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第二题 词汇结构题库
★_____a company really wants is a candidate has that the right skillsAWhat
★A new food market will______in our community next monthCbe built
★A secretary must be skilled in office software word______processingCsuch as
★According to their feedback sheetsthe participants are all_______with the trainingAsatisfied
★American young people would rather_______advice from strangersAget
★Anyone who has worked here for over three years is_______for sick payBeligible
★Are you familiar___the sayingit’s not what you knowbut who you knowIn event planningnetworking is keyAwith
★At the end of the dayyou want all the participants_________this key messageBremembering
★At the end of the dayyou want all attendees_________your event to remember this key message that you’ve spent along time reinforcingCleaving
★Could you please tell me how long the movie_______●For half an hourBhas been on
★Customers_________refuse to filing the questionnaire are not permitted to buy the productCWho
★Dadyou promised to take me out●Well_________Aso I did
★Do you plan to_________this conference next yearCattend
★Do you think Tommy is________the truthCtelling
★Did the medicine make you feel better●No______medicine I take______I feelBThe morethe worse
★Does his absence______to your workAmake a difference
★Don’t forget______the window before leaving the roomAto close
★______exciting the football game wasMany people watched yesterdayBWhat an
★______facetoface interviewsquestionnaires are cheaper for collecting data from a large number of respondentsACompared to
★Generally speakingwe’ve_______some progress this year in developing and improving community servicesCmade
★______he studies hardhe will never pass the examAUnless
★He is_________this companyAin charge of
★He keeps on his focus on________moneyCmaking
★HiKateyou look tiredWhat’s the matter●I_______well last nightAdidn’t sleep
★He says what he thinks and does what he wants to do_________other people’s feelingsBregardless of

★He was always_________in sharing his enormous knowledgeAgenerous
★Her article is _________in her classCthe best
★Her article is________in her classAthe best
★Hiring a good employ may cost much money and time________it can win much more for the company in futureChowever
★Hiring the right employee_______with a job analysisBstarts
★Hiring the right employee_____you_____a thousand times over in high employee moraleCpaysback
★His action is always_________with his wordsCconsistent
★His action is always_________with his wordsBconsistent
★How many players does a baseball team_______Aconsist of
★I am worried about the dance show tomorrow●Be confidentIf you don’t believe in yourself_________willAnobody
★I didn’t do_________last weekCanything
★I don’t know_________I just arrived here two minutes agoAwhat’s going on
★I forgot_________my musicbook and borrowed one from LilyAto bring
★I hate the people_________don’t help others when they are in troubleAwho
★I have coffee_________breakfast timeAat
★I like cooking for my friends in________free timeBmy
★I think the 15th anniversary_________a special celebrationAreserves
★I would rather_________two weeks earlierCyou had come here
★I’d like to____that the staff member who served me didn’t really seem to know what he was doingApoint out
★If I______youI______more attention to the independent auditors’ report and financial statements in the annual reportCwere would pay
★If I_____youngerI would buy the dressAwere
★If you cut down too many treesit will______our environmentCbe harmful for
★If you want to check_____what a word meansyou can check in a dictionaryAwidely
★In that examination students were allowed______their dictionariesCto bring
★I’m afraid you’ll have to pay us_______the inconvenience according to the contractCfor
★I’m confident in these as long as we______the needs of the community residents and improve our service qualityAkeep an eye on
★I’m writing to_____a position as a computer engineer in your companyCapply for
★Iris did a great job in you school this semesterright●CertainlyShe is______than any other student in my classBmore hardworking
★It is only by agreeing with their view point and______that you will resolve the situation and send the customer away happyAsuggesting a possible solution
★It was Lucy_______helped me last SundayBthat

★It’s a great_______for us to have the chance to work with youBhonor
★It’s very hot hereWhy not_______your coatCtake off
★Let’s_________our planAstart
★Look _______BHere comes the bus
★Look at the stone bridgeDo you know______it was built●In the 1860sIt is quite oldAwhen
★Mark______two days going on family visits with experienced staff membersAspends
★Mary said to meif I had seen your bagI_______it to youBwould have returned
★Melinda will discuss the matter with John_____is the representative of Sunshine Medical CenterBwho
★More than 30 people_________the positionAapplied for
★My father is so hardworkingHe is no longer the man_________he was ff teen years agoBthat
★My watch has been losing time for the past weekIt probably needs_________Acleaning
★Nothing can make the brave soldier________his countryBto turn against
★Now Helen works________than beforeAmore carefully
★One dayour dreams will_________realityBturn into
★One person_________five now goes to a college in this cityAof
★Our center is going to______a physical exam program for the staff this yearAlaunch
★Our company will_______the customers’ suggestionsCrespond to
★Our workers have been checking the heating system since you called usI_____you it will perform well soonCassure
★Participants have______the Productivity Analysis WorksheetCcompleted
★People_________find useful information from the annual reportAcould
★People_________find useful information from the annual reportCcould
★Questionnaires are easy to_________Banalyze
★Questionnaires are not suitable_________some peopleBfor
★Relationships and friendships can________gangsBlead to
★Remember_________the newspaper when you have finished itBto put back
★________she couldn’t understand was why fewer and fewer went to him for helpBWhat
★Shall we go shopping now●Sorry I can’tI my_________shirtsCam washing
★Since this road is wet and slippery this morningit_________last nightCmust have rained
★_________the feedback is very helpful for planning future meetings and eventsBGetting
★_________the fogwe should have reached the annual meeting site on timeCBut for
★The candidate should dress in a manner that is appropriate to the position_____he is applyingAfor which
★The enemy has strengthened their_________positionBdefensive
★The heating system of our apartment broke down so I made a_______call to the community service centerBcomplaint

★The investor should be aware of the limitations of the financial statement analysis_______the annual reportAbased on
★The Jiahe Community Service Center is about to_________service for residentsBprovide
★The meeting’s been canceledLily________all that workBneedn’t have done
★The moment I got homeI found I_________my jacket on the playgroundAhad left
★The more information you can get________in your fieldCthe more competitive you will be
★The music________like the singing of a birdCsounds
★The name is familiar________meBto
★The new year is just________Baround the corner
★The old sayingpractice makes perfect________to interviewing tooBapplies
★The quality of questionnaire will_________ how much information we know from our customersBaffect
★The success of our event is_________ to the sponsorArelated
★The teacher told his students that the sun_________lightAgive off
★The training is_________positive results on the job they are presently_________Bbringing aboutdoing
★There are just eight oranges left in the box_________the spoil tonesAnot counting
★There are_________soccer fans in the worldBmillions of
★There is no doubt_________the school has made the right decision on the homeworkBthat
★There________an egg and some apples in the fridgeAis
★These tips may help you avoid_________bad employees for your companyBhiring
★They have disagreement_________the plan of celebrating the founding of the communityAon
★They have learned about_________in recent yearsBhundreds of English words
★They promised_________the car for usCto repaired
★They________ since last nightThey are about to finish the workBhave been cleaning the system
★This involves_________the highlevel reasoning behind your intentions for the eventBidentifying
★This involves_________the highlevel reasoning behind your intentions for the eventCidentifying
★Under no circumstance_________ to tell lies to the publicBare the companies allowed
★Unfortunately the poor girl can’t do anything but_________all her belongings at a low priceAto sell
★_________we are from different countrieswe all get along wellBthough
★Was it last summer_________you and your friends went to MoscowAwhen
★We are going to have our office_________to make room for a new engineerCrearranged
★We are under_________to finish the task within such limited timeBpressure
★We feel_________with the inconvenience the service center brought usAdisappointed
★We have to_________our annual work report to the manager next weekAhand in
★We need to carry out a proper_________of the new systemCevaluation
★We shall have an opportunity to exchange_________tomorrowCviews

★We should keep close_________with the police office to protect people and propertyAcontact
★We should keep in mind_____the feedback is very helpful for planning future meetings and eventsBthat
★We should take the degree_________account when we recruit a new secretaryBinto
★We think that Smith should be told about his _______condition as soon as possibleCphysical
★We will prepare a notice_________everyone before they have the exam in our centerAfor
★We______300 copiesand 240 were returned in the endAhanded out
★We_____it very much that you’ve come to give us a timely rideOtherwise we would miss the trainAappreciate
★We’re________for the work they’ve done in the past yearAgrateful
★Wowthere are so many fruits in the supermarketI can not decide_________firstAwhat to choose
★What should I do if I had a million dollars●If I ______youI would give it to medical researchCwere
★When reading the annual reportwe should look out_________the areas where the company did not comply with the regulationsBfor
★When stating problemswe can make a_________with those from last yearCcomparison
★When will you comeMonday or TuesdayJohn●I’m afraid________day is possibleI will be very busy in these two daysCneither
★When you meet a new wordyou can________in a dictionaryClook it up
★When_________different cultureswe often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similaritiesCcomparing
★Where are you used to_________vegetablesCbuying
★Whose textbook is this●It_________John’sIt has his name on itBmust be
★Write the telephone number down_________you forgetBin case
★_________you prepare cross training plansyou need to consider both the company benefits and the employee benefitsCAs
★You also should send a resume_________the employer know more information about youCto let
★You can try these methods to keep your interview anxiety_________controlAunder
★You had better_________a doctor as soon as possibleCsee
★You must_________the annual certification of employment online within 15 daysAsubmit
★You need to_________those questionnaire papers for your companyAhand out
★You should be aware of your limits________budget or timeAin terms of
★You will get used to_________here when you have settled downAliving
★You’d better have your hair_________before going to your friend’s weddingBcut
★Your longterm success in event planning will be based_________the experience you hadBon




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本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_______dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!C.How★______earth runs around the sun.B.The★______Great Wall is a symbol of China.B.The★_______Great Wall is a symbol of China.B.The★_______is forbidden in public places.C.Smoking★______is the elder brother in the family.B.He

h***s 4周前 上传109   0


说明:资料整理于2024年8月23日,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。 本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★________,after introduction,you can ask about their journey.C.To break the ice★________,after introduction,you can ask about their journey.A.To break the ice★A fireman discovered the_______of the fire.A.cause★A good tour guide tells visitors_______.B.what they couldn’t miss during the trip ★A good tour guide tells visitors_______.A.What they couldn’t miss during the trip★A secretary must_________big pile of files and correspondence in office.A.deal

h***s 3周前 上传114   0


★__________before you act.A.Think★__________by the failure of the project,the manager could hardly say a word.B.Shocked

h***s 4周前 上传167   0


说明:2024年8月16日整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。 本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 ★________does your team have a meeting?▲How often★_________improve your service,you need to make market surveys so as to know what your customers are thinking and demanding.B.In order to★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.A.It★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.B.It ★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when y

h***s 1个月前 上传98   0


A_________a company really wants is a candidate has_________the right skills.A.What...thatB.What...whatC.That...that[答案]A_________a company really wants is a candidate hasthatthe right skills.A.WhatB.WhoC.That[答案]AAnew food market will_________in our community next month.

h***s 2年前 上传447   0


________,after introduction,you can ask about their journey.(红色字体为本题正确答案)A.Breaking the ice B.Broken the iceC.To break the ice

h***s 2个月前 上传132   0


★_______?●I have worked for IBM for 3 years.B.What is your working experience?★_______?●It costs us ten thousand dollars.C.How much does the printing of the annual report cost

h***s 4周前 上传96   0


说明:试题随机组合。AA good boss is the one who can____________his employees to work harder and harder.A.exciteB.move C.motivate[答案]CA good boss is the one who can____________his employees to work harder and harder.A.motivate B.move C.excite

h***s 2年前 上传356   0


本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★__________a result of his hard work,he gained a d mission to Beijing University.B.As★A student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.A.semester★A student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.B.semester★As a result of his hard work,he has_________admission to the Beijing University.A.gainedB.taken

h***s 1个月前 上传155   0


★Accounting could ________to about 7,000 years ago.A.run upB.date backC.take down

h***s 2个月前 上传175   0


说明:2024年7月整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。◆__________before you act.A.ThinkB.To thinkC.Thinking◆A new computer__________a lot of money.A.spendsB.takesC.costs◆A pair of spectacles__________what I need at the moment.A.is

h***s 2个月前 上传208   0


-Anything else I can do for you?(红色字体为本题正确答案)-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That’s all.C.My pleasure.

h***s 2个月前 上传135   0


★A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to_________paying his fare.A.avoid★All students are required to translate this poem_________English into Chinese.B.from

h***s 1个月前 上传121   0


★_________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.Being★_________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.Being

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★A_________designer is needed.A.full-time ★A_________designer is needed.C.full-time

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★_________●I agree with you.B.I think we should bring back death penalty for serious crimes.★_________●I need to look for some papers to add to my research report.C.How is your report?

h***s 4周前 上传110   0


-Anything else I can do for you?(红色字体为本题正确答案)-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That’s all.C.My pleasure.

h***s 2个月前 上传145   0


说明:资料整理于2023年4月,适用于国开电大本科期末机考考试。AA child’s character is greatly influenced by his home_________.A.caseB.environmentC.situation[答案]BAfter days of investigation,the police were_________reality.A.attemptingB.approving C.approaching[答案]C

h***s 1年前 上传541   0


◆A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.(红色字体为本题正确答案)A.今日的好计划比不上明日的计划完美。B.今日好计划胜过明日完美计划。C.今日制定计划,明天的计划才会更完美。

h***s 2个月前 上传141   0


★_______?●I have worked for IBM for 3 years.B.What is your working experience?★_______?●It costs us ten thousand dollars.C.How much does the printing of the annual report cost

h***s 4周前 上传106   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★Anything else I can do for you?●______Thank you!B.That’s all.★Are you ready,folks?●_______A.Yes,I’m ready.I’ll have the vegetable salad.★Can you copy these papers for me?●_____B.OK.Just wait a moment please.★Could you please give me a hand?●________B.Sure,what is the matter?★Dad,this ismy roommate,Andrea.●________B.Hello,Andre★Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning?●______C.No.I have nothing planned tomorrow.

h***s 3周前 上传117   0


A__________a result of his hard work,he gained a d mission to Beijing University.A.ForB.AsC.Due[答案]BA student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.A.semesterB.seminarC.season [答案]AA student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.

h***s 2年前 上传2759   0


国开电大专科《理工英语1》一平台机考题库第一大题 词汇与结构说明:试题随机组合。AAll the trees_______last summer.A.plantedB.were plantedC.are planting [答案]BAll the trees_______last summer.A.were plantedB.are plantingC.planted

h***s 2年前 上传650   0


国开电大专科《商务英语1》一平台机考题库第二大题 词汇与结构说明:试题随机组合。18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins_________2002.A.forB.at C.since [答案]CAA conversation_________betw

h***s 2年前 上传653   0


说明:2024年7月整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。◆-_____________.-Imean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it.A.What do you mean?B.What do you think?C.How do you mean?◆-_____________. We are leaving on Sunday.-Yes, that’s a good idea.A.Why don’t you join us?B.Can you tell me how to get to the Linden Street?C.When shall I arrive at your home?◆-_____________will it take me to walk there?

h***s 2个月前 上传235   0