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单元测1 试题答案
―Why did you choose our company
APlease speak up a little bit
BI’m afraid I can’t understand you
CSorryI didn’t catch thatWould you say it again
―Can you show me the schedule
AYou won’t miss the plane
BSurea tight schedule as usual
CDon’t worryI can help you with that
―But what do you want me to do there
AThank you for doing me such a favor
BYou have to give a presentation on what our products are
CCould I get an estimate before placing an order
―MorningMaggieCould you talk briefly about your career development
AMorningMrMarxNice to meet you
BSorryMrMarxI don’t like my boss at all SureMrMarx
CThanks for giving me this opportunityI started as a clerk in the…
―You need to pay a visit to our important customers from Chamberlain Automation Systems Company in Washington
ASorrycan you repeat the name of the company
BCan’t you repeat the name of the company
CWhat’s the name of the company
__________a vacation is always a good way to get relaxation and refreshment
BBeing taken
Before I came to AmericaI_______as an executive secretary with a trading company for one year in Britain
Aam working
Bhad worked
Chas worked
Good manners may be varied_________cultural backgrounds
Cdue to
I led and_________a sales team of 20 people
I was_________devising sales strategies and targets for the West Region
Aresponsible with
Bresponsible for
Cresponsible in
Is_________possible to take a 10minute break during the meeting tomorrow morning
Sometimes your body languagegestures and expressions may tell people____about you than the words you use
The following hints may help you stay energizedor at least________until you can make the time for rest
Aget you going
Bget you go
Cget you gone
When talking to people within your company______don’t speak your languageyou may have to use English
You are the right person for the job that_________your application_________the advertisement
Arelates… with…
Crelates… to…
In businesspeople have to deal in person with all kinds of peopleWhen talking to people within your company who don’t speak your languageyou may have to use Englishthese people may be colleagues or coworkerswho may work with you in your own departmentin another part of the building or in another branchAnd you may also have to deal with people from outside the organizationclientssuppliersvisitors and members of the publicMoreoverthese people may be friends or strangerspeople of your own ageor people who are younger or older than you

The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you useFor exampleit’s not appropriate to say ’Hihow are you’ when meeting the Managing Director of a large company or to say’ Good morningit’s a great pleasure to meet you’ when being introduced to a person you’ll be working closely with in the same team

People usually form an impression of you from the way you speak and behavenot just from the way you do your workPeople in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendlypolite or sincereand of what sounds rude or unfriendlyGood manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in anotherSometimes your body languagegestures and expressions may tell people more about you than the words you use
The topic of the passage is_________
Aselfimage in business situation
Bthe importance of appropriate choice of language
Cdealing with people in business
The language you use when talking with people in business is decided by_________
Ayour relationship with the particular person
Cyour boss
People usually form an impression of you from_________
Ayour way of doing jobs
Byour language and manners
Cyour facial expressions
Good manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in anotherGood manners in this statement mean_________
Ato behave politely
Bto behave lovely
Cto behave aggressively
The message of the article is that_________
Adealing with people successfully in business is not easy
Bclients with different cultural background is most challenging
Clanguage plays a very important role in setting up business relationship
单元测2 试题答案
―Thank youI must say I have a great staff
AI’d like you to meet Joe StevensHe’s our sales team headThe Sales Department has more than 50 employees
BPlease allow me to introduce my colleague to youShe is the Purchasing Manager
CIt’s a pleasure to meet youBenSo you’re the one responsible for those outstanding sales figures I’ve seen
―We are headquartered in Shanghai
AHow about the departmental structure in the headquarters
BWhat is your company profile
CWhere are your headquarters
―Wellit is a separate departmentBut there are two laboratoriesone at each production plant
AWhat about the training manager and the human resources manager
BWhat about the board of directors and the chairman
CWhat about the Research and Development Department
―YescertainlyWe are a medium firm with about two thousand people in two different plants
ADo you have totally nine departments in your company
BCould you tell me how your company is actually organized
CCan you tell me a little more about the four branch offices
―KathyI’d like you to meet Maggie Jacobs
―_________MaggieYou’re doing a great job
AI’m pleased to meet you
BIt’s great to see you again
CI’m happy to meet you too
Being an_________manager means knowing when to use the right management style
Finallythey return the_________to the people who bought shares in the company
I didn’t know you_________a previous supplier
Sometimes a situation will_________a direct style of management
Acall up
Bcall for
Ccall on
They_________over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products last night
Bhave talked
What_________we do if the company cut down on ads
You just send the faulty product back to them and they_________it free of charge
Awill replace
Chave replaced
Young people can learn how entrepreneurship works by_________their own companies
Cbeing operating
Your T shirts found a ready market in the eastern part of our country_________2014

Being an effective manager means knowing when to use the right management styleSome stylesfor instanceare more peopleorientedwhile others tend to focus on a project or productThe management style you select will depend on your people skills and knowledgeavailable resources(like time and money)desired resultsandof coursethe task before youThe common management styles can be summarized into three categories

The participatory style is the first of its kindHereit is critical to give each employee an entire task to completeIf that’s not possiblemake sure the individual knows and understands his or her part as it relates to the project or taskWhen people in your team know where they fit in the big picturethey’re more likely to be motivated to complete the task

Following thatwe have the directing styleSometimes a situation will call for a direct style of managementPerhaps a tight deadline loomsor the project involves numerous employees and requires a topdown management approachHerea manager answers five questions for the employeesWhatWhereHowWhyand WhenLet employees know what they need to dohow they’re going to do itand when the questions must be finished

The last one is the teamwork styleIf you want to speed up a project and choose the best process for completing that projectmanaging by teamwork is the way to goWhen you motivate people to pool their knowledgethe results may exceed your expectationsOftenteams can tackle problems more quickly than what you can accomplish on your ownThe giveandtake can create a process that you can repeat in other projects

1Being an effective manager lies in knowing the right_________
Cmanagement style
2Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a focus of different management styles
3Which of the following can’t be inferred from the passage
AThe management style is likely to change because the manager has been replaced
BThe management style is likely to change because the desired results have changed
CThe management style is likely to change because the available resources have changed
4When people in your team know where they fit in the big picturethey are more likely to be___to complete the task
5If you want to speed up a project and choose the best process for completing that projectyou can resort to__
Ateam work
Btopdown management
Ctight deadline
Junior Achievement is an international movement to educate young people about business and economics for the purpose of helping them prepare to succeed in a world economy11 The organization is the largest of its kind

Junior Achievement has gone through different stages in its development12 It was started by two business leadersHorace Moses and Theodore Vailand Senator Murray Crane in 1919 in SpringfieldMassachusettsThe organization started with a small number of children aged ten to twelveFor more than 50 yearsJunior Achievement programs met after school as a group of business clubsBut in 1975Junior Achievement began to offer classes during school hoursMany more young people joined the organization once it began to teach business skills as part of the school dayIn 2004Junior Achievement Worldwide was formed

The Junior Achievement programs teach about businesseshow they are organizedand how products are made and sold13 The programs also teach about the American and world economies and business operationsYoung people can learn how entrepreneurship works by operating their own companiesFor instancethe students develop a product and sell shares in their companyThey use the money to buy the materials they need to make their productwhich they then sellFinallythey return the profits to the people who bought shares in the companyIt is reported that in the United States alonethere are more than 22000 places that hold Junior Achievement events currentlyAccording to Junior Achievementabout 287000 volunteers support its programs around the world

1This passage is about Junior Achievementan international movement to educate young people about businesses and economics[答案]T
2Junior Achievement was started by two business leaders in Massachusetts[答案]F
3Classes during school hours have been available in Junior Achievement for more than 60 years[答案]F
4Junior Achievement has been worldwide since 1919[答案]F
5Volunteers of Junior Achievement teach about the American and world economies and business operations[答案]T
单元测3 试题答案
Additionallymake sure that your password is long enough to_________easily being hacked
Aprevent it from
Bprovide it with
Cdo away with
I’ll_________the exchange rate and service charge and then type up the check for you
Amake up
Bfigure out
Ccarry out
In additionyou are required to_________the Bank_________your Social Security Number and two valid identification documents
In order to make proper reservationswill you send your acceptance to the attention of the General Office_________a week before that day
Ano latter than
Bno late than
Cno later than
Most banks have a section_________you set up payees
Cin which
The bank_________grand door faces south is Bank of China
The only thing I have is this bill_________the publisher’s name and address_________it
This is the best business program_________has been accomplished this year
This will make__________easier to transfer money and make loan payments online
Cthe thing
You can send them gifts_________your best clients
Ain reply to
Bin honor of
Cwith regard to
1It is important to clear your cookies after each banking sessionespecially at a public computer
2For further informationyou can call at the bank’s customer service hotline 12345 to extension 3124or pay a visit to wwwbocusa
3Online banking refers to banking activities that are carried out over the Internet on a secure website
4Thus you can protect yourself from identity theft
5You can inform your bank of your account number so that your money can be transferred directly

Jenny comes to a bank to open an accountA clerk comes up to help her


ClerkGood afternoonCan I help you


ClerkA deposit account or a current account
JennyErI’m not sureYou seeI have monthly remittances sent to me from the Canada Embassy and I’d like to have the money paid into an account

Clerk{2}The bank will give you a check book and you can take money out when you need it

JennyFineWhat do I have to do

ClerkDo you have any form of ID

JennyWill my passport do


JennyNo problemIt’s done

ClerkAnd could you give me your signature here


ClerkPlease sign your name in the blank space below

JennyI seeNow here you are

ClerkThank youIt will take a few days for your check book to arrive{5}You can inform your embassy of your account number so that your money can be transferred directly

JennyThank you very much

单元测4 试题答案
__________your price be competitive and date of shipment acceptablewe intend to place a large order with you
CIf should
An example of soft sell is to distribute free samples_________customers often respond favorably
Ato which
Bin which
Businesses can use free samples to build rapport and________customers________products or services
Moreoverreservations by credit card four weeks_______guarantee availability of the room size required
Ain advance
Bin addition
Cin agreement
Our new type of treadmill_________release next month
Ais due to
Bis due for
Cis due
She is the CEO of Roston Sport Accessories_________I told you
Cabout whom
So I have a number of other_________up my sleeveas well
The newlydesigned ad_________brought about a higher click through rate by the end of next month
Cwill have
We sell insurance coverthe_________you pay will depend on the cover you require
We will have flown for 13 hours by the time we_________to New York
Awill get
Chave got
Hard sell and soft sell are important business terms and useful strategies for sales staff to know and understandBoth of them can workThe effect depends on the type of customers and the type of products

A hard sell is a kind of more direct and forceful sales tacticsThe sales person just keeps explaining how good the product iswhy people should buy it and even how the prices might increase if the consumer walks off

A soft sell is a different approachThe sales person tries to build trust with consumersHe doesn’t put pressure on them to buy thingsjust recommending a product and letting the consumers make their own decisions

An example of soft sell is to distribute free samples to which customers often respond favorablyBusinesses can use free samples to build rapport and engage customers in products or servicesRecommending products between friends is a little bit like doing soft sellingPeople don’t really care if someone else buys the productThey are just giving their honest opinions and trying to be helpful

Humor in advertising is also used to attract the consumer’s attention and get them interested in the products or servicesCustomers often resist hard sales tacticsthus making softselling much more effective for success

1What’s the topic and main idea of the passage
ASelling StrategySales Staff
BSales StaffWhat Sales Staff Should Know
CSelling StrategyHard Sell and Soft Sell Strategies
2Customers often_________hard sales tacticsthus making softselling more effective for success
3Examples of soft sell mentioned in the passage include_________
Atelling customers how good a product is
Brecommending products among friends
Cputting pressure on customers to buy products
4Making humorous advertisements is one of the approaches companies use to_________
Areduce selling costs
Barouse people’s interests
Cavoid the shortage of sales staff
5According to the passage_________
Asoft sell is expensive
Bhard sell is rarely resisted by customers
Csoft sell is preferred by business companies
The marketing mix consists of ’the four Ps’providing the customer with the right product at the right pricepresented in the most attractive promotion and available in the easiest placeThe product is not just an assembled set of componentsit is something customers buy to satisfy a need they feel they haveThe image and the design of the product are as important as its specificationsThen the product must be priced so that it competes effectively with rival products in the same marketIn additionthe product should be presented to customers through advertising(egTV commercialsnewspaper advertisements or posters)packing (egdesignlabelsmaterials)publicitypublic relation and personal sellingFinallythe product must be available to customers through the most cost effective channels of distributionA consumer product must be offered to endusers in suitable retail outletsor available on hire purchase or by mail order

1The author of the article intends to explain to us what the marketing mix is[答案]T
2Customers’ satisfaction matters greatly to a product[答案]T
3The price of a product must be exactly the same as rival products in the same market[答案]F
4To make your product known to the publicadvertising is the only consideration you need to take into account[答案]F
5A product can reach customersaccording to the textthrough retail outletshire purchasemail order and online sales[答案]F
单元测5 试题答案
―What kind of music are you going to have in the background
―Light ones_________
AI have a totally different idea
BIt makes the audience feel comfortable
CI think we can run billboard advertising
―I think a bus stop advertisement is a very wise chance to promote our products
AYou said it
BOur products are popular
CI don’t like advertisement
They have signed the_________to export textiles
We usually keep a large supply_________stock
We will_________an order with your company for digital cameras
―What is your opinion for promotion of our products
[答案]Why don’t we try the online ads for our products
―Hellothis is Michael from Tianjin Vanguard Trading Inc
AWho are you
BWhat are you
CWho is that
They are talking about how to make use of advertising to_________the products
―May I suggest the sales start on or about October 1
[答案]GreatWe can start to prepare for the big event
Too many debts in a company easily_________bankruptcy
Aresult from
Blead from
Cresult in
1Based on thatwe’ll decide whether to run fullpage ads
2A sales department consists of many people who are based in different parts of the country or the world
3I look forward to hearing from you by return
4Although successful salespeople often have special talents and an outgoing personalitythe skills they employ are used by us all
5Export companies often have a separate export sales forcewhose travel and accommodation expenses may be very high
There are eight traditional functions of marketing

(1)BuyingA marketer focuses on buyers’ needs and desires in order to decide what products to make availableUnderstanding buyers’ behavior is of great importance

(2)SellingMarketers usually view selling as a persuasive activity that is completed through promotionSelling includes personal sellingadvertisingand other selling methodsIt is probably the function of marketing that we most often see in our daily life

(3)TransportingTransporting is physically moving the product from the seller to the buyerMarketers focus on transporting costs and services

(4)StoringLike transportingstoring is an aspect of the physical distribution of productsStoring includes warehousing activitiesWarehouses hold products for long periods sometimes in order to create time utility

(5)GradingGrading involves sorting products according to size and qualityThis makes buying and selling easier because it reduces the need for inspection and sampling

(6)FinancingFor many productssuch as automobilesfridgesand new homesthe purchase is facilitated when the marketer provides credit that makes the purchasing of the product possible

(7)Marketing researchThrough researchmarketers may find out the need for new products and servicesBy gathering information on a regular basisthey can better plancarry out and control marketing activities

(8)Risk takingIt involves bearing the uncertainties that are part of the marketing processMost marketing decisions result in either success or failure that is associated with risk

1It is very important to understand buyers’ behavior[答案]T
2Marketers usually use different selling methods[答案]T
3Marketers ignore transporting costs and services[答案]F
4Both transporting and storing are the aspects of the physical distribution of products[答案]T
5Marketers provide credit that makes the purchasing of automobilesfridgesand new homes possible[答案]T
单元测6 试题答案
―Hellothis is Steven SmithNice to hear your voice again
ADo you know the coverage of your freight forwarding business
BPlease tell me the coverage of your freight forwarding business
CI would like to know about the coverage of your freight forwarding business
―Don’t hesitate to click on our website when you need us
―__________Thank you
AYeahI can
BSureI will
COf courseI know
―We offer special services such as personal belongingsexpressholiday pickup and delivery services and so on
AWhat kind of special services do you offer
BHow would you offer your special services
CWhy do you offer your special services
―Good morningFar East Logistics Company__________
―Good morningThis is Maggie BonnerI would like to know more about your products
AWho is that calling
BWhat do you want
CMay I help you
That is the reason_________we’ve lost so many customers
The manager asked me_________I could finish my work before the weekend
The total cost in logistics in China is still higher than_________in many other industrialized countries
We work closely_________every large airline like Air ChinaAir France and American Airlines
You can get the goods_________to your door so quickly nowadays
―Does modern logistics mean transportation and delivery
―____________Modern logistics is more about effective and efficient flow of materials and information
AYesyou’re right
BNoit’s not the whole story
CNoyou’re wrong
1After a commercial transaction is donelogistics will carry out the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer for the lowest cost and in the most effective manner
2Goods are often in stagnation during the transfer processwhich is called the storage of logistics
3Sometimes the distribution processing changes the packages of the goods
4Information is important because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions
5With the rapid economic growth in Chinathe logistics industry is expanding greatly

Logistics is the physical flow process of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption concerning transportationwarehousing and storageloading and unloadinggoods handlingpackingdistribution processing delivery and information managementFor exampleafter a commercial transaction is donelogistics will carry out the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer for the lowest cost and in the most effective mannerDuring the transfer processlogistics facilitiesequipment(carriers)administration of information and standardization are needed

Logistics has three major functionsFirstlyit creates time valueThe same goods can be valued differently at different timesGoods are often in stagnation during the transfer processwhich is called the storage of logisticsSecondlyit creates location valueThe same goods can be valued differently at different locationsThe value added during the transfer process is the location value of logisticsThirdlyit creates distribution processing valueSometimes the distribution processing changes the packages of the goodsThat isduring this stageit cuts large packages of goods into smaller partswhich creates added value for goods

1Logistics is the physical flow process of goods from the seller to the buyer[答案]T
2Administration of information and standardization are needed during the transfer process[答案]T
3Storage creates the location value for goods[答案]F
4The same goods can be valued differently at different times and locations[答案]T
5Large packages of goods should always be cut into smaller parts to create added value[答案]F
The Importance of Information in the Supply Chain
单元测7 试题答案
―They refer to the royaltiesincluding patent rightcopy righttrademark rightand so on
AWhat are intangible assets
BWhat about the tax base
CHow about the tax rate
_________AlrightI will try my best
ADo you know about business tax
BWhat do you think about business tax
CCan you give me a brief introduction about business tax
―For individual income taxit is within the first 7 days
AWhat is the deadline for tax declaration
BWhat do you mean by taxable services
CWhat do you think of the deadline for tax declaration
―According to lawthey refer to transportationconstructionfinanceinsurance and the like
ADo you know taxable services
BHow do you like taxable services
CWhat do you mean by taxable services
―What is the criminal limit
[答案]The amount exceeds 10 of the amount that he should declare
_________you have said is very important to us
According to lawtaxable services refer to transportation_________financeinsurance and the like
Assets appear on your balance_________
Does that include the turnover_________in advance
Ato receive
Generally_________business tax is based on taxable servicesthe transfer of intangible assets and sale of immovable property within China
Bto speak
If the case reaches the criminal limitthe taxpayer my be accused_________criminal responsibilities
It does in the_________of transfer of intangible assets or immovable property
It means you can_________online with us
That can lead_________a bigger personal incometax bill
We are engaged in the development of real_________
No matter how small your business is and what industry you are inyour company has assetsFrom a computer to a processing plantevery single thing your company owns is an asset

Assets can be in different formsSome assets are physicalsuch as computersfiling cabinetsand delivery vansOthers are legally binding promisessuch as accounts receivablethe money owed to your companyStill others seem to exist more on paperfor examplea year’s worth of insurance paid in advanceNo matter what form it takesanything with monetary value that your company owns counts as an asset

Assets appear on your balance sheetreporting the key financial statements at the end of each accounting periodYour assets will be split into different types to make analysis easierThe order in which you list them on the balance sheet typically matches the way they appear in your chart of accounts

Assets do more than just show up on reportsthoughThey are the resources your company uses to produce revenueYour business cannot bring in sales without assetsFor productbased businessesyou can’t produce anything without proper assetsIt’s true for service companies as wellAt leastyou have to have cash to pay your expenses and to help get the word out that your company existsService companies also need basic tools to provide service to customersa hair stylist needs a chairscissorsand styling toolsan accountant needs a computer and a lot of file cabinetsAssets are key factors for any business

1Which of the following is NOT physical asset
AFiling cabinets
BAccounts receivable
CDelivery vans
2According to the passagewhere do the assets appear
AThe balance sheet
BThe income statement
CThe cash flow
3What do you think an accountant is responsible for
AAn accountant is responsible for hair design
BAn accountant is responsible for computer repair
CAn accountant is responsible for bookkeeping
4According to the passagewhich of the following is INCORRECT
AEvery business has assets
BAssets can be in different forms
CEvery business can bring in sales without assets
5What is the passage discussing about
AEvery business has assets
BAssets can be in different forms
CAssets appear on the balance sheet
Accounting errors will happen from time to timebut many common accounting mistakes can be avoided with proper planning and preparationHere are the top seven accounting mistakes that should be paid more attention to

(1)Not knowing your true cash balanceDue to things like automatic payments and bank chargesmoney that appears in your cash drawer and your checking account may already be spent

(2)Mistaking profits for cashWhen you have a lot of credit salesyour company can post big profits without seeing any cash

(3)Paying bills too soonIf your vendors give you thirty days to pay themtake itUnless you get a discount for paying earlypaying your bills only when they’re due improves your company’s cash flow

(4)Avoiding book keeping tasksNot recording and posting transactions regularly leaves you with a mountain of bookkeeping to deal with in the end

(5)Paying accidental dividendsEvery time a corporation owner takes money out of his businessit counts as a dividendThat can lead to a bigger personal incometax bill

(6)Not keeping personal finances separate from businessMixing up business and personal money can cause bookkeeping and legal problems

(7)Setting prices too lowKnow your costs before you set product or service pricesor you run the risk of losing money on every saleA simple breakeven analysis can help you set prices at a profitable level

1Accounting mistakes cannot be avoided[答案]F
2With a lot of credit salesyour company may have no cash at hand[答案]T
3It is recommended not to pay bills too soon[答案]T
4Business money and personal money can be mixed up[答案]F
5Try your best to know your costs before you set product or service prices[答案]T
单元测8 试题答案
_________It includes merchandisepackaging and shippingduty if requiredany taxes and insurance
ACould I get an estimate before placing an order
BWhat does the estimate include
CHow many would you like to order
―What about the commission
AIt’s a general practice everywhere else
BOf courseI’d give you our lowest quotation
CI’m afraid you have to tell mefirsthow large your order is going to be
―What does CIF refer to
[答案]It refers to costinsurance and freight
―What is it in particular you’re interested in
[答案]Your kitchenwareI suppose
―We would like to place an order for some of your C&Z desk units
AThank you very muchWe keep a large supply in stock
BCertainlydelivery dates depend on your location
CWe recommend payment by letter of credit
A letter of_________is a document issued by a financial institution
After having seen the_________and samplesJenny makes the specific inquiry
All the prices on the list are subject_________to our final confirmation
Importing and exporting is transferring goods from one country to another while_________attention to the laws and requirements of bringing goods out or into that country
Ato pay
Cbeing paid
International trade gives consumers and countries the opportunity to_________goods and services not available in their own countries
Aexpose to
Bbe exposing to
Cbe exposed to
Of courseI’d give you our lowest_________
Our terms of payment are normally 30day bill of exchangedocuments_________payment
The payment is made by an irrevocable_________letter of credit in our favor
We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer_________could supply us with a large quantity of smart phones for the teenager market
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countriesIt gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their own countriesAlmost every kind of product can be found on the international marketfoodclothesspare partsoiljewelrywinestockscurrencies and waterServices are also tradedtourismbankingconsulting and transportationA product that is sold to the global market is an exportand a product that is bought from the global market is an import

International trade can benefit us a lotTrading globally allows us to expand our markets for both goods and services that otherwise may not have been available to usIf you walk into a supermarket and are able to buy Indonesian bananasBrazilian coffee and a bottle of French wineyou are experiencing the effects of international trade

International trade brings us both advantages and disadvantagesFor instanceinternational trade may also make the world economy easily affected by factors like pricessupply and demandas well as global eventsPolitical change in Asiafor examplecould result in an increase in the cost of laborthereby increasing the manufacturing costs for an American sneaker company based in Malaysiawhich would then result in an increase in the price that you have to pay to buy the tennis shoes at your local mallA decrease in the cost of laboron the other handwould result in you having to pay less for your new shoes

1International trade exchanges goods and services between different countries and regions[答案]T
2Every kind of goods and services can be found on the global market[答案]F
3A product that is bought from the global market is an export[答案]F
4International trade may easily affect world economy[答案]T
5Political change in one country has nothing to do with international trade[答案]F
The Basics of Import and Export

Importing and exporting is transferring goods from one country to another while paying attention to the laws and requirements of bringing goods out or into that countryIf you want to import in large quantities for commercial purposes you’ll need to have the consent of the local customs department and the right paperworkImport and export are the basics of international tradeIf you are looking forward to starting your own business in the field of importing and exporting business then here are some tips for starters

Foreign embassies provide nice programs and a great deal of information about their goods to promote exportingYou can find out exactly what it is you are looking to buyIf you are exporting can approach your local department of trade and see what plans they have on offer to promote exportsBesidesyou should consult the tax department to find out if there is a particular process to setting up an importing and exporting company and what documentation you will requireIt is also necessary that you find out about any licensing requirements for importing and exporting of goodsSome countries do not allow their goods to go to a certain country and viceversathis is known as an embargoIn this wayyou can make sure that there are no embargoes with the country you are looking to trade with

1International trade refers to both import and export[答案]T
2Only after the local customs department agreescould you start your own business in the field of import and export[答案]F
3Foreign embassies do nothing to help promote exporting[答案]F
4If you are exportingyou can turn to no one for help[答案]T
5Some countries do not allow their goods to go to a certain country[答案]T





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第一大题:选择题(试题随机,抽下面试题中的其中5道)―How would you like to go?―___________________.A.I’ll get in touch with the railroadB.I’d like to fly to Frankfurt for a stay of two daysC.I expect to depart for Frankfurt on Sunday,September 1st[答案]B_____behalf of Vancouver C&S Int’ l Trade Corp.,I am pleased to invite you and your colleagues to visit us.A.ForB.OnC.In[答案]B

h***s 1年前 上传609   0


―Why did you choose our company?―___________________.A.Please speak up a little bit.B.I’m afraid I can’t understand you.C.Sorry,I didn’t catch that.Would you say it again?[答案]C―Can you show me the schedule?―___________________.A.You won’t miss the planeB.Sure,a tight schedule as usualC.Don’t worry.I can help you with that[答案]B

h***s 1年前 上传426   0


题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(Ctrl+F)进行搜索[题目]— Why did you choose our company?— __________________________[答案] Sorry, I didn't catch that. Would you say it again?[题目]— Can you show me the schedule?— __________________________.[答案] Sure, a tight schedule as usual[题目]— But what do you want me to do there?— ______________________________

h***s 4年前 上传6094   0


说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择题(试题随机,抽下面试题中的其中5道) -Can you please tell me about your responsibilities?-__________________.A.Yes. I was in charge of the northwest region of China.B.Yes. I’m glad to tell you that.C.Yes. My responsibilities are very important.

h***s 1年前 上传509   0


―How would you like to go?―___________________.A.I’ll get in touch with the railroadB.I’d like to fly to Frankfurt for a stay of two daysC.I expect to depart for Frankfurt on Sunday,September 1st[答案]B_____behalf of Vancouver C&S Int’ l Trade Corp.,I am pleased to invite you and your colleagues to visit us.A.ForB.OnC.In[答案]B

h***s 1年前 上传763   0


一、选择填空―___________________―No,sorry,I didn’t know the rule about punching in.A.Are you late this morning,Wendy?B.Didn’t you punch out this morning,Wendy?C.Didn’t you punch in this morning,Wendy?[答案]C―I suppose there’ ll be a lot of arguments.―__________________A.I should imagine so.B.No problem.

h***s 1年前 上传645   0


说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择题(试题随机,抽下面试题的其中5道)―Do you have much experience with caring for babies?―___________________A.Yes,I do.I often take care of kids in my free time.B.No,you are freshmen.You should work hard.C.Yes,they are.They are very cute.[答案]ALily is a good student except_________she is a little bit careless.A.where

h***s 1年前 上传653   0


单元自测1 试题及答案说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题;均可以从下面题库中找到试题及答案。第一大题:选择题(随机抽其中5道)―Could you please connect me with the HR Department?―___________________.A.OK.Thank you.B.Hold on a minute,please.I’ll put you through.C.Help yourself.

h***s 1年前 上传6477   0


第一大题:选择题(试题随机,抽下面试题中的其中5道)-As you know,I’m not quite familiar with how to shop online.-It’s a piece of cake! I’ll show you how to do it. A.First of all,you should find a good e-commerce site.B.Next,add the items in your shopping cart and place the order.C.Then compare the prices and features of the goods you like.[答案]AConsumers can’t digest too much information on a web page,resulting______low rates of return.A.withB.inC.at[答案]B-Great! Maybe from now on,I should try to buy goods online.

h***s 1年前 上传436   0


-Can you please tell me about your responsibilities?-__________________.A.Yes. I was in charge of the northwest region of China.B.Yes. I’m glad to tell you that.C.Yes. My responsibilities are very important.[答案]A-Could you give me an example of good team working there?-__________________.A.Not at all. I was in charge of sales for Corporate Pan-Asia.B.Sorry. I can see from your resume.C.Sure. I was the treasurer of the Students’ Union.[答案]C

h***s 1年前 上传1204   0


一、选择题―Do you have much experience with caring for babies?―___________________A.Yes,I do.I often take care of kids in my free time.B.No,you are freshmen.You should work hard.C.Yes,they are.They are very cute.[答案]ALily is a good student except_________she is a little bit careless.A.whereB.whichC.that[答案]C

h***s 1年前 上传480   0


国开电大本科《理工英语3》一平台在线形考(单元自测1至8)试题及答案单元自测1 试题及答案特别提醒:学员抽到的每套试卷均为随机组合;但抽到试卷中的所有试题均在下列题库中可以找到原题及答案!!―Could you please connect me with the HR Department?―___________________.A.OK.Thank you.B.Hold

h***s 1年前 上传9871   1


一、选择填空_________these potential problems,two-way radios are preferable as they are extremely reliable for short distances and can broadcast to several people at once.A.ConsideredB.GivenC.Including[答案]B―_______________―We have sent out leaflets to all residents,explaining what to do in an emergency.A.How do you deal with emergency?B.What have you talked to the public?

h***s 1年前 上传1589   0


[题目]— How would you like to go?—__________________.[答案]I'd like to fly to Frankfurt for a stay of two days[题目]____________ behalf of Vancouver C&S Int'l Trade Corp., I am pleased to invite you and your colleagues to visi

h***s 4年前 上传4783   1


单元自测1 试题及答案说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题;均可以从下面题库中找到试题及答案。第一大题:选择题(随机抽其中5道)―This project is too big for me to finish on time.―_________________A.Please do me a favorB.That is a daydreamC.I’ll give you a hand[答案]CAT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-

h***s 1年前 上传676   0


说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题;均可以从下面题库中找到试题及答案。第一大题:选择题(随机抽其中5道)_________,he knows a lot about computer.A.As he is a childB.Child as is heC.Child as he is[答案]C

h***s 1年前 上传799   0


单元自测1 试题及答案说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择题(试题随机,抽下面试题的其中5道)―Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?―___________________A.I’m sorry,but I really need it this afternoon.B.I don’t think so.C.I am afraid you can.[答案]A

h***s 1年前 上传2783   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Why did you choose our company?―___________________.[答案]C.Sorry,I didn’t catch that.Would you say it again?―Can you show me the schedule?―___________________.[答案]B.Sure,a tight schedule as usual

h***s 9个月前 上传818   0


单元自测1 试题及答案备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)―Can you show me the schedule?―___________________.A.You won’t miss the planeB.Sure,a tight schedule as usualC.Don’t worry.I can help you with that―But what do you want me to do there?

h***s 5个月前 上传1305   0


-As you know,I’m not quite familiar with how to shop online.-It’s a piece of cake! I’ll show you how to do it. A.First of all,you should find a good e-commerce site.B.Next,add the items in your shopping cart and place the order.C.Then compare the prices and features of the goods you like.[答案]AConsumers can’t digest too much information on a web page,resulting______low rates of return.A.withB.inC.at[答案]B

h***s 1年前 上传366   0


―Hi! How are you doing?―___________________A.That’s all rightB.How are you doing?C.I’m doing well[答案]C―Albert,this is Jim.―_________Jim?A.Pleased to see you,B.How do you do,C.Thank you,[答案]B

h***s 1年前 上传5404   0


一、选择填空―___________________―Please call me Mary.That’s my first name.A.How are you?B.Are you Mary?C.How shall I address you?[答案]C―Excuse me,_________―Yes,it’s 8633-2788.If you have any other questions,don’t hesitate to ask.A.Why my telephone doesn’t work?B.When shall we have lunch?C.could you please tell me what’s the telephone number on my desk?[答案]C

h***s 1年前 上传718   0


一、选择填空―___________________―No,sorry,I didn’t know the rule about punching in.A.Are you late this morning,Wendy?B.Didn’t you punch out this morning,Wendy?C.Didn’t you punch in this morning,Wendy?[答案]C―I suppose there’ ll be a lot of arguments.―__________________A.I should imagine so.B.No problem.C.That’s a good idea.[答案]A―I wish you success in your career.

h***s 1年前 上传1080   0


一、选择填空题_____dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!A.What aB.WhatC.How[答案]C_____pity you missed the lecture again!A.WhatB.What aC.How[答案]B

h***s 1年前 上传4746   0


一、选择填空―This project is too big for me to finish on time.―_________________A.Please do me a favorB.That is a daydreamC.I’ll give you a hand[答案]CAT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were______to be promoted into management jobs.A.more likelyB.more likeC.more unlikely[答案]A

h***s 1年前 上传4994   0