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第二题 词汇结构题库
★Although he has sought to find a peaceful_____he is facing more pressure from his business rivalsCsolution
★Although he has sought to find a peaceful_____he is facing more pressure from his business rivalsCsolution
★Although he has sought to find a peaceful_____he is facing more pressure from his business rivalsAsolution
★Among the critiques were allegations_________some franchise uses its political influence to increase its profitsCthat
★An online virtual supermarket_________the real supermarketwhich makes it feel so realBsimulates
★An online virtual supermarket_________the real supermarketwhich makes it feel so realBsimulates
★At the same timethe negotiator keeps things secret_________would limit hisher ability to negotiateBthat
★At the same timethe negotiator keeps things secret_________would limit hisher ability to negotiateCthat
★______behalf of Vancouver C&S Int’ l Trade CorpI am pleased to invite you and your colleagues to visit usBOn
★______behalf of Vancouver C&S Int’ 1 Trade CorpI am pleased to invite you and your colleagues to visit usCOn
★Better understanding of teamwork can make you a more effective employee and give you an extra _______in your corporate officeAedge
★But Jerryhave you really thought this_________You would essentially be giving up the company that your greatgrandfather builtAthrough
★Can you fill me_________I need some detailed informationAin
★Can you fill me_________I need some detailed informationCin
★Can you tell us why you think this makes good business_________to youCsense
★Can you tell us why you think this makes good business_________to youBsense

★Chinese shoppers spent billions online yesterday as they took advantage_______discounts offered on Singles Day (November 11)Bof
★Cooperating is simply working together_______teammates_______the good of the teamAasfor
★Current_________are those debts that must be paid within the yearCliabilities
★Customers often remain____to a business that has excellent service even if their prices are highAloyal
★Customers won’t find store clerks sitting around_________ Bwatching TV or playing cards
★Customers won’t find store clerks sitting around_________Awatching TV or playing cards
★Did you get the financial records_________shape for your audit next monthAinto
★Did you get the financial records_________shape for your audit next monthAinto
★Even though he’s_________out of college and still a bit greenhe is a great coworkerBfresh
★_____friends and colleagues greeted each other with that day was Bought anything todayCWhat
★For a limited companythis will include the money________by issuing sharesand is known as the share capitalBraised
★For a limited companythis will include the money_______issuing sharesand is known as the share capitalBraised by
★George said that he didn’t do__________paper workCmuch
★_______has good reputation will sooner or later be successful in his businessBWhoever
★He made a promise that_________I passed the examination he would buy me a giftBif
★Henry is often seen__________English aloud every morning in the classroomAto read
★His ideas are linked to the theory_______markets are efficientwhich means market actors taking all available information to create the correct price for things at any given timeCthat
★His method supports Mr Shiller’s findings and has__________efforts to predict prices in the financial industryAinfluenced
★I couldn’t agree moreThat’s_________I only do street shoppingCwhy
★I have to make_________clear that it works wellBit
★I really_________the effort you have made for the projectCappreciate
★I really_________the effort you have made for the projectCappreciate
★I really_________the effort you have put in on your team’s current projectCappreciate

★If any of the articles are damaged during moveyou may make a_________for compensation with our companyCclaim
★If people_______we’re very valuable they won’t buy our stockCdon’t think
★If things have_______the person you’re talking to will want to know the reasonsBgone wrong
★If you are intending_______just one Schengen countryyou will need to apply for the Schengen visa directly with the embassy or consulate of that particular countryAto visit
★I’m still working on ironing _________a few problemsCout
★I’m still working on_________a few problemsBironing out
★I’m still working on_________a few problemsCironing out
★In businesswhatever you dodo not_________illegal benefitAchase
★It should_________that franchising is one of the means available for getting investment money without giving up control of the chain operation and building a distribution system for servicing itCbe recognized
★It will_________about eight percent more than initially projectedCcost
★It’s said that some measures have been taken_________this problemBto deal with
★John worked in a American company So__________IBdid
★Large organizations will find___impossible to manage all these data if manual accounting were usedCit
★Looking your customers in the eye shows that we are listening to them and hearing__________they are sayingCwhat
★Looking your customers in the eye shows that we are listening to them and hearing_______Cwhat they are saying
★Many of the banks and travel services in the western countries provide convenience for the travelers by issuing traveller’ s_________Achecks
★Okaylet’s say we make a decision________what kind of price are we thinking about charging for our stockAto go public
★One kind of partnership is called a limited_________partnershipCliability
★Please_________an open return flight from Barcelona to FrankfurtCbook
★Respecting fellow teammates keeps everyone in a good____and encourages overall team spiritAmood
★She heard a terrible noise_________brought her heart into her mouthAwhich
★Some in the market now want government_________in order to reduce costsBregulation
★Some in the market now want government_________in order to reduce costsAregulation
★Some of the customers’ complaints seem___________Aunacceptable
★Some of the customers’ complaints seem_________Bunacceptable

★Some of the_________solutions will support these requirements better at the momentCproprietary
★Some stores even offer_________lanes for customers with 10 items or less to checkout quicklyBexpress
★Some stores even offer_________lanes for customers with 10 items or less to checkout quicklyAexpress
★Sometimes I surf online shops to check some related informationand then go to a physical store to do the_________shoppingAactual
★Sometimes I surf online shops to check some related informationand then go to a physical store to do the_________shoppingCactual
★______the situation maybemake sure that you don’t leave your customer with an unanswered questionCWhatever
★______the situation may bemake sure that you don’t leave your customer with an unanswered questionAWhatever
★Teammates who have team spirit are more satisfied_________their team activitiesBwith
★That might be acceptable_________you handle the insurance feesAif
★That’s something you can improve by talking to human_________ Bresources
★The American idea of customer service is_________each customer the center of attentionBto make
★The bottom half shows_________this money came from Awhere
★The customer service representative will often allow customers to exchange the product they bought or return it for a full_________Crefund
★The executive team have to hold an urgent meeting_________they see the bad market feedbackAbecause
★The executive team have to hold an urgent meeting_________they see the bad market feedbackBbecause
★The franchisor___the franchisee should observe the regulations to make the business go wellBas well as
★The instruction describes completely the_________and its safety basisCfacility
★The instruction describes completely the_________and its safety basisCfacility
★The longterm assets are known as_________assetsAfixed
★The people in your department seem so_________and nice to be aroundBcapable
★The people in your department seem so_________and nice to be aroundCcapable
★The processing time_________per embassyCvaries
★The proprietor owns all of the property of the business and is responsible_________everythingBfor
★The same is true__________individual proprietor shipsBto
★The team members are_________and helping each other outBgetting along

★The thief stole her wallet__________she knew itAbefore
★Their skill and_________has got them on the sales teamCenthusiasm
★Then your_________will be sold by auctionCstuff
★There are more and more_______of software for accountingthis has made the different types of software more accessible in terms of costs and varietyAmanufacturers
★They exchanged tales of_________or disappointing news of popular items sold out minutes after the spree began at midnightAbargains
★They wanted to_________ discussion on economicsBinitiate
★To attract investorsthe government has_________its tax and labor lawsCadjusted
★Trademarksproprietary service marks and regulations need_________carefullyAto be observed
★Traveler’s checks are generally_________small face valueCof
★Travelerswhen_________the checkshave to sign the checks in the presence of the bank or service clerksBbuying
★We can’t manage that_________you pay for the installationCunless
★We can’t manage that_________you pay for the installationCunless
★We didn’t understand how difficult it was to_________such a breakfastBdistribute
★We used to_________cash advancesChave
★Wellthe day we offer stock for sale is the day we will see how much_____there is in our companyCfaith
★What’s moreit’s not always so_____for us to pay online as hackers might steal our user name and passwordBsafe
★When the rest of the room_______emotionalstay cool and use logic to negotiate and closeBgets
★While the other people_______and discussed the problem togetherTed ignored themAinteracted
★Without close quality controlwe may_______fraudand the eshop may suddenly go offlineso you can’t get a refundCencounter
★_______you have a jobyou may be in the market for another oneAEven if
★You can download and print off the_________onlineBform
★You can show respect to your teammates_________everyone fairly and equallyCby treating




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本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_________a vacation is always a good way to get relaxation and refreshment.C.Taking★_________a vacation is always a good way to get relaxation and refreshment.C.Taking

h***s 1个月前 上传120   0


国开电大专科《商务英语1》一平台机考题库第二大题 词汇与结构说明:试题随机组合。18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins_________2002.A.forB.at C.since [答案]CAA conversation_________betw

h***s 2年前 上传655   0


本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_________CEO s spend planning,the more profitable their companies are.A.The more time★_________CEO s spend planning,the more profitable their companies are.C.The more time★_________clearly communicate with and actively listen to employees is essential to improve their performance.C.Being able to★_________employees keep leaving and joining the company,they also retire form time to time leaving empty places in various positions.C.As

h***s 1个月前 上传167   0


★A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to_________paying his fare.A.avoid★All students are required to translate this poem_________English into Chinese.B.from

h***s 1个月前 上传124   0


◆3D printers have spread from labs to industrial factories,_________they are being cheaper and cheaper.A.so◆3D printing is just at the beginning stage.It is not_________.A.mature◆50 miles southwest of the country_________the famous beautiful mountain.C.lies

h***s 2个月前 上传205   0


说明:2024年8月16日整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。 本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 ★________does your team have a meeting?▲How often★_________improve your service,you need to make market surveys so as to know what your customers are thinking and demanding.B.In order to★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.A.It★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.B.It ★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when y

h***s 1个月前 上传100   0


★Accounting could ________to about 7,000 years ago.A.run upB.date backC.take down

h***s 2个月前 上传175   0


★_____in the late 1970s_____American manufacturing factories realized that quality control was a significant issue.C.it was....that

h***s 1个月前 上传187   0


★_________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.Being★_________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.Being

h***s 1个月前 上传130   0


★A_________designer is needed.A.full-time ★A_________designer is needed.C.full-time

h***s 1个月前 上传92   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_________●Actually I prefer working on my own.C.Do you prefer teamwork or working individually?★_________________.●I’d like to have this film developed.B.May I help you?★_________________.●I’d like to have this film developed.B.May I help you?★_________________?●She is a data analyst in a software company.A.What does your aunt want to do?★_________________?●She is a data analyst in a software company.A.What does your aunt want to do?★_________●You might as well write a thanks-note.C.Could you suggest some ways of the rewards?

h***s 1个月前 上传177   0


★3D printing is one of the latest technological innovations.(红色字体为本题正确答案)―_________Maybe its functions are questionable.A.Really?

h***s 2个月前 上传154   0


A01 Although he has sought to find a peaceful_____,he is facing more pressure from his business rivals.A.solvingB.solve C.solution[答案]CA01 Although he has sought to find a peaceful_____,he is facing more pressure from his business rivals.

h***s 2年前 上传446   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—__________— Yes,I think so.A.Will you fly business class?B.When do you plan to leave?C.Where shall I make hotel reservation?2.—I’ll be away on a business trip.Would you mind signing for my express delivery?—__________

h***s 1个月前 上传106   0


★Amy,do you shop online often?●____.C.Yes.It’s very convenient and the price is often lower than in store★Are the Project Managers linking up OK?●They seem to be,yes.____.B.There’s been a good atmosphere at the first management meetings

h***s 1个月前 上传125   0


(1)绿色食品现在越来越受到消费者的青睐;(2)为什么绿色食品如此受欢迎;(3)绿色食品将有更大的发展空间。标准答案一:Due to its high-quality and original tastes green food appeals to more consumers.From supermarkets to chain stores,green food is found everywhere.

h***s 2个月前 上传224   0


1.Write a composition of at least 100 words about★an unforgettable traveling in your memory. Your writing should include the 5Ws and 1H elements.(5Ws and 1H elements: Who, What, When, Where,Why, and How) ●备注翻译:写一篇至少100字的文章,讲述你记忆中难忘的旅行。你的写作应该包括5Ws和1H元素。(5Ws 和 1H 元素:谁、什么、何时、何地、为什么和如何)标准答案一:My families plan to visit the interesting place of shanghai. We are led to the oriental pearl TV tower,a famoustourist attraction, which is on every shanghainese’s lips.It is a magnificent building located in pudong new Area, it is the tallest building, so it’s very easy to see this building, even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the oriental pearl TV Tower, we see the attractive viwswhich includes the huangpu River through the window.At the moment, i suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city.

h***s 1个月前 上传427   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_________●Actually I prefer working on my own.C.Do you prefer teamwork or working individually?★_________________.●I’d like to have this film developed.B.May I help you?★_________________.●I’d like to have this film developed.B.May I help you?★_________________?●She is a data analyst in a software company.A.What does your aunt want to do?★_________________?●She is a data analyst in a software company.A.What does your aunt want to do?★_________●You might as well write a thanks-note.C.Could you suggest some ways of the rewards?

h***s 1个月前 上传608   0


A__________a result of his hard work,he gained a d mission to Beijing University.A.ForB.AsC.Due[答案]BA student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.A.semesterB.seminarC.season [答案]AA student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________.

h***s 2年前 上传2760   0


A_________a company really wants is a candidate has_________the right skills.A.What...thatB.What...whatC.That...that[答案]A_________a company really wants is a candidate hasthatthe right skills.A.WhatB.WhoC.That[答案]AAnew food market will_________in our community next month.

h***s 2年前 上传449   0


国开电大专科《理工英语1》一平台机考题库第一大题 词汇与结构说明:试题随机组合。AAll the trees_______last summer.A.plantedB.were plantedC.are planting [答案]BAll the trees_______last summer.A.were plantedB.are plantingC.planted

h***s 2年前 上传650   0


说明:试题随机组合。AA good boss is the one who can____________his employees to work harder and harder.A.exciteB.move C.motivate[答案]CA good boss is the one who can____________his employees to work harder and harder.A.motivate B.move C.excite

h***s 2年前 上传356   0


本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★Amy,do you shop online often?●____.C.Yes.It’s very convenient and the price is often lower than in store★Are the Project Managers linking up OK?●They seem to be,yes.____.B.There’s been a good atmosphere at the first management meetings★Are the Project Managers sharing information and contacts and so on?●____.A.Yes,there’s really nothing to worry about

h***s 1个月前 上传100   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Aunt Cindy,do you shop online often?—__________A.No,I don’t think so.B.That’s a good idea.C.Yes.It’s very convenient.2.—Hello,is this the Sail Moving Company?—__________A.Thanks,I’m here.B.Yes,thanks for calling.C.Hello,what did he say?

h***s 1个月前 上传119   0


★-Do you think I can use your car for one day?-________.A.I’m afraid not.B.No, you can’tC.I won’t let you do that.

h***s 2个月前 上传190   0