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外研版 高中英语必修第二册Unit2 Let''s celebrate startingout同步检测练(含答案和解析)




Unit 2 Let''s celebrate ——starting out

1I saw Bob play the piano at John’s party and on that o      he was simply brilliant 
2Letters to the      (编辑) must carry the writer’s full nameaddress and telephone number 
3Tom could do nothing but a      to his teacher that he was wrong 
4It takes a lot of time and e       to get an exhibition ready 
5Internetconnected appliances will provide longterm      (软件) updates for users 
Looking for something entertaining to do?Check out some awesome festivals around the world
Koninginnedag — The Netherlands
Koninginnedag or Queen's Day is a national holiday in the Kingdom of the NetherlandsAlthough the birthday of the current QueenBeatrixis actually during the wintershe has celebrated it on April 30ththe country's official Queen's Day since 1949Orange is the national colorand the streets become a sea of feather boas(围巾) and body paint as crowds gather in the plazas and on boats in the riversAmsterdam is the center of this outdoor partywith many live music eventsbut nearly every town is alive with orange on this day
Thai Elephant Day — Thailand
Thai Elephant Day is a national holiday in ThailandThai Elephant Day has been celebrated on March 13th of every year since 1998Because the elephant is the national animal of Thailandthey are highly respected and treasuredDuring the festivals elephants are honored during a ceremony in which they are fed bananasother fruitand sugarcane
The Fire Festival — Shetland
On the last Tuesday in January the entire town of LerwickShetland goes up in flamesAt the festivalyou'll find yourself sittingdancingor stumbling around the largest bonfire you've ever seen in your lifeThe festival lasts only one day but takes the entire year to planBe prepared for an evening of singingdancingand fastpaced activityand don't worry about making it to work the next day — it's a national holiday
Holi — India
Holithe Festival of Colorsis a Hindu celebration full of joy and one of India's most important holidaysOn the day of the last full moon of the lunar monthusually late February or early Marchthe air is full of bright­ colored powderThe festival is celebrated differently throughout the countrywith bonfires and musicbut the cheerful spirit is common throughout Hindu communities around the world
1.What do we know about Koninginnedag
A.It is celebrated on the day of the current Queen's birthday
B.It is not celebrated outside the city of Amsterdam
C.Everyone must wear orange clothes to celebrate it
D.It has a history of more than sixty years
2.The festival celebrated on March 13th in Thailand is held to ________.
A.show people's respect for their Queen
B.show Thai people's respect for elephants
C.ask people to protect endangered animals
D.help people relax by singing and dancing
3.Why don't people have to worry about working the day after the Fire Festival
A.Because people are allowed to sleep at work the next day
B.Because the activities are too simple to get people tired
C.Because people don't have to go to work the next day
D.Because the festival ends very early at night
In Mexicochildren often get pinatas on their birthdayTheir parents put chocolates and other sweets inside the pinata and hang it on a treeThen the children hit the pinata with a stick 1
In Chinapeople often celebrate birthdays by eating with family or friendsand the last dish of the meal is always noodlesThe noodles are long and thin 2 You can't cut themIn Chinese culturelong noodles mean you will have a long life
Business birthdays
A business birthday shows that a company is successfulMany businesses in the USA celebrate important birthdayslike 1050 or 150 years 3 Sometimes they make TV advertisementsIt is a good chance to advertise the business
Name days
As well as a birthdaymany people in Southern Europe also celebrate their name days 4 People have big parties and open their houses to anybody who wants to comePeople bring small giftsoften flowers or a box of sweets
Islamic New Year
In Muslim countries across the worldpeople celebrate EidEid means festival or celebrationDuring Eidpeople visit family and friendsas well as people who are sick or in hospital 5 Children receive toystooChildren often wear special traditional clothes during the Eid celebrations
A.You have to eat them in one piece
B.They go out for a meal to celebrate
C.Companies hold parties and send cards
D.They give presentssuch as sweets and food
E.It breaks and the sweets fall out on to the ground
F.This is one of the two important festivals in this country
G.In Greecename days are more important than birthdays

1D [细节理解题根第二段Although the birthdaysince 1949知节日已60年历史]
2B [推理判断题根第三段Thai Elephant Day has been celebrated on March 13th of every year since 1998知泰国象日根they are highly respected and treasured推断节日表示象敬重]
3C [细节理解题根第四段don't worry about making it to work the next day — it's a national holiday知第二天全国性假日班]
1.E [根文中put chocolates and other sweets inside the pinatathe children hit the pinata with a stick知孩子棍子敲彩罐彩罐里糖果会落]
2.A [根该空You can't cut them知必须面条整根吃]
3.C [根句Many businesses in the USA celebrate important birthdayslike 1050 or 150 years知公司会举办舞会发放卡片庆祝公司诞辰]
4.G [命名日生日作较G项容正该空前句As well as a birthdayalso celebrate their name days相呼应]
5.D [根句中people visit family and friends知D项会赠送诸糖果食物类礼物符合语境]





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外研版 高中英语必修第二册Unit2 Let''s celebrate-startingout课后检测练(含答案和解析)

Unit 2 Let''s celebrate ——starting out一、单词拼写1.Taking ______(经常的) exercise is the best way to improve your overall health.2.When a ________(挨饿的) man gets a meal,he probably begins to think about

文***7 8个月前 上传270   0

高中英语外研版 必修第二册Unit2 Let''s celebrate-Developingideas同步检测练(含答案和解析)

Unit 2 Let''s celebrate ——Developing ideas一、翻译句子1.他装作好像与那件事情无关。(have nothing to do with)2.不仅布朗先生,而且他的两个女儿也喜欢弹钢琴。(not only...but also...)3.并不是在场的每个人都赞成他的建议。(not everyone)4.他的音乐太美了,值得一听。(b

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高中英语外研版 必修第二册Unit2 Let''s celebrate-Presentingideas同步检测练(含答案和解析)

Unit 2 Let''s celebrate ——Presenting ideas一、短语填空no less than,in one’s opinion,be keen on,eat out,prepare for,look forward to,feel like,rather than1.He          all kinds of new things and has a

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外研版 必修第二册:Unit2 Let's celebrate Using language课后检测练(含答案)

Unit 2 Let''s celebrate ——Using language一、单句语法填空1.You are requested _____(make) a speech at next meeting.2.Whether they gain or lose in _____ process is a hotly debated question.3.Yunnan is one

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高中英语外研版 必修第二册Unit2 Let''s celebrate-Presentingideas课后检测练(含答案和解析)

Unit 2 Let''s celebrate ——Presenting ideas一、单句语法填空1.Listening to loud music have caused hearing _____(lose) in some teenagers.2.Not only you but also he _____(know) the answer.3.You can't imag

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高中英语外研版 必修第二册Unit1 Food for thought——startingout同步检测练(含答案和解析)

Unit 1 Food for thought——starting out一、用适当的情态动词填空1.He won't _______ come again tomorrow because he is very busy.2.You can't smoke here.Go out of the house if you ______.3.He broke his leg and __

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Unit 4 History and Traditions——Listening and Speaking一、单词拼写1. The shop ______(收费) less if the customers pay in cash. 2. Although he was poor, he was quite ________(慷慨的) to his needy friends. 3.

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外研版 必修第二册:Unit4 Stage and screen—Understanding ideas同步检测练(含答案)

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外研版 必修 第二册Unit 5 On the road Developing ideas课后检测练(含答案)

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外研版 必修第二册Unit 6 Earth first Understanding ideas课后检测练(含答案)

Unit 6 Earth first ——Understanding ideas一、用所给单词的正确形式填空1.With winter __________(come),it’s time to buy warm clothes. 2.I’ve never heard the word __________(use)in spoken English. 3.The foreigner

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