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1Excuse mebut can you tell me the way to the Seafood market
ASorryI’m a stranger here
BI think I’d better write it down
Cyou’re driving too fast

2Why didn’t you invite Elisabeth to join your new program
You know she’s________
Aa wet blanket
Ba lucky dog
Can early bird

3I’m much obliged to you for your help
AIt’s quite serious
BIt serves you right
CIt’s my pleasure

4Good morningSusanWould you mind going to get me a cup of coffee
AThank you for reminding me
BYou must be kidding
CNo problem You want the usual

Can you tell me something about your new product
AWhat do you doSir
BWhat do you knowMadam
CWhat can I help youSir

1It is said that this kind of kiwi fruit________however they taste delicious
Aare highly priced
Bis highly priced
Chighly prices

2I’ve made________mistakes than you have
Ca lot of

3Since the bus is overcrowdedwe________
Ahad better walk to home
Bhad better to walk home
Chad better walk home

4Henry said that either his father or his uncle________to attend the class meeting
Aare going
Bwas going
Cwere going

5________that in Africa French is one of most widely used languages
AIt is no doubt
BIt is not doubt
CThere is no doubt

6Nowhere else in the world________more attractive scenery than in Switzerland
Ayou can find
Bhas been found
Ccan you find

7Could you please tell me________
Awhere is the nearest post office located
Bwhere is located the nearest post office
Cwhere the nearest post office is located

8The parents will never forget that it was________who had saved their child’s life

9Tim can’t________the maths problem he is working at

Acount out
Bfigure out
Cseek out

10That’s the hotel________last year
Awhere we stayed
Bat that we stayed in
Cwhich we stayed

11Can you give me some advice________
Awhether can I improve my English
Bhow I can improve my English
Chow can I improve my English

12We have great interest in folk musicso________Jack________I are going to the concert this evening
Bnot only…but also

13Although she said that she would go there with meshe still had a________look on her face

14All students are eager to know________they will pass the exam or not

15________had he graduated from the college than he went into an IT company
CNo sooner

1BaiduChina’s leading search engine companyhas unveiled its own eyewear called Baidu EyeIt issaid to be a different product from Google Glass in terms of functionality

The company demonstrated a working prototype on September 3 at its annual Technology Innovation

Conference in BeijingIt bears a similarity to Google Glassbut it has no screenInsteadthe device uses acamera to scan objectsand focuses on analyzing information around its user and beaming that to asmartphone

Baidu says the device is designed to support image searchThe company’s CEO Robin Li believes infive years’ timepeople will get used to searching by image and audio rather than textLi has given anexample of how one can take advantage of Baidu EyeIf you are in a shopping mall and come across awoman whose skirt looks really attractiveyou take a photo of her skirt using Baidu Eyeand you’ll get toknow where to buy one for yourself

According to Kaiser KuoBaidu’s director of international communicationsBaidu Eye can alsorecognize voice and gestureYou can use voice commandsor gesture commands—like expanding to zoomor circling an object in your field of view with your finger

Baidu is yet to announce a release date or marketing plans for Baidu Eye
[单选题]◆What is the best title for the passage
AGoogle Glass Baidu Eye
BGoogle Glass and Baidu Eye
CBaidu Eye is different from Google Glass

[单选题]◆From the passagewe can know that Google Glass ___________
Ahas screen
Bhas no screen
Chas the same design as Baidu Eye

[单选题]◆The purpose to design Baidu is to___________
Ause a camera to scan objects
Bfocus on analyzing information around its user
Csupport imagine search

[单选题]◆Baidu Eye has the new functions EXCEPT___________
Asearching by imagine
Brecognizing voice
Csearching by text

[单选题]◆We can infer from the passage that___________
Athe screen is the most important part of the Baidu Eye
Bpeople mainly search by voice right now
CBaidu Eye will be very popular in future


1Do you prefer coffee or teaThe answer to that question might in part be down to your genesresearch suggests

Scientists say a genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of particular substances appears to nudge us towards one beverage or the other

The studypublished in the Scientific Reports journalinvolved two sets of dataThe first was a large twin study which showed thatat least in those of European ancestryparticular genetic variants are linked to the strength of perception of different tastes one specific variant was associated with slightly higher ratings of bitterness for caffeineanother to greater bitterness for quinine and a third to greater bitterness for a drug known as propylthiouracilor prop

The team found people with a greater genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of caffeine drank a little more coffeebut an increased perception of the bitterness of quinine and prop were linked to a small reduction in coffee drinking

While the effect of perception on your daily coffee intake might be relatively smallonly a 015 cup per day increasefrom a normal caffeine taster to a strong caffeine tasterit actually makes you 20 more likely to become a heavy drinkerdrinking more than four cups per day said Jue Sheng Ongfirst author of the research from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Australia

Our taste genes partially play a role in how much coffeetea or alcohol we drink he saidThe preference towards tea can be seen as a consequence of abstaining from coffeebecause our genes might have made coffee a little too bitter for our palates to handle
[判断题]◆According to this passagethe answer to the question Do you prefer coffee or tea might in part be down to your genes

[判断题]◆A genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of particular substances makes us always prefer to coffee

[判断题]◆The underlined word prop in Para3 refers to a small object such as a bookweapon etcused by actors in a play or film

[判断题]◆People with an increased perception of the bitterness of caffeine drank a little more coffee

[判断题]◆The preference towards tea can be seen as a consequence of

absorbing from coffee

1请根列提纲写篇题绿色食品普作文少100词(Please write an essay of no less than100 wordsentitled Popularity of Green Food according to the outline given below)

1Excuse mebut can you tell me the way to the Seafood market(红色字体题正确答案)
ASorryI’m a stranger here
BI think I’d better write it down

Cyou’re driving too fast

2Why didn’t you invite Elisabeth to join your new program(红色字体题正确答案)
You know she’s________
Aa wet blanket
Ba lucky dog
Can early bird

3I’m much obliged to you for your help(红色字体题正确答案)
AIt’s quite serious
BIt serves you right
CIt’s my pleasure

4Good morningSusanWould you mind going to get me a cup of coffee(红色字体题正确答案)
AThank you for reminding me
BYou must be kidding
CNo problem You want the usual

Can you tell me something about your new product
AWhat do you doSir
BWhat do you knowMadam
CWhat can I help youSir

1It is said that this kind of kiwi fruit________however they taste delicious(红色字体题正确答案)
Aare highly priced
Bis highly priced
Chighly prices

2I’ve made________mistakes than you have(红色字体题正确答案)
Ca lot of

3Since the bus is overcrowdedwe________(红色字体题正确答案)
Ahad better walk to home
Bhad better to walk home

Chad better walk home

4Henry said that either his father or his uncle________to attend the class meeting(红色字体题正确答案)
Aare going
Bwas going
Cwere going

5________that in Africa French is one of most widely used languages(红色字体题正确答案)
AIt is no doubt
BIt is not doubt
CThere is no doubt

6Nowhere else in the world________more attractive scenery than in Switzerland(红色字体题正确答案)
Ayou can find
Bhas been found
Ccan you find

7Could you please tell me________
Awhere is the nearest post office located
Bwhere is located the nearest post office
Cwhere the nearest post office is located

8The parents will never forget that it was________who had saved their child’s life(红色字体题正确答案)

9Tim can’t________the maths problem he is working at(红色字体题正确答案)
Acount out
Bfigure out
Cseek out

10That’s the hotel________last year(红色字体题正确答案)
Awhere we stayed
Bat that we stayed in
Cwhich we stayed

11Can you give me some advice________(红色字体题正确答案)
Awhether can I improve my English
Bhow I can improve my English
Chow can I improve my English

12We have great interest in folk musicso________Jack________I are going to the concert this evening(红色字体题正确答案)
Bnot only…but also

13Although she said that she would go there with meshe still had a________look on her face(红色字体题正确答案)

14All students are eager to know________they will pass the exam or not(红色字体题正确答案)

15________had he graduated from the college than he went into an IT company(红色字体题正确答案)
CNo sooner

1BaiduChina’s leading search engine companyhas unveiled its own eyewear called Baidu EyeIt issaid to be a different product from Google Glass in terms of functionality

The company demonstrated a working prototype on September 3 at its annual Technology InnovationConference in BeijingIt bears a similarity to Google Glassbut it has no screenInsteadthe device uses acamera to scan objectsand focuses on analyzing information around its user and beaming that to asmartphone

Baidu says the device is designed to support image searchThe company’s CEO Robin Li believes infive years’ timepeople will get used to searching by image and audio rather than textLi has given anexample of how one can take advantage of Baidu EyeIf you are in a shopping mall and come across awoman whose skirt looks really attractiveyou take a photo of her skirt using Baidu Eyeand you’ll get toknow where to buy one for yourself

According to Kaiser KuoBaidu’s director of international communicationsBaidu Eye can alsorecognize voice and gestureYou can use voice commandsor gesture

commands—like expanding to zoomor circling an object in your field of view with your finger

Baidu is yet to announce a release date or marketing plans for Baidu Eye
[单选题]◆What is the best title for the passage(红色字体题正确答案)
AGoogle Glass Baidu Eye
BGoogle Glass and Baidu Eye
CBaidu Eye is different from Google Glass

[单选题]◆From the passagewe can know that Google Glass ___________(红色字体题正确答案)
Ahas screen
Bhas no screen
Chas the same design as Baidu Eye

[单选题]◆The purpose to design Baidu is to___________(红色字体题正确答案)
Ause a camera to scan objects
Bfocus on analyzing information around its user
Csupport imagine search

[单选题]◆Baidu Eye has the new functions EXCEPT___________(红色字体题正确答案)
Asearching by imagine
Brecognizing voice
Csearching by text

[单选题]◆We can infer from the passage that___________(红色字体题正确答案)
Athe screen is the most important part of the Baidu Eye
Bpeople mainly search by voice right now
CBaidu Eye will be very popular in future

1Do you prefer coffee or teaThe answer to that question might in part be down to your genesresearch suggests

Scientists say a genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of particular substances appears to nudge us towards one beverage or the other

The studypublished in the Scientific Reports journalinvolved two sets of dataThe first was a large twin study which showed thatat least in those of European ancestryparticular genetic variants are linked to the strength of perception of different tastes one specific variant was associated with slightly higher ratings of bitterness for caffeineanother to greater bitterness for quinine and a third to greater bitterness for a drug known as propylthiouracilor prop

The team found people with a greater genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of caffeine drank a little more coffeebut an increased perception of the bitterness of quinine and prop were linked to a small reduction in coffee drinking

While the effect of perception on your daily coffee intake might be relatively smallonly a 015 cup per day increasefrom a normal caffeine taster to a strong caffeine tasterit actually makes you 20 more likely to become a heavy drinkerdrinking more than four cups per day said Jue Sheng Ongfirst author of the research from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Australia

Our taste genes partially play a role in how much coffeetea or alcohol we drink he saidThe preference towards tea can be seen as a consequence of abstaining from coffeebecause our genes might have made coffee a little too bitter for our palates to handle
[判断题]◆According to this passagethe answer to the question Do you prefer coffee or tea might in part be down to your genes(红色字体题正确答案)

[判断题]◆A genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of particular substances makes us always prefer to coffee(红色字体题正确答案)

[判断题]◆The underlined word prop in Para3 refers to a small object such as a bookweapon etcused by actors in a play or film(红色字体题正确答案)

[判断题]◆People with an increased perception of the bitterness of caffeine drank a little more coffee(红色字体题正确答案)

[判断题]◆The preference towards tea can be seen as a consequence of absorbing from coffee(红色字体题正确答案)

1请根列提纲写篇题绿色食品普作文少100词(Please write an essay of no less than100 wordsentitled Popularity of Green Food according to the outline given below)
Due to its highquality and original tastes green food appeals to more consumers
From supermarkets to chain storesgreen food is found everywhere
Why is green food so popular even though its price is usually higher than other food One the one handrecently a series of issues on food safety makes customers disturbed and anxiousIn order to have the reliable foodmore housewives opt to select green food for their familyGreen food has been labeled as a kind of healthydelicious and fashionable foodThis is perhaps the most important reason for the popularity of green foodOn the other handwith the advance in living standardpeople will pay more attention to the quality of food and their raised income is enough to cover the expenditure of food with a comparatively high price

Green foods are becoming increasingly popular among consumers for several reasonsFirstlypeople are becoming more healthconscious and concerned about the quality of the food they eatGreen foodswhich are produced using natural and sustainable farming practicesare perceived as healthier and safer for consumptionThey are free from chemicalspesticidesand other harmful additives that can be found in conventional food
Secondlythe popularity of green foods can be attributed to the growing awareness of environmental issuesGreen foods are produced using ecofriendly methods that minimize their ecological impact and preserve natural resourcesConsumers are willing to pay more for green foods because they understand the environmental and social benefits of supporting sustainable farming practices
Finallygreen foods are expected to have even greater development in the futureAs more and more people become aware of the harmful effects of conventional farming practices on the environment and human healththe demand for green foods will continue to riseThis will encourage more farmers to switch to sustainable farming practiceswhich will bring more green food options to consumers




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1.―You’d better not push yourself too hard.You can ask the team and listen.―___________________.A.You are rightB.No, we can’t do thatC.I think it will kill our time

h***s 1个月前 上传173   0


1.-Let’s go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us.-_______________.A.You are such a great fan.B.I am more interested in the film director.C.Can’t wait to watch it.

h***s 1个月前 上传106   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Good morning,welcome to our booth.What can I do for you?-_______________.A.It’s very nice of you.B.I can do it by myself.C.I’m looking for a present.2.-Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printer?-_______________ .A.No,a portable 3D printer is more useful.B.I prefer a portable one to a clumsy one.C.Yes,I would not have a clumsy one.3.-This apple pie is too sweet,don’t you think so?- _______________ I think it’s just right,actually.A.Not really.B.I hope so.C.Sounds good.

h***s 2个月前 上传146   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Good morning,welcome to our booth.What can I do for you?-_______________.A.It’s very nice of you.B.I can do it by myself.C.I’m looking for a present.2.-This apple pie is too sweet,don’t you think so?- _______________I think it’s just right,actually.A.Not really.B.I hope so.C.Sounds good.

h***s 2个月前 上传136   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A.B.C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Doctor, I’ve got a sore throat and fever.I’m afraid I’ve got a flu.-Let me have a look._______.A.Many persons have died of it.B.Take it easy, you just got a cold.C.Flu is a serious disease.2.-I’m leaving for Tibet on business tomorrow.-_______________.A.Bring me a present.B.Let’s check outC.Have a pleasant trip!

h***s 2个月前 上传165   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Diana, do you eat apple every day?-_______________.A.No, sometimes I’d have a boiled egg.B.I always eat it because it’s spicy.C.Porridge is Andy’s favorite.2.-I’m much obliged to you for your help.-_______________.A.It’s quite serious.B.It serves you right!C.It’s my pleasure.3.-I’m afraid we have to change the appointment. I have something important to do.

h***s 2个月前 上传141   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-How do you like Vivian Leigh?-_______________A.She’s already married.B.She is an American singer.C.She is amazing.2.- Cheer up and pay more attention to your colleagues and things will be much better. -_______________A.It sounds quite difficult.B.I’m glad to hear that.C.Thank you very much.3.- Long time no see, Jeffery? Do you still remember me? -_______________A.Here is my business card.B.Oh, it’s you, Doctor Lin. Nice to meet you!

h***s 2个月前 上传148   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-What would you like to have for lunch?-_______________Would you like to have a taste?A.Egg roll and salad I bought this morningB.I know nothing about American food here.C.Lunch is the most important meal of the day.2.-Thank you ever so much for the Huawei Watch you sent me.-_______________A.I’m glad you like it.B.No thanks at all.C.Please don’t say so.3.-How do you like Vivian Leigh?-_______________A.She’s already married.B.She is an American singer.

h***s 2个月前 上传159   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-_______________.-Can you tell me something about your new product?A.What do you do.Sir?B.What do you know,Madam?C.What can I help you.Sir?2.-How about getting together for a cartoon movie tonight?-_______________What’s playing tonight?A.Take it easyB.That’s a good ideaC.I don’t like Kongfu film

h***s 2个月前 上传156   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-China Mobile customer service. Good morning! Can I help you?-_______________.A.No,I don’t need any help.B.I pay the bill by traveler’s check.C.I have trouble in dialing the telephone.2.-Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?-_______________.A.Yes,it is very attractive.B.No,it is hard to decide.C.For me,be intelligent is better. but that depends on.3.-I apologize for the terrible mistake I made yesterday.-_______________.A.It serves you right!B.Never mind.C.Not at all.

h***s 2个月前 上传152   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.- Did you enjoy your college life?- ________________________.A.Yes,it was rich and colorfulB.No,it is interestingC.I like my college very much2.- I’m so sorry for breaking your cup.- Oh,_________,I’ve got a lot of cups.A.help yourselfB.my pleasureC.forget it

h***s 1个月前 上传156   0


1.-Nice weather. isn’t it?-________________.A.Yes.it isB.I’m not sure,C.You know it well,

h***s 1个月前 上传190   0


1.-Hey,Henry!-_______________.A.Who are you?B.Hello,there!How are you?C.Nice to meet you,too.

h***s 1个月前 上传138   0


1.-Her father is very rich.-________.She wouldn’t accept his help even if it were offered.A.What for?B.So what?C.No doubt.

h***s 1个月前 上传119   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Aunt Cindy,do you shop online often?—__________A.No,I don’t think so.B.That’s a good idea.C.Yes.It’s very convenient.2.—Hello,is this the Sail Moving Company?—__________A.Thanks,I’m here.B.Yes,thanks for calling.C.Hello,what did he say?

h***s 1个月前 上传114   0


1.―I think things have been a bit difficult for us in the last couple of months.―___________We’ve been working hard,but still getting behind.A.You’re right.B.I’m afraid.C.I don’t think so.

h***s 1个月前 上传155   0


1.-What are you doing?-_______________.A.I’m just trying to complete today’s crossword puzzleB.Not too bad,and you?C.I am having my hands full.

h***s 1个月前 上传91   0


1.-How often do you go dancing?-_______________.A.I will go dancing tomorrow.B.Yesterday.C.Every other day.

h***s 1个月前 上传91   0


1.-I heard you had attended an activity for environmental protection.Can you talk about it?-_______________A.I am afraid so.B.Certainly,I’d like to.It is about the Earth Hour.C.It is lovely.

h***s 1个月前 上传107   0


1.-I want to look for a smart phone priced about 1000 Yuan.Do you have some to recommend?-_______________.A.Of course.Please take a look at this oneB.It is very kind of you.C.Thank you.

h***s 1个月前 上传89   0


1.-I wonder if you could help me?-_______________.A.I could.B.No,not at all.C.Certainly.

h***s 1个月前 上传110   0


1.-Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women?-_______________.A.Yes,women are more popular than men.B.Yes,absolutely. Women pay more attention to beautyC.No,men are popular than women.

h***s 1个月前 上传105   0


1.—How did your meeting go yesterday?— ____________________actually, it was really frustrating.A.Not so goodB.Very goodC.Nothing special

h***s 1个月前 上传165   0


1.-What can we do for the case?-_______________.A.We could consult our lawyer.B.The case is difficult.C.I don’t care about it.

h***s 1个月前 上传95   0


1.—Could I borrow your iPad for a few hours?—________.Enjoy your time.A.No, I am sorryB.Sure, here you areC.It doesn’t matter

h***s 1个月前 上传190   0