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第二题 词汇结构题库
★________after introductionyou can ask about their journeyCTo break the ice
★________after introductionyou can ask about their journeyATo break the ice
★A fireman discovered the_______of the fireAcause
★A good tour guide tells visitors_______Bwhat they couldn’t miss during the trip
★A good tour guide tells visitors_______AWhat they couldn’t miss during the trip
★A secretary must_________big pile of files and correspondence in officeAdeal with
★A secretary must_________big pile of files and correspondence in officeBdeal with
★A sudden noise of a fireengine made him_________to the doorAhurry
★A well_______job description can answer a lot of questions from job seekersAwritten
★After you are_________with all these jobswe will discuss itBfamiliar
★All of us are responsible the baby’s_________safetyCfor
★Although she felt illshe_________went to workAstill
★Are you still looking_________a jobAfor
★Can we_________another worker to help Jimmy or find another solutionAassign
★Can you explain your arrangements_________Bin detail
★Charles regretted__________the TV set last yearThe price has now comedownAbuying
★Children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of movies________bad for their mental developmentBas is
★Copying files under Linux is similar_________copying files under DOSBto
★Do not do anything_________should go against his willAthat

★Do you require a deposit(定金)to_________a reservationAconfirm
★Do you understand_______the teacher saidAwhat
★Do you want to fly first or_________classCeconomy
★Does David_________Alike flying
★Does David_________Blike flying
★Don’t be afraid_______ask a lot of questionsAto
★Don’t be afraid_______ask a lot of questionsBto
★________eye contact is very important in western cultureCKeeping
★Everyone in these schools_________English wellAspeaks
★Everyone is very_________to this boyAfriendly
★Few students could answer the question______theyBcould
★George is_________on businessand nobody else is in for the momentBtravelling
★________has not yet been decidedBWhen to hold the meeting
★Had you come five minutes earlieryou__the train to BeijingBut now you missed itBwould have caught
★Have you_______to say to meAanything else
★He_________comes by busCsometimes
★He can______good EnglishBspeak
★He has been looking forward to_________to England for a long timeAgoing
★He has learned English and GermanNow he is going to learn_______languageAanother
★He published the journal_________from 1990 to 2000Cannually
★He said this would_______companies from creating new jobsAprevent
★He suggested the sports meet be__________because of the bad weatherBput off
★He_________lunch in the canteen right nowCis having
★HelloeveryoneI’d like to_____our new secretary to youMelinda SmithBintroduce
★HelloeveryoneI’d like to______to you our new secretaryMelinda SmithBintroduce
★How do I_________the gymCget to
★______is the temperature todayCWhat
★I don’t know when______the dictionaryAhe borrowed
★I have an English class_________a weekAthree times
★I have an English class_________a weekCthree times

★I have been looking forward to_________from my parentsChearing
★I heard Lily_______the song onceAsing
★I like the working atmosphere hereIt’s very_________Cfriendly
★I like the working_________hereCatmosphere
★I think_________is impolite to call people by their first namesCit
★I usually go to the office_________trainBby
★I usually go to the office_________trainAby
★I will give you to finish_________itCtwo weeks’ time
★I’d like to book a table for ten under the name of Jordan_________pm●______December 24thCaton
★I’d love to have a breakbut I can’t_______the time nowAspare
★If there are changesdon’t forget______the related persons knowBto let
★If you don’t know what you wantyou might_________ getting something you don’t wantAend up
★If you have any questions hereplease tell usWe’ll all be_________to help youCready
★If you have any questions hereplease tell usWe’ll all be_________to help youBready
★If you have any questions hereplease tell usWe’ll all be_________to help youAready
★I’ll make a list of all the documents on this file_________make it more clearlyBin order to
★I’m a deputy managerI_________an IT companyCwork for
★I’ma deputy managerI_________an IT companyAwork for
★I’m afraid I won’t be available thenI_________a friend off at five this afternoonCwill be seeing
★I’m looking forward to_________together with youBworking
★I’m looking forward to_________youBseeing
★I’m_______to do anything at your wordCready
★Isn’t it impolite to call people by their first namesThe underlined word is of the same word class(词性) as________Binteresting
★Isn’t it impolite to call people by their first namesThe underlined word is of the same word class as________Cinteresting
★It is very important for us to find a_______between work life and home lifeBbalance
★It maybe helpful to set your watch just two minutes_________ Aahead

★It was Lucy_________helped me last SundayBthat
★It was on the beach_________Miss White found the kid lying deadBthat
★It will take us_______hour to get thereCan
★It’s high time that he settled down in the country and__________a new lifeBstarted
★It’s__________for your eyes to read in bedCbad
★Jack_________to see youHe’ll be here soonBis coming
★Jackson does well__________mathsAin
★Keeping eye contact makes the other person_______welcome and comfortableBfeel
★Keeping eye contact makes the other person_______welcome and comfortableAfeel
★Keeping eye contact makes the other person_______welcome and comfortableCfeel
★Look at the stone bridge Do you know________it was built●In the 1860sIt is quite oldAwhen
★________meansto do what you should do on timeBTo be punctual
★________me carefullyCan you______CListen tohear
★Mary has been a secretary in this company_________she graduated from Beijing UniversityCsince
★Mary has been a secretary in this company_________she graduated from Beijing UniversityBsince
★Mike_________his colleagues when the phone rangAwas talking with
★Most tour companies_________advance payment when a booking is madeBinsist on
★MrWhitewritesshort storiesbut he_________a TV play these daysAis writing
★________nice picture you gave meCWhat a
★Neither John_________his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning trainCnor
★Nowadaysoffice work can be done by hand_______very fast speedAat
★On our_______we were told that our rooms had not been reservedBarrival
★On their arrivalyou should__________the following pointsApay attention to
★Peoplehere usually_______each other by their first names instead of family namesAcall
★Peoplehere usually_______each other by their first names instead of family namesCcall

★Pleasegive me two__________Cpieces of paper
★Please hand_______your homework in timeAin
★Please pay_______to what was discussed yesterdayAattention
★Pleasesee the suggestions below to_________that your files are not lostAmake sure
★ProfessorSmith promised to look______my paperthat isto read it carefully before the defenseBover
★Scientistshave made great contributions________development of our human beingsCto
★Scientists have made great contributions________development of our human beingsAto
★See the bottom of this page for details of how to apply_________this jobBfor
★She doesn’t have the funds to_________her designBcarryout
★She felt very tired and was glad to_________himClean on
★She hasn’t the funds to_________her designAcarryout
★She hasn’t the funds to_________her designCcarry out
★She kept on_________although she was tiredCworking
★She wants a job where__________Cher management skills can be put to good use
★She__________an English teacherBused to be
★Shirley_______a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished itBwas writing
★Smile a lot and be______friendly as possible to everyone you meetAas
★Such office software is popular_________the executive secretariesAwith
★______the children to bedshe began to correct the students’ exercisesCHaving sent
★_____the paperless management is widely used nowsome important files are still kept as hard copiesAAlthough
★________these honors he received a sum of moneyCBesides
★The boys enjoyed____________football very muchAplaying
★The bus came after it_________for about half an hourAhad been waited
★The bus came after they_______for about half an hourChad been waiting
★The children were made______happy by the newsCto feel
★The company hosted a(n)_________for their new staffAreception
★The environmentalists and wild goats’________on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environmentBattendance

★The Foreign Language Department is on_________second floorBthe
★Themanager will not_______us to use his carCallow
★The next train_______the station at11o’clockBleaves
★The question never_________in discussionAcame up
★The secretary has a lot of things to take up in the office since she___away for quite a few daysAhas been
★The teacher showed the students_______the laboratoryCaround
★The Two parties made it clear that they would not_____the invitation unless the Centre reduced its tax componentCaccept
★The work was done_________her instructionsBaccording to
★The work was done_________her instructionsAaccording to
★The__________is very hardI can’t answer itAquestion
★There are over two______Party members in our cityAmillion
★There is no______to the house from the main roadAaccess
★They got up early to see the sun______Arise
★They were______a communication satelliteBsuccessful in launching
★Thisbook gives some useful_________on how to save moneyCtips
★This is true of management_________of workersAas well as
★Through the work planthe team leader is able to__the tasks at handthe deadlines for completionand the responsible parties for effective managementCidentify
★To_______the iceafter introductionyou can ask about their journeyBbreak
★_______useful book it isAWhat a
★_______wine do you need for the partyAHow much
★We have to_________at the hotel before 6 pmCcheck in
★We have to_________at the hotel before 6pmAcheck in
★We have to_________at the hotel before 6pmBcheck in
★Weshould speak English as______as possibleAmuch
★We’ll visit the Monkey Island next Sunday if our teacher______with usCgoes
★We’ve made some achievementsbut there is still a long way______Ato go
★What is the exact air________Afare
★What is your job●I’m_______accountantBan
★When will the General Manager be_______Cavailable
★Who’s the woman in the red coat She’s_________motherCTom and Kate’s

★With his work completedthe manager stepped back to his seatfeeling pleased_________he was a man of actionCthat
★Withinthe teama work plan can tell each member what is being_______and whyCdone
★Within the teama work plan can tell each member what_________and whyAis being done
★________you deal with the data filesthe more familiar you get with themAThe more
★________you deal with the data filesthe more familiar you get with themAThe more
★________you get along with your neighboursthe more familiar you get with themCThe more
★________your plan and don’t stop until it is finishedBFollow
★You can pick a specific time and place and ask them__________they want to goAif
★You can use them__________ you work hereBin case
★You have more apples than_________doBut_________are better than yoursBweours
★You have more apples than_________doBut_________are better than yoursAweours
★You’ve caught a coldYou’d better______to schoolBnot go
★Your goal is to publish a book and have_______manuscript sent out to publishers by November 20Cthe




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★__________before you act.A.Think★__________by the failure of the project,the manager could hardly say a word.B.Shocked

h***s 4周前 上传169   0


说明:2024年8月16日整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。 本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 ★________does your team have a meeting?▲How often★_________improve your service,you need to make market surveys so as to know what your customers are thinking and demanding.B.In order to★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.A.It★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.B.It ★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when y

h***s 1个月前 上传100   0


★_____a company really wants is a candidate hasthatthe right skills.A.What★A new food market will______in our community next month.C.be built

h***s 4周前 上传101   0


________,after introduction,you can ask about their journey.(红色字体为本题正确答案)A.Breaking the ice B.Broken the iceC.To break the ice

h***s 2个月前 上传133   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_______dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!C.How★______earth runs around the sun.B.The★______Great Wall is a symbol of China.B.The★_______Great Wall is a symbol of China.B.The★_______is forbidden in public places.C.Smoking★______is the elder brother in the family.B.He

h***s 1个月前 上传111   0


-Anything else I can do for you?(红色字体为本题正确答案)-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That’s all.C.My pleasure.

h***s 2个月前 上传136   0


本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★__________a result of his hard work,he gained a d mission to Beijing University.B.As★A student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.A.semester★A student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.B.semester★As a result of his hard work,he has_________admission to the Beijing University.A.gainedB.taken

h***s 1个月前 上传156   0


★Accounting could ________to about 7,000 years ago.A.run upB.date backC.take down

h***s 2个月前 上传175   0


说明:2024年7月整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。◆__________before you act.A.ThinkB.To thinkC.Thinking◆A new computer__________a lot of money.A.spendsB.takesC.costs◆A pair of spectacles__________what I need at the moment.A.is

h***s 2个月前 上传209   0


-Anything else I can do for you?(红色字体为本题正确答案)-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That’s all.C.My pleasure.

h***s 2个月前 上传145   0


◆A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.(红色字体为本题正确答案)A.今日的好计划比不上明日的计划完美。B.今日好计划胜过明日完美计划。C.今日制定计划,明天的计划才会更完美。

h***s 2个月前 上传143   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★Anything else I can do for you?●______Thank you!B.That’s all.★Are you ready,folks?●_______A.Yes,I’m ready.I’ll have the vegetable salad.★Can you copy these papers for me?●_____B.OK.Just wait a moment please.★Could you please give me a hand?●________B.Sure,what is the matter?★Dad,this ismy roommate,Andrea.●________B.Hello,Andre★Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning?●______C.No.I have nothing planned tomorrow.

h***s 4周前 上传118   0


A__________a result of his hard work,he gained a d mission to Beijing University.A.ForB.AsC.Due[答案]BA student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.A.semesterB.seminarC.season [答案]AA student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.

h***s 2年前 上传2760   0


国开电大专科《理工英语1》一平台机考题库第一大题 词汇与结构说明:试题随机组合。AAll the trees_______last summer.A.plantedB.were plantedC.are planting [答案]BAll the trees_______last summer.A.were plantedB.are plantingC.planted

h***s 2年前 上传650   0


国开电大专科《商务英语1》一平台机考题库第二大题 词汇与结构说明:试题随机组合。18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins_________2002.A.forB.at C.since [答案]CAA conversation_________betw

h***s 2年前 上传655   0


说明:2024年7月整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。◆-_____________.-Imean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it.A.What do you mean?B.What do you think?C.How do you mean?◆-_____________. We are leaving on Sunday.-Yes, that’s a good idea.A.Why don’t you join us?B.Can you tell me how to get to the Linden Street?C.When shall I arrive at your home?◆-_____________will it take me to walk there?

h***s 2个月前 上传236   0


★-Do you think I can use your car for one day?-________.A.I’m afraid not.B.No, you can’tC.I won’t let you do that.

h***s 2个月前 上传190   0


A_________a company really wants is a candidate has_________the right skills.A.What...thatB.What...whatC.That...that[答案]A_________a company really wants is a candidate hasthatthe right skills.A.WhatB.WhoC.That[答案]AAnew food market will_________in our community next month.

h***s 2年前 上传449   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。◆-_____________.-Imean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it.A.What do you mean?B.What do you think?C.How do you mean?◆-_____________. We are leaving on Sunday.-Yes, that’s a good idea.A.Why don’t you join us?B.Can you tell me how to get to the Linden Street?C.When shall I arrive at your home?◆-_____________will it take me to walk there?-About ten minutes.

h***s 2个月前 上传318   0


★-Do you think I can use your car for one day?-________.A.I’m afraid not.B.No, you can’tC.I won’t let you do that.

h***s 2个月前 上传183   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★-Albert,this is Jim.●_____Jim?B.How do you do,★-Are you a member of the_____? ●I’m her brother.B.household★-Are you free this Sunday?I need to talk to you about our assignment.●_____C.I have already finished it by myself,and you need to find another group mate★-Are you ready to take a ride in my new sports car?●__________B.Yes, I’d love to.★-Are you settling in well here in this city?●____________A.Everything is going OK.Thank you!

h***s 1个月前 上传251   0


A__________a result of his hard work,he gained a d mission to Beijing University.A.ForB.AsC.Due[答案]BA student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.A.semesterB.seminar

h***s 1年前 上传398   0


★A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to_________paying his fare.A.avoid★All students are required to translate this poem_________English into Chinese.B.from

h***s 1个月前 上传125   0


★_________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.Being★_________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.Being

h***s 1个月前 上传131   0


★A_________designer is needed.A.full-time ★A_________designer is needed.C.full-time

h***s 1个月前 上传93   0