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Effectiveness of seeing from a different angle




To start with I would like to share a typical story with all people present tonight Devastated by being abandoned by her boyfriend a young girl cried desperately in a park A philosopher walked past and said with a smile you merely lost a person who did not love you while he lost a person who loved him Actually he lost more than you so why do you hate him Frankly speaking he is the one who should regret what happened
I quite agree with the penetrating comments of the philosopher in this story Likewise happiness and sorrow in one’s life can be interchangeable if you stand at different angles Life is a process composed of not only flowers and applause but perhaps more of hardship and perspiration From the very start life is destined to be full of storms Trouble and setback may attack and make you feel at a loss suddenly just like thunderstorms in summer I appreciate the noble spirit and attitude towards life of grass and creek very much These two natural objects give us some inspiration and direction which can be applied to reality If you were grass neither as bright colored as flowers nor as big as trees you would nevertheless paint the ground with vigor were you a creek with neither the vast expanse of the seas nor with the surge of rivers you would still quietly contribute to the greater whole
However to hold a positive attitude towards all troubles and misery met in life is not easy It calls for wisdom and courage Thomas Edison one of the most famous inventors of human’s history witnessed his lab burnt into ashes in a big fire causing a huge loss of two million dollars at the age of 67 During the fierce blaze his son found Edison standing still and watching the fire with grey hairs swaying through the wind The next morning Edison uttered looking at the debris disasters have their own values All our past fallacies and mistakes have been eliminated as clean as whistle and now we can restart to turn a new leaf What an openminded and optimistic man he was Instead of being trapped in depression and complaint he calmed himself and focused on the sunny side of the matter by changing the traditional angle In this way he noticed a new start and hope through the disaster
Many people always complain that how unhappy they are or how many regrets they have In fact we will live a happy life as long as we change the way or the angle we regard as problems of all kinds So change your attitude and you will enjoy your life




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From college to career

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a***3 15年前 上传16918   0

translation from College to Career

For many seniors, the time leading up to college graduation and the start of a first job is often chaotic and stressful. You are trying to complete your college career without too much of a senioriti

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From college to career:coping with crisis

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Unit 3 Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures.同步复习教案(无答案)

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英文比赛演讲稿:we must stand up from where we fall down

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第一组达标检测卷 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 一、基础训练营(37分) 1.读拼音写词语。(10分) 2.选字填空。(8分) [涯 崖] 天(  ) 山(  ) 悬(  ) 无边无(  ) [戎 戒] (  )装 (  )烟 兵(  ) 清规(  )律 [扶 抚] 安(  ) (  )摸 (  )助 (  )危济困 [驰 弛] 奔(  ) 疾(  )

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第一组 达标检测卷 (60分钟 100分) 一、基础训练营(45分) 1.读拼音写词语。(11分) 我随着yōng jǐ(    )的人群来到zhè jiāng(    )的钱塘江,观看bō lán zhuàng kuò(      )的钱塘江大潮。此时, 江面shuǐ píng rú jìng(      )。远处,fēng luán xióng wěi(      )的大山在云雾中

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A组 集合及其函数单元练习(A)

A组 集合及其函数单元练习

山***芋 5年前 上传1388   0

**At a farm(A) Let’s learn教学设计

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A thank you letter

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A happy New Year to you

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教师节对联1.重教尊师,兴邦强市千秋誉;培桃育李,果硕功高万众歌。 2.重教尊师,阳光辉热土;耕云播雨,桃李醉春风。 3.固本承源兴伟业;提质创优谱华章。 4.长风破浪会有时;欲栽大木柱长天。 5.强国兴邦千秋业;尊师重教万代歌。 6.播雨耕云,三尺讲台奠基阳光伟业;呕心沥血,一腔爱意倾注华夏未来。本文档由香当网(https://www.xiangdang.

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子分部工程质量验收记录〔钢结构〕质控〔建〕表-18 0204□□工程名称福建力佳整体搬迁改造柴油机联合生产厂房结构类型轻钢结构验收部位~/~层 数1施工单位福建省工业设备安装技术部门负责人质量部门负责人分包单位厦门新长诚钢构浪板分包单位负责人黄齐良分

鬼***笑 5个月前 上传248   0


教师节标语1.老师,谢谢你!  2.光荣属于人民教师  3.向全体人民教师致敬  4.做为人民服务的教师,做让人民满意的教师  5.做让人民满意的教师,创让人民满意的学校,办让人民满意的教育  6.尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重教师  7.关心教育、重视教育、支持教育  8.教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来  9.肩负育人光荣使命,再创苍南教育辉煌  10.

四***廷 4年前 上传949   0


资金管理制度第一部分 货币资金管理一、支付每一笔款项,不论金额大小均应由财务总监会同总经理签字。 二、无论何种付款,出纳都须凭审核后的《支付证明单》支付,支付证明单应分别由经手人、部门主管、财务总监及总经理签字。 三、员工借款流程及有关规定 1.流程:填写“借款单”交部门主管签名交财务总监及总经理审批到出纳处取款 2.一次借支现金2000元(含2000元)

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