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第二题 词汇结构题库

★A_________designer is neededAfulltime
★A_________designer is neededCfulltime
★About_________of the students attended the meetingA two thirds
★All the mobile phones must_________before the meeting beginsBbe turned off
★All the mobile phones must_________before the meeting beginsCbe turned off
★All the team members tried their bestWe lost the game______________Chowever
★All these measures will dramatically the development of the western areas in ChinaCboost
★And if the idea can be accepted among people the impact will be________Aenormous
★Are you still hereYou were here half an hour agoWho____________forBare you waiting
★As for your second question we have noticed_________reportsCrelavant
★Because of the huge demand of deliverymistakes are________Ainevitable
★But________number of the users is expected to rise to 446 million by 2022Athe
★Can you give me some useful________on how to save moneyAtips
★Car owners will probably be against it but people who use public transportation will be____itBin favor of
★Did you find the way to the new library●SureMrWhite gave me very________directionsAclear
★Digital devices are becoming smaller and________to carryCeasier
★Do you want to waitFive days_________too long for me to waitBis
★Don’t get them mixedYou can leave bottles in a________binAseparate
★Each CPU considered more than 6 billion hands of pokerThat________more poker than has been played by the entire human raceCamounts to
★Each CPU considered more than 6 billion hands of pokerThat________more poker than has been played by the entire human raceCamounts to
★Earth Hour has become a global movement________more than 50 million people across 35 countries participatingCwith
★Even though he has been here for many yearshe still couldn’t_________himself to local dietAadapt
★Fewer jams will mean________stopstart drivingCless

★Flowers spread an attractive fragrance and make your home look more________Aappealing
★For the sake of environmental protectionwe should discourage people________their carsCfrom using
★Going green_________have to be a challengeCdoesn’t
★Going green_________have to be a challengeBdoesn’t
★_________he opened the car door and drove the car awayCUnconsciously
★_________had the bell rung_________the students took their seatsCHardlywhen
★Having an education from a school will make you realize your dream and get recognitionBreputable
★He characterized briefly the main_________in the world todayBtrend
★He designed a glass and steel pyramid to________the entrance to the LouvreBserve as
★He gave the boss a report which_________the current marketCanalyzed
★He has forgotten to_________the batteryCcharge
★He has just finished a________joggingBtwohour
★He is a________follower of classical musicAdedicated
★He is the right person to_________such a large wine companyCrun
★He is the right person to_________such a large wine companyCsupervise
★He is used to________in the housewhich is used to_________booksBlivingstore
★He is working hard_________will make him pass the final examBwhich
★He voters to go to the polls tomorrowBappeal for
★He was rushed to the hospital with_________injuriesBmultiple
★He________his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figuresCdecorated
★He_________with his wife on household expensesAargued
★He_________with his wife on household expensesAargued
★Henry and his landlady are talking about how to________of garbageCdispose
★Henry is having an________at the Design Department and the manager is the interviewerAinterview
★He’s decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worth_________Cbuying
★He’s the best_________I’ve come across this seasona great playerCopponent
★His________to find a solution has failedBattempt
★Hold on a minutepleaseI’ll put you_________Cthrough
★How will the war_________on his generationCimpact
★_________is well knownShanghai is a big city.BAs
★_________I enjoy most is I can have a holiday from work AWhatthat
★I adapted quickly________the new climateAto
★I am interested in novels_________by HemingwayAwritten
★I am not feeling very wellI_________to see the doctorBneed
★I didn’t know what to dobut then an idea suddenly_________to meCoccurred
★I don’t use TV________a babysitter because the children won’t watch enoughAas

★I have a pretty good understanding of the job and I believe that I can handle it with________Aease
★I have had some experiences________Chinese since I came hereAin teaching
★I have learned a lot of theory at school and now it is time for me to put it into________Cpractice
★I have never read a book that is_________than Harry PotterBmore interesting
★I have never read a book that is_________than Harry PotterCmore interesting
★I prefer_________to_________Cdrivingbeing driven
★I really appreciate_______to help mebut I am sure that I will be able to manage by myselfAyour offering
★I saw your advertisement for an engineer in the newspaper yesterdayis the________still openBposition
★I think people need to________and interact with other peopleCget out
I’d appreciate it if you could tell me how_________the machineBto operate
★If fewer cars are permitted to be used in the city People will see it________threatening their freedomAas
★If I had time_________see that new movie at the University TheaterCI’d
★If I had time_________see that new movie at the University TheatreBI’d
★If I had time_________see that new movie at the University TheaterCI’d
★If you keep your house greenyou a void the_________of many dangerous diseaseArisk
★I’ll never forget the days_________I worked together with themBwhen
★I’ll never forget the days_________I worked together with youBwhen
★I’ll never forget the days_________I worked together with youBwhen
★I’m answering your advertisement for interior designerIs the_________still open Aposition
★I’m eager to get the job and looking forward to________you about the interviewAhearing from
★I’m more afraid to expose my unborn baby________the dangerAto
★I’m tiredI_________working very hardBhave been
★It is necessary to have a team leader with you can workBwhom
★It is necessary_________the book immediatelyAfor him to return
★It is necessary_________he book immediatelyCfor him to return
★It was a_________relationship between the boy and the manCcomplex
★It was not_________he took off his glass_________I realize who he wasCuntilthat
★It was the Louvre Pyramid_________brought him worldwide fameBthat
★It was the Louvre Pyramid_________brought him worldwide fameCthat
★It will cost_________time to paint the old furnitureAconsiderable
★It will cost_________time to paint the old furnitureCconsiderable
★It will cost_________time to paint the old furnitureCconsiderable
★It’s best to_________a reasonable amount of money in your Ali pay account so that you can pay without going through any lengthy verificationBdeposit
★It’s no use_________herelet’s go homeCwaiting
★Jane is in low spirits today●It doesn’t matter A box of chocolates will________her upCcheer

★Katie admits she sometimes uses TV as a pacifier when her children are overly excited and it usually______ Bworks
★Learning some relaxation techniques can help you________your stressCcope with
★_________Mr Zhang said is quite rightCWhat
★Mary couldn’t help________when she saw her parentsAcrying
★Mary can’t help_________when she saw her parentsAcrying
★Milton_________the glass to his lipsAraise
★Modern machinery_________been installed in this newly built factoryBhas
★Most of the artists_________to the party were from South AfricaBinvited
★My chief purpose is to point________the difficulties of the matterAout
★My first_________is the TajMahal because it is a teardrop of loveCrecommendation
★Now more and more schools care for the full of________the students’ talentsAdevelopment
★Of the two architectural designsI think this one is_________Bbetter
★Of the two architectural designsI think this one is_________Cbetter
★Our company specializes_________architectural designBin
★Pei was the son of a_________bankerCprominent
★People like to be_________around peopleBpassive
★Placing a job advertisement on an online job board is_________Bcostly
★Prices of daily goods_________online can be lower than store pricesAbought
★Put everything you want in theshopping cartto make a list of________purchasesBpotential
★Read the evaluations from buyers and you have an idea who is________Atrustworthy
★_________somebody decides to break the rulesBWhat if
★Several of the members have_________suggestions of their ownAcome up with
★She talks as if he_________everything in the worldAknew
★She_________close contacts with the scientist for many yearsBmaintained
★Society is now much more_________than ever beforeAdiverse
★Sorry to say there are quite a few mistakes in your homework You should do it more________●I will Many thanksAcarefully
★________the huge demand delivery mistakes are inevitableABecause of
★_________trying to beat back the rising floodinnovative amphibious buildings can adapt to the rising floodCInstead of
★_________trying to beat back the rising floodinnovative amphibious buildings can adapt to the rising floodAInstead of
★Talk to service staff________early________possibleAasas
★The book focuses on how to________freedom with responsibilityCcombine
★The book you ordered is not_________Aavailable
★The company has_________10 million for advertisingCbudgeted

★The company is________busy________it’s hiring 55000 workers to deliver giftsAso that
★The law requires that everyone_________his car checked at least once a yearChave
★The more knowledge we havethe better we can_________our choicesCrefine
★The news reporters hurried to the airportonly_________the film stars had leftBto be told
★The next train________is from WashingtonBto arrive
★The organization has_________a campaign to raise money for the electionBlaunch
★The organization will_________a survey about the career choices of the college graduatesBconduct
★The question_________by us soonCis going to be discussed
★The school conducted a(n)_________investigation on the accidentBextensive
★The store will_________5 for cash paymentCdiscount
★The work_________by the time you get hereAwill have been done
★The work_________by the time you get hereBwill have been done
★The_________question is much more different than this oneBsixth
★The_________question is much more different than this oneAsixth
★There________a higher risk of failed transactions because of your mistakeAis
★There are_________of ways to make your house look greenerBplenty
★There are_________students in Class One than in Class TwoBmore
★There are_________students in Class One than in Class TwoAmore
★There are many ways_________the problemBto solve
★There is still no_________that children up to the age of two can learn anything of value from televisionBevidence
★These shops_________to the needs of childrenCcater
★These shops_________to the needs of childrenBcater
★They________the public to protect dolphins and tigersBappeal for
★They became satisfied with the design________the modelCafter witnessing
★They have_________a new phone line in the apartmentBinstalled
★They have been interested in theories________how the universe was createdAas to
★This garden is three times as_________as that oneAbig
★This garden is three times as_________as that oneCbig
★This medicine_________before dinnerAshould be taken
★This new policy will_________thousands of new jobs for the young peopleAgenerate
★This will make computer games more_________than everCinteractive
★Tom told a lie to avoid_________ Bbeing punished
★Tom told a lie to avoid_________Abeing punished
★Tom told a lie to avoid_________for his faultBbeing punished
★Tom_________have kept his promiseI wonder why he changed his ideaBshould

★We are a franchised store There is no discount ________promotionsAexcept for
★We are going to_________the interviews late next weekso if you’re to be considered we’ll ring you by FridayBconduct
★We call for people to take actions to create a________future for the planetCsustainable
★We have fully_________smoke alarms on all staircasesCfunctional
★We must put_________into practiceCthat have we learned
★We must_________unnecessary expenseAeliminate
★We require a fouryear college degree in DesignSome work experience would be________Ahelpful
★We sent the injured to the hospital_________the accident happenedBimmediately
★We will_________you laterAcontact
★We will_________you laterBcontact
★Wellthe design manager is_________by your CV and he wants you to be in his teamBimpressed
★Wellthe design manager is_________by your CV and he wants you to be in his teamCimpressed
★What I should do is_________the task soonAto finish
★What matters is how your house looks and how it_________you and others residing in itCaffects
★What qualifications should I have to_________this majorAapply for
★What’s happened to Tom●______to hospitalAHe’s been taken
★When you are writing a cover letteryou should pay attention________the following tipsCto
★Will you go to the party________staying at home tonightAinstead of
★With the help of the advertisementwe have received a lot of________for this position and are planning to fill it within the next two weeksCapplications
★With three children to take care ofMary has her hands_________Bfull
★You do not mind____________long hoursdo youAworking
★You don’t have to start over from____________Ascratch
★You remember to bring your credit card with youand I will get________Amine




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★Can you tell me about the trash collection?●_________A.OK,let me show you.★Can you turn down the radio,please?●________B.I’m sorry,I didn’t realize it was that loud.

h***s 1个月前 上传116   0


★__________before you act.A.Think★__________by the failure of the project,the manager could hardly say a word.B.Shocked

h***s 4周前 上传169   0


本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_________a vacation is always a good way to get relaxation and refreshment.C.Taking★_________a vacation is always a good way to get relaxation and refreshment.C.Taking

h***s 1个月前 上传120   0


★_________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.Being★_________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.Being

h***s 1个月前 上传130   0


本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★Although he has sought to find a peaceful_____,he is facing more pressure from his business rivals.C.solution★Although he has sought to find a peaceful_____,he is facing more pressure from his business rivals.C.solution★Although he has sought to find a peaceful_____,he is facing more pressure from his business rivals.A.solution

h***s 1个月前 上传111   0


★A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to_________paying his fare.A.avoid★All students are required to translate this poem_________English into Chinese.B.from

h***s 1个月前 上传124   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_______dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!C.How★______earth runs around the sun.B.The★______Great Wall is a symbol of China.B.The★_______Great Wall is a symbol of China.B.The★_______is forbidden in public places.C.Smoking★______is the elder brother in the family.B.He

h***s 1个月前 上传111   0


说明:2024年8月16日整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。 本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 ★________does your team have a meeting?▲How often★_________improve your service,you need to make market surveys so as to know what your customers are thinking and demanding.B.In order to★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.A.It★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.B.It ★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when y

h***s 1个月前 上传100   0


★Can you tell me about the trash collection?●_________A.OK,let me show you.★Can you turn down the radio,please?●________B.I’m sorry,I didn’t realize it was that loud.

h***s 1个月前 上传104   0


◆3D printers have spread from labs to industrial factories,_________they are being cheaper and cheaper.A.so◆3D printing is just at the beginning stage.It is not_________.A.mature◆50 miles southwest of the country_________the famous beautiful mountain.C.lies

h***s 2个月前 上传205   0


★_____in the late 1970s_____American manufacturing factories realized that quality control was a significant issue.C.it was....that

h***s 1个月前 上传187   0


[单选题]◆From this passage,we learn that an e-book_________.A.can be found in any libraryB.can be read directly from the InternetC.can be read by any one who has a computerD.can be read when special software is installed

h***s 1个月前 上传127   0


[判断题]◆The new series of game will feature a new story with unfamiliar themes.[答案]F[判断题]◆The new game will be combined with other products.[答案]F

h***s 1个月前 上传87   0



h***s 1个月前 上传106   0


国开电大专科《理工英语1》一平台机考题库第一大题 词汇与结构说明:试题随机组合。AAll the trees_______last summer.A.plantedB.were plantedC.are planting [答案]BAll the trees_______last summer.A.were plantedB.are plantingC.planted

h***s 2年前 上传650   0


说明:试题随机组合。AA good boss is the one who can____________his employees to work harder and harder.A.exciteB.move C.motivate[答案]CA good boss is the one who can____________his employees to work harder and harder.A.motivate B.move C.excite

h***s 2年前 上传356   0


★3D printing is one of the latest technological innovations.(红色字体为本题正确答案)―_________Maybe its functions are questionable.A.Really?

h***s 2个月前 上传154   0


★―Any suggestions for the project?―________________.B.I advise you to put more hands in this project.

h***s 1个月前 上传159   0


本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_________CEO s spend planning,the more profitable their companies are.A.The more time★_________CEO s spend planning,the more profitable their companies are.C.The more time★_________clearly communicate with and actively listen to employees is essential to improve their performance.C.Being able to★_________employees keep leaving and joining the company,they also retire form time to time leaving empty places in various positions.C.As

h***s 1个月前 上传167   0


(1)绿色食品现在越来越受到消费者的青睐;(2)为什么绿色食品如此受欢迎;(3)绿色食品将有更大的发展空间。标准答案一:Due to its high-quality and original tastes green food appeals to more consumers.From supermarkets to chain stores,green food is found everywhere.

h***s 2个月前 上传224   0


说明:资料整理于2024年8月23日,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。 本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★________,after introduction,you can ask about their journey.C.To break the ice★________,after introduction,you can ask about their journey.A.To break the ice★A fireman discovered the_______of the fire.A.cause★A good tour guide tells visitors_______.B.what they couldn’t miss during the trip ★A good tour guide tells visitors_______.A.What they couldn’t miss during the trip★A secretary must_________big pile of files and correspondence in office.A.deal

h***s 4周前 上传115   0


★_____a company really wants is a candidate hasthatthe right skills.A.What★A new food market will______in our community next month.C.be built

h***s 4周前 上传101   0


Vacancy: Human Resources Department ManagerDue to expanding business,We KM are willing to employ one manager in charge of human resources department with the following terms.

h***s 1个月前 上传185   0


★____are the most popular things people buy online?●Definitely,clothes.A.What do you think★___●Imean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it.A.What do you mean?

h***s 4周前 上传88   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★___________●According to law,they refer to transportation,construction,finance,insurance and the like.C.What do you mean by taxable services?★___________●Alright,I will try my best.C.Can you give me a brief introduction about business tax?★And could you give me your signature here?●________B.Sorry?I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch that.

h***s 1个月前 上传114   0