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第五题 翻译题题库
★A bad hire not just wastes your time and moneybut also impacts the team spirit and company moraleB招聘合格员工浪费时间金钱会影响整团队精神公司士气
★A few minutes later the doctor came out of his room for the third timeB分钟医生第三次房间走出
★A man and his wife had a small restaurant near a stationC男妻子车站方开家饭馆
★A new food market will be built in our community next monthC月社区新建菜市场
★A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heartC真正朋友援手帮助感动心扉
★Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at staff membersA愤怒顾客会员工做发泄满抱怨目标
★As a general rule it is better to focus on the content of a presentation as a means of attracting your audience’s attentionC般言重点放讲解容吸引观众注意
★Be considerate of other speakers by waiting until they are done before stating your viewsB陈述观点前发言者考虑应等叙述完毕
★By the following weekwhen he’s on his ownhe feel she has a pretty good idea of what he needs to doand how to go about itC第二星期独立工作时候感需做什开始做非常清楚
★Encourage the frontline staff to build strong relationships with customers as they are the most reliable of the customer feedback sourcesB鼓励线员工客户建立牢固关系客户反馈源
★Focus groups are representatives of customers whose job is to provide you with information on their needs and preferencesC焦点组顾客代表工作提供需求喜
★Having patience with your customers and with yourself will go a long way in winning over hostile customersB顾客耐心赢生气顾客工作支持方面帮助
★I don’t know why he is latehe might have had an accidentC知道迟遇事

★I think what should be done is to create more job opportunities for studentsA认更需学生创造更工作机会
★I want to leave a little room in the budgetjust in caseC想留点预算空间防万
★If I may say sohe was not very familiar with the proceduresC果样说话太熟悉操作步骤
★In a good relationshipboth sides are willing to changeA段良关系中双方愿意改变
★In a wordtaking the time to develop a welldesigned and participantfriendly questionnaire will give you useful data that can help you make the right decisionsA总花时间制作份精心设计参者友调查问卷提供数帮助做出正确决定
★In contrast to other countriesthe US has no national college entrance examB国家相美国没学入学考试
★In general we’ve made some progress this year in improving community servicesA总说年已改善社区服务方面取进展
★It’s difficult to change someone elsebut we can always change ourselvesC改变难总改变
★Making a list will ensure you don’t overlook thingsA列单子会保证忽略事情
★Openended questions mean respondents can answer freely using their own wordsA开放式问题意味着受访者语言回答
★On the last day of the old yearthere is a family dinnerB年天会次家庭聚餐
★Qiao xiang Community Service Center is about to provide service for residentsB侨香社区服务中心开始居民提供服务
★Questionnaires are not suitable for some people to whom a survey might not work because of reading problemA问卷调查适合阅读困难法作
★So far the heating system in our apartment hasn’t been workingC目前楼制热系统没启动
★Stress around interviews is often influenced by our assumptions we make to ourselves about the processC面试程揣测会影响面试压力
★The more familiar interviewing feels to youthe less anxiety you will feel with the processA面试越熟悉面试程中焦虑会越少
★The old saying practice makes perfectapplies to interviewing tooB古话熟生巧面试准备适
★The purpose of the interview is to find out if the candidate is a strong i to your businessA面试目弄清楚应聘者否正公司需

★They are willing to understand their partner’s position first before trying to get understoodB合作方理解前愿意先理解合作伙伴立场
★They have disagreement on the plan of celebrating the founding of the communityB庆祝公司成立方案异议
★This involves identifying the highlevel reasoning behind your intentions for the eventC包括弄明白举办次活动目背高层次推理
★Thank you so much for your generous hospitalityB非常喜欢里宜环境
★To communicate precisely what you want to say you have to frequently need to define key wordsC准确表达意必须断定义关键词
★Training activities can affect the work performance of the employeesC培训活动会影响员工工作表现
★We can’t possibly get the work done by OctoberA十月份前做完项工作
★We should keep close contact with the community to provide a better support serviceC应该社区保持密切联系提供更优支持服务
★We should present data in tables or charts so that the report may not be boring with facts aloneA应该表格图表呈现数便报告仅事实枯燥乏味
★What’s worsethe level of dissatisfaction increased by 10compared to last yearC更糟满意度年相提高10
★When you start a jobyou must stick to itA旦开始件工作持恒
★Whether it’s an anniversarya sporting event or a retirement partyand no matter how much time you haveyour event’s success is in the detailA周年庆典体育赛事者退休会少时间活动成功细节
★Will you be involved in opening the new office B会参开设新办公室工作?
★With these figures in mindyou could find the answers to these problems to improve your planA数字找问题答案完善计划
★You can see many interesting things on your wayB路见许趣事情 ★You want all attendees leaving your event to remember this key message that you’ve spent a long time reinforcingA希参加者离场会记花长时间强调关键信息
★You will do everything within your power to try and resolve the situationA会权利范围切努力解决问题




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本大题共包含5小题,每小题4分,共计20分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳翻译。★A large family may have more than two generations,and there are more than two adults from different generations of a family.B.一个大家庭的成员至少包括三代、含有至少两个来自不同辈分的成年人。★Abusers use fear,guilt,shame to wear you down and keep you under his or her thumb.C.施虐者利用恐惧感、负罪感和羞耻感击垮你,把你置于其掌控之下。★Boys’ and girls’ way of communication also differ greatly.A.男孩的交流方式和女孩的交流方式不同。

h***s 1个月前 上传172   0


◆A major advantage of the rail route is speed.A.这条铁路的主要优点是速度快。B.影响这条铁路的最大问题是速度。C.最重要的问题是提高铁路的速度。◆All the transaction is caned out through your bank account.A.所有的交易都是通过你的银行账户完成的。B.所有的转移都是通过你的银行卡完成的。C.所有的指令是通过你的银行账户执行的。◆Burn less natural gas to cook or heat your home.A.用较少的天然气来煮饭或供暖。B.不能用太少的天然气来煮饭或供暖。C.煮饭或供暖燃烧了很多的天然气。

h***s 2个月前 上传463   0


★A week ago, I sent him a statement showing the amount overdue, but he didn’t seem to take any actions.A.一周前我给他发过一份声明,告诉他逾期未付的金额,但是他似乎没有采取任何行动。B.一周前我给他发过一份显示逾期金额的报表,但是他似乎没有采取任何行动。

h***s 2个月前 上传195   0


★A few minutes later the doctor came out of his room for the third time.B.几分钟后,医生第三次从他的房间走出来。★Aman and his wifehad a small restaurant near a station.C.一个男人和他的妻子在靠近车站的地方开了家小饭馆。

h***s 4周前 上传98   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题4分,共计20分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳翻译。★15%-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses.A.百分之十五至二十的被判有罪的少年犯存在严重的精神疾病。★15%-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses.C.百分之十五至百分之二十的被判有罪的少年犯存在严重的精神疾病。★15%-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses.C.百分之十五至百分之二十的被判有罪的少年犯存在严重的精神疾病。

h***s 4周前 上传91   0


说明:资料整理于2024年8月23日,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。 本大题共包含5小题,每小题4分,共计20分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳翻译。★A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.B.今日好计划胜过明日完美计划。★At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it.B.最后英国人已很讨厌这位游客,但他尽力不表现出来。★Do you want to fly first or economy class?B.您是想乘坐头等舱还是经济舱?★Don’t forget to thank them for the ideas they present.A.不要忘记对提出想法的人表示感谢。

h***s 3周前 上传98   0


★A free market is an economic system in which the price of goods and services is affected by supply and demand rather than controlled by a government.A.自由市场是一种经济体系,其中的商品和服务价格往往受供给和需求的影响,而不是由政府来控制。★A job interview is a kind of employment test and usually very formal.B.求职面试是一种就业测试,通常都很正式。★A nice wrapping that catches the eye will certainly help push sales.▲一个吸引人眼球的精美包装一定会促进销售。

h***s 1个月前 上传89   0


★Abeautiful little room with love and happiness is a great place to live.B.一间充盈爱和幸福的小美屋就是宜居的好地方。★A major advantage of the rail route is speed.A.这条铁路的主要优点是速度快。

h***s 4周前 上传87   0


★_______?●I have worked for IBM for 3 years.B.What is your working experience?★_______?●It costs us ten thousand dollars.C.How much does the printing of the annual report cost

h***s 4周前 上传96   0


AAbad hire not just wastes your time and money,but also impacts the team spirit and company morale.A.坏雇员不只是会浪费你的时间和金钱,但是也影响队伍的精神和公司风气。B.招聘到不合格的员工即浪费时间和金钱,而且还会影响整个团队精神和公司士气。C.浪费时间和金钱的招聘是不合格的,而且对公司团队精神和士气也会影响。[答案]BAfew minutes later the doctor came out of his room for the third time.

h***s 2年前 上传844   0


-Anything else I can do for you?(红色字体为本题正确答案)-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That’s all.C.My pleasure.

h***s 2个月前 上传135   0


★_________●I agree with you.B.I think we should bring back death penalty for serious crimes.★_________●I need to look for some papers to add to my research report.C.How is your report?

h***s 4周前 上传110   0


-Anything else I can do for you?(红色字体为本题正确答案)-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That’s all.C.My pleasure.

h***s 2个月前 上传145   0


★_______?●I have worked for IBM for 3 years.B.What is your working experience?★_______?●It costs us ten thousand dollars.C.How much does the printing of the annual report cost

h***s 4周前 上传106   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★Anything else I can do for you?●______Thank you!B.That’s all.★Are you ready,folks?●_______A.Yes,I’m ready.I’ll have the vegetable salad.★Can you copy these papers for me?●_____B.OK.Just wait a moment please.★Could you please give me a hand?●________B.Sure,what is the matter?★Dad,this ismy roommate,Andrea.●________B.Hello,Andre★Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning?●______C.No.I have nothing planned tomorrow.

h***s 3周前 上传117   0


国开电大专科《理工英语2》一平台机考题库第五大题 翻译题说明:试题随机组合。AA noisy workspace could be killing your concentration.A.嘈杂的工作环境可能会分散你的注意力。B.嘈杂的工作环境可能会扼杀你的兴趣。C.嘈杂的工作环境可能会打击你的信心。[答案]AAfter some initial problems,the k

h***s 2年前 上传593   0


说明:试题随机组合。15 tons of goods can’t simply disappear into thin air.A.15吨的货物不可能凭空消失。B.15吨的货物不可以简单地消失。C.15吨的货物不会消失在稀薄的空气中。[答案]AAA good advertising program tells potential customers the benefits derived from the use of products.A.一个好的广告方案告诉潜在的客户如何使用产品。

h***s 2年前 上传347   0


国开电大专科《人文英语2》一平台机考题库第五大题 翻译题15%-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses.A.百分之十五至百分之二十的少年犯由于存在精神疾病而被判有罪。B.百分之十五至百分之二十的少年犯被判有罪,而且存在身体疾病。C.百分之十五至百分之二十的被判有罪的少年犯存在严重的精神疾病。

h***s 2年前 上传529   0


1.-Mum,I’m going to school now.See you.-_________,Mary.A.Here we goB.Wait a momentC.Have a nice day

h***s 4周前 上传90   0


说明:2024年7月整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。◆-_____________.-Imean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it.A.What do you mean?B.What do you think?C.How do you mean?◆-_____________. We are leaving on Sunday.-Yes, that’s a good idea.A.Why don’t you join us?B.Can you tell me how to get to the Linden Street?C.When shall I arrive at your home?◆-_____________will it take me to walk there?

h***s 2个月前 上传235   0


★-Do you think I can use your car for one day?-________.A.I’m afraid not.B.No, you can’tC.I won’t let you do that.

h***s 2个月前 上传190   0


★_____a company really wants is a candidate hasthatthe right skills.A.What★A new food market will______in our community next month.C.be built

h***s 4周前 上传99   0


[判断题]◆An annual report of a company provides some information about its business performance for certain people.(红色字体为本题正确答案选项)[答案]T[判断题]◆People can know everything of the company from the annual report.(红色字体为本题正确答案选项)[答案]F

h***s 4周前 上传208   0


[单选题]◆At whom do angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints?A.Staff members.B.Company managers.C.Those who accompany them.

h***s 4周前 上传97   0


Vacancy: Human Resources Department ManagerDue to expanding business,We KM are willing to employ one manager in charge of human resources department with the following terms.

h***s 1个月前 上传185   0