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人教版英语九年级全一册Unit11 Section A 3a-3c学案




Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry
Section A 2 (3a3c)
1 够熟练 make + sb +do sth〞 make + sb +adj〞结构谈事物影响
2 够正确选择 make + sb +do sth〞 make + sb +adj〞结构结合实际生活情境理解运
3 述结构进行总结应
1 复已学关王室词汇
2 口头掌握句型:
This made the queen and his people worried
it doesn’t make me happy
She said that the sad movie made her cry
3 学练定式谈事物影响
4 总结 make〞法
读懂短文学会 make〞谈事物影响
课首先反复阅读短文意理解 make + sb +do sth〞 make + sb +adj〞结构进行理解语言积累方面训练增加述结构理解运
Step 1 Review
Review the grammar we have learned and lead in the new lesson
What can make you happy
Step 2 Reading
1 3a Read the story and answer the questions
1) Can medicine help the ill king Why or why not
2) Why does power not make the prime minister happy
3) Why does money not make the banker happy
4) Why does fame not make the singer happy
Keys No The doctor says there is nothing was wrong with his body
He’s always worried about losing his power Many people are trying to take his position
He’s always worried about losing his money Someone tries to steal his money every day〞
He’s always worried about being followed by others so he cannot be free
2 3b Find words or phrases from the story with meanings similar to these
1) did not want to eat _________________
2) was asked to come and help ________________
3) look carefully at __________________
4) becoming less important ___________________
5) get my job __________________
Keys didn’t feel like eating
be called in
losing … power
take my position
3 3c Roleplay the story with your group
King I’m unhappy I sleep badly and don’t feel like eating
Doctor It’s all in his mind Neither medicine nor rest can help him What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear That’ll make him happy
Prime Minister Although I have a lot of power it doesn’t make me happy I’m always worried about losing my power Many people are trying to take my position
Banker Oh I’m afraid I’m not happy either I have a lot of wealth but I’m always
worried about losing my money Someone tries to steal my money every
Singer It’s true that I’m famous and everyone loves my songs But I’m not happy
because I’m always worried about being followed by others I cannot be free
Step 3 Language points
1 He slept badly and didn’t feel like eating 睡眠糟糕想吃东西
feel like doing 想做某事
eg I feel like having a drink 想喝点酒
2 His face was always pale as chalk 总面色苍白
(as) pale as chalk种明喻修辞结构然英语苍白作chalk(白垩种白色石灰岩)汉语真译相说惨白苍白〞
eg You look as pale as chalk today What’s wrong
eg He suddenly went pale 突然面色苍白
3 One day a doctor was called in to examine the king
call in 召
eg He only waited two minutes before he was called in
Call in the doctor at once
call back 唤回回 回
call up (……) 想起回忆起
call away 走开
4 Neither medicine nor rest can help him 药物休息帮助
neither 表示两者〞
常词组:neither…nor ……谓语动词语致
eg Neither he nor I am from Beijing 北京
both either & neither
★neither表示两者〞 作语时谓语动词常单数形式
eg Neither of his parents is a doctor 父母医生
eg Both of his parents are doctors 父母医生
eg Either of his parents is a doctor 父母中医生
both and 连接语时谓语动词复数形式either or neither nor 连接语时谓语动词常离语称数保持致
eg Both my sister and my mother are teachers
Either Tom or I have to clean the room
Neither the twins nor John knows how to spell the word
1) 两双胞胎女孩礼貌
2) 两哥哥喜欢垃圾食品
3) 者准备参加会议
Keys Both of the twin girls are polite
Neither of her brothers likes junk food 
Either he or I am going to the meeting
5 I’m always worried about losing my power Many people are trying to take my position 总担忧失权力 想取代位置
1) be worried about worry about 担忧
eg We are all worried about my grandpa’s health
2) take one’s position 取代某位置
义词组:take one’s place
eg He takes my positionplace 取代位置
6 It’s true that I’m famous and everyone loves my songs
It’s+ adj +that 句 某事做某事样
eg It is important that we all should attend the meeting
7 I’m always worried about being followed by others 总担忧
be followed by
eg Lightning was quickly followed by heavy thunder
8 …find a happy man in three day’s time
in three days’ time 3天时间
in+时间段 段时间时
eg I will be back in three days 三天回
Step 3 Practice
1 国王王国中重物
The is the most important person in a kingdom
2 首相宣布辞职
The announced that she would resign
3 心智名利蒙蔽
His mind was blind by wealth and
4 病面色点苍白
She looks kind of after her illness
5 医生马检查
The doctor will you in a minute
Step 4 Homework
1 天想篮球
2 爸爸妈妈喜欢足球
3 父母总担忧学
4 学生应该学英语重
5 星期会北京
Step5 Blackboard Design
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry
Section A (3a3c)
1 did not want to eat didn’t feel like eating
2 was asked to come and help was called in
3 look carefully at examine
4 becoming less important losing one’s power
5 get my job take my position





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人教版英语九年级全一册Unit11 Section A 3a-3c学案

1. 能够熟练用 “ make + sb +do sth〞 和 “ make + sb +adj〞结构谈论事物对人的影响。2. 能够正确选择“ make + sb +do sth〞和“ make + sb +adj〞结构,并结合实际生活情境理解和运用。

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