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第三题 阅读理解选择题题库
★Being an effective manager means knowing when to use the right management styleSome stylesfor instanceare more peopleorientedwhile others tend to focus on a project or productThe management style you select will depend on your people skills and knowledgeavailable resources(like time and money)desired resultsandof coursethe task before youThe common management styles can be summarized into three categoriesThe participatory style is the first of its kindHereit is critical to give each employee an entire task to completeIf that’s not possiblemake sure the individual knows and understands his or her part as it relates to the projector taskWhen people in your team know where they fit in the big picturethey’re more likely to be motivated to complete the task

Following thatwe have the directing styleSometimes a situation will call for a direct style of managementPerhaps a tight deadline loomsor the project involves numerous employees and requires a topdown management approachHerea manager answers five questions for the employeesWhatWhereHowWhyand WhenLet employees know what they need to dohow they’re going to do itand when the questions must be finishedThe last one is the teamwork styleIf you want to speedup a project and choose the best process for completing that projectmanaging by teamwork is the way to goWhen you motivate people to pool their knowledgethe results may exceed your expectationsOftenteams can tackle problems more quickly than what you can accomplish on your ownThe giveandtake can create a process that you can repeat in other projects
[单选题]◆Being an effective manager lies in knowing the right_________
Cmanagement style

[单选题]◆Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a focus of different management styles


[单选题]◆Which of the following can’t be inferred from the passage
AThe management style is likely to change because the manager has been replaced
BThe management style is likely to change because the desired results have changed
CThe management style is likely to change because the available resources have changed

[单选题]◆When people in your team know where they fit in the big picturethey are more likely to be_________to complete the task

[单选题]◆If you want to speed up a project and choose the best process for completing that projectyou can resort to_________
Ateam work
Btopdown management
Ctight deadline

★Hard sell and soft sell are important business terms and useful strategies for sales staff to know and understandBoth of them can workThe effect depends on the type of customers and the type of products

A hard sell is a kind of more direct and forceful sales tacticsThe salesperson just keeps explaining how good the product iswhy people should buy it and even how the prices might in er ease if the consumer walks off

A soft sell is a different approachThe salesperson tries to build trust with consumersHe doesn’t put pressure on them to buy thingsjust recommending a product and letting the consumers make their own decisions

An example of soft sell is to distribute free samples to which customers often respond favorablyBusinesses can use free samples to build rapport and engage customers in products or servicesRecommending products between friends is a little bit like doing soft sellingPeople don’t really care if someone else buys the productThey are just giving their honest opinions and trying to be helpful

Humor in advertising is also used to attraet the consumer’s attention and get them interested in the products or servicesCustomers often resist hard sales tacticsthus making softselling much more effective for success
[单选题]◆Customers often_________hard sales tacticsthus making softselling more effective for success


[单选题]◆Examples of soft sell mentioned in the passage include_________
Acollecting free samples from customer
Brecommending products among friends
Ctelling customers that the products are good

[单选题]◆Making humorous advertisements is one of the approaches companies use to_________
Areduce selling costs
Battract people’s interests
Cavoid the shortage of sales staff

[单选题]◆According to the passage the author indicates that_________
Asoft sell is preferred by business companies
Bhard sell is rarely resisted by customers
Csoft sell is expensive

[单选题]◆What’s the topic and main idea of the passage_________
ASelling StrategySales Staff
BSales StaffWhat Sales Staff Should Know
CSelling Strategy Hard Sell and Soft Sell Strategies

★Hard sell and soft sell are important business terms and useful strategies for sales staff to know and understandBoth of them can workThe effect depends on the type of customers and the type of products

A hard sell is a kind of more direct and forceful sales tacticsThe salesperson just keeps explaining how good the product iswhy people should buy it and even how the prices might increase if the consumer walks off

A soft sell is a different approachThe salesperson tries to build trust with consumersHe doesn’t put pressure on them to buy thingsjust recommending a pro duet and letting the consumers make their own decisions

An example of soft sell is to distribute free samples to which customers often respond favorablyBusinesses can use free samples to build rapport and engage customers in products or servicesRecommending products between friends is a little bit like doing soft sellingPeople don’t really care if someone else buys the productThey are just giving their honest opinions and trying to be helpful

Humor in advertising is also used to attract the consumer’s attention and get them interested in the products or servicesCustomers often resist hard sales tacticsthus making softselling much more effective for success

[单选题]◆What’s the topic and main idea of the passage
ASelling StrategySales Staff
BSales StaffWhat Sales Staff Should Know
CSelling StrategyHard Sell and Soft Sell Strategies

[单选题]◆Customers often___________hard sales tacticsthus making softselling more effective for success

[单选题]◆Examples of soft sell mentioned in the passage include___________
Adistributing free samples to customer
Brecommending products among friends
Call the above

[单选题]◆Making humorous advertisements is one of the approaches companies use to___________
Areduce selling costs
Battract people’s interests
Cavoid the shortage of sales staff

[单选题]◆According to the passage the author indicates that___________
Asoft sell is preferred by business companies
Bhard sell is rarely resisted by customers
Csoft sell is expensive

★Hard sell and soft sell are important business terms and useful strategies for sales staff to know and understandBoth of them can workThe effect depends on the type of customers and the type of products

A hard sell is a kind of more direct and forceful sales tacticsThe sales person just keeps explaining how good the product iswhy people should buy it and even how the prices might increase if the consumer walks off

A soft sell is a different approachThe sales person tries to build trust with consumersHe doesn’t put pressure on them to buy thingsjust recommending a product and letting the consumers make their own decisions

An example of soft sell is to distribute free samples to which customers often respond favorablyBusinesses can use free samples to build rapport and engage customers in products or servicesRecommending products between friends is a little bit like doing soft sellingPeople don’t really care if someone else buys the productThey are just giving their honest opinions and trying to be helpful

Humor in advertising is also used to attract the consumer’s attention and get them interested in the products or servicesCustomers often resist hard sales tacticsthus making softselling much more effective for success
[单选题]◆What’s the topic and main idea of the passage
ASelling StrategySales Staff
BSales StaffWhat Sales Staff Should Know
CSelling StrategyHard Sell and Soft Sell Strategies

[单选题]◆Customers often_________hard sales tacticsthus making softselling more effective for success

[单选题]◆Examples of soft sell mentioned in the passage include_________
Atelling customers how good a product is
Brecommending products among friends
Cputting pressure on customers to buy products

[单选题]◆Making humorous advertisements is one of the approaches companies use to_________
Areduce selling costs
Barouse people’s interests
Cavoid the shortage of sales staff

[单选题]◆According to the passage_________
Asoft sell is expensive
Bhard sell is rarely resisted by customers
Csoft sell is preferred by business companies

★Importing and exporting is transferring goods from one country to another while paying attention to the laws and requirements of bringing goods out or into that country If you want to import in large quantities for commercial purposes you’ll need to have the consent of the local customs department and the right paperwork Import and export are the basics of international trade If you are looking forward to starting your own business in the field of importing and exporting business then here are some tips for starters
Foreign embassies provide nice programs and a great deal of information about their goods to promote exporting You can find out exactly what it is you are looking to buy If you are exporting you can approach your local department of trade and see wha

t plans they have on offer to promote exports Besides you should consult the tax department to find out if there is a particular process to setting up an importing and exporting company and what documentation you will require It is also necessary that you find out about any licensing requirements for importing and exporting of goods Some countries do not allow their goods to go to a certain country and vice versa this is known as an embargo In this way you can make sure that there are no embargoes with the country you are looking to trade with
[单选题]◆This passage is targeted NOT for_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[单选题]◆Import and export are the basics of_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Ainternal trade
Binternational trade
Cnational trade

[单选题]◆Foreign embassies provide both programs and_________to promote foreign trade(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[单选题]◆Starters can consult_________departments for information(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[单选题]◆Some countries do not allow international tradeand it is called_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)

★In businesspeople have to deal in person with all kinds of peopleWhen talking to people within your company who don’t speak your languageyou may have to use Englishthese people maybe colleagues or coworkerswho may work with you in your own departmentin another part of the building or in another branchAnd you may also have to deal with people from outside the organizationclientssuppliersvisitors and members of the publicMoreoverthese people maybe friends or strangerspeople of your own ageor people who are younger or older than you

The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you useFor exampleit’s not appropriate to say’Hihow are you’when meeting the Managing Director of a large company or to say’Good morningit’s a great pleasure to meet you when being introduced to a person you’ll be working closely within the same team

People usually for man impression of you from the way you speak and be havenot just from the way you do your workPeople in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendlypolite or sincereand of what sounds rude or unfriendlyGood manners in your culture maybe considered bad manners in anotherSometimes your body languagegestures and expressions may tell people more about you than the words you use
[单选题]◆The topic of the passage is_________
Aselfimage in business situation
Bthe importance of appropriate choice of language
Cdealing with people in business

[单选题]◆The language you use when talking with people in business is decided by_________
Ayour relationship with the particular person
Cyour boss

[单选题]◆People usually for man impression of you from_________
Ayour way of doing jobs
Byour language and manners
Cyour facial expressions

[单选题]◆Good manners in your culture maybe considered bad manners in anotherGood manners in this statement mean_________
Ato be have politely
Bto be have lovely
Cto be have aggressively

[单选题]◆The message of the article is that_________
Adealing with people successfully in business is not easy
Bclients with different cultural background is most challenging
Clanguage plays a very important role in setting up business relationship

★Information is important because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisionsWithout informationa manage

r will not know what consumers wanthow much inventory is in stockand when more products should be produced and shippedIn shortwithout informationa manager can only make decisions blindly

Managers must understand how information is gathered and analyzedThis is where information technology comes into playInformation technology serves as the eyes and ears of management in a supply chaincapturing and delivering the information necessary to make a good decisionFor instancean IT system at a personal computer manufacturer may help a manager analyze the information and recommend an actionThe manager can use the remaining chips firstthen look at demand forecastand determine whether to order more chips

There are four reasons why timely and accurate information has become more important for effective logistics system design and operationsFirstcustomers recognize information about order statusproduct availabilitydelivery scheduleand shipment tracking as necessary elements of total customer serviceThenmanagers realize that information can be used to reduce human resource requirementsWhat’s moreinformation increases flexibility with regard to howwhenand where resources maybe used to gain strategic advantageAnd finallyenhanced information transfer and exchange capability of using the Internet is changing relationships between buyers and sellers and refining channel relationships
[单选题]◆Why is information important to supply chain managers
ABecause managers need the information to make decisions
BBecause managers need to know what consumers want
CBecause managers want to know the product inventory

[单选题]◆Which is NOT the function of information technology
AInformation technology works to capture necessary information
BInformation technology is used to deliver necessary information
CInformation technology is applied to gather as much information as possible

[单选题]◆What is NOT considered as a necessary element of total customer service
Apro duet price
Border status
Cshipment tracking

[单选题]◆What kind of flexibility does the information increase
AThe flexibility to buy resources
BThe flexibility to use resources to gain strategic advantage
CThe flexibility to ask questions about resources

[单选题]◆What is changing the relationships between buyers and sellers
AThe available products

BThe use of the Internet to exchange information
CThe overall customer service

★It takes a lot of time and effort to develop and maintain a marketing campaign that resonates(鸣) with your potential clientsHoweveryou should think more about how to develop a marketing campaignAfter allwe’re always looking for ways to increase our competitivenessHere are some marketing strategies for you to checkout

Partner(结伴)with alliesMarketing partnerships have many benefits to push a marketing campaignFor starterswhen you stand side by side with someone elseyou can deliver better contentIf you are at the top of your businessmarketing partnerships are cheaper to maintain your success and expose your brand

Embrace usergenerated contentAccording to a survey of 839 millennials (千万富翁) they spend 54hoursaday communicating with their peersabout 30 percent of their total media timeSimilarlyyou can also make this by sharing personal stories and exchanging ideas with your customersThis is a good way of carrying out advertisement

Help customers solve a problemAs perfectly stated on Hub SpotYou’re in business because you provide solutionsSome of the ways you can help customers solve a problem is bycreating howtocontentoffering exclusives that make their lives easierlistening to them or answering their questionsor creating APPs or tools

Let customers interactNo matter what product or service you’re offeringyour customers want to interact with your companyor at least other customersAMCfor examplecreated an online tool that allowed you to write down your imaginationsAmerican Express connects smallbusiness owners to each other and helpful resources through its open forum
[单选题]◆This article mainly talks about__________
Asome marketing strategies
Byour potential clients
Ccommunicative skills

[单选题]◆You are suggested in the second paragraph to__________
Afight against your opponent
Bfind allies with someone else
Calways focus on yourself

[单选题]◆To embrace usergenerated content does good at__________
Amaking friends with strangers
Bchoosing capable employees
Ccarrying out advertisement

[单选题]◆Which of the following is NOT away of helping customers solve a problem
ACreating howtocontent
BListening to customers
CHaving dinner with customers

[单选题]◆AMC created an online tools o that__________
Aone can write down what he imagines
Byour dreams and thoughts will come true
Cthey can gather information from customers

★No matter how small your business is and what industry you are inyour company has assetsFrom a computer to a processing plantevery single thing your company owns is an asset

Assets can be in different formsSome assets are physicalsuch as computersfiling cabinetsand delivery vansOthers are legally binding promisessuch as accounts receivablethe money owed to your companyStill others seem to exist more on paperfor examplea year’s worth of insurance paid in advanceNo matter what form it takesanything with monetary value that your company owns counts as an asset

Assets appear on your balance sheetreporting the key financial statements at the end of each accounting periodYour assets will be split into different types to make analysis easierThe order in which you list them on the balance sheet typically matches the way they appear in your chart of accounts

Assets do more than just show up on reportsthoughThey are the resources your company uses to produce revenueYour business cannot bring in sales without assetsFor productbased businessesyou can’t produce anything without proper assetsIt’s true for service companies as wellAt leastyou have to have cash to pay your expenses and to help get the word out that your company existsService companies also need basic tools to provide service to customersa hair stylist needs a chairscissorsand styling toolsan accountant needs a computer and a lot of file cabinetsAssets are key factors for any business
[单选题]◆Which of the following is NOT physical asset
AFiling cabinets
BAccounts receivable
CDelivery vans

[单选题]◆According to the passagewhere do the assets appear
AThe balance sheet
BThe income statement
CThe cash flow

[单选题]◆What do you think an accountant is responsible for
AAn accountant is responsible for hair design
BAn accountant is responsible for computer repair
CAn accountant is responsible for bookkeeping

[单选题]◆According to the passagewhich of the following is INCORRECT
AEvery business has assets
BAssets can be in different forms
CEvery business can bring in sales without assets

[单选题]◆What is the passage discussing about
AEvery business has assets
BAssets can be in different forms
CAssets appear on the balance sheet

★The biggest mistake a workplace leader can make with office culture is failing to devise one at allHow do you know if your office culture is helpingor hurtingyour employeesand as a result your bottom lineDesigning a thoughtful(周) office culture is so important for a new companyHere are some aspects where a leader should be careful not to make mistakes

A cohesive(谐致) office culture starts at the top and is built with intentionFacebook’s founder projects a laidback vibe(氛围) That sets the tone for his 200 billion companywhere he visits weekly Q and A sessions from his staffloads up the perksand courts a young team that closely mirrors his target marketpositioning Facebook is especially designed for their wants and needs

Strict dress code or early start time may seem like an easy way to build professionalism (职业化) in your workplacebut is there a good reason for itStrict requirements that work in a law office may erode the work ethic at a hip tech start upMake sure to backup your rules with reasonFor exampleat Culture Studioa Tshirt design and printing companyyou’d better believe there’s no place fortiesEmployees are encouraged to dress down in their brand’s merchandise or their competitors’

Leadership shouldn’t abandon culture development thereGood employees tend to be goal oriented overachieversso put your budget on that with teambuilding activitiescontestsand incentives for the bestThink critically about the ideal employees for your teamwhat makes the tickand how you can support themwithin and outside of their role in the company’s goals

Setting the tone for your workplace starts with each hire and at every level in the companyAt digital marketing firm Mabblyevery hiring decision is made with the company’s vision in mind:a creative and young team of approachable(伸手)guides that help clients to understand the seemingly mysterious world of PR(public relations) in this internet age

[单选题]◆What is the main topic of this article
AHow to write business emails and memos
BHow to design a thoughtful office culture
CHow to set rules for employees to follow

[单选题]◆The example of Facebook is to show___________
Aone should built a cohesive office culture on purpose
Bhow you can use Q and A sessions from your staff
Coffice culture must reflect your own wants and needs

[单选题]◆It is suggested that one should___________in the third paragraph
Aset the tone for one’s company
Bdrop strict dress code or early start time
Cbackup office rules with reason

[单选题]◆What doesput your budget on thatmeans in the fourth paragraph
ATo withdraw the money
BTo pay more attention to it
CTo invest money and efforts

[单选题]◆Mabbly is targeted in___________
Ahelping clients to understand the PR world
Battracting as many investments as possible
Cmaking a link between selling and buying

★These are the latest manifestations of a worrying obsession with ecommerce and the Internet in Asia’s largest economiesIn MarchBeijing announced its newInternet Plusplan to expand Internet connectivityPremier Liwhen describing itbrought up the mobile Internetcloud computingbig dataintelligent manufacturingand the Internet of Thingsin a manner similar to business leaders in AmericaNor is this digital obsession restricted to ChinaIndian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook’s headquarters received as muchif not moremedia attention as his address on sustainable development to the United Nations days earlier

The claim that the Internet will fundamentally transform development is unproven(未证实)and untestedWhat is clear is that the Internet makes consumption easierfaster and more expansive than ever beforeAnalysts have thus looked toecommerce and China’s Internet giants to helpsaveChina’s economic model from slowing down

By extensionChina and India must havedreamsthat are bigger than the InternetThey need to take the lead in finding a new model of development for the 21Century that intelligently make use of science and technologybut without being seduced by musings about ecommerce that mask deep structural flaws of current economic modelsResolving those pressing issues should be the realinnovationthat lies at the heart of any development program

[单选题]◆Jack Ma hopes eWTO can help___________________
Acooperation between companies
Bsuccess of small business online
Cpeople look for friends and lovers

[单选题]◆Digital obsession in the second paragraph refers to___________________
Aproblems caused by Internet
Btrades between China and America
Cpassion on Internet business

[单选题]◆Which is NOT true according to the third paragraph
AIt is not clear that how the Internet will deeply influence development
BThe Internet makes people harder to sell products and buy goods
CEcommerce is likely to contribute to China’s economic development

[单选题]◆China and India need to___________________
Afind a new model by using science and technology
Bfind a solution to take place of online business
Cfind a cure to deal with diseases in the 21Century

[单选题]◆What is the author’s attitude to China’s development of online business

★With economic developmentChinese banks are extending services in more and more countries The following is a brief introduction to RMB business for personal customers offered by the Bank of China in the United States
To open a RMB account with the Bank of China in the USAyou must first open a USD account Of coursea minimum deposit requirement is needed for both the USD and the RMB accounts Then you must complete the Bank’s Account Application Form and an Internal Revenue Service (IRS)Form on your status In additionyou are required to provide the Bank with your Social Security Number and two valid identification documents One is your Passport or Driver’s Licensethe other is your major credit cardemployee identification card or health insurance card

With the RMB account you can withdraw and deposit RMB cash directly The daily limit is 20000 yuan on each transaction Usually a service fee is charged for withdrawals above 3000 yuan You can also exchange USD for RMB or exchange RMB for USD The daily limit is USD 4000 worth of RMB Be careful about the exchange rates They might not be the same as the exchange rates offered in China

For further informationyou can call at the bank’s customer service hotline at 123456789 to the extension 9578or pay a visit to WWWbocusacom
[单选题]◆To open an RMB account with the Bank of China in the USAyou must first open a(n)_________account(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[单选题]◆There is a minimum deposit requirement for_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Athe USD account only
Bthe RMB account only
Cboth the USD and the RMB accounts

[单选题]◆Which of the following is not valid identification documents for opening an RMB account in the USA(红色字体题正确答案选项)
ADriver’s License
Bdebit card
Chealth insurance card

[单选题]◆The daily limit for withdrawal and deposit is_________on each transaction(红色字体题正确答案选项)
A20000 yuan
B3000 yuan
C4000 yuan

[单选题]◆For exchanging USD for RMB or exchanging RMB for USDthe daily limit is_________worth of RMB(红色字体题正确答案选项)
CUSD 4000




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[单选题]◆Advertisement is often used to__________.(红色字体为本题正确答案选项)A.deceive customersB.increase productionC.push the sale

h***s 1个月前 上传113   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题4分,共计20分。阅读短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。★Accounting is More Than Numbers ★Accounting could date back to about 7,000 years ago.People of that time relied on old accounting methods to record the growth of crops and herds.Accounting has great l developed with the growth of joint-stock companies.When you think of accounting,you may find pages of tables and numbers.That image doesn’t usually give you too much excitement.When you have your own business,though,those numbers come to mean the world to you bec

h***s 1个月前 上传109   0


[单选题]◆Accounting could date back to about_________years ago.A.7,000B.6,000C.5,000

h***s 2个月前 上传192   0


首字母A★A team of about 35 employees had come together for a team building event. They were a young, bright and enthusiastic team. However, one of their chief problems was the fact that they wouldn’t share information or solutions with each other, and the team leader thought they were too focused on themselves and not on the team. As a result, she brought them all into the cafeteria. All of the tables and chairs had been stored away, and fun decorations and hundreds of different colored balloons had been placed around the room.  

h***s 1个月前 上传364   0


[单选题]◆From the passage,we learn that Horta______.A.is from BrazilB.conducts his research in the U.S.C.has 30 researchers on his team

h***s 1个月前 上传133   0


[单选题]◆From this passage,we learn that an e-book_________.A.can be found in any libraryB.can be read directly from the InternetC.can be read by any one who has a computerD.can be read when special software is installed

h***s 1个月前 上传127   0


◆In the first paragraph, the author tells us to_______.(红色字体为本题正确答案选项)A.find entertainment(娱乐)in musicB____ friendly to musicC.express your feelings in music

h***s 1个月前 上传236   0


A01 Accounting is More Than Numbers Accounting could date back to about 7,000 years ago.People of that time relied on old accounting methods to record the growth of crops and herds.Accounting has great l developed with the growth of joint-stock companies.When you think of accounting,you may find pages of tables and numbers.That image doesn't usually give you too much excitement.When you have your own

h***s 1年前 上传387   0


B01 Bob:We've undertaken so many changes over the past few months.I'd like to know how things are shaping up.john:There have certainly been some challenges,but I'd say we're on track to hit our targets for the year's end.

h***s 1年前 上传350   0


According to experts,the advantage of modified food is that it helps in preventing the occurrence of allergies and also has along shelf life.However,a major portion of the population is against the consumption of genetically modified food and is concerned about its disadvantages.If you are also confused about the consumption of genetically modified food,read through the pros and cons given below and decide for yourself.

h***s 2个月前 上传132   0


★―Any suggestions for the project?―________________.B.I advise you to put more hands in this project.

h***s 1个月前 上传159   0


★A recent survey of UK business asked the question,“What reasons do you have for employing migrant workers”? The answer was good news for EU citizens who want to come and work in the UK and bad news for young British people looking for work.About 20 per cent of employers think that migrant workers are more productive and have a more positive attitude to work than British workers.In addition,25 per cent of businesses can’t find Br

h***s 1个月前 上传124   0


★A 4 year Kid, who does not know what an Email or a Chat App is, prays to God:“Hey, Lord, Please make me a smartphone”. This young kid is asking such a wish from God, because he sees that his parents at home are completely glued to(专注于)this magical device called smartphone and has no time to look up at him. The smartphone is getting more attention in the house than the child. His parents are present there physically, but their minds are somewhere else.   It’s so true that this device has become an inseparable part of our day to day life, and we are addicted to it. We will start feeling restless if we do not look to our phone after a few minutes. We react faster to a phone beep or a message compared to a call by a family member from a different room. We all need to come out of this head-down syndrome. We all need to connect and communicate in real world. We need to put this technology to good use and not become a slave.

h***s 2个月前 上传298   0


[单选题]◆Why did the 4 year Kid ask for a smartphone from God?(红色字体为本题正确答案)A.Because he wanted to send emails to his friendsB.Because he wanted to chat with his friends.C.Because his parents always glued to smartphone when they were at home

h***s 4周前 上传100   0


B01 Being an effective manager means knowing when to use the right management style.Some styles,for instance,are more people-oriented,while others tend to focus on a project or product.The management style you select will depend on your people skills and k

h***s 2年前 上传821   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★___________●According to law,they refer to transportation,construction,finance,insurance and the like.C.What do you mean by taxable services?★___________●Alright,I will try my best.C.Can you give me a brief introduction about business tax?★And could you give me your signature here?●________B.Sorry?I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch that.

h***s 1个月前 上传114   0


国开电大专科《商务英语1》一平台机考题库第三大题 阅读理解选择说明:试题随机组合。AAccounting is More Than Numbers Accounting could date back to about 7,000 years ago.People of that time relied on old accounting methods to record the g

h***s 2年前 上传1616   0


Vacancy: Human Resources Department ManagerDue to expanding business,We KM are willing to employ one manager in charge of human resources department with the following terms.

h***s 1个月前 上传185   0


[单选题]◆_________started its first MOOC in 2012.A.The Massachusetts Institute of Technology B.Harvard University C.A Chinese university

h***s 1个月前 上传160   0


[判断题]◆The goal of customer service is to give customers an experience that meets their expectations.[答案]F[判断题]◆Leaving your customer with an unanswered question is unacceptable.[答案]T

h***s 1个月前 上传121   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★___________●According to law,they refer to transportation,construction,finance,insurance and the like.C.What do you mean by taxable services?★___________●Alright,I will try my best.C.Can you give me a brief introduction about business tax?★And could you give me your signature here?●________B.Sorry?I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch that.

h***s 1个月前 上传103   0


DDo you lack friends?Do you want to make more friends?If so,you may read on...There’s a certain beauty in being a lonely wolf,You have more time to do the things you want to do.But if you want to make more friends,and do things together with them,please consider these suggestions on how to meet people and form strong,lasting friendshipsSpend more time around people and talk to them.If you want to make friends,you first need to put yourself out in order to meet people.Friends seldom

h***s 2年前 上传861   0


CCan you imagine a world without the Internet?It’s surprising to think about it.Now,China has more than 162 million Internet users,according to the China Internet Network Information Centre.This is the second highest number of user in the world after the United States.Today,66% of Chinese netizens (网民) are teenagers.They spend about thirteen hours every week online,said Qian Hulin,an Internet expert(专

h***s 2年前 上传539   0


Angrycustomers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at staff members.If this happens to you,you should remember that they are actually expressing their dissatisfaction about the company and not about you as an individual.But if you wish to be successful in any business,then you have to learn howto handle angry customers.Listed below area few guidelines

h***s 2年前 上传869   0


国开电大专科《管理英语1》一平台机考题库第三大题 阅读选择AA business itinerary is written for business trips,which should include everything from travel arrangements to hotel information and business meetings.Give travel

h***s 2年前 上传3050   0