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Module1检测题 外研版九年级英语下册




Module 1检测题
(时间:60分钟 满分:100分)
( )1Have you seen wolf warriorsⅡ(战狼Ⅱ)?
YesThis is educational film and it has become one of most popular films in the world
Aa Bathe Canthe Dthe
( )2This is roomIt's very big
AJim and Tim BJim and Tim's CJim's and Tim DJim's and Tim's
( )3 fast Guizhou Province is developing
YesIt hosts the Big Data Expo every year
AWhat BHow CWhat a DHow a
( )4There are more than 100 teachers in our schooland most of them are
Awoman teachers Bwomen teachers
Cwomen teacher D women teachers
( )5Nowadays farmers leave their hometown to search for work in the citiesAmillion of Btwo millions Cmillions of Dtwo millions of
( )6In Chinawe celebrate Day on June 1st Day on September 10th
AChildren'sTeacher's BChildrenTeachers
CChildren'sTeachers' DChildrens'Teacher's
( )7On her birthdayshe got an ipad as a gift from her father
Atwelve Btwelfth Cthe twelfth Dthe twelfth
( )8 Excuse mecould I take the seat here?
The child sitting here will come soon
AYou'd better not BNothanks CYesplease DI'm afraid so
( )9 Beth has a beautiful ListenlShe is singing beautifully
Asound Bvoice Cnoise Dlook
( )10 This is bedroomIt's big and clean
ALucy and Lily's BLucy and Lily
CLucy's and Lily DLucy's and Lily's
Some time agomy wife and I travelled to Sydney to visit my sisterWe had taken more clothes than we needed and struggled onto the train
In front of usin a facetoface seat1 six young men in their early twentiesThey were strong and 2 and I disliked them immediatelyThey were laughing loudly obviously 3 themselves and they 4 a foreign language
As the train went quickly 5 the countrysideI kept an eye on them as they joked aroundSometimes they took a look in our directionWhen two of them got 6 I relaxed a littleThe rest of them 7 to laugh and joke in their own language
When we finally arrived at our 8only one of them was left on the trainHe was obviously 9 too and as I struggled towards him with my heavy luggage(行李)he reached out and asked in EnglishWant a hand with thatmate?
He10the heavier bag up the station steps for usWe were pleasantly surprised and very grateful
( )1Asat Bstood Clay Dlived
( )2Apolite Bquiet Clazy Dnoisy
( )3Ahelping Benjoying Cteaching Ddevoting
( )4Atold Bspoke Csaid Dtalked
( )5Aabove Bonto Cover Dthrough
( )6Aoff Bup Calong Don
( )7Awanted Bstarted Cstopped Dcontinued
( )8Ahouse Bhotel Cstation Dshelter
( )9Abored Bworried Cexcited Dfrightened
( )10Acarried Bleft Cbrought Dbought
My name is JennyGeorge is one of my good friendsOne daywe went on a trip to Washington by trainAn old man sat next to usOne hour laterthe old man went to the washing roomA young man came over and sat downGeorge looked at him and saidSiryou must be wrongThis is not your seatBut the young man said nothingSome minutes laterthe old man came back and saidSirthis is my seatnot yoursNoit's my seatnot yoursthe young man answered
At that time George had a good ideaHe stood up and said to the old manPlease take my seatThe train is arriving in New YorkI will get off the train soonThe young man looked surprisedWhat?The train is to New York?I think I take the wrong trainThen he stood up and ranaway at onceGeorge smiled at the old man and saidPlease sit downsir
He will be back soonHe is on the right trainbut just on the wrong seat
( )1The train was to according to the passage
ANew York BWashington CMoscow DLondon
( )2When did the old man go to the washing room?
ASome minutes later BAn hour later
CBefore getting on the train DAfter getting off the train
( )3Who took the wrong seat?
AJenny BGeorge CThe old man DThe young man
( )4What can we learn from the passage?
AGeorge was the son of the old man
BGeorge would get off in New York
CJenny went to Washington for a meeting
DThe young man didn't take the wrong train
( )5What's the best title for the passage?
AA Fantastic Trip BTravelling by Train
CA Clever Boy DA Good Way to Travel
A trip to SeoulSouth Korea(韩国)
Day 1
Our guide will meet you at Incheon International Airport(仁川国际机场)in the morningCheck in(登记住)at the fivestar King HotelThen have lunch at a famous Korean restaurant in the city centreEnjoy the beautiful scenery(风景)at the Banpo Bridge over the Han RiverIt turns into beautiful colours at nightAnd then enjoy Korean seafood near theriver
Day 2
Have breakfast at the hotelVisit the Seoul Tower and the TeddyBear Museum near the hotelHave famous chicken soup for lunchAfter lunchgo to Changdeokgung Palacea great place to learn about the history of KoreaIn the eveningvisit Gwangjang Marketwhich is famous for all kinds of Korean street food
Day 3
After breakfast at the hoteldrive to Namsangol Hanok VillageThere are five traditional Korean houses thereTourists can see how Korean people lived in the pastAlsojoin in traditional Korean activities and enjoy traditional Korean food at Korea House
Day 4
Drive to Dongdaemun Market early in the morning and spend half aday shoppingDrive to the airport and fly back to Shanghai
( )6Tourists will enjoy the beautiful scenery on Day 1
Abefore they check in Bafter they have lunch
Cas soon as they leave the airport Dafter they enjoy Korean seafood
( )7How many breakfasts will tourists have at the hotel?
AOne BTwo CThree DFour
( )8Tourists can learn about the history of Korea at
Athe Seoul Tower BGwangjang Market
CChangdeokgung Palace Dthe Teddy Bear Museum
( )9In Namsangol Hanok Village tourists
Acan spend half a day shopping
Bcan find five traditional Korean houses
Ccan't join in a traditional Korean activity
Dcan't see how Korean people lived in the past
( )10We can see that this passage is
Aa travel plan Ba piece of news
Ca sports report Da tradition introduction
People travelled to see the buildingsthe foodthe national dresses in foreign countriesbecause they thought they would not be the same as those of their own countries in the past11 They all have their Hilton or Sheraton Hotels everywhereThey all have their McDonald'stheir KFCs and their Pizza HutsOffice buildings look the same everywhereand most city centres are full of office buildingsAnd ofcoursepeople are driving the same brands of Japanese or European cars
Then why is the foreign travel popular nowadays?What do tourists hope to experience in a foreign country that they cannot experience at home?The answer could be that people could be very interested in thepast12 Most people travel overseas to find out what foreign countries'history and culture used to be likenot what they are like today
Tourists visit different kinds of museums in foreign countries so that they can learn their history and cultureEvery country also has its own beautiful places for tourists to visitTheir own special scenery would certainly attract tourists from other countries 13 It is not just its old buildingsits works of art orbeautiful placesbut also the people who live in itThis is why a country such as Thailand attracts millions of peopleThe tourists come mainly because of the friendliness of the people thereIt is why the Pacific islands are also so popular14
AIt's a nation's history and culture that are the main attractions
BThe friendly people make visitors feel welcome
CFinallyanother attraction is its food
DAt presenthoweverone large city is similar to another
EThe culture of a country means a lot
l里停车(had better)

2认会成功份工作?(succeed in)

3愿意做什事成问题(as long as))

4昨天街见老朋友感惊奇(surprised to)

5糟糕天气运动会推迟(because of)

I still remember the first time I left home for one or two 1 (night)I was going to a summer camp for a monthWhen my parents told me about the campI was 2 (excite)because there were lotsof 3 (activity)there
The whole family drove me to the campWhen we arrivedI4 (see)a lot of kidsbut I didn't know anyoneI began to feel nervousThey gave me a little card with my name on itThen a girlwho looked 5 (old)than mecame up to me and saidHiMargieI'm SaraOur cabin 6 (be)the PinesFinally the time came when my parents saidWellMargiegoodbyeHave a great timeAnd don't worrywe'll write to 7 (you)oftenI had an awful 8 (feel)I wanted 9 (cry)But just then another girl of my age came up to me and saidHiare you Margie?I'm TammyI'm in the Pines tooCome onLet's go and see the horsesSo off we went and I had a 10 (wonder)month at camp
Once there was a man travelling in a faraway villageAs he was passingthe elephantshe suddenly stoppedHe found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front legNo chains(锁链)no cagesIt was clear that the elephants couldat any timebreak awayfrom their ropes but for some reasons(A)they did not
He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn't try to get awayWellthe trainer saidwhen they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them andat that ageit's enough to hold themAs they grow upthey still believe they cannot break awayThey believe the rope can hold themso they never try to break freeHow could it be?These animals could at any time break free from their ropesBut because they were always stuck right where they werethey believed they couldn't
Just like the elephantshow many of us go through life believing that we cannot do somethingjust because we failed at it once before?
(B) is part of learningWe should never give up the struggle(挣扎)in life

2Why do the elephants never break away from their ropest?(根短文回答问题)

3Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese(文中画线句子译汉语)


5What do you learn from the passage?

七书面表达(16分)假李华4月11日星期日天参加学校组织郊游活动请school trip题写英文日记容包括参加活动员集合时间郊游点交通方式活动容感受等





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Module1检测题 外研版九年级英语下册

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Module 1Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher.知识目标: a) 能听、说、认读下列单词: nice、clever、shy、naughty b) 能听懂、会说下列句型:He’s / She’s a bit/ very … c) 初步了解转折的表达方式:She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy.能力目标: 能简单描

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Module 1Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.一、教学内容  本教学知识点源于外语教学研究出版社,小学英语(供三年级起始用)第八册Module 1第一单元。本教学知识点围绕“在快餐店点餐”展开教学的。学习“hamburger、cola、dollar、cent、enjoy”等单词及“What do you want?/I want a hot dog, pl

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外研版七年级下册英语 Module 8 测试

Module 8 测试(限时: 60分钟, 100分)一、单项选择(每小题1分, 共10分)1. My family decide _______ our house this weekend.A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned2. —Did he visit the park yesterday afternoon?— ___

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 Unit 1 It’s the ABC song.一、学习目标 1.知识目标:1.知识目标:(1)能听懂并认读26个英文字母及词汇 song。  (2)会唱字母歌.  (3)初步感知英文字母的顺序。  2.能力目标:能够运用26个字母唱英文歌曲。从唱中学,学中唱,能够在日常生活中发现英文字母。  3.情感目标:培养学生“好的开始是成功的一半”的情感态度,字母是入门阶段的重

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Module 11 测试(限时: 60分钟, 100分)一、单项选择(每小题1分, 共10分)1. The girls enjoy walking arm _______ arm with their friends.A. at B. of C. in D. on2. —What is your way _______ English well?—I often speak E

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外研版七年级下册英语 Module 10 测试

Module 10 测试(限时: 60分钟, 100分)一、单项选择(每小题1分, 共10分)1. Mr Green is _______ holiday in Beijing _______ his family.A. on; with B. for; at C. in; with D. on; for2. —_______ is your friend going to st

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外研版英语四年级下册全册教案设计2021-1-27Module 1Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher.知识目标: a) 能听、说、认读下列单词: nice、clever、shy、naughty b) 能听懂、会说下列句型:He’s / She’s a bit/ very … c) 初步了解转折的表达方式:She’s very nice.

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I want a hot dog, please教学反思反思一:为了创设一个很好的情景,提高孩子们的积极性,我采用了图片复习一些学过的食物的单词,引出新单词hamburger、cola进行导入。整个活动的环节趣味简单,深得学生喜爱,同时我通过各种各样的任务和多样的游戏来吸引孩子们的注意力,由于整个过程我采用小组合作的方式在进行,所以学生也非常的积极,让孩子们在玩中学,学中玩。从单词到句型的

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