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年终总结 个人简历 事迹材料 租赁合同 演讲稿 项目管理 职场社交
  • 1. 八上期末写作复习策略XXX中学
  • 2. 一.认真研读教材,明确模块写作内容.M1---Make an English plan M2---Write a passage called my home town M3---Make a sports poster M4---Make a holiday plan for a trip to a city M7---Write a short story about your own experience M10---Give advice on the best time to visit China M11---Give advice to foreign guests who are visiting a Chinese family
  • 3. 二.根据写作话题,整合归类.话题1:English learning 话题2:My home town 话题3:Sports 话题4:Travelling 话题5:A short story
  • 4. 三.五大写作话题下,进行写作训练.训练1:命题审题 训练2:逻辑关系 训练3:语言形式 训练4:素材选择
  • 5. (一)命题审题:同一话题,不同命题,对比审题。命题审题---English learning 命题1: 你们学校的外教Ann在学汉语,虽然她认识一些汉字,但她不会说汉语,而且也听不懂中国朋友的谈话,她很着急,希望能获得一些提高听说能力的建议,假如你是玲玲,请给Ann写一封邮件,帮助她。 命题2: Write a report about your English study this term. Say: What you are good at. what you can improve. Three things you are going to do over the next two months.
  • 6. 命题审题---My home town命题1: 假如你是林刚你的英国笔友Tony将到大连旅游,请你通过email向他介绍你心中的故乡,并给他提一两条游玩建议。 内容提示:1.Where is Dalian? 2.What is its population? 3. What is it famous for? 命题2: 虽然生活在同一座城市,我们对它的感受却不尽相同,假如你是李明刚刚,收到英国笔友Jack的来信,Jack在信中介绍了他的家乡,现在请你给Jack写一封回信,谈谈你眼中的大连。 内容提示: 1.Is Dalian bigger? 2.What's the city special for?
  • 7. 命题审题---Sports命题1: 目前,你校校刊正在开展为“My favorite sport”为 话题的征文活动,请你积极参与谈谈自己的看法 内容提示:1. What's your favourite sport? 2. Why? 命题2: 运动是生活的调味剂,会让我们在平淡中体验快乐,强健身体提升自信……假如你校正在举办以”运动”为话题的英文征文活动题目是 “How I fell in love with…” ,请你参加此次征文活动,跟大家分享运动给你带来的独特生活感受。 内容提示: 1. What's your favorite sport.? 2. What made you like doing it?
  • 8. 命题审题--- Travelling命题1: 寒假马上来临,你一定希望自己有一个充实而难忘的假期生活吧!现在请你制定一个假期旅行计划。 内容提示:1. Where would you like to visit? 2. How will you get there? Why? 3. What do you want to do there? 命题2: 你的英国笔友Mick 即将来大连参观游玩,请你给他提供一些好的去处和提供一些其他建议。内容包括: 1. When is the best time to visit Dalian? 2. What are the good places to go? Why? 3. What should he take?
  • 9. 命题审题--- A short story命题1: Write a short story about your own experience. 内容提示:1. When and where did it happen? 2. What were you doing at the time? 3. What happened later? 命题2: Write about a school event in your school life. 内容提示: 1. What was the event? 2. What did you do there? 3. What did you learn from it?
  • 10. (二) 逻辑训练: Draw the structure of the composition英语学习---写作命题2: Write a report about your English study this term. Say: What you are good at. What you can improve. Three things you are going to do over the next two months. BeginningBodyEnding What I am good at____________What I can improve____________Thing to do 1:Thing to do 2:Thing to do 3:____________________________________Reasons:_________Hopes/ wishes/ feelings
  • 11. (二) 逻辑训练: Pay attention to different links. Links between paragraphs Links between sentences.
  • 12. Links between paragraphs:So here is some advice. I noticed something interesting with the English way of life. Choose carefully the places to see and the time to go. In short, follow what you learnt in school. ……
  • 13. (三) 语言形式:源于教材,课外拓展话题---Travelling---Advice on places to see: New York and Washington DC are good places to visit. If you like sunny weather, you can go to Hainan. California is on the Pacific coast and the weather is fine all year round. It's usually very hot and sunny compared to other places.
  • 14. (三) 语言形式:源于教材,课外拓展话题---Travelling---Advice on the time to go: 1.The best time to visit New England is in September. 2. In Seattle, in the northwest, it is not very cold but it rains a lot. 3. If you want to visit Alaska, you had better go in summer. 4. You can visit anytime you like. Advice on things to bring: You'd better take an umbrella with you. Don't forget to bring a sweater. Take your camera because you may want to take photos of the autumn trees.
  • 15. 语言课外拓展:
  • 16. (四)素材选择:教材U3语篇迁移改写,课外阅读补充积累.
  • 17. 教材U3语篇迁移改写:P48 A9 P53 A10
  • 18. 课外阅读补充积累
  • 19. 写作训练过程: 知--讲--写--评--改
  • 20. Thank you !