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Reading and Thinking:San Francisco — A City of Diversity
  Activity 1 Activating the background knowledge related to the topic diverse cultures
  1Talk about culture
  Ask students to work in pairs about the following two questions
  Q1 Can you find one thing that represents Chinese culture in our classroom
  Q2 Can you find one thing that represents western cultures in our classroom
  设计意图 学生两组找寻教室代表中国文化西方文化物品英语表达引出文化话题时激活相关话题语言
  2Talk about diverse cultures
  Ask students to work in pairs about the following two questions
  Q1 Can you find one thing that can represent both Chinese culture and western cultures in your daily life
  Q2 Do you know any place where diverse cultures are mixed
  3Identify the city with diverse cultures mentioned in the passage
  Ask students to look at the map the two pictures and the first sentence of the passage and identify what city is mentioned in this passage
  Q What city is talked about in this passage
  Activity 2 Reading for the general information of the travel journal
  1Get familiar with the format of a travel journal
  Ask students to look at the layout of the passage and answer the following two questions
  Q1 What is the writing style of the passage How do you know
  Q2 Who wrote it
  2Find out the timeline and the places visited by Li Lan
  Ask students to find out the time and the places mentioned and take notes with the help of the following table

  3Use one sentence to summarize Li Lan’s traveling route in San Francisco
  Ask students to work in pairs and use one sentence to summarize Li Lan’s traveling route
  Suggested answer Li Lan visited the Mission District a local museum and Chinatown in San Francisco within one day
  设计意图 学生两组句话初步描述李兰天参观三点续深入阅读深入阅读进步概括做铺垫引导学生逐步解旧金山
  Activity 3 Reading for the detailed information of San Francisco
  1Read for detailed information of the Mission District
  Ask students to read Paragraph 2 carefully and answer the following three questions
  Q1 Which expression in Paragraph 2 can best show the diverse cultures of the Mission District
  Suggested answer a real mix of cultures
  Q2 What examples are listed
  Suggested answer Many of the people living here are from Mexico or Central America  graffiti and comic MexicanChinese noodles
  Q3 So what culture forms are mixed in this place
  Suggested answer races arts and food
  设计意图 学生细读段找出提炼教会区元文化表达:a real mix of cultures学生两组找寻元文化体现基础提炼教会区元文化体现种族样化艺术表现形式样化食物样化先文中表达概括文中具体信息支撑语言概括文化样性表现形式程信息提炼加工程
  2Read for detailed information of the local museum
  Ask students to read Paragraph 3 carefully and explore the following four questions
  Q1 Why did Li Lan choose the local museum as her next stop
  Suggested answer It is a place that showed the historical changes in California
  Q2 What are the historical changes
  Suggested answer America got California from Mexico the gold discovery near San Francisco led to people from all over the world going there including many Chinese immigrants earned a living by doing various jobs they built their homes there
  Q3 Did the historical changes lead to diverse cultures of San Francisco How
  Suggested answer Yes People around the world went to San Francisco to seek their fortune and many stayed there from then on thus contributing to the diverse cultures there
  Q3 What did the Chinese do there to earn a living
  Suggested answer Some opened up shops and restaurants some found jobs on farms joined the gold rush or went to build the railway
  设计意图 探究李兰选择博物馆作游览第二站问题开始引导学生逐步明白旧金山元文化非夕形成历史背景原果说教会区李兰体会横元文化博物馆旅文化感知体验段设计重点通问题链引导学生解旧金山元文化历史成意义时初步感受中国移民淘金热时期生活艰难
  3Read for detailed information of Chinatown
  Ask students to read Paragraph 4 carefully and answer the following two questions
  Q1 What did Li Lan find in Chinatown
  Q2 Compared with the life during the gold rush what kind of life do the Chinese live in San Francisco now
  Suggested answer During the gold rush the Chinese people struggled to make a living while now they may live a better life and can even spread Chinese culture there
  设计意图细读段找出李兰唐街见基础推测中国移民现旧金山生活淘金热时期生活差异感知移民struggle to survivestruggle to thrive转变
  Activity 4 Summarizing the cultural trip in San Francisco
  1Work in groups of four and summarize the cultural trip in three different places in San Francisco
  Ask the students to work in groups of four and summarize the whole journey again by adding some detailed information of the three places
  Suggested answer First she visited the Mission District where she experienced a real mix of cultures Then she visited a local museum which was a window for the historical changes of the city Here Li Lan had a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures in this city from the historical perspective Chinatown was the last place she visited that day It is a place where Chinese culture is displayed
  设计意图 学生四组进步纳李兰旧金山元文化体验旅引导学生时间序表达清楚天旅程时概括清楚三点文化样性体现初读文章句话概括进步深化时节课作业做铺垫
  Polish the summary which has been discussed at the end of the class
  A possible version
  Within one day Li Lan experienced the diverse cultures in San Francisco First she visited the Mission District where she experienced a real mix of cultures Then she visited a local museum which was a window for the historical changes of the city Here Li Lan had a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures in this city from the historical perspective Chinatown was the last place she visited that day It is a place where Chinese culture is displayed It is really a cultural trip 





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从知识角度分析为什么难 宾语从句是高考语法项目中的重要考察内容。从简单句向复杂句过渡是一个重要考察的内容,以及要正确使用所需的连接词。

夏***子 3年前 上传600   0



夏***子 3年前 上传494   0


1 举例说出人类遗传病的主要类型; 2了解遗传病监测与预防措施; 3 关注人类基因组计划与人类健康; 4 进行人类遗传病的调查。 ◇能力目标 走入社会,能对人类遗传病进行调查。 ◇情感态度1 在社会调查中学会分工合作; 2 尊重和保护残疾人。

温***季 3年前 上传447   0


一、教学内容  本课时着眼于文本的信息梳理和整体理解,通过问题引导学生梳理为什么郎平和乔丹是masters,他们树立了什么样的榜样,在此基础上让学生运用所学语言谈论自己心目中的体育明星。  二、课时目标  1. 快速阅读获取有关郎平和乔丹的基本

6***雅 7个月前 上传166   0



温***季 3年前 上传407   0


 理解离子键 共价键的概念。 会用电子式简单表示离子键、共价键的形成。 利用对比学习的方法,对照离子键的成键规律,生成共价键的成键规律。 对照区分极性共价键和非极性共价键的成键特点,培养归纳比较能力。

温***季 3年前 上传533   0


文本简析  本单元的话题是“道德与美德”,阅读文本介绍了被尊称为“万婴之母”的林巧稚大夫。她是中国妇产科学的主要开拓者、奠基人之一,她不仅医术高明,她的医德、医风、奉献精神更是有口皆碑。

6***雅 7个月前 上传188   0



听***荷 5年前 上传1565   0


第一章 行星地球 第一节 宇宙中的地球 教学目标:知识与技能 1.了解天体的主要类型和天体系统的层次,描述地球的宇宙环境。 2.运用资料说明地球是太阳系中一颗既普通又特殊的行星,理解地球上生命存在的原因。 3.培养用比较分析的方法解决有关地理问题的能力。 过程与方法 1.分析图片,形成宇宙物质性的观念,形成天体系统各层次的感性认识。 2.利用图表分析法和比较法自主探究地球在太

z***u 5年前 上传1547   0


Unit 5: Languages Around the WorldThe Chinese Writing System: Connecting the Past and the Present第1课时一、教学内容  理解全文,了解汉字书写体系的发展。  第一课时以汉字的演变为核心,以“预测——提问——阅读——解惑——梳理——概括”为主要流程,整体感知文本内容,重点探究汉字文化体系的历

天***猩 2个月前 上传103   0

人教版高中物理必修一 第3章 第4节第1课时 力的合成 (Word版含答案)

人教版高中物理必修一 第3章 第4节第1课时 力的合成 一、单项选择题(共5小题;共20分)1. F1 、 F2 、 F3 是作用于同一物体上的三个共点力,已知 F1>F2>F3,下列矢量图中这三个力的合力最大的是   A. B. C. D. 2. 三个共点力 F1=5 N 、 F2=8 N 、 F3=10 N 作用在同一个质点上,其合力大小

高***本 3个月前 上传106   0

第3节 第1课时 物体的浮沉条件教案

第3节 物体的浮沉条件及应用第1课时 物体的浮沉条件1.知道物体的浮沉条件,了解轮船是怎样浮在水面上的。2.了解浮沉的各种现象,规范描述各种浮沉状态的语言。3.理解物体的浮沉条件是二力平衡知识的具体应用,结合阿基米德原理掌握浮力问题的解决方法。通过物体的浮沉现象的实验研究,培养学生思维能力和实验研究能力。1.通过浮力知识应用实例培养学生理论联系实际的良好学风,激发兴趣和提高

阳***师 1年前 上传384   0


本节为(人教版)《普通高中课程标准实验教科书生物必修2 遗传与进化》第5章第3节的内容。本节以遗传病的病理、危害、诊断和预防为线索,主要讲述人类遗传病常识性知识,与第2章第3节“伴性遗传”联系密切。本节活动较多:一个调查,两个资料搜集和分析,一个科学•技术•社会(STS)。本节与人类的生活联系紧密,对于提高个人和家庭生活质量,提高人口素质有重要的现实意义。

温***季 3年前 上传540   0



3***猪 2年前 上传307   0

人教版高一物理必修二学案 7.4重力势能(第1课时)


6***雅 2年前 上传337   0

PEP(人教版)小学英语四年级下册 Unit 3 分课时(1) 教案

Unit 3 WeatherPart A教学导航教学内容Let’s learn Let’s chant Let’s talk Let’s spell教学目标【知识目标】能听、说、认读并理解本部分的四个新单词cold, warm, cool, hot。【能力目标】让学生用所学的词汇和句型描绘气候特征。【情感目标】关心日常天气变化,能够对气候特点和天气情况进行描述。教学

文***7 3年前 上传650   0


1. Teaching Aims1) To activate Ss and arouse them to express their opinions about what to eat.2) Understand the details about the text and retell the text in the role of Wang Peng wei.3) Enable the students to learn how to talk about their eating

温***季 3年前 上传576   0


一、种类基本句型一:主+谓 (S+V)基本句型二:主+系+表 (S+V+P)基本句型三:主+谓+宾 (S+V+O)基本句型四:主+谓+间宾+直宾(S+V+IO+DO )基本句型五:主+谓+宾+宾补 (S+V+O+OC ) 基本句型六:主+谓+状 (S+V+A )基本句型七:主+谓+宾+状  (S+V+O+A )基本句型八:There be 句型

6***雅 7个月前 上传284   0

高中英语人教版必修一Unit 3 Travel Journey Warming up教案

Topic: Warming upLesson duration: 40 minutesTeaching Contents: Warming up of Unit 3Teaching key points and difficult points: Students can talk about his/her traveling experience with his/her par

高***本 6个月前 上传136   0

高中英语人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The internet Reading教案

高中英语人教版新版教材Unit 3-reading 教案以及知识点Step1-Warming up:Before reading: look at the title and discuss these questions in pairs.Q1: What do you think the text will say ?Probably answer: It might talk ab

文***7 5个月前 上传204   0



豆***2 3年前 上传607   0


Ⅰ.单词拼写1.As is known to all, talent and hard work are both ________(至关重要的) to career success.2.It is necessary for us to have an ________(客观的) attitude towards life.3.I want to relax myself completely, so I am going to the ________(植物的) Garden with my parents.

6***雅 7个月前 上传170   0


一.单词拼写1.Plainly, a more   (客观的) method of description must be adopted. 2.Portuguese explorers had   (绘制)the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone.

6***雅 7个月前 上传226   0


一.单词拼写1. (2020·江苏) Being good at something and having a p________ for it are not enough.2. In t________, as long as there is a parking space, facilities can be built for wireless charging, which is expected to help cut users’ waiting time.

6***雅 7个月前 上传246   0


一、用所给词的恰当形式填空1.To my pride, there come millions of _____________(committe) communists in China.2.What really matters about a leader is their _____________(commit) to getting to the right answer and to doing it in the right way.

6***雅 7个月前 上传181   0