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Lesson 31-33同步练习2022-2023学年冀教版英语七年级上册无答案




Lesson 3133步练
I 单词
书店 ____________ 骑坐 __________ 破碎 __________ 关 ___________
迷路 __________ 女士 ______________ 交通 ____________ 直 ___________
运气 ____________ 新鲜 ____________ ____________ 数 _____________
四十 ____________ 五十 ______________ 六十 ____________ 七十 ___________
八十 ____________ 九十 ______________ 百 ______________ 做梦 ___________
噪音 ____________ 狮子 ______________ 孤独 __________ 思念 ___________
森林 ____________ 程 ______________
II 词组
样达里?____________________ 坐 42 路公汽车 _____________________
车 ______________ 迷路 ______________ 路 _______________
寻找 ______________ 着条路前走交通信号灯处左拐 ___________________
祝运 ______________ 需帮忙? ________________ 邻 ___________________
什事? ______________ 帮做什? ______________ 买 _______________
动物园 ________________ 吵闹 _________________ 然 _________________
Ⅲ 单项选择
( ) 1 March 8th is _____
A Children’s Day B TreePlanting Day C Women’s Day D Teachers’ Day
( )2 Kate is very happy because today is her _____ birthday
A nine B ninth C the nine D the ninth
( )3 When is Jay’s concert It’s _____ 7 o’clock ______ the evening of September 19th
A atin B aton C onin D inon
( )4 I have a soccer ball ______ on the floor
A They’re B It’s C It D They
( )5 When is _____ It’s on September 10th
A Teachers’ Day B National Day C Children’s Day D Labor Day
( )6 _____ do you have Chinese Wang Lifei We have Chinese every day
A Where B When C What D How
( )7 How old are you I am _____ years old Today is my _____ birthday
A twelve twelve B twelve twelfth C twelfth twelve D twelfth twelfth
( )8 _____today It’s June 10
A What’s day is it B What’s the time C What’s the date D When is
( )9 Let’s look at _____ picture and then look at Picture _____
A first Second B the first the second C the first Two D one Two
( ) 10 We will have an art festival next week ______
A Have a good time B You’re welcome C That’s all right D Thanks
IV 完形填空
My name is Liu Yun I’m a 12yearold girl I’m the only 11 in my family My birthday is on 12 lst It’s the 13 day of the tenth month It’s also National Day My parents 14 a party for me on that day My friends 15 to the party They bring me some birthday presents and they say Happy Birthday to me 16 eat some fruits such as strawberries oranges and 17 We eat chicken and apples 18 dinner We also play games We have a 19 time
What’s your age 20 is your birthday Can you let me know

( ) 11 A son
B daughter
C boy
D people
( ) 12 A April
B September
C October
D December
( ) 13 A first
B second
C fourth
D tenth
( ) 14 A look
B have
C call
D sell
( ) 15 A come
B take
C find
D help
( ) 16 A You
B We
C They
( ) 17 A carrots
B bananas
C tomatoes
D chicken
( ) 18 A on
B in
C for
D of
( ) 19 A difficult
B boring
C healthy
D good
( )20 A What
Ⅴ 阅读理解
B How
C When
D How old


Basketball Game
Date November 16th
Place(点) School basketball hall
Time 300~500 in the afternoon
Do you like basketball Yes Come and enjoy(欣赏) the great basketball game with your friends and classmates
Book Sale
Date November 28th
Place School library
Time 800~1100 in the morning SALE
Many interesting books are on sale They are all at very good prices Come and buy your books in the great sale
( )21 The basketball game is __________
A on November 16th B on November 28th C in the morning D in the evening
( )22 Where can you buy some books
A In the computer room B In the school basketball hall
C In the school library D In Classroom 7
( )23 The book sale lasts(持续) for ______ hours
A five B four C three D two
There are four seasons in a year They are spring summer autumn and winter Spring is a beautiful season It is from March to May In spring the trees turn green and the flowers come out Everything looks new
Summer is a happy season It is from June to August In summer we can swim and eat a lot of ice cream Of course we have a long holiday—summer holiday At that time we can join the summer camp That’s great
Autumn is a colorful season It is from September to November In autumn the leaves on the trees turn yellow Sometimes they are red The colors are beautiful
Winter is a cold season It is from December to February In winter it begins to snow in most places of China Snow is white and everything looks white Children like playing with snow
( )24 What is the meaning of come out in the passage
A 鲜艳 B 出版 C 开放 D 出
( )25 Winter is from _____ in China
A September to November B March to May
C December to February D January to March
( )26 Which sentence is NOT right
A It is often cold in winter B We have a long holiday in summer
C The leaves on the trees turn green in autumn D Summer comes after spring





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冀教版七年级上册英语试题:Lesson 41:Holidays练习

1.—When is Women’s Day?— On____.A. January 1 B. March 8 C. June 1 D. September 102. — _____________ ?—May 1.A. What time is it B. What day is itC. What’s the date D. What’s the weather like3.We often go to the park ____ S unday morning.A. on B. in C. at D. of

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Lesson1基础知识练习 冀教版七年级英语下册

冀教版七年级下册lesson1单词及拓展一.单词练习1. __________n.旅行,旅程短:______________去旅行2. __________n.丝:丝绸3. ____________n.路,公路4.______________n.帶领;指路__________(过去式/过去分词)5__________导致;通向6.______________把某人带到某地7._

福***园 11个月前 上传213   0

lesson 47导学案冀教版英语七年级下册

一、自我检测根据提示完成句子(达成目标1)1.Tomorrow is the l_____ day of this term.2. I saw some ________(Germany) on the street. They are from ______3.One of the most famous _________(university)in China is called Qinghua University.4.We took many w_________ pictures.5.It’s a nice e__________ for us to go to other countries.

3***猪 1年前 上传264   0

冀教版七年级上册英语试题:Lesson 42 Happy Holidays!作业

1. The kangaroo comes from A_______________.2. The eraser is mine, not y__________.3. I h________ to see you soon.4.There are many beautiful ___________(beach) in Sanya.5.December , January and February are summer _________(month)

夏***子 3年前 上传714   0

Unit4 课时练习2022-2023学年牛津译林版七年级英语上册无答案

7AUnit4 课时练习Comic strip & Welcome to the unit一、 单项选择1. --- What do you usually have _________ breakfast, Peter? --- Milk and eggs.A. about B. for C. on D. with2. Hobo just doesn’t know ______

文***7 2年前 上传495   0


7AUnit6单元提优练习一、单词辨音 1. A. heavy B. meat C. treat D. bean2. A. talk B. salt C. chalk D. all3. A. orange B. pork C. important D. order4. A. change B. geography C

文***7 2年前 上传495   0

三年级上册英语学案-Unit 4 Lesson 19 Family|冀教版(三起)(无答案)

Unit 4 FamilyLesson 19: Family【学习目标】1.能听懂会说和认读本课单词:family, father, mother, brother, sister。2.能理解并运用句子:This is _______.3.通过课文的学习,能流利的运用英文称呼父母兄妹,能用简单的句子介绍家庭及成员,表达感情。4.培养学生热爱家庭,尊重父母。对家庭,对家人要有爱心,有

文***7 4年前 上传551   0

三年级上册英语学案-Unit 4 Lesson 23 Happy Birthday!|冀教版(三起)(无答案)

Unit 4 FamilyLesson 23: Happy Birthday!【学习目标】1.学习与生日有关的单词和对话,要求发音准确,语调自然流畅。2.能力目标:联系生活实际,提高学生的语言交际能力。3.知识目标:掌握与生活有关的单词和对话。4.情感目标:创设情景,举行一个课堂生日宴会。【学习重难点】重点:Birthday, birthday cake, candles,

文***7 4年前 上传545   0

三年级上册英语学案-Unit 4 Lesson 22 How Old Are You|冀教版(三起)(无答案)

Unit 4 familyLesson 22: How Old Are You?【学习目标】1.能听、认、读字母O---T,并知道字母顺序。2.能听懂会说单词:nine, me, excuse, how, old, sorry, do, not, know, ten能听懂和指认单词ear, nose, eye, mouth.3.掌握句型“How old are you? Are yo

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三年级上册英语学案-Unit 3 Lesson 13 How do you feel|冀教版(三起)(无答案)

Unit 3 Feelings and BodyLesson 13: How do you feel?学习目标知识与技能:1.能够说,认识和口头运用happy, sad, cold, hot, tired。2.使学生能理解并能口头回答How do you feel? I feel _____.过程与方法:讲解法,演示法等。情感态度与价值观:让学生学会在生活中关心别人,学会与朋

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三年级上册英语学案-Unit 3 Lesson 16 Warm,Cool|冀教版(三起)(无答案)

Unit 3 Feelings and BodyLesson 16: Warm, Cool【学习目标】1.能四会掌握身体部位名词:shoulder, stomach, elbow, finger, knee, toe。2.认读单词:warm, cool。3.会说句子:How do you feel? I feel cool / warm.4.会表演唱本课歌曲:Head, shoul

文***7 4年前 上传551   0

外研版七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and foun同步练习(无答案)

一、根据汉语意思完成下列句子1.我丢了我的蜡笔。 I lost .2.失物招领箱里有什么?What's in the and box?3.请给汤姆打电话号码是8765324。Please Tom 8765324.4. -那是你的手套吗?一不,那是他的。-

福***园 1年前 上传372   0


冀教版数学六年级上册 5.5利息 同步练习姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 填空题 (共6题;共6分)1. (1分)李大伯在中国建设银行存入20000钱,存期3年,年利率是2.75%,到期李大伯可以领到利息_______元. 2. (1分)利息

h***d 4年前 上传654   0

七年级上册冀教版英语 课外拓展:美国简介

课外拓展:美国简介国家概况美国位于北美洲中部,全称为美利坚合众国。面积937.26万平方千米。人口2.88亿,84%为白人,其他有黑人、拉美移民、印第安人等。因为这里几乎容纳了全世界各民族的人,所以有“民族熔炉”的美誉。居民主要信奉基督教新教、天主教。英语为官方语言。货币为美元。首都华盛顿。美国国旗国旗为星条旗。由7条红色、6条白色共1 3道宽条组成,靠旗杆一侧的蓝色长方形中50颗白色

文***7 2年前 上传610   0


一.选择题(共16小题,满分32分,每小题2分)1.若﹣(﹣a)为正数,则a为(  )A.正数 B.负数 C.0 D.不能确定2.如图所示,用量角器度量几个角的度数,下列结论正确的是(  ) A.∠BOC=60° B.∠AOD与∠COE互补 C.∠AOC=∠BOD D.∠COA是∠EOD的余角3.下列判断中不正确的是(  )

s***g 2年前 上传454   0

冀教版英语七年级下册Unit5-6同步词汇练习 (含答案)

冀教七下Unit5-6词汇练习Ⅰ. 根据句意及图片提示完成句子。1. How many English      can you see in the picture? 2. Do you like to watch Tom and Jerry? It’s a very famous      . 3. Reading       on the train is a good way t

高***本 1年前 上传349   0

四年级上册英语教案-Unit 1 Lesson 4 Shoes and socks(冀教版)

学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:dress, shoe, sock, shorts, not(2)学生能听懂、会说句子:Are these his shorts? Yes, they are. Is this her dress? Yes, it is.2.能力目标:在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。3.情感目标:在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。

文***7 5年前 上传1937   0

冀教版八年级上册英语教案 Lesson 37 What's Your Hobby?

1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:hobby, spare, earth, collect, stone, concert, ticket, trade, garden2.能了解如何介绍自己喜欢做的事情。3.能了解如何询问对方的爱好和回答方法。4.能初步了解冠词的用法。

思***1 2年前 上传682   0

冀教版八年级上册英语教案 Lesson 34 Flying Donuts

1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:invention, oil, probably2.了解介绍交通工具的表达法。3.了解一些介绍交通工具的句式。 1.掌握一些与介绍交通工具有关的词汇:rocket, invention, airplane, carry2.激发学生兴趣,让学生学会介绍自己想象的交通工具。

思***1 2年前 上传657   0

四年级上册英语教案-Lesson 1 Skirt and trousers 冀教版

学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:dress, shoe, sock, shorts, not(2)学生能听懂、会说句子:Are these his shorts? Yes, they are. Is this her dress? Yes, it is.2.能力目标:在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。3.情感目标:在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。

文***7 5年前 上传1545   0

三年级上册英语教案-Lesson 1 Hello 冀教版

教学设计基本信息名称Lesson 1 Hello执教者课时1所属教材目录冀教版小学英语三起三年级第一课教材分析本课是冀教版小学英语三年级上册第一单元的第1课。本课主要是掌握hello / hi /What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is ______. 我的名字是______。这几个句型。学情分析三年级学生的年龄在九到十岁左

文***7 4年前 上传1063   0

冀教版八年级上册英语教案 Lesson 41 Show and Tell!

1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:common2.能了解更多不同的个人爱好。 1.掌握一些与介绍兴趣和爱好有关的词汇:performance, help, story, garden2.激发学生兴趣,让学生了解介绍自己的个人爱好和制作家谱的情况。

思***1 2年前 上传676   0

冀教版八年级上册英语教案 Lesson 45 Be Yourself!

Unit 8 Celebrating Me!Lesson 45Be Yourself!1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:stupid, smart, impossible, weak2.了解如何用英语介绍学习和生活中的困惑。3.介绍自己的困惑。1.掌握一些与介绍学习和生活困惑有关的重点词汇:common, stupid, mistake, bad, impossible2.激发

思***1 2年前 上传648   0

冀教版八年级上册英语教案 Lesson 46 My Dream

Unit 8 Celebrating Me!Lesson 46My Dream1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:program, voice, excellent, heart, beat, herself2.了解介绍兴趣和梦想的表达法。3.了解一些介绍兴趣和梦想的句式。1.掌握一些与介绍兴趣和梦想有关的词汇:love, dream, teach, excellent, tal

思***1 2年前 上传887   0

冀教版八年级上册英语教案 Lesson 6 Jenny's Week

Unit 1 Me and My ClassLesson 6Jenny’s Week1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:pleasure,local2.了解如何描述过去的活动。3.了解日记的正确写法。1.掌握一些与活动有关的词汇:play,buy,wear,talk,invite,work2.运用所学知识介绍自己一周的活动。掌握以下重点句子①Today Danny int

思***1 2年前 上传480   0