclosure
A home buyer or builder can obtain financing (a loan) either to purchase or secure against the property from a financial institution such as a bank either directly or indirectly through intermediaries Features of mortgage loans such as the size of the loan maturity of the loan interest rate method of paying off the loan and other characteristics can vary considerably
In many jurisdictions though not all (Bali Indonesia being one exception) it is normal for home purchases to be funded by a mortgage loan Few individuals have enough savings or liquid funds to enable them to purchase property outright In countries where the demand for home ownership is highest strong domestic markets have developed
Mortgage loan basics
Basic concepts and legal regulation
According to Anglo American property law a mortgage occurs when an owner (usually of a fee simple interest in realty) pledges his or her interest (right to the property) as security or collateral for a loan Therefore a mortgage is an encumbrance (limitation) on the right to the property just as an easement would be but because most mortgages occur as a condition for new loan money the word mortgage has become the generic term for a loan secured by such real property As with other types of loans mortgages have an interest rate and are scheduled to amortize over a set period of time typically 30 years All types of real property can be and usually are secured with a mortgage and bear an interest rate that is supposed to reflect the lender's risk
Mortgage lending is the primary mechanism used in many countries to finance private ownership of residential and commercial property Although the terminology and precise forms will differ from country to country the basic components tend to be similar
Property the physical residence being financed The exact form of ownership will vary from country to country and may restrict the types of lending that are possible
Mortgage the security interest of the lender in the property which may entail restrictions on the use or disposal of the property Restrictions may include requirements to purchase home insurance and mortgage insurance or pay off outstanding debt before selling the property
Borrower the person borrowing who either has or is creating an ownership interest in the property
Lender any lender but usually a bank or other financial institution
Lenders may also be investors who own an interest in the mortgage through a mortgage backed security In such a situation the initial lender is known as the mortgage originator which then packages and sells the loan to investors The payments from the borrower are thereafter collected by a loan servicer
Principal the original size of the loan which may or may not include certain other costs as any principal is repaid the principal will go down in size
Interest a financial charge for use of the lender's money
Foreclosure or repossession the possibility that the lender has to foreclose repossess or seize the property under certain circumstances is essential to a mortgage loan without this aspect the loan is arguably no different from any other type of loan
Many other specific characteristics are common to many markets but the above are the essential features Governments usually regulate many aspects of mortgage lending either directly (through legal requirements for example) or indirectly (through regulation of the participants or the financial markets such as the banking industry) and often through state intervention (direct lending by the government by state owned banks or sponsorship of various entities) Other aspects that define a specific mortgage market may be regional historical or driven by specific characteristics of the legal or financial system
Mortgage loans are generally structured as long term loans the periodic payments for which are similar to an annuity and calculated according to the time value of money formula The most basic arrangement would require a fixed monthly payment over a period of ten to thirty years depending on local conditions Over this period the principal component of the loan (the original loan) would be slowly paid down through amortization In practice many variants are possible and common worldwide and within each country
Lenders provide funds against property to earn interest income and generally borrow these funds themselves (for example by taking deposits or issuing bonds) The price at which the lenders borrow money therefore affects the cost of borrowing Lenders may also in many countries sell the mortgage loan to other parties who are interested in receiving the stream of cash payments from the borrower often in the form of a security (by means of a securitization)
Mortgage lending will also take into account the (perceived) riskiness of the mortgage loan that is the likelihood that the funds will be repaid (usually considered a function of the creditworthiness of the borrower) that if they are not repaid the lender will be able to foreclose and recoup some or all of its original capital and the financial interest rate risk and time delays that may be involved in certain circumstances
Mortgage loan types
There are many types of mortgages used worldwide but several factors broadly define the characteristics of the mortgage All of these may be subject to local regulation and legal requirements
Interest interest may be fixed for the life of the loan or variable and change at certain per defined periods the interest rate can also of course be higher or lower
Term mortgage loans generally have a maximum term that is the number of years after which an amortizing loan will be repaid Some mortgage loans may have no amortization or require full repayment of any remaining balance at a certain date or even negative amortization
Payment amount and frequency the amount paid per period and the frequency of payments in some cases the amount paid per period may change or the borrower may have the option to increase or decrease the amount paid
Prepayment some types of mortgages may limit or restrict prepayment of all or a portion of the loan or require payment of a penalty to the lender for prepayment
The two basic types of amortized loans are the fixed rate mortgage (FRM) and adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) (also known as a floating rate or variable rate mortgage) In many countries (such as the United States) floating rate mortgages are the norm and will simply be referred to as mortgages Combinations of fixed and floating rate are also common whereby a mortgage loan will have a fixed rate for some period and vary after the end of that period
In a fixed rate mortgage the interest rate and hence periodic paymentremains fixed for the life (or term) of the loan Therefore the payment is fixed although ancillary costs (such as property taxes and insurance) can and do change For a fixed rate mortgage payments for principal and interest should not change over the life of the loan
In an adjustable rate mortgage the interest rate is generally fixed for a period of time after which it will periodically (for example annually or monthly) adjust up or down to some market index Adjustable rates transfer part of the interest rate risk from the lender to the borrower and thus are widely used where fixed rate funding is difficult to obtain or prohibitively expensive Since the risk is transferred to the borrower the initial interest rate may be from 05 to 2 lower than the average 30 year fixed rate the size of the price differential will be related to debt market conditions including the yield curve
The charge to the borrower depends upon the credit risk in addition to the interest rate risk The mortgage origination and underwriting process involves checking credit scores debt to income downpayments and assets Jumbo mortgages and subprime lending are not supported by government guarantees and face higher interest rates







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中国商业银行理财产品的发展研究 我国近几年经济一直持增长状态健康发展,直接表现为人均国民收入的大幅度提升,在满足日常生活的开支后,仍然能够获得不少余款,又因为人们对理财不再陌生,逐渐了解后,这方面市场得到极大地拓展。出于这一形势,国家也开始制定相关辅助文件,银行纷纷投入到这一新商机当中,推出各式各样的理财产品。一方面,中间业务不再存在巨大业绩压力,另一方面,旧有服务也收获了拉动

平***苏 7个月前 上传186   0



爱***享 3年前 上传646   0



王***朝 3年前 上传1599   0


我国商业银行开展网银的现状分析和发展研究 自1995年世界第一家网上银行美国安全第一网上银行诞生以来,全球银行业在电子化道路上开始了爆发式的飞跃。网上银行在我国获得了迅速发展。1996年,我国只有一家银行通过国际互联网向社会提供银行服务,到2002年底,在互联网上设立网站的中资银行占中国现有各类银行的27%。网上银行以其低廉的成本和广阔的前景,越来越得到人们的重视,在我国发展势头迅猛,但由于时

洛***南 5年前 上传1650   0



/***. 5年前 上传1071   0


我国现代物流研究的现状与展望 冯耕中* 冯耕中,1966年生,副教授、博士。Email: gzfeng@156net.com (西安交通大学管理学院, 710049) 摘要 作为新经济时代的产物,物流业已经成为我国第三产业新的“经济增长点”。为了促进其健康发展,本文分析了我国物流研究的现状,同时提出了发展现代物流所应关注的热点内容。 关键词 物流 物流研究 电子商

j***1 13年前 上传23218   0


        题目:我国养老机构的经营与管理研究                            机构:          姓名:                          时间:                 摘要:21世纪以来,经济的高速发展带来了人口结构的巨大变化,人口老龄化成为主要的人口特征。随着传统家庭养老功能的弱化

落***帘 8年前 上传6756   0


我国电子商务环境研究作者:李德升文摘:本文概述了电子商务的定义、特征及其目前的发展情况,然后着重对我国的电子商务环境进行了分析,最后,简要提出了发展我国电子商务的模式与策略。 1 电子商务概述电子商务(Electronic Commerce)即通过电信网络进行的生产、营销和流通活动,它不仅指基于因特网上的交易,而且指所有利用电子信息技术来解决扩大宣传、降低成本、增加价值和创造

y***a 10年前 上传763   0



毕***阁 3年前 上传712   0


商业银行中的项目评估研究 摘要:商业银行客观公正地做出项目评估,是商业银行信贷决策的基础依据,也是防范信贷风险的第一道关口,商业银行目前面临的最大风险是信贷风险,因此项目评估工作能否准确、科学、客观,关系到信贷资产质量的好坏,关系到银行风险的控制,关系到银行的赢利能力,也是决定商业银行在激烈的市场竞争中能否生存与发展的关键。文章从商业银行的评估过程中中普遍存在的问题八手,论述银行项目评估的价值

游***鱼 12年前 上传11928   0



爱***享 3年前 上传811   0


论我国商业银行的信用卡风险管理 2009-7-2 18:1 吴镝 蒋鹏  摘 要:伴随着信用卡业务在我国的高速发展,信用卡风险也层出不穷,如何有效管理和控制风险,已成为发卡行关注的重点。介绍了信用卡风险的种类,分析了信用卡风险形成的原因,并提出了加强信用卡风险管理的相关建议。 关键词:信用卡风险;信息不对称;法律支持体系 对我国银行业而言,信用卡还是一项比较新兴的业务,对信用卡业务风

x***z 5年前 上传1172   0


发展我国商业银行个人理财业务的思考——以建设银行为例   1、引言 随着国民经济持续、快速的发展,我国人民生活水平有了大幅度的提高,个人财富的积累也不断增加。人们开始意识到个人理财的重要性,投资需求和理财意愿不断增强。然而在这个复杂多变的理财市场,人们缺乏足够的知识和经验,因此,他们迫切需要一个专业团队来指导与帮助他们进行理财与投资。这为我国商业银行开展个人理财业务带来了一个良好的契机。近

z***4 5年前 上传1260   0



p***b 5年前 上传1009   0



爱***享 3年前 上传441   0


题目我国上市商业银行内部控制信息披露问题研究-以民生银行为例 毕业论文题目我国上市商业银行内部控制信息披露问题研究—以民生银行为例毕业论文主要内容和要求: 主要内容:本文主要分析我国上市银行内部

平***苏 2年前 上传440   0


完善我国商业银行信用风险管理的方法研究范文  完善银行内部风险管理,改善监管方式和监管内容。银行应尽可能的保护存款人的合法权益,对信用风险进行定量分析和定性分析及披露,并注重实施贷款责权制度,把贷款责任落实到人,通过制定奖罚机制来提高信贷人员的素质,减少工作中的失误。  加强对资本充足率和资金流动性的监管。对银行资本充足率的规定有利于控制银行业务活动的规模、种类及形式,从而控制银行经营风

浪***日 6年前 上传396   0



木***森 3年前 上传1038   0


接待流程〔现场〕一、目的:1、给予客户专业的感觉,博得客户信任;2、激发客户购房愿望;3、与客户形成互动联系。二、标准流程:〔1〕迎接客户 〔2〕应酬了解客户情况 〔3〕填写客户登记表〔4〕介绍产品 〔5〕选定房型 〔6〕带看现场 〔7〕喊柜台 〔8〕小订 〔9〕大订 〔10〕

静***雅 4个月前 上传151   0


我国保险公司的广告策略研究The insurance company's advertising strategy research in China摘 要保险广告作为保险公司最重要的资源之一,它对保险公司生存和发展的意义是不言而喻的。我国保险公司对广告策略的选择和实施尚存在许多问题和不足,创意水准与国外的保险保险广告存在很大差距、广告诉求内

平***苏 2年前 上传566   0


我国教育公平研究的文献综述   摘要:本文通过综述近几年来相关学者对教育的研究实况,进一步了解教育发展现状,为更好地进行教育公平研究打下基础。 关键词:教育;公平   随着构建社会主义和谐社会思想的日益深入,社会大众对教育的发展尤为关注。如何实现教育公平,进而通过教育公平改善和促进社会公平是当前重要的政策目标。   一、相关实证研究综述 教育资源配置问题是决定义务教育是否公平的主

l***o 9年前 上传9107   0


 题目我国上市公司股利分配问题研究摘 要股利政策作为公司三大财务决策之一,一直是理论界关注的焦点。与国外成熟的资本市场相比,我国上市公司股利政策的制定存在着诸如上市公司的现金股利分配年度不均,部分公司存在超能力派现、异常低派现行为,股利政策不稳定,现金股利支付率较低的不合理、不科学的现象。本文将从我国现金股利分配现状着手,研究现阶段膳食公司股利分配现状,分析股利分配

平***苏 1年前 上传327   0



平***苏 3年前 上传585   0


摘 要 随着社会、经济的发展,保险的作用日渐突出。目前,我国的保险业尚处于培育阶段,与国外发达国家相比,我国的保险业还存在很大的差距。寿险业是我国保险业的一个重要组成部分,我国寿险市场的需求潜力巨大,寿险产品在不断向前发展。加入WTO后,我国寿险市场的竞争日趋激烈,各寿险公司在不断努力提升自己的竞争力。目前,我国寿险产品的供给与需求还存在着许多不平衡:从寿险产品的供给方面来看,

蘑***云 12年前 上传11309   0


关于我国水务行业的发展研究 水是人类生存和发展的基础,水务行业关系国计民生,在国民经济中占有重要地位,是.进步和经济发展的重要支撑。 水务行业主要包括供水和污水处理两大业务板块。从发展历程来看,我国水务行业是从城市供水逐步发展起来的。建国以来尤其是改革开放以后,供水设施建设作为城市基础设施建设的重点,取得了突飞猛进的发展。截至2021年底,我国供水产能规模3.69亿吨/日,供水管网规模1

和***6 2年前 上传452   0