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Basic sentence structures



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Basic sentence structures

English has five basic sentence structures As we have learnt any complete sentences include
some combination of a number of common elements subject predicate predicativesubject
complement object object complement and adverbial Now let’s look at the possible combination
of these elements

Structure 1 Subjectpredicate (SP)
The SP sentence structure consists of a noun pronoun or other nominal as the subject of the
sentence and an intransitive verb or verb phrase as the predicate
Time flies
Dead dogs don’t bite
Money talks
The large yellow bus has stopped

Structure 2 Subjectlinking verbpredicative subject complement (SLVC)
The words acting as a predicative may be a prepositional phrase to show the place of the subject
or a noun to identify or rename the subject or an adjective to indicate the state of the subject
Speech is a picture of the mind
Every beginning is hard
The firefighters are inside the building
The corn is growing tall

Structure 3 SubjectPredicateObject (SPO)
The verb acting as a predicate in the SPO sentence structure is a transitive verb which may take
a direct object or both a direct object and an indirect object
Poverty tries friends
Many hands make light work
Nature taught the boy the meaning of fear
The Liberian handed me a Spanish dictionary

Structure 4 SubjectPredicateObjectAdverbial (SPOA)
The words acting as an adverbial may be adverbs prepositional phrases or adverbial clauses
They provide information about time place manner and reasons
You never miss the water till the well runs dry
No man can make a good coat with bad cloth
My daughter finished her homework quickly

Structure 5 SubjectPredicateObjectObject Complement (SPOOC)
Different from an indirect object which is the receiver of the direct object an object complement
completes the meaning of the direct object Object complements can be nouns adjectives or
prepositional phrases
The villagers found their bedrooms ankledeep in water
The captain named his small boat the Flying Fish
The friendly mood makes us comfortable




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2020年电大《Visual Basic程序设计》期末复习试题及答案

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人教版 必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Discovering Useful Structures 定语从句教案

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2023年Visual Basic期末考试填空模拟试题及答案

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2023年Visual Basic期末考试程序设计模拟试题及答案

第1题 题号:14'---------------------------------'【程序设计】'---------------------------------'【题目要求】' 1) 编写程序,生成一个4行5列的二维数组,其每个数组元素是随机产生的两位数,' 求该数组的最大元素及其所在的行号、列号。' (若有多个相同的最大元素,则要一一标出其所在行号、列号)' [算法提示]首先找出最大元素,再将数组中的元素与最大元素一一比较,' 若有相等元素则输出其所在位置。' 窗体设计界面参见已给出的参考界面。

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2023年Visual Basic期末考试单项选择模拟试题(1)及答案

第1题 以下有关对象属性的说法中,错误的是___________.A. 工具箱中的控件并不是VB中所有的控件B. 若将Frame的Enabled属性设置为False,则不能使用放置在Frame里面的控件C. 对象的Name属性在运行时不能改变D. 对象的所有属性都可以在属性窗口中设置答案:D第2题 数学表达式 的VB算术表达式为_______ . A. Sin(27)+Sqr(x+Exp3)/(x+y)

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2023年Visual Basic期末考试单项选择模拟试题(2)及答案

第1题 要向文件datal.txt添加数据,正确的文件打开命令是_____________.A. Open"datal.txt"For Output As #1B. Open"datal.txt"For Input As #1C. Open"datal.txt"For Append As #5D. Open"datal.txt" For Write As #5答案:C第2题 下面有关数组处理的叙述中,正确的是__________.A. 在过程中使用ReDim语句可以改变动态数组数据的类型B. 在过程中,可以使用Dim 、Private和 Static语句来定义数组

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2023年Visual Basic期末考试程序改错模拟试题及答案

第1题 '【题目】从10个各不相同的正整数中,剔除若干个数。使得保留下来的数中,' 任意两个数的和都不是平方数'(所谓平方数就是该数等于某一个数的平方,例如4就是一个平方数)。Option ExplicitOption Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a(10) As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, p As Integer, k As Integer'**********FOUND********** Do While p <= 10 k = Int(20 * Rnd) + 1 For j = 1 To p'**********FOUND********** If k = a(j) Then Exit Do Next j If j > p Then

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人教版 必修第二册Unit3The Internet DiscoveringUseful Structures同步检测练(有答案)

Unit 3 The Internet——Discovering Useful Structures一、单词拼写1. I am so keen on the events of our school that I will ____(更新) the news regularly. 2. One of my friends told me a story while we were ___

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人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet DiscoveringUseful Structures课后检测练(有答案)

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人教版 必修第二册Unit5Music—DiscoveringUseful Structures同步练习有答案0

Unit 5 Music——Discovering Useful Structures一、语法填空1. More importantly, it is also a good opportunity ________ (express) your best wishes to our school.  2. An inspiring speech on reading ______ (

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人教版 必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Discovering Useful Structures同步检测练(有答案)

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2023年Visual Basic期末考试程序填空模拟试题及答案

第1题 '本程序的功能是把由4个"."分隔的十进制数表示的IP地址转换为由32位二进制数组成'的IP地址。 例如十进制表示的IP地址为202.119.191.1,其中每个十进制数对应一个8位'的二进制数,合起来构成一个32位二进制的IP地址11001010011101111011111100000001。'过程Tiqu用于提取十进制IP地址中每个用"."分隔的十进制数;'过程Convert用于将十进制数转换为相应的8位二进制数。程序界面参见下图。Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim str1 As String, str2 As String Dim a(4) As Integer, i As Integer str1 = Text1.Text Call Tiqu(str1, a) For i = 1 To 4 If a(i) < 0 Or a(i) > 255 Then

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人教版 必修第二册Unit1 Cultural Heritage DiscoveringUseful Structures课后检测练(有答案)

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Unit 5 Music——Discovering Useful Structures一、单词拼写1. He said that _________ (古典的) music is his favorite. 2. There are some spelling mistakes in your ______ (作文). 3. People think it is unfortunate

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高中英语人教版 必修第二册Unit 4 History and traditions-Discovering Useful Structures课后检测练(含答案和解析)

Unit 4 History and Traditions—Discovering Useful Structures一、单句语法填空1. With the college entrance examination _______ (approach), some students are getting more and more nervous.  2. Mike is eager

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高中英语人教版 必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions-Discovering Useful Structures同步检测练(含答案和解析)

Unit 4 History and Traditions——Discovering Useful Structures一、单词拼写1. Our school is in a central ____(位置) within easy reach of the bus station. 2. When the waste is thrown into rivers and ____(海洋)

的***有 6个月前 上传177   0


Under the guidance of the purpose which is making study serve the practise, combining with Personnel Training Program and requirements of English improvement , I adopt the Situation Simulation and Elicitation as the teaching methods.

品***饭 5年前 上传1208   0


1.Have a good understanding of the basic sentence structures and basic components of a sentence.2.Identify the basic sentence structures—SV;SVO;SP;SV IO DO;SVOC;SVA;SVOA;There be...3.Master and use the basic sentence structures flexibly.

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PEP人教版六年级上英语Unit 3 第一课时优质课教案

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The third period(第三课时)Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk▶教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Let’s try·能够读懂题目要求,能够在听前预测听力重点内容·能够运用基本听力技巧完成Let’s try板块的听力任务Let’s talk·能够通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,在PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话大意,

阳***师 3年前 上传667   0


1.Learn about the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake.2.Identify the language features of literary journalism and the structures of the text.3.Appreciate the figures of speech and writing skills used in the text.4.Grasp and use some words and phrases to describe a natural disaster.课堂探究

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