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描述程应加入更具体动作描述情感描写具体动作代抽象表达学较擅长写结性语言She felt really nervous and cold样句子然没错误直接形容词表达会导致续写指呈现抽象结没画面感
[例]天学校I go to school every day
扩写:With the sun rising from the east I together with Tom and Jerry ride to school at 600 every morning laughing and talking

1 情绪:情绪描写 & 2 细节:进步解释描写

(1)At the sight of the helicopter Jane beamed with wild joy
(2)Seeing the helicopter Jane beamed with wild joy
(3)The moment she caught sight of the helicopter Jane’s eyesface lit up with delight
(4)The moment she caught sight of the helicopter a bright smile lit up Jane’s faceeyes

①The smile on her face shone like a diamond脸笑容钻石样闪闪发光
②A smile of understanding flashed across his face脸露出种理解微笑
③She wore a shining smile on her face脸带着灿烂笑容
(1)When she knew the result of the test she felt excitedthrilled
(2)When she knew the result of the test her eyes twinkled with excitement
(3)When she knew the result of the test her heart was pounding with wild joy
(4)When she knew the result of the test a wild excitement took hold of her
(5)Knowing the result of the test she felt a surge of excitement
(6)Knowing the result of the test she was overcome with excitement

①A ripple of excitement ran through them阵激动声穿
②Laughter lingered around the room笑声房间里萦绕
③His eyes twinkled with pleasure眼睛闪烁着快乐
④A wild gaiety took hold of her种疯狂快乐控制
⑤Unforgettable were her eyes that shone like diamonds and lips held in a steady smile
⑥I was wild with joy欣喜狂
⑦I was pleased beyond description高兴难形容

(1)A lump came to her throat哽咽欲哭
(2)Her eyes were red from crying双眼哭通红
(3)Her eyes brimmed with tears眼里满含泪水
(4)Tears coursed trickledstreamed ran down her cheeks眼泪着面颊流
(1)She felt extremely sad
(2)A sadness came over her
(3)Her heart ached tears streaming down her cheeks
(4)Numb with grief she became speechless
(5)Feeling a surge of sadness she couldn’t help crying bitterly
(6)Sadness surging within her she burst into tears

①He stood silently tears rolling down his cheeks静静站着眼泪着面颊流
②I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness漂浮悲伤海洋里
③Her hands were shaking She was on the verge of tears手颤抖快哭
④Hearing the news so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine听消息绝悲伤淹没酒里
⑤She burst into tears and ran out of the room突然哭起跑出房间
⑥ She sobbed hiding her face in her hands掩面哭泣
⑦I tried to fight back tears My eyes were filled with tears努力忍住眼泪 眼里充满泪水
⑧A frown(皱眉)now stood on his face皱起眉头
⑨They sat there with glum looks on their faces坐里带着脸忧郁
⑩The news cast a cloud of gloom over his face消息脸蒙层阴影
(1)I felt very frightenedscaredpanicked
(2)I was in (a) panic was full of fear
(3)I stood rooted to the spot brimming with fearfilled with fear
(4) I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak
(5) I froze with terror too scared to move
(6) I was seized by a strong sense of honor my palms sweating

①He turned to me with his eyes full of horror转身眼里充满恐惧
②Fear slowly creeps upon her恐惧慢慢蔓延身
③She was struck with horror when感恐惧…
④She was choked by fear恐惧窒息
⑤Her face turned pale and stood there tonguetied脸色苍白站里舌头结
⑥A flood of fear welled up in him Fear flooded over him心中涌起阵恐惧 恐惧淹没
⑦Her heart beat so violently that she felt nearly suffocated心跳厉害窒息死
⑧She shook all over feeling like sitting on pins and needles 浑身颤抖觉坐针毡
(1)Sam felt very angry
(2)Sam stood rooted to the spot his eyes blazing with anger
(3)Sam felt so angry that he stormed out of the room slamming the door furiously behind him
(4)Boiling with rage Sam shook his fist at me
(5) fulled with fury Sam was unable to utter a single word

①I was seized by anger充满愤怒
②He was fuming with rage气发雷霆
③His anger boiled over愤怒爆发
④He could hardlyscarcely contain his rage控制住怒火
⑤He was breathing fire and fury充满着怒火
⑥His voice trembled with anger声音愤怒颤抖
⑦He gave me a look of burning anger愤怒眼
⑧He glared at me with burning eyes灼热目光怒视着
⑨He flared up at the word听字勃然怒
⑩His face clouded with anger气脸色阴沉
①Touched deeplyimmensely we…深深感动…
②Tears filling her eyes she offered her heartfelt gratitude热泪盈眶表示衷心感谢
③With tears streaming down her face she 泪水着脸颊流

3 转折:努力助外界
1encouragement(某鼓励) 2comfort(某安慰) 3inspiration(突然灵机动) 4effort(努力训练)
5calm(冷静思考) 6kindness(某善良) 7courage(勇敢)
8love(爱心需move(感动)patience(耐心)等适结合) 9help(时帮助)
pluck uptakegather one’s courage (to do)
(1)sb could hardly wait to do sth (2)without a second thought (3)without even thinking (4)without delay (5)without hesitation

4 转机:事情似转机抱希感欣慰

(1)It was like doing sth (2) It seemed as if that

(1)hoping that (2)seefeel a glimmer of hope (3)trying hard to do sth
(1)breathed a sign of relief sighed with relief松口气
(2) (a wave of) relief flooded through washed over sb
(3)to one's relief 欣慰放心

5 失:问题未解决出现新问题

(1)but bad luck for sb (2) but in vain (3) but without success (4) but no use
(1)sb did sth wondering what to do next (2)sb did sth not knowing what to do next
(3)sb did sth unsure of what to do next (4) sb was at a loss what to do
(5)sb was in a dilemma about whether to do sth or not

6 想法:突然想法(句话说明想法)
某想明白 意
(1) It suddenly occurred to sb that + 句 It hitstruck sb that + 句It dawned on sb that+句
(2) (an idea thought) occurred came to sbcameflashed into one’s mindcrowded in one’s mind
(3)one’s mind began to race

7 结局:段时间事情转折
(1)not long after thatshortly afterwards before long
It didn’t take long before+句It took some time before +句
(2) for an instantmoment
(1)To one’s surprise (delight) Strangely enough it turned out that +句
(2)But no second thoughts
(3)But what happened next was pure magic

8 总结:点题呼应前文
(1)倒装句:Not until+时间状语+did sb realizenotice that + 句
(2)强调句:It was only +时间状语+ that sb realized that + 句
(1)One's word echoedrang out in one’s ears
(2)One’s wordsvoicesong lingeredwhispered in one’s mind head
(3)One’s head was still full of
(1)感叹句:What aan valuedusefulgreatpainful lesson sb taught mesb learned from sb
What aan enjoyable pleasant wonderful unforgettable memorable interesting valued experience sb had
(3)Down deep in one’s heart某心深处

A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day As he walked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank he heard the sound of someone trying to start a car He tried again and again but couldn’t get the car moving Arthur turned and looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried Arthur stopped and asked It looks like you’ve got a problem Arthur said
I’m afraid so I’m in a big hurry and I can’t start my car
Is there something I can do to help Arthur asked The young man looked at the two suitcases in the back seat and then said Thanks If you’re sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi
No trouble at all I’d be glad to help
The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat After placing it on the ground he turned to get the other one Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking he heard the long loud noise of an alarm
It was from the bankThere had been a robbery (抢劫)
Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm and the shouts of people running from all directions Cars stopped and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank People asked each other What happened But everyone had a different answer
Arthur still carrying the suitcase turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him
She looked at the suitcase and then at him Arthur was surprised Why is she looking at me like that He thought The suitcase She thinks I’m the bank thief
Arthur looked around at the crowd of people He became frightened and without another thought he started to run
1 续写短文词数应150左右
2 应5短文中标划线关键词语
3 续写部分分两段段开头语已写
4 续写完成请划线标出关键词语
Paragraph 1
As he was running Arthur heard the young man shouting behind Stop stop
Paragraph 2
The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur

Step 1 阅读出情节

Step 2 构思续情节
Paragraph 1
As he was running Arthur heard the young man shouting behind Stop stop
Paragraph 2
The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur
Step 3 增加细节(描写)
b道具(with+n + onin one’s hand)
i Feeling tiredhappyworriedshamed sb did sth
ii Tired as he was he felt it worthwhile for
时间点渡sb doing sth1 did sth 2 doing sth 3 doing sth 4 doing sth 5 doing sth6 feeling looking
Step 4 成文
Paragraph 1
As he was running Arthur heard the young man shouting behind Stop stop
But just at the moment Arthur realized that the young man might be the bank chief So Arthur kept on running trying to his best to look for a taxi Soon he found a taxi parking by the road and jumped into it with the suitcase in his hand looking rather anxious Go to the police station Now The young man behind is a bank thief Arthur said to the driver in a loud voice Then the taxi raced away like the wind leaving the long loud noise of an alarm behind
Paragraph 2
The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur
The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur got off the taxi and rushed into the police station Arthur told the policeman what had happened to him who had already known about the bank robbery [After checking the suitcase the police man told him There is only clothes in the suitcase And I was informed the thief had been caught a few minutes ago Finally Arthur realized what a foolish thing he had done] [They opened the suitcase and found a large sum of money inside as Arthur expected Then the policeman told Arthur that the thief had been caught Eventually Arthur was awarded for his bravery and right decision]





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读后续写精彩表达句子动作描写句子-高兴1.On went her old brown jacket. On went her old brown hat. With a whirl of skirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she ran out of the door and down the stairs

的***有 1年前 上传377   0


2022届新高考英语读后续写高分素材1(21-23分)编撰:Ronnie1. Lisa planted her feet firmly in front of me.(稳稳地站着)2. Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.(拥抱)3. He parked down the street f

文***7 1年前 上传509   0


一、开心Her eyes twinkled with merriment. 她高兴得双眸闪闪发亮。Mack went into raptures and burst into laughter.麦克欣喜若狂,大笑起来。A ripple of laughter went through the crowd. 人群中传来一阵笑声Lily's laughter lingered in the room for a long time. 丽丽的笑声萦绕在房间里久久不能散去。

文***7 1年前 上传408   0


读后续写人物描写高级表达素材一、人物情绪刻画(1)高兴/兴奋...................................................名词...........................................................难以形容地开心indescribably wild joy既兴奋又开心a mixture o

还***法 8个月前 上传255   0


组合练(三)Ⅰ.应用文写作(2021·山东烟台一模)假定你是李华, 最近你校举办了创意灯笼展。你的英国朋友Jack对此很感兴趣, 发来邮件询问具体情况。请给他回复邮件, 内容包括: 1.灯笼展的时间、地点; 2.作品的来源、特色; 3.你的感受。注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。__________________________________

文***7 6个月前 上传173   0


组合练(二)Ⅰ.应用文写作(2021·山东临沂5月模拟)假如你的名字是李华。联合国青少年成长组织想了解各国中学生参加劳动的情况。请你给该组织的秘书长写一封邮件, 介绍你最近参加的一次劳动的情况。内容包括: 1.过程; 2.感受。注意: 1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。____________________________________________

文***7 6个月前 上传152   0


“应用文+读后续写” 能力升级练组合练(一)Ⅰ.应用文写作(2021·山东菏泽二模)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以“最难忘的一次传统节日”为题, 写一篇短文参赛, 内容包括: 1.你的经历; 2.你的感悟。注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。An Unforgettable Traditional Festival________________

文***7 6个月前 上传160   0


探究型学习活动设计 ——以Continuation writing 读后续写设计为例 一、教材及教学内容分析《普通高中英语课程标准(征求意见稿)》将英语核心素养凝练为语言能力、文化品格、思维品质和学习能力。英语学科核心素养中提出:学生应以主题意义探究为目的,以与语篇为载体,在理解和表达的语言实践活动中,融合知识学习和技能发展,通过感知

高***本 1年前 上传375   0



文***7 8个月前 上传272   0


新高考读后续写素材积累之关于恶劣环境的描写环境描写,可以起到融情与景的效果,衬托人物的内心世界。适当的环境描写可以让文章读起 来有立体感和真实感。关于风的描写可仿写例句:1. This winter; the weather is unusually cold.2.There is no wind at this moment, the world seems to have stopp

小***3 4年前 上传810   0



N***a 5年前 上传1622   0


高考英语备考:分析特色,沿袭语言风格读后续写的实质是根据所提供的原文内容,写出主旨一致、逻辑顺畅、语言风格一致的故事结尾。因此,续写时除了考虑故事的主题思想,特别关注逻辑之外,我们也要高度关注续写部分和原文的语言风格,确保我们写出的结尾在语言风格上和原文保持一致。然而在平时的续写练习中,我们发现很多同学忽略了这一点。具体表现为:1. 用词太过复杂或偏僻。有些同学为了增加所谓的“高级词汇”

的***有 5个月前 上传149   0


高考英语读后续写备考:用竖轴直线法构思续写段落细节阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。Christmas is the time when miracles might happen.It happened to a young pastor(牧师)whose church was very cold. Late in De

文***7 8个月前 上传194   0

高考英语二轮复习:读后续写(The lake princesses)学案(无答案)

高考英语写作备考:The lake princesses 湖 边 公 主湖边有两位被困的美丽公主,传说会有一位勇敢的王子来救她们,小公主每天耐心地等待,而大公主则决定自救……Once upon a time there were two beautiful princesses whom had been kidnapped(劫持) by a hostile(敌对的) king. The

文***7 8个月前 上传215   0


高中英语作文--读后续写句子翻译狂练30天DAY121. 当阿特走近时,他可以看到吉姆在哭。2. 阿特问他到底怎么了。“有人叫我,刚才我最好的朋友兰迪发生了什么事。3. 他在我家后面,”他哭着说。4. Art让他上车,他会带他去那里。5. 这所房子是一座老小农舍,有一条大车道。6. 阿特看到一只狗一动不动地躺在车道外面。7. “好了!”他在了!那是兰迪!”“吉姆喊道。8. 我生活

郭***林 3年前 上传540   0


读后续写评讲阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was an Art lesson. Rachel sat at the desk watching her classmates busy preparing the water jars and paints. She understood why Mrs. Weston asked her to sit do

文***7 8个月前 上传275   0


读后续写专练(一)A阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。I had insisted on dropping out of college after my first semester (学期) in order to try and join the Merchant Marine. Using an article from Life as

福***园 6个月前 上传201   0



x***q 4年前 上传1809   0


1. 幸运的是,一些路过的邻居停下来提供了帮助。2. 一种力量感立刻取代了简心里日益增加的恐惧和焦虑。3. 她告诉他们,马克西克女士一定还在房间里。1. Luckily, some neighbors passing by stopped and offered help.2. A sense of strength immediately replaced the mounting fear and anxiety in Jane's mind.

6***雅 2年前 上传469   0


1. 你必须好好照顾好他。2. 我拥抱了跳棋们。“我会的,”我答应道。3. 他一点也不惹任何麻烦。1. You'll have to take good care of him.2. I hugged Checkers. “I will,” Ipromised. 3. He won't be any trouble at all.

6***雅 2年前 上传520   0


1. 很快,我就结婚了,并有了三个孩子。2. 我想:“我的文凭就到了。”3. 即便如此,我还是希望我的孩子们接受教育。4. 但是琳达,我们最小的孩子,手和膝盖都有青少年关节炎(幼年型关节炎),这使得她不可能在正常的课堂上工作。

6***雅 2年前 上传602   0


1. 纪念汤姆的事件发生在一天早上,当时汤姆只有十岁。2. 他和他的姐姐简在家里。3. 汤姆正在做作业时,突然听到了升高的声音。

6***雅 2年前 上传562   0


1. 从那时起,直到现在,我还没有想到过那个人和他的家人。2. 我们沿着小路走到房子。3. 保罗正站在门廊上,等着我们。1. I hadn't thought of the man and his family since then and till now.2. We walked up the pathway to the house.

6***雅 2年前 上传352   0

高三英语二轮复习专题 读后续写指导讲义

读后续写指导 读后续写考情分“读后续写”是高考英语中新增加的一种写作题型,从2016年开始应用于高考综合改革试点省份的高考中,并且将随着高考综合改革试点的推广在全国范围内使用。在将来,越来越多的学生将会在高考英语中遇到读后续写这种题型。在开始学习如何进行读后续写之前,让我们先来了解一下读后续写这类写作题型的具体要求。第一节 读后续写题型解读到目前为止,已经有许多省份在高考英语中开始了对

还***法 6个月前 上传197   0


读后续写技能---动作的细节描写描写与arm(手臂)有关的动作读短文找出与“arm”相关的动作表达He ran to the door, waving his arms. However, she stood there with her arms crossed/folded, looking very angry. He held out his arms, smiling. She

的***有 5个月前 上传131   0