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  • 1. Unit3 Food Lesson 2人教新起点 三年级上册
  • 2. Warm-upcakebreadmeatpotatoestomatoesfruit
  • 3. Lead-inWhere are they?They’re in the supermarket.What food do you see?potatoestomatoesbananasorangespearsapplesLook and answer.
  • 4. Look, listen and answer.Presentation What do Yaoyao and her Dad want for dinner?They want meat, eggs, tomatoes and potatoes.
  • 5. Look, listen and repeat.Presentation Mum: What do you want for dinner? Dad: I want some tomatoes and eggs. Yaoyao: I want some meat and potatoes. Mum: OK. Let’s have meat, eggs, tomatoesand potatoes for dinner.
  • 6. Presentation I want some…I want some………句子接龙
  • 7. Presentation Mum: What do you want for dinner? Dad: I want some tomatoes and eggs. Role playWhat do you want for dinner?I want some tomatoes and eggs.
  • 8. PracticeRead it by yourselves for one minute . 小组读对话一分钟。Learning tip :当你自己朗读时,遇到不会读或不明白意思的单词或句子,可以把它圈起来,请教同学或老师!开始一分钟倒计时504060302010
  • 9. 三人一组练习一下吧!Role play: group workPractice
  • 10. Practice Mum: ___________________________ Dad: ____________________________ Yaoyao: I want some meat and potatoes. Mum: OK. Let’s have meat, eggs, tomatoes and potatoes for dinner.What do you want for dinner?I want some tomatoes and eggs. Finish the passage.
  • 11. Practicebreakfastlunch
  • 12. PracticeWhat do you want?I want some rice, chicken and potatoes.B. Let’s talk.√√√
  • 13. Role play: Group workPracticeWhat do you want for breakfast/lunch/dinner? I want some … I want some …
  • 14. Summary What do you want for dinner?I want some tomatoes and eggs.I want some meat and potatoes.OK. Let’s have some meat, eggs, tomatoes, and potatoes for dinner.
  • 15. Homework 1.观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调跟读课文对话。 2.询问爸爸妈妈晚饭(或者是午饭)想吃什么。 3.预习Unit3 Lesson3。