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高考英语高频词组 练习(含答案)




. 词组梳理:
1 in advance 预先事先前面
2take advantage of 利占……便宜趁……机
3to one's advantage=to the advantage of sb某利
4have the advantage of (doing) sth(做)……利条件
5advise doing sth 建议做某事
6advise sb to do sth 建议某做某事
7advise that … (should) do sth 建议某做某事
8give advice on 关……予忠告
9followtakeadopt advice 遵循采纳建议
10have an effect on ……影响
11greenhouse effect 温室效应
12side effect 副作
13in effect 实际生效
14bringput …into effect 生效
15take effect 生效起作
16come into effect 开始生效实施
17 afford to do sth 负担起做某事(费)
18be afraid of 害怕 (fear)
19be afraid of doing sth 担心害怕发生某事
20be afraid to do sth 敢做某事
21be afraid (that) 句担心某事
22bego against 违反反
23arguefightcompete against ……争执战斗竞争
24protest …against 保护……防备……
25against one’s wisheswill 违背某意愿
26agree with 意(观点法)致(食物气候等)适应(某)
27agree to 意(计划决定安排等)
28agree on(某事)达成致
29agree to do sth 意做某事
30arrive at(come to)an agreement 达成协议
31in agreement with ……致符合
32make an agreement with ……达成协议
33with the aim of 目……
34achieve one's aim 达某目标
35aim atbe aimed at (doing) sth 瞄准准旨(做)某事
36aim to do sth 目标做某事
37feel alarmed about sth……产生恐慌
38 get alarmed about …惊怪…感吃惊
39be alarmed by …吓跳
40alive and kicking 生气勃勃活蹦乱跳
41be alive to 注意…敏感
42be alive with 兴旺拥挤(热情)洋溢
43come alive 变活跃起
44bring alive ……变活跃
45keep alive ……活力然存

二. 题练:
How to protect your privacy when you travel
It hasn't been an easy year for the privacy of travelers at least so far.Data leaks surveillance(监视)worries and those troublesome cameras in airplane seatbacks and hotel rooms are enough to make passengers anxious. 51 Fortunately there are ways to safeguard your privacy on land and in the air.These tips can help you deal with these troubles.
52 It's not clever to declare on Facebook that you're traveling to somewhere reminding a wide range of people that your property is sitting empty says Danny McLoughlin.That puts your security at risk.Wait until you return to start posting vacation photos.
Some homeowners renting their residences may install security cameras.Travelers should find out if the hosts are required to disclose the presence of surveillance devices.If the rental comes with cameras ensure they aren't in a sensitive area by conducting a careful sweep.53
Although you can't control how a hotel or airline handles—or mishandles—your data you can take reasonable steps to ensure the information it has won't get you into trouble.54
But some of the worst data leaks happen when you're staying at a hotel.For example a hotel clerk sometimes asks for your name and then announces your room number after you've checked in.You're better off handing the employee your ID when he or she asks for your name and asking the employee to write your room number on a piece of paper.Why 55 Just to be sure never leave the customer copy behind.You can destroy it later but keep it under your contro1.
A.It's never been better.
B.Perhaps they should be.
C.Travelers say they're taking privacy seriously.
D.Never broadcast your journey on social media.
E.There are other people on the other side of the wall.
F.Some travelers only offer the bare minimum such as a P.O.box instead of a home address.
G.Report anything doubtful to the host immediately—and if you don't like what you hear


Atticus was weak he was nearly fifty When Jem and I asked him why he was so old he said he got started late which we felt reflected upon his abilities and manliness He was much older than the parents of our school contemporaries and there was nothing Jem or I could say about him when our classmates said My father—
Jem was football crazy Atticus was never too tired to play keepaway but when Jem wanted to tackle him Atticus would say I'm too old for that son
Our father didn't do anything He worked in an office not in a drugstore Atticus did not drive a dumptruck for the county he was not the police officer he did not farm work in a garage or do anything that could possibly arouse the admiration of anyone
Besides that he wore glasses He was nearly blind in his left eye and said left eyes were the tribal(家族)curse of the Finches Whenever he wanted to see something well he turned his head and looked from his right eye
He did not do the things our schoolmates' fathers did he never went hunting he did not play poker or fish or drink or smoke He sat in the living room and read
With these characteristics however he would not remain as inconspicuous(显眼)as we wished him to that year the whole school talked about him defending Tom Robinson none of which was complimentary After my fight with Cecil Jacobs when I committed myself to a policy of chicken word got around that Scout Finch wouldn't fight any more her daddy wouldn't let her This was not entirely correct I wouldn't fight publicly for Atticus but the family was private ground I would fight anyone from a third cousin upwards tooth and nail Francis Hancock for example knew that
When he gave us our airguns Atticus wouldn't teach us to shoot Uncle Jack instructed us therefore he said Atticus wasn't interested in guns Atticus said to Jem one day I'd rather you shot at tin cans in the back yard but I know you'll go after birds Shoot all the blue jays you want if you can hit them but remember it's a sin(罪)to kill a mockingbird
That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something and I asked Miss Maudie about it
Your father's right she said Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy They don't eat up people's gardens don't nest in corncribs they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird
41 Who is telling the story
A Francis Hancock B Tom Robinson
C Scout Finch D Miss Maudie
42 What did the children think of their father Atticus in the beginning
A He was not manly or skilled
B He was willing to fight for his family
C He was interested in nothing in his spare time
D He was still energetic though he was nearly 50
43 What does the underlined word complimentary in the 6th paragraph probably mean
A Reasonable argument B Good remarks
C Wrong judgment D Strong criticism
44 Mockingbirds can be compared to people who are _______
A able but modest B disabled but devoted
C intelligent and entertaining D harmless and helpful





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高考英语高频词组 练习(含答案)

2022届高考英语阅读高频词组+练习一. 词组梳理:1. in advance 预先,事先,在前面2.take advantage of 利用,占……便宜;趁……之机3.to one's advantage=to the advantage of sb.对某人有利4.have the advantage of (doing) sth.有(做)……的有利条件5.advise do

的***有 7个月前 上传144   0


高考英语必须掌握的340条高频词组,你记住多少了? 1. learn ... by heart 用心学习,记住2. combine ... with ... 使...与...结合/联合3. in that circumstances 如果那样的话4. replace ... with ... 用...代替...5. keep a record of 记录6. commen

小***库 4年前 上传665   0


高考英语高频词组汇【经典100组】很多同学觉得英语学不会很大程度上有由于词汇量太少所致。。。然而其实不然,有一些词汇很简单,你个个都认识可组合起来就不一定了或者意思就会产生偏差,这就是名曰词组的东西。可恰恰有些词组总是受到高考命题老师们的偏爱,特此整理出来以便同学们整理背诵。【好好记一记,比背单词的效率高多了呢~(*^__^*) 】1 abandon oneself to sth. 完全

李***m 9年前 上传584   0


1.at any price不惜任何代价As regards the war, Haig believed in victory at any price. 关于这场战争,黑格认为应不惜任何代价获胜。 If they wanted a deal at any price, they would have to face the consequences. 如果他们不惜任何代价想要一笔生意,他们将得面对其后果。

5***蛇 11个月前 上传332   0


1.for pleasure为享乐,为消遣Readers read this kind of stories mainly for pleasure. 读者读这类故事主要是为了消遣。 From that time to the present, sails have been used only for pleasure and sporting boats. 从那时起到现在,帆船的用途仅限于娱乐和体育用船了。

5***蛇 11个月前 上传251   0


1. Catchcatch a cold 感冒;受凉catch fire 着火;变得流行,火起来catch hold of 抓住catch on 流行;领会

s***g 2年前 上传376   0


一. 高中英语完形填空常考四大高频词动词1.“看”:look; see; watch; observe; notice; catch sight of; stare; glare; glance; glimpse; see a film; watch TV2. “说”:telll sth to sb.=tell sb sth; say sth;

s***g 2年前 上传295   0


2022届高考英语阅读高频词组+练习(十)一.词组梳理:49. have/take a bath 洗澡50.bear…in mind/bear in mind that 从句 把…牢记51.bear responsibilities 承担责任52.can’t bear to do/doing sth. 不能容忍做某事53. can’t bear sb. doing sth. 不能容忍

还***法 7个月前 上传145   0


完形填空高频词组1.With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下 2.be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格 3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. in

丁***子 10年前 上传578   0


英语改错专项练习解题思路:1.通读全句,对句子意思有个大致的了解。2.分析4个错误处,归类错误类型,是否出现语法、词汇错误。3.连接关系和逻辑关系的前后矛盾的错误。4.再次通读改正后的句子,看总体上是否连贯一致。1. I didn’t mind their coming late to the lecture, but I objected their making so much

还***法 8个月前 上传457   0


2022届高考英语二轮复习:上海市2022届高考英语高频翻译词块(二)101.在重力下崩塌/在压力下崩溃collapse under the weight / pressure102.抱怨发生故障的设备 complain about/ of the faulty device make a complaint about/ of...103

的***有 7个月前 上传161   0


高考英语词汇词组默写检测训练(五)(一) 阅读单词——我会认1.____________________ classical2.____________________ hip-hop3.____________________ stringed4.____________________ composition5.____________________ studio6.___

福***园 8个月前 上传224   0


(一)由be构成的词组1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出2)be at home/work 在家/上班3)be good at 善于,擅长于4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细5)be covered with 被……复盖6)be ready for 为……作好准备7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶8)be interested in 对……感到举

紫***嫣 3年前 上传638   0

高考英语二轮复习:定语从句练习题 学案(含答案)

定语从句练习题1. By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself, can be very eye-opening and rewarding. 2. I love buildings roofs are round.3. Life is like a lon

文***7 10个月前 上传303   0

高考英语非谓语动词单项选择练习 含答案

高中英语 非谓语动词单项选择练习1. Back from his two-year medical service in Africa, Dr. Lee was very happy to see his mother ________ good care of at home.A.taking B.taken C.take D.be taken2

还***法 8个月前 上传262   0


定语从句专项练习【基础题】Fill in the blanks with proper relative proper relatives.1. A person ______ e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mails.2. I travel to the Binhai New Area by

的***有 7个月前 上传197   0


2022届高考英语非谓语练习试题非谓语1.Time ________ he will deliver a speech about the sustainable development of agriculture ________ every possible solution into account.A.permits; taking B.permitting; takingC.

的***有 7个月前 上传242   0


名词(可数名词或以复数形式出现)cause 原因effect 结果,影响,效果process 过程consequence 结局,后果development 进展.发展clue 线索evidence 证据,物证

蓝郎梦 3年前 上传492   0


序号考频单词音标词义1310personal['p:sənl]adj.私人的,个人的2289tie[taɪ]v.系,联系 n. 关系3237still[stɪl]adj.静止的;adv.甚至,仍然4228offer['ɔ:fə]v.提供,出(价);愿意(做某事)5202addition[ə'diʃən]n.增加6188succes

雅***韵 2年前 上传517   0


1. 充满be full of, be filled with, be flooded with, becrowded with2. 区分 distinguish/tell A from B3. 亲自 personally, in person4. 只有 only, nobody/nothing but

s***g 3周前 上传146   0


1 abnormal 反常的, 异常的; 变态的2 absorb 吸收3 academic 学校的, 学院的;学术性的4 accessible 容易取得的, 容易达到的5 accommodation 住处(尤指短期使用的)6 account 账户;描述, 报道;解释; 说明7 accurate 精确的, 准确的8 acknowledge 承认, 供认9 acquire 获得, 得

小***库 1年前 上传416   0


1. occasion 场合2. situation 情况,处境3. take over 接管4. exchange 交换5. command 命令6. confirm 证实7. cultivate 培养8. prosperously 繁荣的9. suspect 怀疑10. relatively 相对的,比较的11. acknowledge 承认,鸣谢12. ambitio

紫***嫣 4年前 上传718   0



小***库 3年前 上传974   0


高考英语词汇词组默写检测训练(二十八)(一)阅读单词——我会认1.____________________glacier2.____________________territory 3.____________________cottage4.____________________bush 5.____________________buffet 6._____________

的***有 7个月前 上传148   0


高考英语词汇词组默写检测训练(十六)(一)阅读单词——我会认1.____________________ bone2.____________________ shell3.____________________ symbol4.____________________ carve5.____________________ dynasty 6._________________

文***7 6个月前 上传163   0